Teacher's profession makes us students very admire and awe, especially these experienced teachers in the class that make us love and hate.They were extremely majestic and shocked in class, shocking, like the ancient princes, so that our students like us were "suppressed" almost stopped breathing.Is it a bit exaggerated? No, it is not an exaggeration at all.
Chinese teacher- "Qin Shihuang"
Emperor Qin Shi, sweeping Liuhe, tiger to see He Xiong!
After class, I can finally play! It is precious for ten minutes during the class! I am playing with my classmates. At this time, "Qin Shihuang" also sneaked into the classroom. When the brakes, the students were quiet.Alas, what's going on, I looked back, ah, "Qin Shihuang" was looking at me without turning, and the sunshine made her particularly tall.I ran back to my seat smoothly, and I couldn't wait to get into a ground seam.As soon as it goes, "Qin Shihuang" began to issue "notice" again.At this time, her momentum seemed to annex the six nations, and she was proud to return to the dynasty, but we were like a small pellet country that was destroyed by "Qin Shihuang".
Mathematics teacher- "Cao Cao"
Dongfeng does not have Zhou Lang, and Tongquchun locks Erqiao deeply.
Although the mathematics teacher did not make a dragon chair, he had the ideal of unifying the world. It was a well -deserved "Cao Cao", and he would "calculate".
"XXX and XX, please come up to do this question," the math teacher said.
"Are you sure? Such a difficult question, the answer is right?"
Finally, XXX couldn't hold his breath and changed the answer.At this time, "Cao Cao" finally showed a strange look from his eyes, as if people won in the battle of Guandu: "Look, correct the wrong, the knowledge points are not very firm, and you have to have it.Come on, xxx! "
English teacher- "Wu Zetian"
Who says women are not as good as men?
Wu Zetian is an emperor in history. Our class also has a modern version of "Wu Zetian". She is an English teacher in my class.
Every morning, "Wu Zetian" DOU should be facing early in the morning, asking about homework one by one. This is probably the characteristics of the emperor.Whenever someone is praised, the man will raise his toes high, but when you criticize, there is only the crime of looking down.
The three of our "king" give us class every day to teach us to learn, so that we fly in the sky of literature, numbers, and words.I am loyal to them!
1、老师:老师读音为lǎo shī,是指尊称传授文化、技术的人。泛指在某方面值得学习的人。老师 lǎo shī词语意思:尊称传授文化、技术的人。泛指在某方面值得学习的人。(1) [teacher](2) 今为教师的尊称(3) 古为年老辈尊的传授学术的人;泛称传授文化、技艺的人(4) 明清两代,生员、举子称座主和学官为“老师”(5) 对僧侣的尊称分词解释:值得:认为有价值;合算:值得重视|代价太大,不值得。传授:教给别人(知识、技艺等):传授经验。尊称:1.尊贵的称谓或称号;敬称。 2.尊敬地称呼。...老师怎么造句,用老师造句»
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