
时间:2022-06-13 13:33:22 | 来源:语文通


Reading this land is sacred, we know: The earth is the mother of human beings, and humans belong to the earth. We must love animals and plants.In addition, what notes do you also write? The following is the composition fan network editor carefully organized this land for you as sacred reading notes. Let's take a look.



"If we give up this land and transfer it to you, you must remember: This land is sacred."


This sentence in the article impressed me the most, and felt the most. I was thinking, and what would we say to our children and grandchildren? What can we say!


With the rapid development of society and economy and the high concentration of population, domestic waste is gradually increasing. Our home is surrounded by various types of pollutants: white garbage, industrial wastewater, car tail gas ... so many and stubbornly stubbornly stubbornVitality, what kind of serious harm it will bring to our lives, we all can imagine.Although there are many environmental resource protectors who are constantly calling: "protecting the environment and protecting their homes", their power is always out of match and minimal. I really do n’t know what those who ignore the environment think!


Take the matter around me. Whenever June, I do n’t have to listen or watch, and I will know that the season of the wheat harvest is here, because you will feel a little bit angry when you go out.The smoke can't be opened, and sometimes she can't help crying. This is that farmers not far away are burning wheat straw. Although it is much better than ever, it is also uncomfortable to go out for a few nights.Don't understand, don't they know that wheat stalks can be regenerated and can be used as fertilizers? I don't know that this not only pollutes the environment, but also hurts their own body?


However, it is really nothing more than those who are more ignorant. Uncle Farmers is really much. What is even more powerful than them is that someone override underground resources, excessively develop nuclear energy, and frequently provoke war.Extremely, don't they know, "Anyone who comes on the earth will eventually come to the children who are on the earth."? "


What do I often think of the future earth? It is true air fresh, lined with green trees, birds with flowers, beautiful mountains and rivers, quiet and quiet, full of vitality, or heavy metals (many of them are electronic products (many are electronics.The soil caused by abandoned), pesticide residues, and wastewater caused by waste gas, natural deaths, naturally died, and the earth was slowly swallowed by the desert ...


In fact, there will be only two types of color on the earth, one "green", one "gray", which requires us to choose immediately. Although the vast universe is boundless, although we are full of wisdom, our earth resources are still limited.Now we can neither make the earth rebirth, and it is impossible to predict when to immigrate to the planet.Therefore, the smart earth people, take action, now start all the energy on our everyone's garden. The earth is the mother of human beings, but the mother is now hurt by humans.Many cute animals are also frequent ... Dear friends, for the behavior of hurting our mother, we can no longer sit and ignore it. Let us act together to protect the mother of the earth.The original face.


Let us remember: the earth does not belong to humans, and humans belong to the earth.



"If we give up this land and transfer it to you, you must remember: This land is sacred."充分的体现了印地安人很喜爱这片土地,非常不舍得转让给美国白人领袖。


After reading this article, I was deeply moved. The Indians really love their own land and give the white American leaders.


There are so many requirements.We have to learn them, love nature, and love our hometown.I also treasured a good sentence: "The river is our brother and your brother. You should be kind to our river like your brothers." This sentence writes that the Indian Chief Seattle loves themselves very much.The river water is regarded as the blood of his ancestors.In the future, we will also treat our land well like the Indian people.



Today, we have learned the text "This land is sacred".

  这篇文章是印第安酋长西雅图的着名演说,这篇文章从饱含深情的语言,向我们表达了印第安人对这片土地的留恋以及眷顾,表达了人们对土地深深的敬仰和爱。 “我们深知:大地不属于人类,而人类是属于大地的”这句话是本文的最后一个自然段,也是我的心灵深受感触的一句话。

This article is a famous speech by Indian chief Seattle. This article expresses the primer of the Indians' nostalgia and care for the land from a affectionate language, and expresses people's deep respect and love for the land."We know: the earth does not belong to humans, and humans belong to the earth." The phrase is the last natural paragraph of this article, and it is also a sentence that my soul is deeply touched.

  是啊,大地不是属于人类的,谁也没有权利,也不可能拥有对大地的控制权任何人都不能凭借着自己的心情的好坏来对待大地,恰恰相反,人类是属于大地的,因为是大地创造了这个事件的万物,是大地给予了我们的生命,那么,大地既然能创造出我们,同样也能摧毁掉我们的生命,因此,我们要认真的去对待我们脚下的每一片土地,我们要奉献出全部的爱和力量来保护大地,不要让他体无完肤、伤痕累累,不要让他“发怒”,不要让他使出地震、海啸、火山爆发、台风、沙尘暴、干旱、山洪、泥石流等招数来反击我们,不要让他与我们为敌,否则,我们肯定会输得很惨、很惨…… “善待地球就是善待自己”、“拯救地球就是拯救未来”、“有限的生命,无限的循环”、“珍惜自然资源,共营生命绿色”,希望大家能够记住这几句保护环境的名言警句,而且要和大地共存、和世间的万物共存。

Yeah, the earth is not a human, no one has the right, nor can it have the control of the earth. No one can treat the earth by virtue of their own mood. On the contrary, human beings belong The earth created all the things of this incident, and the earth gave us life. Then, since the earth can create us, it can also destroy our lives. Therefore, we must take every piece of land under our feet seriously. We To dedicate all love and power to protect the earth, do not let him be full of body and scar, do not let him "angry", do not let him use the tricks, tsunami, volcanic eruption, typhoon, sandstorms, droughts, floods, mudslides and other tricks and other tricks. Come back to fight us, don't let him be enemy with us, otherwise, we will definitely lose miserable and miserable ... "Being kindly to the earth is to treat yourself well", "Save the earth is to save the future", "Limited life, infinite cycle "," Cherish natural resources and camp up the green ". I hope that everyone can remember these famous sayings to protect the environment, and they must coexist with the earth and all things in the world.



1、土地:土地读音为tǔ dì,是指1.田地;土壤。 2.领土;疆域。 3.泛指地区,地方。 4.测量地形。 5.神名。指掌管﹑守护某个地方的神。土地 tǔ dì词语解释:1.田地;土壤。 2.领土;疆域。 3.泛指地区,地方。 4.测量地形。 5.神名。指掌管﹑守护某个地方的神。(1) [field;soil;ground]∶田地;土壤土地平旷。——晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》土地肥沃土地分配(2) [territory] 领土;疆域欲者土地。——《韩非子.五蠹》欲辟土地。——《孟子.梁惠王上》割土地,赔银两(3) [land's god;local god of land;village god] 神名。指掌管、守护某个地方的神土地高给土地烧香分词解释:测量:1.推测度量。 2.用仪器或量具测定空间﹑时间﹑温度﹑速度﹑功能﹑地面的形状高低和零件的尺寸﹑角度等。地形:①在地理学中,地形即“地貌”。②在测绘学中,地形指地表起伏形态(地貌)和地表所有固定物体(如房屋、桥梁、道路)的总称。疆域:国家领土(着重面积大小)。...土地怎么造句,用土地造句»

2、神圣:神圣读音为shén shèng,是指1.形容崇高﹑尊贵,庄严而不可亵渎。 2.帝王的尊称。 3.泛指天神,神灵。神圣 shén shèng词语意思:1.形容崇高﹑尊贵,庄严而不可亵渎。 2.帝王的尊称。 3.泛指天神,神灵。(1) [gods]∶指天圣;神灵岂有神圣之前鬼怪公然出现者!“龙王”在中国的旧传说中是会降雨的神圣之一。——《求雨》(2) [holy;sacred]∶极为崇高、庄严神圣事业严萍第一次看到这神圣的农民革命的图景。——《反割头税的斗争》(3) [emperor]∶帝王的尊称丽哉神圣,处于玄宫。——《文选.羽猎赋》分词解释:不可:1.不可以;不可能。 2.不答应;不准许。 3.不轻易赞同或遵奉。 4.谓不符合,不称。 5.犹不堪。 6.指缺点﹑过错。 7.与“非”连用,“非……不可”,表示必须或一定。神灵:1.神的总称。 2.魂魄。 3.犹威灵,圣明。 4.神异。天神:1.指天上诸神﹐包括主宰宇宙之神及主司日月﹑星辰﹑风雨﹑生命等神。 2.泛指神仙。帝王:①君主制国家的最高统治者。②帝和王。即君主国的最高统治者和最高封爵:帝王将相。...神圣怎么造句,用神圣造句»

3、读书:读书读音为dú shū,是指①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。读书 dú shū词语解释:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。分词解释:用功:1.犹言下功夫。 2.犹言施展本领。 3.努力学习。亦指做功课。当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。功课:①学生按照规定学习的知识、技能:他在学校里每门功课都很好。②指教师给学生布置的作业:做完功课再看电视。③佛教徒按时诵经念佛等称为做功课。上学:1.最好的学习。 2.指古之上庠或太学。看着:1.眼看着。谓转瞬间。 2.酌情;看情形。...读书怎么造句,用读书造句»

4、读书笔记:读书笔记读音为dú shū bǐ jì,是指记述读书心得的笔记。读书笔记 dú shū bǐ jì词语解释:记述读书心得的笔记。分词解释:笔记:①用笔记录:老人口述,请人笔记下来,整理成文。②听课、听报告、读书时所做的记录:读书笔记|课堂笔记。③一种以随笔记录为主的著作体裁,多由分条的短篇汇集而成:笔记小说。心得:指工作或学习中的体验和领悟到的东西:凡人读书,各有心得|学习心得。读书:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。记述:用文字叙述;记载:记述往事ㄧ那篇文章对此事有翔实的记述。...读书笔记怎么造句,用读书笔记造句»