
时间:2022-09-15 13:28:31 | 来源:语文通



五一劳动节的作文 篇1五一劳动节的作文 篇2五一劳动节的作文 篇3五一劳动节的作文 篇4有关五一的作文 篇5五一劳动节的作文 篇6五一劳动节的作文 篇7五一劳动节的作文 篇8

五一劳动节的作文 篇1


Today is the May Day Labor Day. First, I wish you all a happy May Day.But you have to know how painful it is!But do you know, that child is me!Parents finally permitted under my dying, but ... "Go to Jiao Mountain." "Good, good, some go to the ground that it is better than nothing." Below, please see our itinerary:


First: Climbing.


Jiao Shan Jiao Mountain, as the name suggests, there will definitely be a mountain climbing.The mountain climbing at home is me.It's not that I have blown up, I have climbed the main peak of Tianzhu Mountain and never stopped.My mother was most afraid of climbing the mountain, so she bought a bowl of jelly and sat down.I had to climb the mountain with my dad.After I came down, I picked up a bottle of cola and poured it.(Because I didn't bring water when I went up the mountain) Grunting ...


Second: Play on water walking ball.


This is a sport on the water. As soon as my dad bought a ticket, it was my turn to play.The staff first asked me to go in and then inflated inside.If I didn't cover my ears, my ears might fail.As soon as I got into the water, I planted a big heel.I want to hold it stable first, but I didn't expect to fall another four feet.I was anxious, climbing against the four walls, and I couldn't move, I stood up.It was less than a second, and it fell down.I burned in anger and stood up desperately using the toads.As soon as I was proud of it, the time arrived.


This is my trip to Jiao Shan.

五一劳动节的作文 篇2


Today is the May Day Labor Day, labor!labour is the honour!The happiest labor!Labor Day, of course, work!Therefore, today, our family of three was cleaned up to clean the family, and the dust was not stained.


it is good!Cleaning began!My mother came to sweep the ground. I wiped the window with my dad. After the mother swept the ground, drag the ground, and then came to help me and my dad. After finishing all the windows, the ground was dry. I and my dad started to wax.Floor wax is very good to the floor and play a role in protecting.Mom wipe the table, chair, cabinet, etc.When we finish the wax, the mother is almost finished.I touched my head, all sweat, and looked at my father and mother's head. I thought: Mom and Dad are tired. Otherwise, I went downstairs to buy three ice cream. How hard they usually clean up!I asked my mom and dad to rest for a while, took my pocket money to one yuan, and went downstairs to buy three small pudding. After I came up, I gave my father a one, gave my mother, and one.After the rest, I and my father helped my mother finish the furniture ... This day is really tired!After a busy day!


My feeling is: Although labor is tired, I feel happy.We must be considerate of our parents. Don't let them work too hard. They usually do more housework, and they can also be considered a family member.

五一劳动节的作文 篇3


Today is the May Day Labor Day. My mother took me to the street.Along the way, the spring was bright and charming, and there was a green green everywhere. The flowers were particularly bright and walking all the way.There are people and vehicles in the streets on the street. Each store has made various discount brands, and people are rushing to buy.


Our whole family came to Daxing Supermarket together.The door of Daxing Supermarket was filled with various cosmetics.There is a 20 % discount brand in front.A lot of people are buying


thing.As soon as I entered the door, there were a lot of children sitting there and I went to the elevator.I stood on a plaid elevator and automatically sent me up.I came down and played and played.


When I was tired, I sat down on the chair next to me. When I saw a child eating a burger bag, I wanted my father to buy it for me.When you buy it, the burger bag is made of a piece of chicken and a little cucumber and cream in two pieces of bread.Taste a sip, it tastes great.


My mother told me the origin of the "May 1st" Labor Day, so that I knew that the "May Day" Labor Day was hard to come: it was the result of the united struggle between the proletariat and the labor people in the world.We must cherish today's happy life, we can't play, we must learn with heart.


How unforgettable and happy today.

五一劳动节的作文 篇4


Today is the May Day Labor Day, a holiday for the people of the working people across the country. Grandpa decided to take the family to Zeya Mountain to play.Grandpa said, "Go to nature to wash the lungs and fight against the‘ SARS. ”Thousands of miles in the sky, the sun shines on the earth.Along the way, we saw the tall mountains, towering trees and flying waterfalls, and the clear streams were green grass and beautiful flowers.Entering nature, fresh air refreshing heart and lungs, comfortable!Finally arrived at the home of the destination -Grandpa's farmers' friends.


The two sisters of the master, Xiao Lu, and sister Xiaoqiu, were going to go out with the basket.I asked curiously: "What are you doing?" My sister told me: "This is a very meaningful event organized by their school -to pick up tea on the Labor Day. My sister and invite me to participate together.In the place of tea, I saw the tea garden green, and the mountains were all elder brothers and sisters who caught spring tea. My sister began to tell me how to pick tea finely. After teaching me by my sister's hand, I also picked a bag full of bags.Tender and green tea.


Although I was hot, tired, and thirsty during the process of picking tea, but I still felt very happy to see my labor income.This May Day made me happy and meaningful.

有关五一的作文 篇5


The May Day Labor Day is here. Since I can't go out to play like others, it is better to take advantage of the Labor Day!


The first item of my labor task: clean the room.For a proficient person like me, wipe, sweep, and drag it.First, the coffee table, the sofa, the writing table, the bedside table, etc. are wiped out clean, and the dust is not dyed.Then clean up the corners of the room.Finally, wipe the remaining dust with a mop.After cleaning, use me.Scan the naked eye laser once to see if there are any omissions.


The second item of the labor task: eliminate the stubborn weeds in the flower pot.I am a flower with a flower at home. When I find that there are enemies in the flower pot, I ca n’t turn a blind eye. I should come forward to destroy the enemy and save my beloved plants in the fire and fire.After my unremitting struggle, I finally defeated the enemy.


The next labor task is the most difficult item. Of course, it is not writing homework. Everyone will think, what labor is the work?But my answer is: writing homework is not only a labor, but the brain and palms are very dead.This labor is not only numb in hand, but the brain will be short -circuited.


This is really tired to work!But we must always remember the most glorious labor.

五一劳动节的作文 篇6


The "May Day" is here, and our family goes to the forest park to play.


Come to Forest Park, wow!The scenery here is so beautiful!The white clouds in the sky change rapidly, and after a while, it becomes a cute little white rabbit.A burst of breeze blowing, the whisper of the trees "rustling", like a big tree mother sang a cradle of birds.The little flowers on the roadside hid in the middle of the leaves, like a shy little girl.Xiao Cao danced generously, it was very interesting!In the flowers, a group of butterflies are dancing. Some of them are spreading pollen, some play in the flowers, and some rest on the flowers!The mountains in the distance, a mountain green, a mountain green, a thick mountain, a mountain light, really like a beautiful landscape painting.It is so beautiful.Dad proposed, "Let's go up the mountain to watch the waterfall!" "Okay!" Mom and I said in unison.


I ran at the forefront happily, sang songs in my mouth, and walked through the curved mountain roads.It was full of wild flowers on the side of the road, and from time to time, he looked back to urge his father and mother to hurry up.After a while, we climbed to the top of the mountain, and the father and mother were so tired that they were sitting in the waterfall pavilion to rest.Seeing the beautiful waterfall, I didn't feel tired at all.


In the evening, my father and mother and I reluctantly left the forest park.This time I played unforgettable.

五一劳动节的作文 篇7


Whenever I have a holiday, I am the happiest when I am the happiest. I can sleep in the morning, and I can do what I want to do most.


Today is the May Day Labor Day. I was good at the morning to help my mother work on this day.When I got up, I said, "Mom, I am doing housework today." Mom said what can you do?I didn't say anything about the quilt on the bed first, and sorted out the bed. My mother smiled and smiled. I saw that my stacked quilt was crooked, like a broken tofu block.Next, I rushed to help my mother clean up the garbage in the room and washed the cup that had been drinking.Your performance today is too flattering. You have done it well.Think about it, yes, I will go to the piano class in a while, and quickly practice the piano.This time, I took the initiative to sit next to the piano and practice the piano. I do n’t have to look at my mother ’s face.


Hey, today I want to let my mother take a good rest and have a happy way to work, and although I do a big sweat for housework, I think it is very good. This is really a happy Labor Day!

五一劳动节的作文 篇8


On the day of May Day, I went to my small vegetable garden with my mother.Mom picked vegetables, I followed me to help.


Suddenly, I found a magical hole.It turns out that this is an ant hole.Look, there is a small black ant with a grain of rice here, and it is slowly moving towards the hole.I was afraid of disturbing it and quietly squatted aside to watch.At this time, I saw a group of little ants lined up, neatly, like a black line, walking towards the cave.I took a closer look that they raised a small steamed bun.


I think there will be a lot of delicious food in the ant cave.Is there a bun for a while, will there be meat?I am still thinking that ants are so small, how can they be so powerful?It turns out that although the ants are small, it knows that the power of the "team" is great. The hard -working little ants are united. In front of huge food, they work together, busy but not chaotic, so that the food is moved to the holeIt's inside.


I asked my mother, why did ants move.Mom said, "You see the weather is gloomy, it is estimated that it will rain. Little ants quickly move the food to a safe place."


I also know a proverb through the ants to move "Ant moves sunny and rainy". It turned out that the little ant was not only hardworking, but also very wise. It was really smart!


I want to learn from the little ants and be a hard -working, wise, and brave person!