
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:47 | 来源:语文通



清明见闻作文400字 篇1清明节见闻作文 篇2清明节的见闻作文200字 篇3清明见闻作文 篇4清明见闻作文 篇5

清明见闻作文400字 篇1


Hey, I got up quickly, you didn't forget, are you going to see your grandfather today?"Mom's time -time alarm broke my dream. Yes, today I have to go to Beilun's grave sweeping ancestors and worship ancestors, and it will be too late. After washing at a rush -like speed, I jumped into my mother's car.


Every year, the Qingming Festival is always accompanied by the drizzle, and people's mood will be silent in this rain. This year is no exception. Sitting in the car, I can't help but think of Du Fu's poem:Pedestrians on the road want to break the soul


When we came to the cemetery of Beilun, we soon came to the grave of the grandfather, and my grandmother quickly placed some of the provides prepared in advance on the table: Qingming fruit, cakes, fruits, wine ... my father and I were on the grave.After adding some soil, the mother inserted the flowers on it.Click on the incense, we will scratch their grandfather one by one.The last part is to blow "Golden ingots" and give it to grandfather.

此时此刻,不禁又让我想起以前和外公在一起时的快乐时光,那时的外公天天带我去看大海,去捉螃蟹,每一次都趴在外公的肩上, m..cn 总是那么开心、快乐!现在再也见不到外公了,心里不由的感到难过。

At this moment, I can't help but remind me of the happy time when I was with my grandfather. At that time, my grandfather took me to see the sea every day and catch crabs.So happy and happy!I can never see my grandfather anymore, and I feel sad.


The grave sweeping ancestor ceremony was over. Although it was very short, it was solemn."Grandpa wishes you happily in the bliss world. Today, we will definitely see you today!" I said silently in my heart ...

清明节见闻作文 篇2


In the beginning, Qingming was a very heavy solar terms. Because the days of Qingming and cold food were close, the cold food and Qingming were one of them.


"This car is terrible, when will it come?" I got up early in the morning and asked me to sweep the tomb.Today is the Qingming Festival. Most of this car goes to the grave for loved ones ...


With the sound of the brakes, the car parked in the parking lot of Bailing.Here, people's moods are thinking of gray sky.The deafening firecrackers and the strong flavor of fragrant fragrant have added a bit of wet and soft emotions to the Qingming Festival of my loved ones, which reminds people of Du Mu's poem: the rainy season of the Qing Dynasty, the rain on the road, the road on the road, on the road, on the roadPedestrians want to break the soul ...


From the melancholy faces, we can see that they endure the tears left by leaving. Are they missing their loved ones, or are they missing the past?


In front of the tombstone, I bowed deeply, saying that we all miss her and love her very much.Although I have never seen my uncle, my dear sister -in -law will definitely pay attention to my growth in a certain side ...

清明节的见闻作文200字 篇3


April 5th is the traditional festival.I am very happy this year's Qing season, because there are food and play.


When I got up in the morning, I saw the steaming Qingming group and Qingming grains on the table, with two colors, white and green.Listening to my mother said, "The green -colored Qingming group is made of wormwood. It tastes fragrant and soft, and the taste is good."These Qingming groups sent us from my grandmother yesterday.I also listened to my mother and said, "In my hometown, do the Qingming group, every family does it. This traditional festival is the most lively in my hometown, and I have to go to the grave of my loved ones to sweep the grave. I have a good breakfast.My sister and cousin took me out to play. We took the bus to Wushan Plaza, Hefang Street, Hangzhou History Museum, etc., and went to McDonald's.Many beautiful photos.

清明见闻作文 篇4


"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road. By asking where the restaurant was used, shepherds refer to Xinghua Village."

今天是清明节,锦锦细雨更增衰思。与往年一样,人们手捧着鲜花和各式祭品涌入火葬场拜祭先人。 我也和家人一起加入拜祭行列。到了墓地我们放下祭品,点燃蜡烛香,每个人神情严肃,双手合十行礼;鞠躬,表达对先人的怀念之情。

Today is the Qingming Festival.As in previous years, people were holding flowers and all kinds of sacrifice to the crematorium to worship the ancestors.I also joined the sacrifice with my family.When we arrived at the cemetery, we put down the sacrifice and ignited the fragrance of the candle. Everyone's expression was serious, and the hands together together; bowed to express their nostalgia for the ancestors.


Facing the undead of the ancestors, I seemed to see my ancestors' stubborn hard work, hard work, and worked hard, and laid the wealthy situation today with both hands.I have to study hard now and go up every day.


Master more knowledge and build our homeland more beautiful.

清明见闻作文 篇5


The world may think he is sorrowful for the traditional festival, but I have a different feeling for him.


Indeed, the traditional festival is full of sad atmosphere. I think of too many memories that have been dusty, and have long been buried in the bottom of my heart. It can only be vented with tears.Perhaps because of this, it has become the deepest memory of people's eyes.


But tears often have different explanations, but often people think that Qingming is made from unknown sadness and Xiao Se.Maybe they are right, Qingming and the like are sad.But the room, remembering the painful memory of the past, what is the meaning of our present, it is better to think about why you exist, and think about the outline of the future.


Qingming should not be a memories of the royal family, but a prospect of the future.Imagine that if people blindly immerse in the regrets of the past, helpless, self -blame, how many people in the world can seize the current things and look forward to a beautiful future.Then the world will become a place of sadness.If Qingming is just an opportunity for a worker to vent, then I agree.The ancestors of the traditional festival of the Qingming Festival are used to crying a lot of people, but how many people have a feeling?


Now this society is full of deception, so I have to doubt.Can classes express their emotions?The TV series, the touching plots can no longer make me tears.Everyone crying clearly, what is it for?


Now there is no "rain in the Qing Dynasty, and the pedestrians on the road want to break the soul." I am too sensitive, or people's feelings have long been numb.The sound of selling on the road was still, and tourists laughed.