
时间:2022-07-27 13:16:48 | 来源:语文通



The twilight is dim, and the sun is like blood, such as the sunset inlaid with the gold border reflects the streets of Los Angeles.Today, a group of duckling ducklings have led her mother to walk through the streets of Los Angeles.


Los Angeles is bustling and lively on the streets.They lined up in a row, and some raised their heads to "quack", like singing a happy song; some of them flew to two steps in order to better escape the team, and the sound of "popping" was out.Like a swimming stepping dance; there are also some artists who are about to perform on stage.People on the street laughed because of their stance.Mother Duck often turned her head and yelled at the children, as if reminding the children to be careful.


The forward car gradually stopped and stopped, for the driving of the "emperor" and "little princess" on the street.The people in the car were looking at their heads, and everyone was very happy to stare at this beautiful landscape line.


Two or three jumped down."Mother, save everyone!" A tight and elegant quack sound came from the sewer.Mother Duck heard the sound and immediately ran to the sewer, and stretched her neck to the back.Kaishi saw the children who kept shaking their wings in the black and god -god super black holes.Mother Duck couldn't help but discharge her tears and stunned around the eyeball.After a while, he left and wanted to find someone.


The mother of the duck rushed to the side of the street, oh, a patrol car, standing on the side, two patrol police.Mother Duck screamed at the patrol police for a while, biting her denim pants of the patrol officer, and dragged the patrol police to the sewer.The patrol officer went down the water channel, oh, there were a few duckling, and the patrol police understood everything.Hurry up the bamboo baskets from the surrounding area. At first sight, passers -by seeing this scene, they also surrounded them one after another.The bamboo basket stretched out the sewer, and the duck mother stretched the neck and said, "Commodity, you must go smoothly!" A duckling was caught, and the duck mother kept jumping, running in the past, using gentle and gentle ones.Seeing ducklings.Furthermore, the second, third, wet duckling was rescued one after another."Fortunately, it is simply safe!" The passers -by cheered with a smile.The drivers were relieved for the ducklings.The ducklings were together with the duck mother.


A man suddenly brought a basin of cold water, and took a shower carefully for the three ducklings. The ducklings shook their heads and shake their heads and removed the water above their heads.After a while, the ducklings lined up again, swinging their hips and followed the duck mother.The people on the street watched them, and their faces showed a bursting smile.


The car on the road gradually moved forward.Today, they think love, stay here.This layer of gold -plated engraving shows the rich Los Angeles with a rich flavor ...



1、在此:在此读音为zài cǐ,是指暂无解释。...在此怎么造句,用在此造句»

2、驻足:驻足读音为zhù zú,是指1.停步;停留。 2.立足。驻足 zhù zú词语意思:1.停步;停留。 2.立足。分词解释:停留:谓不继续前进或移动。停步:停止前进。立足:①站得住脚,能住下去或生存下去:立足未稳ㄧ立足之地。②处于某种立场:立足基层,面向群众。● 驻(駐) zhù ㄓㄨˋ◎ 停留在一个地方:驻足。驻颜(让颜貌停留,不使衰老)。◎ 部队或外勤工作人员住在执行职务的地方;部门、单位派出的机构在某地:驻扎。驻守。驻防。驻外使节。● 足 zú ㄗㄨˊ◎ 脚:足下(对对方的敬称)。足迹。足球。足坛。失足。高足(敬辞,称别人的学生)。举足轻重。画蛇添足。◎ 器物下部的支撑部分:鼎足。碗足。◎ 充分,够量:足月。足见。足智多谋。◎ 完全:足以。足色。◎ 值得,够得上:不足为凭。微不足道。◎ 增益:以昼足夜。...驻足怎么造句,用驻足造句»