
时间:2022-09-15 13:28:33 | 来源:语文通



作文 篇1我的五一劳动节作文 篇2作文 篇3作文 篇4我的五一劳动节作文 篇5作文 篇6作文 篇7作文 篇8作文 篇9

作文 篇1


At 10 am on May 2nd, my mother and aunt took me and Li Tianshu to the spring tour.


We walked with a simple "equipment" and came to a plain plant.This plant is not tall, and the leaves are long and wide.My mother told me that this leaf can be used to be dumplings.Going along the path, we came to a beautiful bamboo forest again.There are many Hsinchu in the bamboo forest, tender and green.It feels soft when pinching it, just like my baby's hand, making me like it very much.There are also immature bamboo crickets.Auntie told us that when it grows up, it will look like a white umbrella, which is very cute.


Out of the bamboo forest, we came to a piece of grass, there was a beach in front of the grass, and there was a clear wheel in front.My mother and aunt sat on the grass and chatted, and asked Li Tianshu to go to the beach to play.We just picked up a mussel shell on the beach to dig a sand, and forgot our time.I don't know how long it took, but we happily gave the mussels to my mother.Mom and aunt were very excited and couldn't wait to pick up mussels on the beach with us.The four of us dug on the beach first.Later, Li Tianshu and I felt unhappy, so I took off my shoes and socks, rolled up my pants and stood in the water.It didn't take long for us to touch a big one, my mother praised.In this way, we picked up a big bag, and both adults felt tired before going home.


It's really easy to play today!

我的五一劳动节作文 篇2


The annual May Day Labor Day arrived again.We ushered in a small holiday.We can temporarily let go of a heavy study to enjoy the beauty of nature.


Today, the sun is bright, the weather is already a little warm, and it is most suitable for going out to play.In the afternoon, we came to the Citizen Plaza in Jiaojiang to play.There are crowds of people there, and I am stunned by the scene in front of me.Citizen Square has become the ocean of people, and it is full of festive atmosphere, which is very lively.Some feed the pigeons on one side of the square, and the pigeons are happy to eat in the crowd happily. When they are full, they will fly high in groups. They fall on the roof in the distance and become a beautiful landscape line.EssenceMany children on the other side of the square are playing with sand. They have fun and make a variety of sand sculptures, and their faces are covered with smiling faces.There are also many children playing Naughty Castle. They play in it, and they keep jumping around, with a variety of forms.There are many stalls selling toys on the square. Children always find their favorite toys and snacks.


Later, we came to the east side of the square, where there was a green lawn and many flowers and trees. Many people saw this beautiful scenery and couldn't help taking pictures.Some people are playing a kite, they put them very high.I also put the kite, the kite flew in the sky, and it was extremely beautiful.


Time passed so fast, and it was time to go home again, but I was still reluctant.

作文 篇3


This is the most memorable day for me-"May Day Labor Day".I was happy that day!Because my parents took me to children's park.


When I arrived at Children's Park, I was even more excited.I am thinking about what to play!After buying a ticket, the first one was playing the ball on the water. I just entered the ball, and there was a quiet around, there was no sound, unless you shouted loudly.The staff pushed me down with the ball.Suddenly, my whole body felt that it was not very hot, but it was cooler!As if there was a air conditioner.This game is the ability to exercise your climbing.I climbed in that ball and would fall from time to time. After a while, the steam evaporated.Now, I can encounter trouble!There are water vapor inside, and it is very slippery when climbing. I always fall.As time arrived, the staff immediately took the "ball" and "put" me ...


The second one played is the "Canyon Drifting".It can be stimulated!But this ticket is also very expensive: fifty yuan per person.I sat up with my mother, and the "boat" started. Well, I started to set off!The one who just entered was under the bridge.The water is fast.The people on the "boat" screamed in unison.After crossing the bridge, the "boat" was stumbled. When I touched the stone wall, the water gradually became old, and they all ran to the "boat".When I reached the corner, I was more frightened, and the "boat" almost turned over. Now, I was shocked, and I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do."Finally end!" I said to myself.Now I can rest assured.


"Yeah! It's at 4:30, let's go home quickly!" I said.In the end, I reluctantly bid farewell to the children's park.This time, although I only played two games, I was also satisfied. I hope I can come here next time and play all the games!

作文 篇4


In the past few days of the holiday, I first did a good job of going home to work by the teacher, and then my mother took me to Xianghu to play.The day before going to Hunan Lake, my mother took me to the supermarket to buy a lot of delicious things.


It was a sunny sunny day. I got up very early. After having breakfast, I carried a backpack full of snacks, and my mother also took a bag of food in her hand.We have several people together, my mother, my grandmother and my younger sister, and aunt and uncle.


We were happy to sit in Xianghu in the uncle's car happily.In Xianghu, we saw a beautiful scenery.We started to walk around Hunan Lake and take a look at the scenery of Xianghu. There are many people going to play. Although we are watching while walking, we don't feel tired.My little sister and I are still in front!Watch the beautiful Hunan Lake with great interest.We are tired and find a place to rest, take something to eat, which not only reduces our burden, but also fills our stomach.In this way, we walked around Xianghu while walking.


In the afternoon, we went to see the scenery by boat. There were many colorful fish in the lake, small black turtles, and small white swans.Under the sun, the water on the lake changes golden light.We were sitting in the boat, and a trace of breeze blew up, and felt very cool.After taking the boat, we went home happily.

我的五一劳动节作文 篇5


Today is Labor Day.Since it is Labor Day, you should work hard to do something for your parents."Labor is the most glorious! Labor is the happiest!"


I voluntarily asked my mother to wash the floor.My mother did not hesitate to agree.I took out the mop and bucket and went to the water.I first soaked the mop in the water, then twisted with my hands, and then dragged the floor to the living room.The living room is big and tired.After halfway, I started to pant, and I watched the TV.My mother saw it, and came over and said, "Aren't you promised to help me drag the floor?" Today is the Labor Day, work hard,


"Come on! Come on!" Therefore, I had confidence, picked up the mop, picked up the mop as a brush, and drew the "circle" on the ground.After painting one after another, the living room was completed.Then, my mother who dragged my room, bathroom, kitchen, and balcony saw my work results and smiled satisfied with satisfaction.


I also proposed to clean up.My father wiped the window, my mother wiped the table, bookshelf, and so on.After a while, my father and I finished cleaning the room and had time to help my mother...In the end, I touched the sweaty head, and looked at the head of my parents.I think: my parents are tired, so I went downstairs to buy them ice cream.How tired one day!a busy day!


Although labor is tired, we must understand our parents, and don't let them work too hard.Making more housework is also contributing to the family.

作文 篇6


Today is the May Day Labor Day. Grandpa and grandma took me to "City Green Valley" to play.


As soon as we entered, we saw a statue of five people. The statue was lifelike, just like a real person!


Turning to the left, we walked into a smooth road paved with many slates, with tender green grass next to the road, golden golden spring flowers, and red tulips.Huh?What flowers are those fans, purple, yellow, and pink?Grandma told me that those is azaleas.Wow, azalea is so beautiful!As if wearing a colored dance skirt, the angels are jumping ballet.I took a closer look. It turned out that this beautiful azalea sounded the big bell of spring. It was a beautiful spring in the azalea. It was a song that sounded spring!These beautiful flowers form the garden of the spring girl, which is open quietly in the garden of the spring girl.


Then, we saw the Kowloon column, this pillar is really high!How many dragons are there in the pillar? How many dragons are around the pillars?I counted a few dragons in total. Now I know why it is called Kowloon Pillar.


We walked a lot in this picturesque Green Valley, and I was a little hungry.Today we didn't bring something to eat, so they asked Grandpa and grandma to go home, and they all agreed.Out of the door, I saw a shop selling marshmallow. Before I waited for me, Grandpa immediately bought me a string of marshmallow. I ate marshmallow, got on the bus, and went home happily.Intersection

作文 篇7


"May Day" long vacation, my father, mother and I went to Jinjiang Paradise.There are huge "Ferris wheels", mysterious "horror" ... many thrilling and exciting play items.


The most thrilling project I have played is the "brave turntable". When we were waiting, my mother was a little scared, and she said to me gently, "It's so dangerous, you can play with your dad." I stuck my mother and said, "No, are you going to shrink back, is it a deserter? ? "Dad comforted us and said," With me, you don't have to be afraid. "After a while, we took the big turntable, closed the safety door, and tied the seat belt. I was not ready, and the turntable began to rotate, so I grabbed the iron railings on both sides with both hands. The turntable gradually moved upwards, and the time was high and low, and my heart suddenly suddenly. It feels very uncomfortable. At this time, my mother said loudly in my ear: "Close your eyes, you will not be afraid." So I closed my eyes, as if sitting in a boat, and seemed to enter a long "space -time tunnel tunnel turtle tunnel "It seemed to have crossed for a few centuries, and kept muttering: When will the turntable stop? It seems that after a century, the turntable finally landed slowly, and I opened my eyes for a long breath. When I walked down the turntable, I was like drunk, I just felt that my head was light and light.


On the way home, I proudly said to my parents, "Now I'm a real brave."

作文 篇8


Time flies, the sun and the moon are like shuttle.In a blink of an eye, the "May 1st" International Labor Day has arrived. Let me talk about what I have seen in the "May 1st" festival.The most attractive eyeballs in the "May 1st" section are the dazzling products. The manufacturers have made "Celebration 'May 1st". "The flow of shopping in major shopping malls seems to have become the ocean of people.Of course, there are not a few people doing small trading.These businessmen are local and foreign; there are fixed stalls operating full -time, as well as "office workers" other than eight hours.This fully proves that people's business philosophy and awareness of business are constantly changing and gradually improving.


There are more people who sell and naturally buy people. This can also show that people's living standards have improved and their consumption power has also increased.Look!There are not a few people carrying big bags and small bags. Among these consumers, there are elderly people, middle -aged people, and young people ... This also fully shows that the entire consumer group is changing., Older and young people shopping together ...


In the "May Day" holiday, the most benefited is tour groups and taxi drivers. They organized tourists from the north of Tiannanhai to run around, travel south to the north, and the benefits from it can be described as "benefit a lot" ...… Of course, the safety of tourists is also a problem. I hope that tourists can pay attention to safety, and tourist groups can really consider tourists and try to avoid various unsafe accidents.The spring flowers in May are full of festive atmosphere: clusters of flowers and flowers are greeted, bright red, a ray of willows fluttering with the wind and vitality.festival.


This year's "May 1st" festival, we all live a full and pleasant.I think the "May 1st" International Labor Day next year will be more pleasant and beautiful!

作文 篇9


"May Day" is a song, the melody of solo youth, "May Day" is a flower, glowing with the beauty of life, "May Day" is a candle to illuminate the future of the future.


"May Day" filled the children's laughter everywhere. Thinking of this, I couldn't help remembering the scene of "May 1st" last year. As soon as the get out of class bell was launched, everyone flocked to the door. We play together, the faster the better, I think that such "May Day" has no meaning at all, so I formulated the "May 1st" plan this year,


On the first morning, my dad and I went to the wild to plant trees to add a little green to nature. I did not go home until noon. In the afternoon, I wrote a family homework at home, read a book, and wrote to watch the TV for a while to relax the brain.The next day, I will ride a bicycle with my classmates to travel, visit the landscape of nature, and go home at night to eat a warm dinner with my father, mother, and brother.On the third day, I helped my mother wash clothes and experience the fun of the workers in the afternoon. I will review my homework. After dinner, I want to sleep with a full feeling and welcome the arrival of tomorrow.


I look forward to "May Day" and eager to "May Day"; I hope this day can come soon.