A 12 -year -old teenager sitting down in front of the campus. This was a cold wind and howling nights. There were only the apricot trees on the side of the road. It was shaking around under the collision of the cold wind, and the sound of rustling.
"Really cold!" The name of the open -air teenager spoke, "How could the cousin not get it, what would he do?" His cousin's name was Xu Ming, 19 years old.A staff member of the house.The wanderer on the open sky was very anxious to find it.
He was looking for it, and suddenly there was a word of words in his ear, "Where are you, where are you?......" At a glance, the open -air saw the sobbing under the poplar trees.little boy.
"Little JJ, what are you crying?" Luotian said with a smile, "Can you help me find my mother?" The open -air thinks, "Well, where are you missing?" About an hour ago,She said that she was going home to pick up an item, and let me wait for her in the shop. As a result, she closed the store as soon as she walked away. I looked for her everywhere.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence"He cried again after talking.
There are some unpreparedness in the open sky, and he said, "Um ... or you go to my house?" Luotian said to look at the child.
The two were silent for a while.
What are you doing in the open air?A vibrant teenager spoke, and he was Xu Ming.
"Cousin, there is a missing child here. He couldn't find the mother, and he was crying there." Luotian said, and pointed at the child beside him with his fingers.
"Well, it's a problem ..." Xu Ming thought: "Where did he miss it?" Luotian said, "It's a shop."
Xu Ming flashed a idea, everyone sent him to the Public Security Bureau!Xu Ming said, and took out the mobile phone and dialed 110.The open -air hugged the little boy and patted him gently, soothing him.
It didn't take long for them to happen in the police station. After the past, they didn't know how long, and the bell of the police station knocked ten times and was eleven.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence
"My child!" Finally, a mother shouted in the road. She hugged the boy tightly and hugged the child who returned to the original owner.
"Thank you, you are so kind!" Mom said excitedly, "If it wasn't for you, my child is likely to ..." Mom sighed with a sigh.
"Children!" Mom said, the aunt happened to have 100 yuan here, so you would buy some stationery supplies, just be a aunt's affection.EssenceEssence
"Aunt, you make money." Luotian cut off the aunt, said with a smile.Xu Ming on the side also participated in: "Yes, yes. Auntie, everyone do good deeds without money, you may accept the money."
"Oh, how can this do this? You can take it, after all, but you but my great life -saving benefactor."
After the openness and Xu Ming repeatedly declined, they got rid of the police station with the aunt, and there was a trace of warmth in the cold wind here in the cold wind.
1、冬日:冬日读音为dōng rì,是指①冬天。②冬天的太阳。比喻慈祥温柔可亲:冬日可爱,夏日可畏。冬日 dōng rì词语解释:①冬天。②冬天的太阳。比喻慈祥温柔可亲:冬日可爱,夏日可畏。分词解释:冬日可爱:如同冬天里的太阳那样使人感到温暖、亲切。比喻人态度温和慈爱,使人愿意接近。夏日可畏:象夏天酷热的太阳那样使人可怕。比喻为人严厉,令人畏惧。太阳:太阳系的中心天体。银河系的一颗普通恒星。与地球平均距离14960万千米,直径139万千米,平均密度1.409克/立方厘米,质量1.989×10^33克,表面温度5770开,中心温度1500万开。由里向外分别为太阳核反应区、太阳对流层、太阳大气层。其中心区不停地进行热核反应,所产生的能量以辐射方式向宇宙空间发射。其中二十二亿分之一的能量辐射到地球,成为地球上光和热的主要来源。温柔:①温和柔顺。多指女性:性情温柔|温柔可爱的姑娘。也用于其他对象:温柔的风|温柔的阳光|温柔的小绵羊。②温暖柔软:温柔的小手|温柔的皮装。③指男女情爱:温柔乡|愿此生终老温柔,白云不羡仙乡。...冬日怎么造句,用冬日造句»
2、小镇:小镇读音为xiǎo zhèn,是指1.小城。驻兵镇守的州郡中之较小者。 2.小方镇。掌握一方军政大权的藩镇中之较小者。 3.小市镇。县以下人口较集中而有商业活动的居民点。 居民不多的集中地广告把我们演出所在的一小镇周围五十里范围的乡下佬都引来了小镇 xiǎo zhèn分词解释:1.小城。驻兵镇守的州郡中之较小者。 2.小方镇。掌握一方军政大权的藩镇中之较小者。 3.小市镇。县以下人口较集中而有商业活动的居民点。[whistle-stop;small town] 居民不多的集中地广告把我们演出所在的一小镇周围五十里范围的乡下佬都引来了分词解释:人口:1.居住在一定地域内或一个集体内的人的总数。 2.人。 3.人的口,指言谈﹑议论。州郡:1.州和郡的合称。亦泛指地方上。 2.指州郡的长官。大权:1.重大的权柄﹐支配的力量。 2.泛指掌大权的高级官职。集中:把分散的人、事物、力量等聚集起来;把意见、经验等归纳起来:集中兵力 ㄧ集中资金ㄧ精神集中。...小镇怎么造句,用小镇造句»
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