
时间:2022-12-01 13:03:16 | 来源:语文通





Women's Day has come quietly. What can I do for my mother? I finally figured it out


This evening, I felt thirsty as soon as I entered the house, so I hurried to the water dispenser. I just wanted to pour water for myself, but I thought of my mother, who is usually very hard. I changed to my mother's cup. Well, it was full of water. I thought: the water in it must be sweet and fragrant, because I poured it for my mother myself. Hey, don't think so much, go and pass it to my mother! I thought to myself


Now, I crept past and saw, ah, my mother was collecting clothes on the balcony! I walked over and said, "Mom, you must be thirsty." Mom said, "You are thirsty." Mom drank water and said, "This water is really sweet."



How many times when you were a child, you carried our little body across the clear river on your way to school. At that time, the river laughed and sang a clear song. Your face smiled proudly, as if you were carrying a round of small sun and walking towards the shining front. Now that you are old, it is still the river that accompanies you. It is just an endless loneliness, silent and boundless. But I can't carry you across this lonely river, and let it accompany you from sunset to the moon outside the window. Mom, don't mention how sad my heart is, but I don't dare to tell you.


We grow up and become talents under your young nagging. How can we grow up without your nagging? There is no reason to dislike your nagging.


Mom, tell me how smart and capable you were when you were young, how you led us to the palace of knowledge with ignorance, how you washed and cooked for your children when you were ill, and how you longed for Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan to walk in front of people


Say it, Mom, just babble enough in front of your daughter. It's such a happy thing to listen to you with white hair whispering when you remove your white hair in the mirror. Your nagging is your daughter's lullaby, your nagging is your son's driving wine, your nagging is the expectation of thousands of mothers day and night, your nagging is the most beautiful song in the world, I hope your voice is playing in my ears every day, and I hope that all the children in the world can work hard in your nagging, and after hearing your nagging, they can start out with light clothes, and the daughter who travels far away says in her heart: Mom, I love you!



Before Women's Day, my father always prepared a bunch of pink perfume lilies for my mother in advance, and then said some flattering words to make my mother smile. Hum, my father stole the limelight. This time, I will give my mother a surprise!


I was thinking, how can I surprise my mother? Make a meal? Too vulgar! wash clothes? The washing machine has already come to help. It's meaningless to send flowers! Then make your own "flower"


In fact, I have already made a bunch of flowers. They are some lily flowers made of paper, but they have not been processed (added color). They are only white, so monotonous! You must think I should paint pink. I'm not as creative as my father. Pink, yellow and white have been sent for several years, but they haven't changed! So I must have a different painting method. It was said in the book that the refill of a box of waste watercolor pens should be taken out first, and a little water should be added to several small pots to stir them separately. After the colors are presented, the petals should be soaked with different colors, and then they will become colorful lilies after being dried (it will be more beautiful if they are bundled into a bundle).


I'm sure Mom will be very happy. Hey hey (bad laugh), Dad, you just wait to be my loser!