
时间:2022-07-13 13:38:48 | 来源:语文通



Early Bai Emperor City》等。

Li Bai, the word Taibai, "Qinglian resident", also known as "Xianxian", romantic poet, "poetry" and Du FuKnown as "Da Li Du", his people are very generous, and they love to drink and make poetry.Li Bai is influenced by Taoist thoughts. There are "Li Tai Bai Ji" handed down. Most of the poems are written when they are drunk. The masterpieces include "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", "Difficulty of Walking", "Shu Road Difficulty", "Will into the Wine", "Mingtang Fu "," Early Bai Emperor City "and so on.


In the early years, Li Bai had many poems, and began to accept Taoist thoughts and love swordsmanship.When Li Bai was eighteen years old, he lived in Dai Tian Da Kuangshan to study, and he increased a lot of experience and insights. He wrote a famous sentence of "Emeishan Moon Moon Moon Moon Autumn, shadowing into the Pingxiang River."


Li Bai was a prodigal son in his middle age. He took a sense of talent and rushed into the rivers and lakes. He dared to say and dared to do it. He also attracted He Zhizhang's "Golden Turtle to change wine" to show appreciation; he was later recalled by the emperor.However, because it was too sloppy, "the concubine researched ink, Lux took off his shoes", which caused the dissatisfaction of many courtiers.Eventually, the traitors were calculated and degraded.


Li Bai is a poetry and a wine immortal.Every time he drank, the poems he wrote were full of ambition and ambitious trend and the atmosphere of all -in.I wrote "flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected to be the galaxy for nine days", pouring out the great mentality of life and a high mind.


In his later years, Li Bai broke out in Anshi, and he went to sample with his wife Nan. Later, in the Yongwang military camp, "East East Patrol of the East of Yongwang", he was greatly appreciated by King Yongwang and became the aid of the Eternal King.The king of Yong was recruited, the soldiers were defeated and killed.The help of Gao Shi was unsuccessful. Fortunately, the emperor was amnesty in the world the following year, and then he came out of prison.On the way home, he wrote ecstasy: "The apes on both sides of the strait can't cry, and the light boat has passed through the mountains." In his later years, he claimed that "the birds were flying high, and the lonely clouds were leisurely", full of loneliness.After writing "The End Song" before dying, he resigned with the world.


I am obsessed with Li Bai's poems, and I am drunk with Li Bai's free and easy. At the age of thirteen, my understanding of Li Bai is still very shallow. I am willing to read his poems more time, understand his true feelings, understand his life,, Guide my poems and dreams!



Thousands of years ago, there was such a literati: he was not charming, not charming.His surname is Li, and he is a word of words, and he is slowly walking towards us.


"Burning apricot forest Hongxia fell, Li Hua was angry and put a tree white."When you were young, you were full of talent. "Li Hua was angry and put a tree white."


"Laughing out of the sky, can my generation be Peng Artemisia."You have a big ambition, unwilling to be a "artemiser", you want to be an official when you enter Beijing, let the Tang Dynasty prosper and prosperous.But the corruption and darkness of the middle of the DPRK interrupted your pace of pursuing your dreams.In desperation, you have to make a idle official Hanlin to write poems to the emperor.


"The emperor couldn't get on the boat, and he claimed to be a fairy in the wine."You are heroic and indifferent to fame and fortune. I ask, who dare not go in the shout of the emperor?But you are an example. At first glance, your ambitions cannot be performed in the court, and you will decisively leave the official. May I ask: Who can have such a courage in this world?


"Jun did not see Gao Tangming's sorrowful white hair, and it was like a green silk."You feel that your life is too fast, and you will grow old before you do anything."Born my material will be useful, and Qianjin has come back." You firmly believe that one day, your talents will use the right place.


"Anneng destroyed his eyebrows and wealth, so that I could not be happy."You are unruly, not for the five buckets of rice. Today, how many people bowed their knees for the five buckets?How many people can be like you?


"Dapeng Fei Xi Zhe people, and the heavens are uninstalled."You are old and sick, and you write down your strokes at the last moment of your life."Bad", you haven't done anything yet, making you so regrettable?Is the corruption of the court not cured?Has the Central Plains yet settled?Is the ideal of revitalizing the Tang Dynasty?


Ah, Li Bai, your life is a tragedy life. Many wishes have not been realized, but your life is also a wonderful life. You have left us countless poems and countless cultural treasures!The original officials were expensive, and the large family members had been forgotten by history and time.The poems you stay will definitely sing through the ages. Your unrestrained and unrestrained spirit will definitely be long -term, your name, Li Bai, will inevitably be over the ages, Liu Fang Bai Shi!



quiet night, the moon is empty, which reminds me of a generation of "poetry fairy"-Li Bai.


Li Bai was born in the first year of Chang'an and is Tai Bai. He is called "Qinglian Jushi". He is a well -known romantic poet.


In his early years, Li Bai had a lot of literary talents, and he only met.At the age of twenty -four, he farewell to his loved ones and began a long "world trip."


I appreciate the open mind, cheerful mood and vigorous image of Li Bai's "Mountains with Ping Ye, Jiangsheng Great Wastel"."YE sent Qingxi to the Three Gorges, Si Jun did not see Xiayuzhou," which deeply expressed his reluctance to his homeland and ancient people ... For this reason, I also think he is a filial piety, a person who is a person who is in love.Essence


In the fifteenth year of the first year of the first year to Tianbao, Li Bai met many literati and Mo Ke, returned to home, and longed for Tang Xuanzong's appreciation.


Finally, in 742 AD, because the high man recommended Xuanzong to see Li Bai's poems and praised him, he called Li Bai to enter the palace, so that he worshiped Hanlin and wrote poetry entertainment to the emperor.The move of "the concubine research ink, Lux takes off shoes", for a while, there is no two.Later, because Li Bai was tired of this, he shouted, causing some people to be dissatisfied and eloquent, Xuanzong Shuzhi.After leaving Chang'an.


I feel sorry for Li Bai's political path, but also admire him optimistic and full of aggressive spirit."Sometimes the long wind breaks the waves, and hanging the clouds and saving the sea." The book is full of anger, ambition, and desire to succeed, which is respectful.


Early Bai Emperor City》,反映出了他重获自由的兴奋之情。


In his later years, when he arrived in Xuancheng, "Sitting alone in Jingting Mountain" wrote his leisurely and lonely life.


In the three years of the Yuan Dynasty, Li Bai's "Ligling Song" and the world resigned, ending his legendary and bumpy life.


The top of poetry, a generation of "poetry fairy", is the trueness of adequate people in the high end of the high endless endurance, and poetry is brilliant because of Li Bai.



Li Bai is a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, the word Taibai, named Qinglianjushi, and named "Xianxian", his personality is bold.Because love drinking poetry, poetry style is elegant and elegant, it is known as the "poetry fairy", and later generations call him romantic poet.


In Li Bai's life, there was a glorious moment.He had been appreciated by the emperor. At this time, he was very excited and excited, so he wrote "Nanling Bie Children Entering Beijing".Feeling.In the palace, although Li Bai was appreciated by the emperor, he was very mad and was not humble and low -key.He wrote a poem and actually asked Yang Guifei, who was "Yunsai's clothes and flowers," helped him grind his ink and asked Gao Lishi to help him take off his shoes, which caused the dissatisfaction and jealousy of many people in the court.Gradually, Li Bai was tired of such a life. The emperor asked Li Bai to write some poems for his entertainment, but he said, "The minister is a fairy in the wine, and there is no idle today." Such a proud person must have no good fruit.In the end, Li Bai was degraded by Yang Guifei, Gao Lishi, and some jealous ministers who secretly calculated him.


After Li Bai went out of the court, he played everywhere and made friends. It was very happy.But after that, Li Bai fell down again. He thought that he had nothing to do in his life.. "He replaced BMW and Jin Yi with wine, just to drink it with friends at one time.


Early Bai Emperor City》中“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”充分体现出李白当时重获自由的狂喜情感。

But he was also lost because he wanted to do things for the country.At this time, King Yong appeared.The king of Yong asked Li Bai to be his staff. Li Bai thought that he could finally do things for the country. He wrote the poem "East East Patrol Song", expressing the feelings of building merits and rewarding the country.Unexpectedly, King Yong led the army without authorization, which led to recruitment.After being imprisoned, Li Bai asked Gao Shi for help. Gao Shi did not dare to help him. It wasn't until the emperor was amnesty that Li Bai was released. How happy he was! I decided to go home to see, and wrote the "Thousands of Miles Jiangling One Day.Also "the famous sentence.He immediately followed the Yangtze River. In the famous "Early White Emperor City", the "cross -strait ape could not cry, and the light boat had passed through the mountains" fully reflected Li Bai's ecstasy emotions that he had regained his freedom at that time.


It didn't take long for Li Bai to feel that such a life was very lonely, and because of his life, he could only go to Xuancheng to go to relatives and friends.In "Sitting alone in Jingting Mountain", "Look at each other, only Jingting Mountain" expresses his loneliness in his later years.After writing this poem, Li Bai resigned with the world.


Li Bai's life told us a truth: not too proud, self -righteous, must be modest, otherwise it is impossible to achieve higher achievements.



"Mingyueguang in front of the bed is suspected to be on the ground. Looking at Mingyue, looking down at the hometown." Presumably it must be an ancient poem that everyone can talk about. The author of this poem is Li Bai.Let's talk about his story today. I think Li Bai is always lucky.


Li Bai was born in a foreign country because the Sui Dynasty said that in the future, a person named Li will overthrow the dynasty. Therefore, Li Bai's grandfather took the whole family to the foreign countries to not be killed.Li Bai's character is too white.It was because his mother dreamed of Taibai Venus before giving birth to him.When Li Bai was 5 years old, he moved from foreign countries to Qinglian Township, Sichuan.


Although Li Bai is very talented, he is not qualified to take the "Imperial Exam", but he is rich.Someone will ask, why is his family who is so rich but can't take the "imperial examination"? Because the rankings in ancient times were: Shi, Agriculture, Industry, and Business.Li Bai's father is a businessman.The Tang Dynasty stipulated that businessmen and his children could not take the "imperial examinations" because they believed that businessmen could not create value for society.


Later, Li Bai went to find someone to recommend him.As a result, when I went to Chang'an for the first time, no one recommended it, but left a song "Difficulty", one "Shu Dao Difficulty", one of which said, let's go home soon, and the other, or continueStay in Chang'an.In the end, he did not choose both, and went to the mountains to live in seclusion.


After Li Bai's hidden for a while, his fame became larger, and even Tang Xuanzong asked him to be an official.Li Bai became an official in the area with great happiness. It is the substitute for the prime minister's substitute, which is often writing poems to the emperor. Every time he writes, it is three.The emperor boasted that he wrote well and gave him a lot of things every time.


After years of doing it for several years, Li Bai also felt weak, so he resigned from the official position and returned home.In other words, the rebellion of Yongwang was settled in the future, and Li Bai and others were locked together in prison.Someone went to ask Li Bai, and Tang Xuanzong was in a good mood that day, so he put Li Bai.


If I was born in the Tang Dynasty and had Li Bai's talent, I would choose not to go to be an official, and find a unknown place in the same way as Meng Haoran.Because during the Tang Dynasty, the country was relatively rich and strong, and the food in the people's barn was full of food. Without any gaps, if they could not finish eating, they would be moldy next year.Therefore, I will go to the hotel to buy some wine, and "sing a song on wine, to poetry poetry" with my friends.



Li Bai, the word Tai Bai, "Qinglian resident", a romantic poet, "Poetry" and Du Fu collectively referred to as "Da Li Du".Poems make friends.Li Bai was influenced by Huang Laozhuang's thoughts. Later, "Li Tai Bai's Poems" was passed down.


Li Bai was born in 701.At the one -year -old "catching week", he grabbed a Book of Songs, and his relatives and friends who witnessed his scenery were surprised.The name "Li Bai" was taken by himself. When Li Bai was seven years old, he went out to play and poetry with his parents. When he could not figure it out, Li Bai said when his parents couldn't figure out.One sentence: "Li Shu opened flowers and trees and white." Li Bai's father said, "It's a good poem!" The "Li" and "White" in this poem are wonderful, so it is used as a child's name.Return.


In the first year of Tianbao (740 AD), Tang Xuanzong read Li Bai's verse and felt that Li Taibai's poems were very good, so Tang Xuanzong valued Li Bai very much, and there was the scene of the scene of "the concubine research ink, Lux took off shoes" scene.EssenceLi Bai also specifically wrote the "Qingping Poems" to Yang Guifei to praise Yang Guifei's beauty. The poem wrote: "Yun wants clothes and flowers, and the spring breeze brushes the threshold."Hua Hui wanted Yang Guifei's appearance and wrote Yang Guifei's beauty. The flowers could not be more beautiful than Yang Guifei. Yun'er's colorful clothes were not gorgeous.As soon as this sentence was written, Yang Guifei immediately was very happy and directly raised his official.


But later, Li Bai was degraded and left Changan.He wrote a song "Will into the Wine", which was really degraded and wanted to drink.And in order to invite friends to drink, they sold their five BMW and Qianjin Qiu to change wine. It is really a wine fairy!


There are three types of existing Li Bai who are convinced. The third type that is most in line with his image is the third.Li Bai was drunk, took the boat to the water to fish the moon, and accidentally drowned into the water.Romantic!


This is the idol poetry in my heart, is it talented, whether you can drink, and whether it is very friendly?Li Bai!



In the long river of history, there are many great literati, like the dazzling stars in the starry sky. Among them, my favorite and most admirable person is Li Bai.


Li Bai, known as "Poetry Fairy", is also called "Li Du" with Du Fu. He loves drinking. Whenever the wine is drunk, he can always be poetic and create a famous poem circulating.


Li Bai was very naughty when he was young. He was idle all day and did not do business.One day, he met an old grandma by the river. She was grinding an iron pestle. Li Bai was very puzzled and quickly asked: "Grandma, this iron pestle will never grind into a needle, you don't waste time anymore."The old grandmother smiled: "Children, as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is grinded into a needle!" Li Bai benefited a lot after hearing, then he was hardworking and studied, and he was no longer lazy.


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle, Li Bai has grown into a man of man, and he becomes affectionate.Once, he met his confidant -Wang Lun, and the two got along very well.One day, Li Bai had a urgent matter to leave, and left a poem that was sang eternal to Wang Lun: "Li Bai will take a boat to walk, and suddenly hear the shore.This farewell poem is also used to describe the sincere friendship between friends.


Li Bai's "Static Night Si" has become the most well -known ancient poem in China. Li Bai, you are so amazing, you are the one I admire the most!



In my mind: you are a unique person, you are a person who does not climb power, you are always believed that "born of my material will be useful" foreverPeople, you are a generation of poetry fairy -Li Bai.


The mighty spirit of Dashan and River breeds your romantic poems, cultivating your sentiments.From the "Moonlight in front of the bed, it is suspected to be on the ground cream", you can see that you like the moon very much, write the beauty of the moon, and like this night scene.But in the last two sentences, you know that you miss your hometown and your loved ones.


From "Lonely Far Far Shadow, I only see the flow of the Yangtze River", I also see that the emotions between you and Meng Haoran are very deep.Sorry.Your "flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected to be the Milky Way for nine days" is also very famous.This is an exaggerated sentence. You write Lushan Waterfall as high as 3,000 feet.When writing this poem, you stand in front of Lushan Waterfall and watch the Lushan Waterfall flowing down from top. That kind of appearance should be fine.This poem highlights your love and appreciation of Lushan Waterfall.After reading the poem "Taohuatan Water 3 Three thousand feet, not as good as Wang Lun to send me", I also want to see the scene where Wang Lun sent you away.


You are a great poet, and many scenery is very vivid by you. The reason why you call it "poetic fairy" may be that your poetry and brush are wonderful.In short, in my heart: you are a great poet.



In the Tang Dynasty when the poem climbed into the peak, there was such a person's existence of the sun.The boldness, arrogance, unrestrained and easy -to -free poems in his poems, while leading the poems of future generations, set up a gap.He is Li Bai and a veritable poetry.


Even though the Tang Dynasty has been more than a thousand years and there are talents from Jiangshan, who does not know the high moon in the poem, who does not envy the pride in his poems, and who does not admire his talentsEssenceFrom ancient times to the present, he is still the first person.Compared with Du Fu's realism of the realism, he hurts the world and compassionate, Li Bai's romanticism seeks to be born in time, and he is more desirable.After all, who doesn't like the misty and difficult to capture.


Because he is bold, arrogant, and talented, when he is ambitious in his chest, he can write "Dapeng rises with the wind a day, and it will go straight to 90,000 miles.This kind of poem that shows extremely confidently shows "Water Water"; when the trough of life is low, and the ambition is difficult to pay, "the long wind and the waves will sometimes hang the clouds and sails the sea", "Born my material will be useful, and the money will come back and come back."These eternal sentences.He went out of Sichuan at the age of twenty -five years old in his life, and wrote an eternal famous sentence of "still pity his hometown water and send a boat for thousands of miles".He has never returned to his hometown, but he sang the most moving song of ancient China in ancient China.Just like Japanese scholar Matsuura Matsuura said that Li Bai had to work hard to make himself in the experience of "being in a foreign country", so he became a wanderer.Perhaps because of his "ruthlessness" that he can become a poem that is unknown and unknown.


He is a high -hanging star and a bright moon, inheriting the tradition of romanticism, bold and elegant, and want to fall out of the sky.His poetry is fresh and refined, like "clean water coming out of hibiscus, naturally carving".Du Fu was hailed as "white poems invincible, and poems were not group."Although such a poem is a minority in his poems, there are very few that can be done, and no one can match him.


He pursued his career for life, and imagined that the prince was retreating as well as, but because of the stability of the Tang Dynasty, he could only bend in Hanlin and works as a literature. In the face of suspicion and disappointment with the court, he abandoned his officials and left Beijing.Perform the famous mountains, poetry travel to the world.This is also the most important step for him to become a poetic fairy.



Li Bai, a well-known and well-known big poet.How many great poems did the post -people left!


From a 3 -year -old child, "Mingyueguang" to the three hundred poems of Tang poetry on the three -year -old children, all the streams of unknown verses on the poems, all of which are Li Bai's smart crystallization!


Early Bai Emperor City》是半途解放的快乐;《送孟浩然之广陵》是送给友人的悲伤;《望庐山瀑布》是见到瀑布的震惊……


Li Bai, Li Bai, do you remember on the yellow crane building, you and Meng Haoran raised to drink and drink, do you think goodbye? In the early spring and March, there was a little tender green on the willow branches.I saw a little white, and soon disappeared in the rolling Yangtze River. I only saw the Yangtze River water flowing towards the sky ...


Li Bai, Li Bai, do you remember the scene of your hometown in front of the window? You sit on the bed, like the moonlight of the snow on the ground, like layer of white cream.You look up at the bright moon in the round, and then look down at your warm hometown for a while.At this time, your heart must be full of sorrow, loneliness!


Li Bai, Li Bai, you are an open -minded person in my mind, a positive person, a person who is a positive person, and a talented poet!



"In front of the bed, the moonlight, suspected to be on the ground cream, look at the moon, look down on the hometown" is his poem, he likes to swim in mountains and water, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people left people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people left people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people left people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people left people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people to leave people to leave people to leave people, leaving people to leave people to leave people, leaving people to leave people.After an eternal text, he was called "poetic fairy", and he was Li Bai.


In my eyes, Li Bai is a clever and talented person. However, Tang Xuanzong only asked him to serve Hanlin and be a courtier.It was revealed in Li Bai's poems.


The sadness of talented but not encountering, and the ambition and ambition of remuneration: "Life must be happy, so that the golden bottle is pairing to the moon, and the natural material will be useful, and the money will come back.""The sea of Ji Cang has a talent, but those who cannot meet the" I "cannot be used.


Li Bai in my eyes is a person who loves to write landscape poems.I dare not speak loudly, I am afraid that people in the sky "are written in exaggeration, because of these verses, his poems have become a romantic style, and the words are free and easy.


Li Bai just ran away from the world. A star of an ancient literature fell, but although people had passed away, they left people with immortality.



Li Bai, the word Taibai, named Qinglianjushi, everyone must know, he is known as "poetryxian", and his friend Du Fu is well known as "Li Du" is very famous for his reputation.big.


To the elderly 50 or 60 years old, when you go to kindergarten children, they will memorize his poem "Static Night Thinking", and even his figure in the super -hot game "Glory of the King".He seems to be our shadow, everywhere in life.


In fact, don't look at Li Bai so hot, in fact he didn't love school when he was a child.When he was a childhood, he once went to the river to play. When he saw an old grandmother grinding an iron rod, he asked her curiously: "What are you doing?"It became an embroidery needle. "Li Bai was surprised and asked," How could such a large iron rod be grinded into an embroidery needle. "But the old grandmother said firmly:" As long as I grind every day, how can it be grinded by the moon and the moon, it is impossible!"Since then, Li Bai has studied with his heart.


Li Bai is also very lucky.He was exiled because of one thing and passed through the city of Bai Emperor, but at this time the emperor announced the amnesty of the world, Li Bai was saved. Looking at the scenery on both sides of the strait, Li Bai drank a glass of wine happily and wrote this song with the strength of the wine.poetry:


Early Bai Emperor City


During the resignation of Baidi Caiyun, Qianli Jiangling also returned.


The apes on both sides of the strait can't cry, and the light boat has passed through the mountains.


Li Bai, live chic, one pot of wine, is my idol, and I hope that life can be the same as Li Bai.



Li Bai was very playful and did not study hard. One day, when he saw an old lady grinding a very thick iron pestle into a needle, he was surprised."".Since then, Li Bai has worked hard and eventually became a generation of celebrities.With my growth, this story makes my young heart full of worship of Li Bai, and vowed to study hard like Li Bai.


Li Bai "grew up", and I grew up.My admiration for Li Bai is not just "iron pestle grinding into a needle".Li Bai's talent was appreciated by Tang Xuanzong. In the face of the court's fought and intrigue, his temperament was not distorted, and he did not fight with the evil people.Make me not happy. "Leaving Chang'an, driving a horse, walking in the mountains and rivers, singing:" I am a madman, and the clear song laughs Kong Qiu. "It is always so comfortable to walk in the morning glow and return to dusk, without sorrow and trouble.


"Li Du's articles are here, Guangyan is long," he is well deserved; "poetic fairy" can't match him.I always roaming in Li Bai's intoxicating poems, gradually, was also infected by Li Bai's chic.Everything is no longer thinking of that is so narrow, and will not care about others for a little things.When my grades are unsatisfactory, I no longer inferiority, no longer discouraged, but like Li Bai, to keep a broad heart, confidently lingering me, I believe that success will accompany it.


Thank you, Li Bai.You also make me learn to make friends.


"Li Bai wanted to walk by Zhoujiang, and suddenly he heard the singing on the shore. Taohuatan's water was thousands of feet deep, and it was not as good as Wang Lun to send me love." The deep feelings of you two made me feel the sincerity of your friends, otherwise it would not be "a thousand feet deep."The friendship with Du Fu not only explained that Li Baiguang made friends, but also good at making good friends.I opened me a bright way to make friends.


Li Bai, you are my eternal idol, I will follow your quality and be a happy self!



Entering Li Bai's essay 300 words one _ Li Bai in my eyes


His poems, bold and elegant style, his poems, imagination of rich language circulation naturally, his poems, harmonious rhythm and change.He is Li Bai.


"Li Bai fights a hundred poems." Li Bai may be alcoholic, style and bold.The source of this writing is from inspiration.Inspiration, very abstract.From this cup of sour or spicy wine, you can find inspiration and write the verses of all ages. From a cup of mellow wine, you can appreciate life.


Li Bai's poems are sad.From the patriotic verses that are full of sorrowful thoughts, from the patriotic verses that are worried about the country and the people.The reason why he will leave his name over the age.


Li Bai's poems are clear.That sentence is out of the well -known quantity sentence, and that song far away from the lonely high -name sentence, you can see that Li Bai’s heart has long been filled with freedom and the breeze.Real and freedom poet.


Entering Li Bai's composition 300 words 2_

  • 我眼中的李白是一个乐观,天真,有远大抱负的人。我们根据李白从小到大的人生来一步步分析它的特点。

    Li Bai in my eyes is an optimistic, naive, and ambitious person.We analyze its characteristics step by step based on Li Bai's life.


    Li Bai's family is wealthy and has a good education. This one has become the foundation of Shi Xian Mo Ding.There was no writer association at that time, so every intellectual member of the Tang Dynasty was quite prime minister in the court.Li Bai is no exception.Therefore, she was pregnant with a big political ambition.At that time, the officials were mainly examined.And Li Bai didn't want to go this road, so Li Bai set his goal for himself: he did not fly for three years, and he flew into the sky.Not twirling for three years, a blockbuster.From then on, it can be seen that Li Bai's naivety of politics.


    When we immediately entered Li Bai's 59 years old, Li Bai was exiled to Yelang.On the way, Li Bai was forgiven.When Li Bai went back to Tianmen Mountain, he wrote a look at Tianmen Mountain. Among them, there was such a sentence: The light boat has passed through the mountains.He said that he had thrown all his difficulties behind him, and he had nothing to care about.Seeing Li Bai is optimistic.



    Does Li Bai want to be an official?I don't see it.From the first poem, what he was looking for was the Taoist priest who had come to, and felt embarrassed without encountering it.In the second poem, his love for nature and lived a seclusion life.Of course, he also had the desire to be an official to show his talents for the country, but because his personality was unruly, and he was incompatible with the imperial court's wealthy, so his life was on the other side.


    I think everyone has an upward wish: want to be talented, want to be officials, want to get rich, etc. This is human nature.Are you not?But everyone's heart is different.You are already a PhD, but you have to step on Li Bai's head to become 'Eternal Celebrities'.I felt sad when I touched the ancient poet Li Bai who admired the ancient poet Li Bai!



    Fourth Grade Writing Composition 350 Words_Li Bai in my eyes


    In my eyes, there is a long shadow, which has been across and down for more than a thousand years.It's you, Li Bai.


    The cold wind was small, and the palace was brilliant. He wanted to run a horse in front of Tianzidang a few months ago.You let Gaulis take off your boots, but the emperor is not reused for you.


    You fly all the birds, and lonely clouds are leisurely.Expressing your lonely mood; you think about the monarch and the waters, and send the southward south, showing the friendship between you and Du Fu; you are difficult, difficult, and multi -way, today?Elapse my thoughts and depression.


    You are arrogant.Go to meet the prime minister, with "storms and affection, Qiankun's aspirations. Taking the Hong Ni as the line, the bright moon as the hook. Taking the bait of the unwillingness of the world in the world."


    "Ning Zhicao, there is a Longquan under your waist" wrote the chivalry of your swordsmanship.


    "May the sword under the waist be directly to the cut Loulan."


    Zhiyin is not easy to get, and Fu Jianzheng lamented "Write the sighs that you repeatedly suffered from frustration.


    You, love the moon, write a lot of poems that sing the moon, "In the same time, you do n’t know the moon, calling as a white jade plate“ ... ”So far, you have also circulated the legend of“ drunk like the water in the water, across the whale and the fairy swimming feathers ”.


    You, Qinglian layman, always in my eyes.


    Fourth Grade Writing Composition 350 Words 2


    In my eyes, Li Bai is a very smart person.He will memorize the four books and five classics at the age of 10; others will memorize the article for a day and he will memorize it in an hour.But he was very playful.One day, he saw an old grandma with a very thick iron rod embroidery needle. Under the point of the old grandma, he realized that "as long as the iron rod can be grinded into an embroidery needle".Since then, he has worked hard and finally became a generation of poetry.


    In my eyes, Li Bai is a swordsman.He was born in Hu Di. His father was a businessman. He often encountered robbers during business. Therefore, his father taught him to practice swords from a young age.Later, when Guo Ziyi was put into prison for inconsistent hug, Li Baiyi rescued him.


    In my eyes, Li Bai is a friend who is full of friends.He spent his life drinking, poetry, and making friends.When friends are in difficulties, he is always generous and stretched out a assistant hand to help others.


    In my eyes, Li Bai is a "poetry fairy". Li Bai wrote a poem all his life. After drinking, he would "poetry Dafa" and couldn't help writing a poem that has been circulating eternal.



    Drunk into the intestine,


    Seven points caused moonlight,


    The remaining three -pointer becomes sword gas,


    Embroide the mouth, vomit,


    It's half ridiculous.


    "Looking for Li Bai"


    When it comes to Li Bai, everyone is no stranger.He calls a generation of Wenhao, heaven is immortal.Whenever I read Li Bai's poems, my heart seemed to have wings and returned to the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago.


    At the Yellow River, Jingting Mountain, all left his footprint.There is a innate talent, but helplessness is tortuous. He has the ambition, but has nowhere to exert it. It is not low.With such a person with ambitious ambitions, his heart must be very depressed?Therefore, Mingyue became his most loyal partner at the time, and the most sincere friend of the most sincere friend "raised his head to look at Mingyue, bowed his head to think of his hometown".I do n’t know the moon in the hour, and call the white jade plate. "


    Because of the corruption of the government, he started to make poems all the way, drank all the way, and was unruly. This is the poetry fairy Li Bai. Tang poetry was full of immortal legend of strong romanticism.


    As I get older, my feelings are getting deeper and deeper, and I realize that I was wrong.He is not only a poet, but also a defender. He uses a pen to write his life and defend his character in words.In his eyes, all fame and fortune are not as attracted to him. "The mud is not stained, and the clear lotus is not a demon." I thought he was very distressed, but he didn't expect him to be so optimistic.I finally understand the connotation of "Anneng destroyed his eyebrows and wealth, so that I can't be happy".


    Li Bai filled a strong stroke for the history of the Tang Dynasty.



    Looking back at the long river of history, in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, the special cultural background created many great poets. They were dazzling as starlight in the sky.Wang Wei, who has "paintings in poems, poems in the painting"; Du Fu, who is worried about the country and the people.My favorite is the bold and romantic and elegant Li Bai.


    Li Bai's poems are bold."Born to be useful, Qianjin has come back." This is a impressive sentence."Useful" and "must", very confident, it's like a manifestation of human value."Sometimes the long wind breaks the waves, and the cloud sails can be hung directly." Urgently opens away, firmly believes that the beautiful prospects will eventually come, and the rapids will be advanced.The ups and downs of the meaning.


    Li Bai's poems are also romantic.The style of poetry is that we introduce the beautiful world of imagination.When I read, "Toast invites Mingyue, to the three people in the shadow." In this sentence, I always think of Li Bai standing under the moonlight, holding a glass of wine, lengthening the shadow, and drinking with Mingyue.Li Bai's poems are even more elegant. "The lone sails are all over the sky, and they only see the flow of the Yangtze River." From the endless Yangtze River to the meticulous lone sails, people feel extremely elegant and chic.I also seemed to see a small boat in the endless Yangtze River, water and sky.The vast feeling of smoke was written by Li Bai's fourteen words.


    Entering Li Bai, he boarded the high -rise building of "Hand Picking Star" with Li Bai.



    Huh?where is this?In the haze, a man wearing a white gown with a jug and holding Zhu Zhen (a brush) in one hand, showing a man who showed his unruly temperament ringling towards me.Who is he?


    Oh, it's close, near, it turned out to be the most prestigious poem fairy in history -Li Bai!He walked in front of me, raised the jug in his hand, and said kindly, "There is a poem with wine, no poems without wine. In fact, the poem is by your side, kid, can you find it?" I blinkedBlink and said, "Grandpa Li Bai, you are a great poet. The poetry of your poetry is far -reaching, fresh and elegant, and it makes people have endless aftertastes after reading. Not only I wait for these students, but even young women and children like to read your poems.. But what the content and meaning of poetry are still incomprehensible, can it be expressed in white flowers? "


    "It is impossible." Li Bai shook his head in a row and said, "This poem pays attention to hazy. If poetic exposure is like wine, it is tasteless."Understand things about novels and prose, but they disdain the beautiful and elegant poetry, causing poetry to fall asleep on the bookshelf for many years. Each test, whether it is a college entrance examination or a middle school entrance examination, whether it will be on or usually exams, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, essay, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition, composition.The requirements are always the same: 'The subject matter is not limited, except for poetry.' The poetry that is so cold and excluded in the world is really too much. "I said angrily.


    Li Bai smiled and said, "Really? Maybe. After all, the times are different. The articles written in vernacular are easy to understand. It feels smooth to read and can express more content. In this point, vernacular articlesHe has a thousand autumn. "Li Bai paused and said," Although people can't fully accept poetry, I believe that poetry will be hungry by people. Children, do you say yes? "


    "Well, I believe it too!" I nodded heavily.


    Li Bai smiled happily, then walked towards the distance, and finally disappeared.


    My dream is awake.Dreaming is the 21st century.Poetry also woke up.


    Yes, when it comes to the future of poetry, I believe it will be accepted by most people.You wait, Grandpa Li Bai, the prosperity of poetry is not far, because it is a bright pearl on the crown of literature after all!



    Among the many poets, I appreciate Li Bai most.Whenever I walked into the sea of poems, I was convinced by his rich emotions and intoxicated me.


    Do you understand the feelings of "lonely sails and long shadows, but see the flow of the Yangtze River Skyrim"?Li Bai had an extraordinary affection for friends. Once upon a time, Li Bai faced the green mountains and stood north of the outside city. He was about to say goodbye to friends who had been with each other for many years. His heart was sentimental and lost.There is also a hint of melancholy in the reluctance. This melancholy is the helplessness of "the dishonesty of the sunset". The deep friendship can only be pinned on the action of waved farewell.It seems that the sunset is unwilling to leave the sky, and Li Bai is reluctant to leave his friends. The sincere friendship is amazing.


    Do you know what kind of feeling of "who can't afford the old garden"?Li Bai has unlimited thoughts on his hometown.Was it that when he looked up at the bright moon in the air, his strong hometown climbed up his heart, and Li Bai, who was in a different place in a different place, missed his loved ones.At this time, he was distressed and lonely, silently endured the desolation in the silent late night.At this time, the sadness was the embarrassment of "looking down at the hometown".This delicate emotion looks like a breeze, which makes people dream.


    Li Bai has an unusual feeling for nature.When the birds flew high, when the white clouds drifted away leisurely, there was another quiet.He sat alone and enjoyed the interest of nature. The lack of beauty was the company without friends. This kind of loneliness and hunger appeared in his thoughts.Li Bai looked at the tall and tall Jingting Mountain, never boring, talking to it was affectionate, and revealing sorrow in the sentiment.Quiet.


    Li Bai's emotions cultivate several generations of the world. His feelings are romantic, and even if you are lonely without a blind date; Li Bai's feelings have exaggerated sentiments. This exaggeration is that the moon is hovering.The shadow is also messy and bold imagination; Li Bai's feelings have confidence in the feelings, and that kind of self -confidence is that I must be useful, and the boldness that comes back.


    Li Bai's love is sincere and beautiful.In my heart, he is a towering giant who can't overwhelm it.The long placket fluttered on the chest, sprinking a green shade of love everywhere.The tall image of the righteousness tied the deep roots in my heart, and I would never forget such a "passionate" person -Li Bai.



    1、中的:中的读音为zhòng dì,是指1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。中的 zhōng de词典解释:1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。分词解释:中肯:《庄子.养生主》:“技经肯綮之未尝,而况大軱乎?”肯,着骨之肉;綮,筋骨结合处。肯綮为肢体紧要之处,后即以“中肯”指言论击中要害或恰到好处:你说的话很中肯|其言甚中肯,余深赞之。靶心:靶子的中心。目的:想要达到或希望得到的预期地点或结果:他说这话的目的是想提醒大家别忘了以前同学时的友谊。达到:1.到达。 2.达成;得到。多指抽象事物或程度。切当:贴切恰当。...中的怎么造句,用中的造句»

    2、心中:心中读音为xīn zhōng,是指1.中心点。 2.心里。 心里心中 xīn zhōng词语意思:1.中心点。 2.心里。[in the heart;at heart;in mind] 心里分词解释:心里:1.胸膛里面。 2.思想里;头脑里。 3.犹心中。● 心 xīn ㄒㄧㄣˉ◎ 人和高等动物体内主管血液循环的器官(通称“心脏”):心包。心律。心衰。心悸。◎ 中央,枢纽,主要的:心腹。中心。◎ 习惯上指思想的器官和思想情况,感情等:心理。心曲。心魄。心地。心扉。衷心。心旷神怡。人心惟危。● 中 zhōng ㄓㄨㄥˉ◎ 和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:中心。当(dàng)中。中原。中华。◎ 在一定范围内,里面:暗中。房中。中饱。◎ 性质或等级在两端之间的:中辍(中途停止进行)。中等。中流砥柱。◎ 表示动作正在进行:在研究中。◎ 特指“中国”:中式。中文。◎ 适于,合于:中看。● 中 zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ◎ 恰好合上:中选。中奖。中意(会意,满意)。◎ 受到,遭受:中毒。中计。◎ 科举考试被录取:中举。中状元。...心中怎么造句,用心中造句»

    3、李白:李白读音为lǐ bái,是指李白(701李白762)字太白。祖籍陇西成纪,隋末迁居中亚的碎叶城。李白一生绝大部分时间是在玄宗统治的盛唐即开元、天宝年间度过的。在李白流传下来的九百多篇诗中,大部分鲜明的表现了他对封建贵权的轻蔑,对腐朽政治的揭露和对人民疾苦的同情,对祖国壮丽山川的赞美。同时也由于封建统治思想的严重影响,李白的不少作品往往流露道家人生如梦、及时行乐和儒家“穷则独善其身”的消极情绪。李白是我国唐代与杜甫并称的伟大诗人,他的诗歌各体俱佳,而其中又以七言歌行与七言绝句最为擅长。李白 lǐ bái词语解释:李白(701李白762)字太白。祖籍陇西成纪,隋末迁居中亚的碎叶城。李白一生绝大部分时间是在玄宗统治的盛唐即开元、天宝年间度过的。在李白流传下来的九百多篇诗中,大部分鲜明的表现了他对封建贵权的轻蔑,对腐朽政治的揭露和对人民疾苦的同情,对祖国壮丽山川的赞美。同时也由于封建统治思想的严重影响,李白的不少作品往往流露道家人生如梦、及时行乐和儒家“穷则独善其身”的消极情绪。李白是我国唐代与杜甫并称的伟大诗人,他的诗歌各体俱佳,而其中又以七言歌行与七言绝句最为擅长。分词解释:九百:1.亦作“九伯”﹑“九陌”。宋﹑元﹑明时讥人痴呆﹑神气不足。 2.指计较琐细事的人。 3.复姓。汉有九百里。见《通志.氏族五》引《姓苑》。祖国:1.祖先以来所居之地。 2.祖籍所在的国家;自己的国家。玄宗:1.指佛教的深奥旨意。 2.指道家所谓道的深奥旨意。祖籍:祖先居住地:祖籍云南昆明。中亚:“中亚细亚”的简称。指亚欧大陆的中部地区。包括哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦。...李白怎么造句,用李白造句»