After three years of observation and discerning, the investigation was successfully found a little "truth" of the class teacher. Now I have also announced him to the public to analyze and analyze it.
First, the first academic year of the middle school, the head teacher exposed the loopholes. This asked me to be vigilant and found that the first crime tool: bearing.
In the first class of the start of the new semester, she gave everyone a calf. The sound of tight high -heeled shoes and road impacts accompanied by brisk class bells. She seemed unwilling to get late in the first class, and hurried the pace when the ringtone was fast. I just entered the class, it is likely to have some rustic, I didn't say a word, I just hurriedly sorted out the raw materials, my mouth closed tightly, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Society, irritating everyone's auditory system nervous system. Then I talked to everyone about her "Devil Plan". Therefore, the most painfulness every morning is not to survive the small test of anxiety and irritability, but just know the result. If you get "A", then congratulate you today; if it is "B", then quickly take out your pen and gradually your "ultimate calligraphy practice"; A good opportunity to be "inspirational chicken soup" by the class teacher. Although the devil plans to be horrible, everyone is grateful to it. If there is no it, the English results of our class will not be dominated by all years.
About many months have passed, and after my careful inspection, I grasped a particularly important clue of case clues. The class teacher's criminal skills are actually strict.
On that day, the piles of homework pressed me for breath, and when I went home at night, I just wanted to fall asleep quickly, so I still did my hands and feet in English in English. The second day of the big class was called to the company's office by the head teacher. At that time, I saw her raising her head, her eyes widened, and some murder artifacts were installed in my eyes and pupils. I wanted to shoot my psychological defense. Speaking: What are the faults of your homework yesterday? "I lowered my head, and I was afraid to look at her again, and I didn't say a word. The class teacher rarely said, letting me calm down what I made wrong. I gradually blame myself. Such a relatively serious ending. When we are about to be blamed, regretted, and unbearable, we enter the company's office. One person bowed his head to review the homework, and I gently felt guilty and could not even open my mouth to spit out two words: "Teacher! "She turned her head, as if she had recovered a lot, she looked like an old man, which said," Isn't it right? " "I nodded gently." Actually, the key to my fire is that I can't withstand such personal behaviors that can be drilled on my homework and charged with the secondary charging. Now I can reduce some homework for you. In the long run, there will be a habitual. At that time
In the end, in the third year, I accidentally got an important detection point, which was the motivation of the class teacher: more real.
Speaking of which, I thought of a lot: when I was running, I proposed to lead us in front of the leader when I was running. I also once naughtyly squeezed other teachers in the middle of the middle of the class, and stood in the middle of the middle, and on the stage for the stage, for the stage, and for the stage, it was on the stage.Everyone's class means taking pictures; once again, I was not coming to writing and writing, but I ran up and asked all the English teachers ... Once again and again, I finally understood what the motivation of the class teacher's crime was?----- everyone!
Nowadays, the objective facts have exposed the water, and the class teacher can return a water. After three years of the case, the case has also been detected, because I will leave here to usher in another new challenge.
1、班主任:班主任读音为bān zhǔ rèn,是指学校中负责一班学生的思想工作、集体活动等的教师或干部。 学校中负责某一班学生学习、生活和思想工作的教师班主任 bān zhǔ rèn词语意思:学校中负责一班学生的思想工作、集体活动等的教师或干部。[a teacher in charge of a class] 学校中负责某一班学生学习、生活和思想工作的教师分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。干部:①国家机关、军队、人民团体中的公职人员(士兵、勤杂人员除外)。②指担任一定的领导工作或管理工作的人员:工会干部ㄧ区乡干部。教师:教员:人民教师。集体:许多人合起来的有组织的整体(跟‘个人’相对):集体生活ㄧ集体领导ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。...班主任怎么造句,用班主任造句»
2、真相:真相读音为zhēn xiàng,是指1.佛教语。犹言本相﹐实相。后指事物的本来面目或真实情况。 2.谓实任宰相。 3.犹宝相。即神﹑佛的画像或塑像。真相 zhēn xiàng词语解释:1.佛教语。犹言本相﹐实相。后指事物的本来面目或真实情况。 2.谓实任宰相。 3.犹宝相。即神﹑佛的画像或塑像。分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。塑像:用泥土或石膏等塑造的人像。宝相:1.佛的庄严形象。 2.指帝王的形象。 3.花名。蔷薇花的一种。 4.花名。苹花的别称。宰相:指中国封建王朝中的最高行政长官。直接对皇帝负责,辅佐皇帝总理国政,治理天下。但历代对此职的称呼及其所有的职权各有不同。本来面目:原为佛家语,指人的本性。后多比喻事物原来的模样。...真相怎么造句,用真相造句»
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