
时间:2022-11-24 13:09:23 | 来源:语文通






As long as you have expectations for the future, you will achieve them someday. When we were students, we did not know when we began to discuss with friends about the university we wanted to go to. Looking forward to college life, looking up at the stars, imagining us entering the university······


When we first entered junior high school, we didn't know the importance of learning, but only knew that our parents told us to study hard and go to a good university in the future. At that time, it seemed that the understanding of the university was still unclear, and only wanted to be a good student in the eyes of teachers and a good child in the hearts of parents. In this way, we came to the train in the third day of junior high school. The teachers began to strictly assess us, and began to nag like their parents, saying, "Go to a good high school, and you can enter a good university in the future.". This kind of talk has been heard too much in the year of the third day of the year. It gives us the feeling that we are going to continue to speak, and we are about to answer fluently. At that time, I only knew that many people were talking about the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination. The focus of discussion in June every year is that we graduates, whether in junior high school or high school, can hardly escape this "dispute". In such a war, no matter what, we have to do our best to begin to understand the importance of the high school entrance examination.


The moment I stepped on the gate of the high school, it seemed that the whole world had changed and left the familiar classmates and teachers. It seems that we have to work hard again. Everything has gone to zero, but what you learned in the past three years has been with you. On the first day of high school, the teacher made us realize the cruelty of the college entrance examination again. We also began to walk on the road that we had never heard of and never felt, as if the scenery along the way was different. The intense courses in high school and the successive exams make us have no spare time to think and imagine our future, because we are running hard on the road of the future. In this way, we hurried through the first year of senior high school.


In this summer vacation, everyone is considering which university they should go to after the college entrance examination and how to achieve their goals. We also began to plan for the future. Instead of sitting and thinking about our college life in the future, we used practical actions to fulfill our dreams. The real fight began, and we began to go all out to move forward towards our dreams. Along the way, the scenery around us seems to have become the air. For us, scores and rankings have become our most beautiful scenery. Like a rainbow after rain, it shines on the whole cloud.


When the college entrance examination is coming, we have no panic, uneasiness and frustrations. Because this is the day we have been looking forward to for many years. When this day comes, we are fully prepared and ready to fight. The future we had hoped for finally arrived. We were a little excited and hesitated. The past future will soon become the present, and we will start to look forward to the new future and work hard to move forward. The future is promising. As long as you stride forward, the future will eventually become the road under your feet.



The man in the cartoon walks with his head down, wet by the rain, and looks like a drowned rat. It reads: "If it rains without an umbrella, it doesn't rain, just like life." Yeah! Just like life, the future is hard to predict, but we have to go on with it. You never know what will happen next, good or bad, good or bad. No one will know what will happen in the next second, and all we need to do is live in the moment and carefully consider every step we have to take. In life, there are many people who go wrong step by step. The final result is always far from what they want. But there are also many people, just like sesame, who go on step by step and finally reach the peak of life.


Someone once said, "The result you get is just the sum of all the choices you make.". For a person, every choice in life has a vital role for him, because a choice, you can throw yourself from heaven to hell, or you can put yourself in the dead and live later. It can be seen that choice is really important to life.


But life, should go or must go on, do not go on, you never know what will meet you in the next second. Life is just like climbing a mountain. Some people don't want to climb up, but just want to stay at the foot of the mountain for a while; Some people have been climbing, but the difficulties on the way will force some people to stay. The rest of them are still persevering, but only a few of them succeed in the end. Most of them stay only one step away from success. In this step, people are completely divided into three, six and nine. So, don't give up. There is still a short way to go. Although the road ahead is unpredictable, the future is foreseeable.


Life is like a gamble, just like a bet. If you bet right, you will succeed. If you bet wrong, you will lose the opportunity. Sometimes, you think you must win, but you may lose or win. God loves to joke with human beings, but you can't help him. Because you are too weak, we are just some ants, doing what we think is great, but it is all a joke.


Life is cruel and cold-blooded. Find someone to accompany you. Don't give up helping each other when you encounter difficulties. Although we don't know what will happen and what will be lost in the next second, we still look forward to the future together despite the unpredictable road ahead.


The road ahead is unpredictable, and the future is foreseeable! I hope everyone can become the best themselves and get the best future.



The summer wind blows over the long lost campus. Although we missed the campus full of cherry blossoms during the epidemic period, we were greeted by a campus full of vitality again, which makes our reunion with the campus more warm.


This is a very special year, and we have all embarked on a new journey. It is a long way, with birds singing and flowers singing, as well as wind, rain and thorns. But it is like a silent night. Even if it is bleak, there are stars shining. In the new semester and new goals, we should all set a goal in our hearts, move towards it, and one day we will reach a distant place.


"Life is bright, all things are lovely, the world is worth living, and the future is foreseeable" comes from the inspirational speech of Hengshui Middle School. The simple 16 words make many teenagers awake. No matter how confused the life is, it can't resist the sentence "The world is worth living, the future is foreseeable" Youth is to live up to the people and things you like. Since you choose to be far away, you must live up to your youth and forge ahead.


"Harvest in the world, but ask for cultivation" comes from Mr. Wen Yiduo's "Red Candle". No matter whether we worked hard last semester or whether we listened carefully to the complicated online classes, the new semester has come. We will write poems with our efforts. At such a good age, we will write chapters of youth with our own efforts. In return, we will gain from cultivation, and the harvest also comes from struggle. Maybe you are now in the near future, Can create their own piece of color.


Looking back on the New Year, we worked together and made progress together. In the twinkling of an eye, we entered the second day of junior high school together. What awaits us will be more arduous studies. We should face new challenges with a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. The new semester is about to begin. New subjects, new books, and new teachers should also rediscover our enthusiasm for learning. There is no end to learning. Therefore, we need to invest with 100% enthusiasm, and know that no pay, no return, We can only persevere and work hard to live up to our youth and ourselves. Time is not old, connecting with a confident future. Collecting the past is for a better start tomorrow.


I hope that we will continue to fight with the world with great interest, and keep walking on the road full of flowers. We will have a time, go all out, and achieve something in the future!



No matter how strong the sadness is, it will always be diluted by time, and no matter how strong the friendship is, it will always come to an end.




I always believe that everything in the world has its own end. Although we have experienced how strong sadness, how deep love, how reluctant, how nostalgia, it will pass, and it will slowly disappear with the passage of time, disappear in your life, disappear in your memory. In the end, it is just a "Oh, I have experienced such a thing". Maybe it is a city that makes you nostalgic for your past. Maybe it is a person who makes you miss her and miss her once tender. We also really understand that there are some things that once you choose to give up, once you don't go to each other, there is no need to stay. She belongs only to the past, But you have already experienced all the hardships and do not expect to be with anyone.


It is often said in books that you should not fall in love at the age of sixteen, because that person will be the one you love most. It is true that at the age of 16, we held a cavity of blood and thought that if we had paid, she would reply with the same heart. The reality gave us the most direct answer, and we continued to move forward with pain and reluctance. Once you have a distance with her, and it is no longer the same starting line, you will no longer be as familiar as before, unfamiliar, and perfunctory, and you will eventually slowly withdraw from this mutual perfunctory emotion, no longer bother each other, and help each other, help her not care, and help your own happiness. At this time, you really begin to grow up. For the first time, you know that not everything in the world will go according to your wishes, and you will understand how wonderful the "everything goes well" in New Year's greetings are.


Those who invited to travel with each other will eventually be separated at a ferry, walking alone on the world of mortals, with green apples brushing their skirts, and green clouds wetting their promises. Mountains and waters can be forgotten in pairs, and the sun and the moon can have nothing to do with each other. At that time, only one person will be happy, and one person will be in constant flow. We will finally grow up, no longer as carefree as when we were young, but you should always keep your innocence and loveliness. The world may hurt you all over, but you can always keep your innocence to face the person you love most.


One day, when we are all grown up and no longer children, I hope you can spare no regrets when recalling the past and go all out to do your best. Then, such a life is really a life with a soul.


The future is still a long time ahead. Don't forget the distance you once dreamed of reaching just because of a temporary setback. You should keep going and see the dawn of hope.



We have all been confused. We don't know how to face our future selves. Life is a never-ending battle against all kinds of difficulties, a battle in which the enemy is outnumbered. We can not give up the original dream and stop the pace of progress because of the failure again and again. The ancients worked hard for their dreams and ambitions, with broad mind and broad feelings.


I have always liked Haizi's saying, "Take dreams as horses, and never miss the time." The definition of youth given to us last time is that we have been striving to live up to our youth. In the eyes of teenagers, we still disdain everything in this world, and we are arrogant and unruly in our youth.


In fact, we have nothing. What we have now is youth. This is our only capital, which is what adults want most but have lost. Because we are still young, we can continue to struggle and work hard for the future. Our future has not been finalized yet, and we can start again. This is what adults most yearn for. They have no chance to start again. Time waits for no one.


Only youth and dreams can live up to in this world. Dream is a clear poem, a distant field, and the excellence we will always pursue. No one wants to be an ordinary person when they are young. We all want to stand on the stage and shine. We all want to be the person who can reach all eyes, and the person whose camera and spotlight are aimed at. Our dreams are beautiful and ambitious, but we have to do our best to pursue them, which is what we should look like on the road of youth. When you are full of words about pursuing excellence, you have no reason to fall behind.


"If something happens, it can be done. If we break through the fire and sink the boat, the hundred and two Qin passes will eventually return to Chu. If we work hard, the sky will not fall. If we lie on the hard work and taste the gall, we can swallow Wu with three thousand more armour." On the way to pursue our dreams, we will pay a lot of things, time, sweat, tears and blood. However, we should remember that there are our loved ones behind us. We should strive for ourselves, for them, and try our best to embrace the future.


Why strive? Why should we work hard and do well in high school? Because of the city we are looking forward to, because of the future we are looking forward to, because of the expectations of our families. Because of our dignity and face. Perhaps the answer is superficial and vulgar, but it is also a fact.


We need to be our own superman. We need to transcend all people including ourselves, our own laziness, fatigue and tiredness, and then we need to be ready to move forward. Even though this road is full of trials and hardships, and full of thorns, even though this road is extremely bumpy, we still forge ahead.


The world is bright, all things love, and the future is foreseeable.