One weekend last summer, my sister came to my house as a guest.She got up early in the morning. I was awakened by her and asked, "Xiao Tang, what's wrong?"
"I want to surfes." She squatted, her eyes looked at me spiritually.I saw this scene by the mother next to me. I bought the ticket without saying a word, and said, "Let's eat first, and go again in the afternoon." This time, it was the first time I saw her actively asking for breakfast.
She was only three years old last year, and she had to complete some small homework. She could do it in three, five, and two, but I was different. The daily task was at least one and a half hours.She quickly completed her homework, then ran to my room, dragged my clothes with hands, and asked with milk and milk: "Brother Niu, when can you do it well?" "There is a while." ThenI was lying on the bed and played, and I would find my head from time to time.She turned like this, and turned around until I wrote it. She carried a small schoolbag and was about to set off. At this time, my aunt said, "Tang Tang, we will go after eating, otherwise there will be no strength to play."
"Okay ..." Her two small hands put it down, whispered, and walked into the room to "sprinkle" for lunch! She ran out of the room, took a bowl and spoon herself, and she was noisy to eat.Watch cartoons, but today I have not noisy to watch TV, but also eat by myself, do not feed.
Finally finished eating, she stomped straight and said, "Hurry up and surfes! Hurry up!" I glanced at my aunt, smiled and said, "Okay! Let's go now." She hurried to change to change to changeShoes, then stand at the door stupidly, waiting for us ...
Finally, I got in the car and set off.She was so excited that she knew that she got into the car, but she was sleepy, and her eyelids couldn't be opened. I teased her: "Small soup, be sleepy? We won't surf the surfing." She finished listeningSitting up after standing: "Not sleepy or sleepy, I smell the water."
After speaking, there was a laughter in our car.
In life, my mother is often anxious because of some things I do.
It was a Monday morning, and the sun had not completely risen.I woke up from my dream, opened my eyes, and slowly got out of bed.I walked out of the room and just saw that my mother brought a small pot of hot soup noodles. I didn't wait for my mother to bring the tableware. I sat at the table and couldn't wait to take a bite.I want to take the pot a little closer, and my hand was scalded as soon as I touched the pot.
I thought there was nothing big, but the hot fingers became more and more red, and the hot pain was covered with palms. I didn't dare to say anything. At this time, my mother came out of the kitchen and saw that I was holding her hands, and instantly frowned, her eyes were full of anxiety. "What's wrong with you?" Mom asked. I grievantly said, "My fingers are hot." She hurriedly grabbed my hand and observed it carefully. She kept saying, "It's fifth grade, why are you so careless ..." Pull me into the kitchen and rushed my fingers with cold water. Then, she ran to the bathroom and used toothpaste to wipe me in the area of burns. My mother looked at me helplessly, "Why do you want to touch the pan with your hands? What do you think?" I heard anger from her words, but I saw the glowing tears from her eyes. Essence I didn't know how to answer for a while. Suddenly she remembered something, loosen my hand and ran into the bedroom quickly, and took out the medicine box and looked at it. "Quick! This is the ointment for cure, and quickly wipe it." The mother said anxiously. Looking at her, I kept saying, "It's okay, don't hurt anymore. Mom, don't worry." She said gently, "You can have a long memory in the future and stable things. "I nodded.
"Listen to my mother, don't hurt her ..." The familiar melody sounded in my ear.My mother has paid too much for me.In the future, I must do something carefully, no longer reckless, so that my mother is no longer anxious and worried about me.
1、着急:着急读音为zháo jí,是指1.焦躁不安。 2.赶紧。 急躁;心中不安别着急,他会赶来的着急 zhuó jí词语解释:1.焦躁不安。 2.赶紧。[worry; feel anxious] 急躁;心中不安别着急,他会赶来的分词解释:赶紧:抓紧时机,毫不拖延:他病得不轻,要赶紧送医院 ㄧ天要下雨了,赶紧把晒的衣服收进来。焦躁不安:焦急烦躁,心神不定。● 急 jí ㄐㄧˊ◎ 焦燥:急燥。着急。焦急。◎ 气恼,发怒:急眼。◎ 使着急:这件事真急人。◎ 匆促:急促。急功近利(急于求目前的成效和利益)。◎ 迅速,又快又猛:急流。急进。急先锋。急风暴雨。◎ 迫切,要紧:急切。急诊。急事。◎ 严重:告急。◎ 对大家的事情或别人的困难尽快帮助:急人之难。● 着 zhuó ㄓㄨㄛˊ◎ 穿(衣):穿着。穿红着绿。着装。◎ 接触,挨上:着陆。附着。不着边际。◎ 使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:着眼。着笔。着色。着墨。着力。着想。着意(用心)。◎ 下落,来源:着落。◎ 派遣:着人前来领取。◎ 公文用语,表示命令的口气:着即施行。● 着 zháo ㄓㄠˊ◎ 接触,挨上:着边。上不着天,下不着地。◎ 感受,受到:着凉。着急。着忙。着风。着迷。◎ 使,派,用:别着手摸。◎ 燃烧,亦指灯发光:着火。灯着了。◎ 入睡:躺下就着。◎ 用在动词后,表示达到目的或有了结果:打着了。没见着。● 着 zhāo ㄓㄠˉ◎ 下棋时下一子或走一步:着法。着数。一着儿好棋。◎ 计策,办法:高着儿。没着儿了。◎ 放,搁进去:着点儿盐。◎ 应答声,表示同意:这话着哇!着,你说得真对!● 着 zhe ㄓㄜ◎ 助词,表示动作正在进行或状态的持续:走着。开着会。◎ 助词,表示程度深:好着呢!◎ 助词,表示祈使:你听着!◎ 助词,用在某些动词后,使变成介词:顺着。照着办。...着急怎么造句,用着急造句»
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