
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:48 | 来源:语文通


读书的快乐演讲稿 篇1读书的快乐演讲稿 篇2读书的快乐演讲稿 篇3

读书的快乐演讲稿 篇1


Dear teachers and students, good morning! Today, I would like to comment on "The Joy of Reading".


Books are our good friends and accompany us to grow up slowly. Sue, we tell one moving story after another, which opens the door to knowledge for us. Isn't it a happy thing to become good friends with books!


In "Outlaws of the Marsh", I learned that Zhiduoxing is useless. In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", I learned about Zhuge Liang, a mastermind, and many heroes. I also saw the humiliation of the Chinese people in the book. From that moment on, I vowed to serve the motherland and study for the Chinese people when I grew up.


Gorky, the great writer, once said that books are the ladder of human progress and the nourishment of the world. Shakespeare also made such a metaphor: books seem to be everywhere, books seem to be around you all the time, books are needed for inventing science and technology, and books are also needed for planting plants, as if books are needed for everything.


The full score of reading is composition and online music. Where is the music? The joy is the joy, let your body and mind calm, have a calm heart, read a book you like. After reading books, we can reach a realm where we can't hold the post concurrently. The most important step in that realm is to read books. Only in this way can we cultivate a number of flowers of our motherland and create some optimistic people. Read a book. Can bring us a lot of happiness. There is a lot of knowledge in the book to help you grow. Slowly, slowly more and more clever. In this way, when I grow up, I will be able to repay the motherland and let our Chinese nation no longer be wronged.


If you want to own such a book, the first thing you need to do is to calm down and let your heart calm down and stop being angry. Books are good partners of human beings. Books accompany our growth. Therefore, we should love books and cherish them.


Reading allows you to improve your knowledge and imagination. Books are our human treasures. If there were no books, there would be no brilliant knowledge. Thank you, my speech is over.

读书的快乐演讲稿 篇2


Dear students


hello everyone! The theme of my speech today is the happiness of reading.


Some people like reading, while others don't. As the saying goes, "There is a golden house in a book." I thought: How can there be a golden house in the book? Just yesterday, I had Song Ci in my homework. I thought: Song Ci is just poetry about Song Dynasty! Eh, I read a book about the Song Dynasty the day before yesterday. I quickly took it down from the bookshelf. At a glance, it turned out that song lyrics were divided into Xiaoling, middle note and Changdiao! "There is a golden house in the book!" It suddenly dawned on me.


Among the poets I like, Du Fu is the most unique one It can be seen that he is a person who cares about the country and the people. But one day, I read in a book: "Du Fu was very naughty when he was four or five years old. He could not even sit on the bench. At that time, he could not even recite a poem, which made his grandfather very angry. Under the strict discipline of the master, Du Fu became a knowledgeable and reasonable poet, and his studies could be packed in a sack." After reading it, I thought: Du Fu also has this fresh, naughty and playful side! Do you think he is cute?


Speaking of this, I think of my childhood. I was also very naughty and liked to take advantage of small things. Once, my mother took me to infusion. When I saw the needle tube on the table, I had a bad idea. I sneaked to the table and picked up the needle tube. My mother found out and gave me a look, so I let go. When I got home, my mother gave me a book without saying a word. The book said: "People can't take advantage of others. Others' is others'. If you want to get it, you should rely on your own ability, and the sky won't fall.". After that, I became a sensible and clever child.


Reading makes me gain knowledge, and reading makes me cultivate my temperament. Boys and girls, can't you feel the happiness of reading?

读书的快乐演讲稿 篇3


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


My name is Li Haoyu. I am a student of Class 8, Grade 6, Huifu Experimental Primary School in Sanhe City. It is my great honor to participate in this "Happy Reading" speech contest. My speech theme is "Happy Reading".


When I was young, I didn't like reading very much. I just wanted to watch cartoons and go out to play. The books at home were covered with a thick layer of dust.


Once, when I was going out to play, my mother took down a picture book of Little Red Riding Hood from the bookshelf and asked me to read it for 30 minutes before I could go down to play. I reluctantly sat in a chair and read it. Reading and reading, I patted the table and said, "Funny, funny." Since then, I have fallen in love with reading.


When I read the text "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", my eyes were red. I was moved by the spirit of the five heroes who sacrificed themselves for the safety of the main force of the seven companies and the people; When I read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang's erudition and intelligence amazed me. At the same time, the characters in the book also have much to learn.


Books are not only good teachers who can help us increase our knowledge, but also good friends who can help us understand many truths.


"Black hair does not know that it is early to study hard, while white hair regrets that it is late." Students, let's read together. I am happy when I read.


My speech is over. Thank you.