
时间:2022-06-07 13:38:09 | 来源:语文通


What are the techniques of Chinese disease sentence solution? The following is a reading notes for the Chinese disease sentence solution tips for you carefully compiled by the composition fan network. I hope you like it!



1. Equipment disability or extra


(1) Lack of subjects


Example 1: Through the lecture of the special teacher, the inspiration of everyone is very great.(There is no subject in this sentence, you should remove "pass" or "right".)


(2) Lack of predicate


Example 2: In the old society, the working people do not eat enough and wear a warm life.(Remove the "life", or add "live" before "eating".)


(3) Lack of objects


Example 3: They have the motherland, look at the world, and vigorously carry forward the dare to fight, and finally win the championship.(You should add the "spirit" behind "dare".)


(4) The central language that lacks objects


Example 4: The campus propaganda activities of "cherishing life and staying away from drugs" effectively enhanced the self -protection of middle school students.(This sentence lacks the central language of the object, and the "consciousness" should be added at the end of the sentence.)


(5) Extraordinary ingredients


Example 5: Close to the beautiful Danyang Middle School, I stop and stop to watch.(The meaning of "stop" and "stop" repeat, delete one.)


2. 搭配不当

2. Improper match


(1) Improper matching


Example 6: The production of cotton in my country has not been self -sufficient in the past.(Change the "cotton production" to "cotton production".)


(2) Improper matching


Example 7: Before liberation, the money made by Dad and his brother was not enough to feed the life of the family.(Improper matching, only people who "feed" can only be people, not "life", and delete "life".)


(3) Improper matching


Example 8: Autumn's Xiangshan is a beautiful season.("Xiangshan" cannot be the "season", and the "season" should be changed to "place".)


(4) Improper modification language and central language


Example 9: He has a pair of clever and capable hands.("Smart" cannot modify the "hand", and the word "clever" should be removed.)


(5) Improper matching with both sides


Example 10: The key to whether a person can have creativity is to always maintain curiosity and continue to accumulate knowledge.("Can" and "key" cannot be matched, change "can" to "think", or change "want" to "can".)


(6) Negative and affirmative combination is improper


Example 11: We did not completely deny that the poem did not reveal hope, but said that this hope was very slim.("Not completely denied" is equivalent to "partial recognition", which is basically acknowledged, that is, "we acknowledge that this poem does not reveal hope", which is just the opposite of the original meaning to be expressed.Add "a little" after "out".)



3. Improper language order


(1) Improper arrangement of words before and after words


Example 12: In order to welcome the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party, the school leaders have studied and listened to the suggestions of teachers and students.(You should "listen" first and then "research", so these two words should be reversed.)


(2) Improper modifier language order


In particular, it should be noted that: first time and then, the initiative structure, then the modal verb, adjective; the preposition structure of the object is generally close to the center word.


Example 13: Many teachers in the lounge talked warmly with him yesterday.[Correct should be: Many teachers talked with him (target) in the lounge (time) in the lounge (time) yesterday (time).]


(3) Improper position of related words


Generally speaking, when the subjects of the two clauses are the same, the associated words are behind the subject; when the subject is different, the associated words are in front of the subject.


Example 14: No matter how perfect the bird's wings are, if the air is not virtually air, the birds will never fly to the high altitude.(The subjects of the two clauses are different. The related words should be in front of the subject, that is, "regardless of" it should be moved to the first sentence.)


4. 句式杂糅

4. Sentence mixed


To put it simply, the mixed sentence is to mix two meanings or two sentence patterns together, causing the structural confusion and unclear expressiveness.


Example 15: It is the responsibility of the people to mention opinions from the government.(The two meanings of "our opinion we give to the government" and "the responsibility of the people's opinion is the responsibility of the people" should be made together, and "we" should be deleted.)


5. 关联词使用不当

5. Improper use of related words


(1) Mistake -like related words

  例16: 尽管遇到多大的困难,我也要完成任务。(“尽管”是表示转折关系的关联词语,此分句是条件关系,“尽管”改成“不管”。)

Example 16: Despite how difficult it is, I have to complete the task.("Although" is a related word for the turning relationship. This sentence is a conditional relationship. "Although" is changed to "no matter".)


(2) Related words


Example 17: Some students like to play basketball because they are not interested in learning.("Because ... so" the table causes and effects, and there is no causality between clauses, it should be removed.)


(3) Lack of related words


Example 18: Singapore's bamboo insects are not just like bamboo, but the shape is completely like a branch when quiet.(Settings are progressive relationships. "Not only" is used in front, and the back should be added in front of "body shape" to echo it.)


(4) Improper position of related words


The third situation in the "improper language order".


6. 不合逻辑

6. Logic


Refers to the situation of self -conflict, unclear scope, cause and effect, and upside down in the expression.


(1) Self -contradictory contradiction


Example 19: He is a spared one among multiple dead people.("Difficulties" contradict with "exemption".)


(2) Strong cause and effect


Example 20: Because he is from the north, he is still old -fashioned.(There is no causal relationship, remove "because of".)


7. 表意不明

7. Unknown meaning


(1) The versatile of the word leads to ambiguity


Example 21: Classes, Xiao Wang hasn't arrived in the school yet. The head teacher said anxiously: "She never asked for leave ..."It can also be referred to the little king who is usually strictly asking himself, observing discipline, always getting to the school on time, not for leave.)


(2) Set up ambiguous


Example 22: I can't write this report.[It can be understood "this report, I am not good (limited)."; It can also be understood as "this report, I write/not good (maybe due to identity and other factors)."]]]]]


(3) Refers to unknown generation


Example 23: Director, deputy director, and leaders of other bureaus attended the commendation conference.("Other bureaus leaders" refers to the leaders of the bureau or the leaders of the other bureau, which means that it is not clear.)


(4) Modify two cocoos


Example 24: The director instructed the leaders of several schools, and the work of the new semester must be improved.("Leaders of a few schools" are ambiguous.Express the word "school" or "leadership".)



1、技巧:技巧读音为jì qiǎo,是指①表现在艺术、工艺、体育等方面的巧妙的技能:运用技巧ㄧ绘画技巧ㄧ熟练的技巧。②指技巧运动:技巧比赛。技巧 jì qiǎo词语解释:①表现在艺术、工艺、体育等方面的巧妙的技能:运用技巧ㄧ绘画技巧ㄧ熟练的技巧。②指技巧运动:技巧比赛。分词解释:工艺:①将原材料或半成品加工成产品的工作、方法、技术等:工艺复杂ㄧ工艺精细。②手工艺:工艺品。绘画:1.作画。用笔等工具,墨、颜料等材料,在纸、纺织物、墙壁等表面上画图或作其他可视的形象。2.绘出的图或画。技巧运动:体操运动项目之一。动作以翻腾、抛接、造型等为主,并配有徒手操和舞蹈动作。有单人、双人、三人、四人等项。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。运用:1.谓根据事物的特性加以利用。 2.指计谋﹑打算。...技巧怎么造句,用技巧造句»

2、病句:病句读音为bìng jù,是指在语法或逻辑上有毛病的句子。 在语法或逻辑上有毛病的句子本文病句甚多,改后再送审病句 bìng jù词语解释:在语法或逻辑上有毛病的句子。[grammatically wrong sentence] 在语法或逻辑上有毛病的句子本文病句甚多,改后再送审分词解释:句子:用词和词组构成的、能够表达完整的意思的语言单位。每个句子都有一定的语调,表示陈述、疑问、祈使或感叹的语气。在连续说话时,句子和句子中间有一个较大的停顿。在书面上每个句子的末尾用句号、问号或叹号。毛病:1.牲畜的毛色有缺陷。 2.指疾病。 3.谓器物损坏或发生故障。 4.指事物中存在的问题或弊害。 5.缺点;错误。逻辑:①思维的规律、规则:这个想法似乎不合逻辑。②研究思维规律的科学,即逻辑学。③客观事物的规律:历史的逻辑|生活的逻辑。④观点,主张。多用于贬义:霸权主义的逻辑。语法:语言的结构规律。包括词法和句法。词法指词的构成及变化规律;句法指短语和句子的组织规律。...病句怎么造句,用病句造句»

3、解题:解题读音为jiě tí,是指1.对书籍的作者﹑卷次﹑内容﹑版本的说明。 2.解说诗文之标题。 求解问题;对所提问题作出解答解题 jiě tí词语意思:1.对书籍的作者﹑卷次﹑内容﹑版本的说明。 2.解说诗文之标题。[solve problems] 求解问题;对所提问题作出解答分词解释:诗文:1.指诗歌。 2.指《诗经》的文字。 3.诗和文。版本:同一部书因编辑、传抄、刻版、排版或装订形式的不同而产生的不同的本子。书籍:1.谓校定简册。 2.泛指一般图书。 3.谓登记户籍。 4.书于简册。谓有记载。 5.文书。诏命典策等。...解题怎么造句,用解题造句»

4、语文:语文读音为yǔ wén,是指语言和文字;语言和文学:语文水平|语文课本。语文 yǔ wén词语解释:语言和文字;语言和文学:语文水平|语文课本。分词解释:文字:①记录语言的书写符号。②文章:文字流畅。语言:人类特有的表达意思、交流思想的工具,由语音、词汇、语法构成一定的体系。语言有口语和书面形式。水平:①平行于水面的:水平线。②业务、生产、生活等各方面所达到的程度:水平相当|文化水平|生活水平|政策水平|提高水平。文学:以语言为手段塑造形象来反映社会生活、表达作者思想感情的一种艺术。起源于人类的生产劳动。最早出现的是口头文学,一般是与音乐联结为可以演唱的抒情诗歌。最早形成书面文学的有中国的《诗经》、印度的《罗摩衍那》和古希腊的《伊利昂纪》等。欧洲传统文学理论分类法将文学分为诗、散文、戏剧三大类。中国先秦时期将以文字写成的作品都统称为文学,魏晋以后才逐渐将文学作品单独列出。现代通常将文学分为诗歌、小说、散文、戏剧四大类别。...语文怎么造句,用语文造句»

5、读书:读书读音为dú shū,是指①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。读书 dú shū词语解释:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。分词解释:用功:1.犹言下功夫。 2.犹言施展本领。 3.努力学习。亦指做功课。当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。功课:①学生按照规定学习的知识、技能:他在学校里每门功课都很好。②指教师给学生布置的作业:做完功课再看电视。③佛教徒按时诵经念佛等称为做功课。上学:1.最好的学习。 2.指古之上庠或太学。看着:1.眼看着。谓转瞬间。 2.酌情;看情形。...读书怎么造句,用读书造句»

6、读书笔记:读书笔记读音为dú shū bǐ jì,是指记述读书心得的笔记。读书笔记 dú shū bǐ jì词语解释:记述读书心得的笔记。分词解释:笔记:①用笔记录:老人口述,请人笔记下来,整理成文。②听课、听报告、读书时所做的记录:读书笔记|课堂笔记。③一种以随笔记录为主的著作体裁,多由分条的短篇汇集而成:笔记小说。心得:指工作或学习中的体验和领悟到的东西:凡人读书,各有心得|学习心得。读书:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。记述:用文字叙述;记载:记述往事ㄧ那篇文章对此事有翔实的记述。...读书笔记怎么造句,用读书笔记造句»