三年级日记评语 篇1三年级日记评语 篇2三年级日记评语 篇3三年级日记评语 篇4三年级日记评语 篇5三年级日记评语 篇6三年级日记评语 篇1
1、抓住春天的草树花等不同的特点,按照“xx ”的顺序,刻画出春天生机盎然的景象,反映出自己由衷的喜悦之情。
1. Grasping the different characteristics of spring, such as grass, trees and flowers, according to the order of "XX", depict the scene of spring full of vitality, reflecting my sincere joy.
2、传神地写出了“xx ”快乐游玩的情景,语言生动,描写具体,运用了形象的比喻写出了“xx ”的美。
2. The scene of "XX" happy play is vividly written, the language is vivid, the description is specific, and the beauty of "XX" is written with vivid metaphor.
3、 “xx ”;再加上微风杨柳花香,笔下的春天就像一首诗,好美!
3、 “XX ”; With the fragrance of willow flowers in the breeze, the spring in my pen is like a poem, so beautiful!
4、对“xx ”和“xx ”的描写很有特色,颇带童趣,令人耳目一新,“xx ”这句古诗引用也很恰当,增强了文章的表达效果。
4. The description of "XX" and "XX" is very distinctive, quite childlike and refreshing. The quotation of "XX" in this ancient poem is also very appropriate, which enhances the expression effect of the article.
5、春天的“xx ”真美,抓住了“xx ”写,写出了“xx ”的特点,也写出了“xx ”的特点,虽然这些景物我们都见过,但透过你的细心观察,我们却有全新的感受。
5. The "XX" in spring is really beautiful. We have grasped the "XX" writing, wrote the characteristics of "XX" and also wrote the characteristics of "XX". Although we have seen all these scenes, we have a new feeling through your careful observation.
6、观察细致,按先总后分的方法,写清楚“xx ”的特点。语言准确,形象具体,使我们有身临其境的感受。
6. Observe carefully, and write clearly the characteristics of "XX" according to the method of "sum first and then divide". The language is accurate and the image is specific, which makes us feel immersive.
7、这段话有概括地描写,有具体地描写,有动态,有静态,写出了“xx ”的可爱之处。习作前后照应,观察仔细,还把自己的喜爱之情也写了进去。
7. This paragraph has a general description, a specific description, a dynamic, a static, and describes the loveliness of "XX". Take care of your writing before and after, observe carefully, and write your love in it.
8、因为有了丰富的联想,所以笔下生辉,看吧,把“xx ”比作“xx ”,把“xx ”比作“xx ”,这些形象的比喻,多么生动地写出了“xx ”。
8. Because of the rich associations, the pen is full of vitality. See, "XX" is compared to "XX" and "XX" is compared to "XX". How vividly "XX" is written in these figurative metaphors.
9. The description of scenery captures the characteristics of the scenery, describes the blend of feelings and scenes, and handles them in an orderly manner from far to near, from surface to point. The articles written are more orderly, and the scenery has different shapes and colors, grasping the shape characteristics.
10. In your pen, "XX" looks like a small garden, so full of life. The description of "XX" is expanded in order and can be read at a glance.
11. From the outside to the inside, the characteristics of "XX" are introduced. The observation is orderly and meticulous. The writing is accurate and vivid, arouses a variety of senses, and the content is real and specific.
12. First write "XX", then "XX", then "XX", and finally write "XX". How clear the writing idea is and how delicate the description is. You see, with appropriate metaphors, "XX" is written vividly and realistically, highlighting the beautiful scenery in spring. In addition, "XX" scenes are also written vividly, highlighting the word "music", which is beautiful and beautiful.
13. Write the characteristics, write a new idea, scenery beauty -- natural beauty; Human beauty --- lovely and innocent beauty.
14. The quiet picture is full of vitality and vitality. The beauty of nature is both static and dynamic -- beauty. What can we do without dynamic? Then you think again
15. Spring has come quietly, and it has spread all over the place inadvertently. The pace of spring is really unstoppable,
16、 “xx”引得我们驻足观赏,观察多么细致,写得有多么有层次,真好!
16. "XX" attracted us to stop and watch. How carefully we observed and how well we wrote!
17. The writing style is natural and fresh. Many places use metaphors appropriately. The characters of "XX" are full of beauty.
18. In the delicate style of writing, you can appreciate the unique feeling of spring, but it is very poetic.
19. Through his careful observation and vivid description, he turned this moment into eternity.
20. The use of beautiful words, so that the spring is even more full and substantial.
三年级日记评语 篇2
1. The context is clear, the sense of hierarchy is strong, and the theory of qi narration is orderly and not disorderly.
2、 详略得当,主次分明,思路清晰。精挑细拣,素材似为主题量身定制。
2. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Select carefully, and the materials seem to be tailored for the theme.
3、 叙述详细具体,细节描写生动逼真,人物个性鲜明突出,形象丰满,跃然纸上。
3. The description is detailed and specific, the description of details is vivid and lifelike, the personality of the characters is bright and prominent, and the image is full and vivid.
4、 以环境烘托人物的心情,情景交融,情现景中,景随景现。
4. The mood of the characters is set off by the environment, and the feelings and scenes are blended.
5、 想像丰富,构思奇特且不脱离生活的真实,扎跟于生活的联想,拓宽了读者的思维,让人觉得生动有趣。
5. The imagination is rich, the idea is strange and not divorced from the reality of life. The association with life broadens the readers' thinking and makes them feel lively and interesting.
6、 景物描写传神逼真,遣词造句贴切得体,景随情生,情景交融,呈现在读者面前的恰似一幅生动传情的写生画。
6. The description of scenery is vivid and lifelike. The words and sentences are appropriate and appropriate. The scenery is created according to the feelings, and the feelings and scenes blend together. What is presented to the readers is just like a vivid and emotional painting.
7、 想像奇妙,既源于生活,不失生活的真实,又高于生活,开阔读者的视野,充满了艺术魅力。
7. Imagination is wonderful, which not only originates from life, but also is higher than life. It broadens readers' horizons and is full of artistic charm.
8、 事件过程描述详细具体,内容虽多但显得有条不紊井然有序,体现了作者清晰的思路与谋篇布局的能力。
8. The description of the event process is detailed and specific, although there are many contents, it seems orderly and orderly, reflecting the author's clear thinking and ability to plan the layout.
9、 外貌描写生动形象,人物容颜逼真穿着恰当合体,宛如反映人物性格的一面镜子,真是所谓“相由人生”。
9. The description of appearance is vivid, and the characters' faces are lifelike. They are dressed appropriately, just like a mirror reflecting the characters' characters. It is really the so-called "Xiangyou life".
10、 环境描写客观真实,环境为人物的性格服务,更好地解释了人物性格形成过程中的来龙去脉。
10. The description of the environment is objective and true, and the environment serves the character's character, which better explains the context in the formation of the character's character.
11、 神态描写生动传神,寥寥数语,将人物的性格特点勾勒得一览无遗,人物的言谈举止具有了鲜明独特的个性。
11. The expression description is vivid and lifelike, with only a few words, which can outline the character characteristics at a glance, and the character's speech and behavior have a distinct and unique personality.
12、 前后内容关联不够紧密,部分内容过于孤立,与文章主体联系不够密切。
12. The front and back contents are not closely related, some of them are too isolated, and they are not closely related to the main body of the article.
13、 叙述简略粗糙,唯有框架式结构,人物缺乏鲜明的个性特征。
13. The narration is simple and rough, with only a frame structure, and the characters lack distinctive personality characteristics.
14、 详略安排不当,主次不够分明。
14. The detailed and brief arrangement is improper, and the priorities are not clear enough.
15、 内容多为线条式勾勒,缺乏点式的细描。与时代气息不符,内容过于陈旧老化。
15. The content is mostly line type outline, lacking point type detailed drawing. Inconsistent with the times, the content is too old and aging.
16、 重点突出,中心明确,立意鲜明。
16. The focus is outstanding, the center is clear, and the purpose is clear.
17、 观点明确,好恶立场分明,使人一目了然。
17. The point of view is clear, and the stand of likes and dislikes is clear.
18、 主题直接凸现于内容之中,明了扼要,毫无赘意。
18. The theme is directly highlighted in the content, clear and concise, without any superfluous meaning.
19、 主题严肃,思想高尚,进取心较强。
19. The theme is serious, the thought is noble, and the enterprise is strong.
20、 中心不够明确,立意不够清晰。
20. The center is not clear enough, and the idea is not clear enough.
21、 论据充分有力,分析透彻合理,哲理性较强。
21. The argument is full and powerful, the analysis is thorough and reasonable, and the philosophy is strong.
22、 例证丰富,选材得当,描述详略得当,较具说服力。
22. The examples are rich, the materials are selected properly, and the description is detailed and appropriate, which is more convincing.
23、 感情浓烈,如火山喷发,汩汩而出,能深深打动读者。
23. Strong feelings, such as volcanic eruptions, can move readers deeply.
24、 感情真挚,情意浓浓,似香醇美酒,令人不饮而醉。
24. Sincere and deep feelings, like mellow wine, make people drunk without drinking.
25、 情感真切自然,无矫揉造作之嫌,以平淡心现真实情。
25. The emotion is real and natural, and there is no suspicion of affectation. The true feelings are expressed with a simple mind.
26、 心里过程真实细腻,人物的想法态度在读者面前一览无遗。
26. The mental process is real and delicate, and the thoughts and attitudes of the characters can be seen in front of the readers.
27、 感情真实细腻,言语感人至深,确是发自作者内心的肺腑之言。
27. The feelings are true and exquisite, and the words are touching. They are really from the heart of the author.
28、 从自我反思中寻求人生得失,在悔悟中流露真情,字句铿锵有力,震撼人心。
28. Seek the gains and losses of life from self reflection, and reveal the truth in repentance. Words are powerful and impressive.
29、 语句通顺,句意流畅,言辞优美,叙写形象生动鲜明,语言表达能力较强。
29. The sentence is smooth, the sentence meaning is smooth, the words are beautiful, the narrative image is vivid, and the language expression ability is strong.
30、 语言简明扼要言简意赅言至意达精炼有力笔力尽现,寥寥数语便能传递人物的神采。
30. The language is concise, concise and comprehensive, and the meaning is refined and powerful. Only a few words can convey the charm of the characters.
31、 语言平滑晓畅,刻画细致,描写生动;句意含蓄委婉,暗含深意。读毕如酒后余香,不绝于口。
31. The language is smooth and clear, the description is detailed and vivid; The meaning of the sentence is implicit and tactful. The end of reading is like the aftertaste of wine.
32、 语言活泼,风趣幽默,令人忍俊不禁。
32. The language is lively and humorous, which makes people laugh.
33、 行为描写用词讲究,准确到位,系列动词逼真地凸现了人物的心理状态,点明了人物的性格特征。
33. The words used for behavior description are exquisite and accurate. The series of verbs vividly highlight the psychological state of the characters and point out their personality characteristics.
34、 语言基本通顺,偶有不畅。
34. The language is basically smooth and occasionally not smooth.
35、 语言不够晓畅,句意含混模糊,佶屈聱牙,令人费解。语句啰嗦,言不达意,只详不略,赘话连篇。
35. The language is not clear enough, the sentence meaning is ambiguous, and the sentences are awkward and incomprehensible. The sentence is wordy, does not convey the meaning, only detailed, redundant.
36、 语言过于简略,似为纲要式叙写,但又未能提纲挈领,文意残缺不全,叙写枯燥,干瘪呆板,毫无生气。作文开头:
36. The language is too simple, which seems to be an outline description, but it is not clear. The meaning of the text is incomplete, and the description is boring, dry and lifeless. Beginning of composition:
37、 文章开头简而得当,通过环境描写来衬托人物心情,十分艺术化。开头简明扼要
37. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate. It sets off the mood of the characters through the description of the environment, which is very artistic. The beginning is concise and to the point
38、 文章开头新颖,具有先声夺人之效。使读者一见面就能对人物产生…的印象。
38. The beginning of the article is novel and has the effect of preempting others. Readers will be able to have an impression of the characters as soon as they meet.
39、 文章开头引人入胜,吸引读者。…点面结合,使文章生动,具体,详略得当。
39. The beginning of the article is fascinating and attracts readers The combination of point and surface makes the article vivid, specific and appropriate.
40、 文章语言生动丰富,可读性强。开头出手不凡,吸引读者开头打动人心,具有真情实感。
40. The article is vivid, rich and readable. The first move is extraordinary, attracting readers and touching people at the beginning, with real feelings.
41、 有一定的顺序。小作者先从整体观察小白兔,写小白兔的全身毛色,再观察身体的各部分,从头部,到身体四肢,再到尾巴依次写下来。
41. There is a certain order. The little writer first observed the rabbit as a whole and wrote about its fur color, then observed all parts of its body, from its head to its limbs and then to its tail.
42、 抓住动物的外形特点来写,写全身,突出"雪白的绒毛",写眼睛,主要写眼睛"红",写耳朵,主要写耳朵的"长",写嘴巴,突出小白兔的"三瓣嘴",写腿,只写"长"和"短",写尾巴,突出"短"。尤其是"三瓣嘴",小作者写得比较详细,因为"三瓣嘴"是是小白兔和其它动物比较起来,显得很特别的地方。小作者还写了自己对小白兔为什么有"三瓣嘴"的猜想。
42. Grasp the appearance characteristics of animals to write, write about the whole body, highlight the "snow-white fluff", write about the eyes, mainly write about the "red" eyes, write about the ears, mainly write about the "long" ears, write about the mouth, highlight the "three flap mouth" of rabbits, write about the legs, only write about the "long" and "short", write about the tail, highlight the "short". In particular, the little author wrote in more detail about the "three valve mouth", because it is a very special place for the little white rabbit to compare with other animals. The little author also wrote his own guess about why Little White Rabbit has a "three valve mouth".
43、 抓住动物的活动特点。如文中"只要听到一点轻微的声音,它就会把耳朵唰地竖起来向四面转动……""走起路来总是一蹦一跳",短尾巴"也跟着一撅一撅的"就写小白兔的活动特点。
43. Grasp the activity characteristics of animals. For example, in the text, "as long as it hears a slight sound, it will raise its ears and turn around in all directions..." "It always jumps when walking", and the short tail "follows one pout and one pout" describes the activity characteristics of the little white rabbit.
44、 注意用词准确,尽量做到语句优美。耳朵"竖"起来,尾巴"贴"在屁股后面,"竖""贴"等这些词用得很准确,小作者还用了打比方的句子。如"它一蹲下来就像一个白色的绒球","它有一对红眼睛,就像两颗嵌在雪球上的红宝石"形容了小白兔的毛色白,给人毛茸茸的感觉,眼睛红亮。读了这篇文章,确实让人感到小白兔的可爱。
44. Pay attention to the accuracy of words and try to be beautiful. Ears "stand up", tails "stick" behind the buttocks, "stand up", "stick" and other words are used accurately, and the little author also uses metaphorical sentences. For example, "When it squats down, it looks like a white pompon", "It has a pair of red eyes, just like two rubies embedded in snowballs" describes the white fur of the little white rabbit, giving people a fluffy feeling, and its eyes are red and bright. After reading this article, I really feel the cute of the rabbit.
三年级日记评语 篇3
一、 语言准确,鲜明生动,内容极其丰富具体,
1、 The language is accurate, vivid, and the content is extremely rich and specific,
二、 事例叙述得生动具体,人物的言行符合各自身份特点。
2、 The examples are described vividly and concretely, and the words and deeds of the characters conform to their own identity characteristics.
三、 文章来源于生活,因此语言虽然不怎样优美,但却真实有趣,写得入情入理
3、 The article comes from life, so although the language is not beautiful, it is real and interesting, and it is reasonable
四、 感情过于浓烈,不似有感而发,反倒是搔首弄姿,自作多情。
4、 Feelings are too strong, not like spontaneous, but rather flirtatious, self indulgent.
五、 情感缺乏深度,未能以景传情,未能由事生情,感情虽潜藏于文中,但未能深入挖掘。
5、 Emotions lack depth. They can't convey feelings by scenery. They can't generate feelings from things. Although feelings are hidden in the text, they can't be deeply explored.
六、 心理刻画不够生动具体,未能有力地表现人物的思想态度,好恶观。事理:反复从不同角度,不同方面来强调作者的`观点,说理充分透彻,立意鲜明。
6、 The psychological portrayal is not vivid and specific enough to effectively express the characters' ideological attitudes, likes and dislikes. Rationale: repeatedly emphasize the author's views from different angles and aspects. The reasoning is thorough and clear.
七、 引用名人名言经典事例,具有较强的说服力,更能有力地表达作者的观点。
7、 The quotation of famous quotes and classic examples has strong persuasiveness and can more effectively express the author's views.
八、 论据充分有力,分析透彻合理,哲理性较强。
8、 The argument is full and powerful, the analysis is thorough and reasonable, and the philosophy is strong.
九、 例证丰富,选材得当,描述详略得当,较具说服力。
9、 The examples are rich, the materials are selected properly, and the description is detailed and appropriate, which is more convincing.
十、 感情浓烈,如火山喷发,汩汩而出,能深深打动读者。
10、 Strong feelings, such as volcanic eruption, bubbling out, can deeply move readers.
十一、 感情真挚,情意浓浓,似香醇美酒,令人不饮而醉。
11、 Sincere and deep feelings, like mellow wine, make people drunk without drinking.
十二、 情感真切自然,无矫揉造作之嫌,以平淡心现真实情。
12、 The emotion is real and natural, without the suspicion of affectation, showing the true feelings with a plain heart.
十三、 心里过程真实细腻,人物的想法态度在读者面前一览无遗。
13、 The mental process is real and delicate, and the thoughts and attitudes of the characters can be seen in front of the readers.
十四、 文章清逸婉丽流畅连贯,尤其人物语言幽默风趣
14、 The article is elegant, graceful, smooth and coherent, especially the characters' language is humorous
十五、 文章想象合情合理,
15、 The imagination of the article is reasonable,
十六、 通过生动形象的语言的描绘,使读者仿佛置身于梦境一般。
16、 Through the vivid language description, the reader seems to be in a dream.
十七、 文章线索明朗,主题突出,紧紧围绕…进行。
17、 The article has a clear clue and a prominent theme, closely surrounding.
十八、 细节描写颇具匠心。极富功底。
18、 The detailed description is quite ingenious. Highly skilled.
十九、 对人物的语言神态动作等,进行精心细腻的描绘,这是本文的一大特色。
19、 It is a major feature of this article to depict the language, demeanor and action of the characters with meticulous care.
二十、 文章将…写得细致入微语言活泼明快,富有情趣。
20、 The article will... be written in detail, lively, lively and interesting.
二十一、 大量采用生活中的口语,使文章更显自然亲切。
21、 A large number of oral English is used to make the article more natural and friendly.
二十二、 结尾恰到好处地点明中心,语言朴实而含义深刻,耐人寻味。
22、 The ending points out the center appropriately, and the language is simple and profound, thought-provoking.
二十三、 以感受开关,以感受结尾。这样便使文章前后照应,首尾连贯,同时又使文章主题回环复沓,感染力极强。
23、 Feel the switch and end with feeling. This makes the article coherent from beginning to end, and at the same time, it makes the theme of the article repeat and has a strong appeal.
二十四、 结尾处对人物的赞美,情真意切,感人至深。文章含蓄的结尾,既点题,又耐人寻味。
24、 The praise of the characters at the end is sincere and touching. The implicit end of the article is both a point and thought-provoking.
二十五、 结尾处集中表达情感,既照应开头又总结全文。首尾连贯,一气呵成。对细节传神的刻画,恰恰相反到好处地揭示人物的内心世界,这是本文的成功之处。
25、 The end focuses on expressing emotion, which not only refers to the beginning but also summarizes the full text. The head and the tail are connected in one go. The vivid description of details, on the contrary, reveals the inner world of the characters to the advantage, which is the success of this article.
二十六、 文章以…为结尾,言简意赅,其味无穷。
26、 The article ends with..., which is concise and meaningful.
二十七、 文章最后揭示中心之句,实属点晴之笔,概括之语,短促而有力。结尾令人饱含期待与热情,言已尽,意犹未了。
27、 At last, the article reveals that the central sentence is a short and powerful summary. The ending is full of expectation and enthusiasm. The words have been exhausted, but the meaning is still unfinished.
二十八、 文章开头与结尾时的诗化语言,充满想象与韵律之美,令人愿读爱读,不忍释手。
28、 The poetic language at the beginning and end of the article is full of beauty of imagination and rhythm, which makes people want to read and love to read, but can't bear to let go.
二十九、 虽为一件小事,但作者却描述得有声有色,结尾处不可或缺的点晴之笔,较好地突()现了文章主题。
29、 Although it is a small matter, the author describes it vividly, and the indispensable touch at the end highlights the theme of the article.
三十、 虽然选择了生活中具有一定叙写价值的事件,但由于分析不透彻,挖掘不深,事件潜含的道理未能深刻地体现。
30、 Although the events with certain narrative value in life were selected, the underlying truth of the event could not be deeply reflected due to incomplete analysis and mining.
三年级日记评语 篇4
1. You are very smart. It will be better if you write more beautiful numbers!
2. It doesn't matter if you do wrong, as long as you work hard in the future, you will certainly get good results.
3. Your homework is very delicate, and the teacher appreciates it!
4. There is something wrong with this assignment. Please don't lose heart. As long as you are careful, you will be very good next time.
5. You are very good at observing life and paying attention to the relationship between life and mathematics. You are the big winner in the future!
6. As long as you are careful, no problem can defeat you.
7. Wrong question. Have you found the reason?
8. The calculation is correct. It would be better if I wrote it carefully.
9. You are very careful and never make mistakes.
10. Maths will make you smarter!
11. Today's homework is much more serious than before.
12. It doesn't matter if there is a mistake, just be careful next time.
13. You are very clever.
14. Be more careful, you must be right!
15. The questions are correct, excellent!
16. You can finish every homework carefully.
17. Careful will make progress!
18. Your quick thinking and flexible and diverse problem-solving methods are great!
19. You are really good. You have made progress every time!
20. You have made great progress. The teacher is happy for you!
21. Every time you open your homework book, you will enjoy the beauty.
22. Your homework always satisfies the teacher.
23. The teacher believes that you can do better through hard work.
24. I believe that as long as you think carefully, you will be able to work out this question!
25. The teacher is willing to help you.
26. I hope you can do better next time.
27. Be more careful, I believe you will do better!
28. I believe you will keep working hard!
29. You are very careful with your questions, and the teacher appreciates you very much!
30 、你的作业设计的很美观。
30. Your homework is designed beautifully.
31. If you write your words neatly, you will be better.
32. You are the teacher's most proud student.
33. The quality of your work has improved significantly.
34. Your calculation method is very clever.
35. It will be better to think well and then act correctly.
36. As long as you are more careful, you won't make mistakes.
37. It's really a pleasure for the teacher to correct your homework.
38. It doesn't matter if you make a small mistake. You have made progress.
39. Your homework is very creative and your teacher admires you.
40 、你的作业令人耳目一新,老师心里感到很佩服你。
40. Your homework is refreshing, and the teacher feels very admire you.
三年级日记评语 篇5
1. You are a smart and lovely child. You love learning, have a strong sense of responsibility, consciously abide by discipline, actively participate in learning, and are diligent and inquisitive. The teacher likes you very much. I hope you can guard against arrogance and rashness and strive for better results.
2. In class, you always flash your eyes to seek knowledge, think positively and seriously, and answer every question. As a class worker, you are responsible for your work, care about the collective, and are enthusiastic to help your classmates. Your academic performance is excellent! I hope you can make further progress!
3. You are a lively and lovely child. You are so concerned about the collective, so active in labor, and so united with your classmates. The teacher hopes that you can work harder in your studies and strive to be the master of your studies. You will be even better!
4. You are a smart and lively boy. In every class, you listen attentively, raise your hand to answer questions boldly, and finish your homework on time. The teacher hopes that you will be more strict with yourself in discipline, so that you will be better!
5. The teacher is really happy for you, because you have learned a lot this semester. I am more disciplined and love learning than before. The teacher is eager to see you sitting upright in the classroom and consciously learning. Can you do that?
6. You are a smart and active classmate. At school, you actively do good deeds for the class. You are a sensible child. If you can listen carefully in class, study consciously, and form a good habit of learning. You will become more lovely.
7. You go to school frequently, unite classmates, be polite to people, raise your hands frequently to answer questions, and earnestly complete your homework. The teacher hopes that you will pay more attention to the lectures and study consciously in the future, so that your grades will be better.
8. You are a hard-working and kind child. The teacher likes you very much. As long as you can find a suitable learning method, I believe you will make progress. The teacher hopes you can cheer up and catch up.
9. Work hard, unite classmates, laugh and play, be honest, this is you. The teacher hopes that you can write carefully, write well, listen attentively to the lessons and improve your study in the future.
10. You are a sensible and polite child. At school, you respect teachers and unite classmates, and actively do good deeds for the class. I hope you will listen attentively in your future study, consciously abide by the discipline, and earnestly study for better results.
11. The teacher knows that you are very sensible, very diligent and want to make progress. But just thinking is useless. Playing and muddling along is incompetent. Do you want to be a man in the teacher's mind? From now on, you should study hard and observe discipline consciously.
12. You are kind, lively and active. You are a sensible child. In school, you respect teachers and unite classmates. Be able to listen attentively and finish homework on time. In the new semester, the teacher hopes that you can think more in class, raise your hand and speak boldly, and ask questions if you don't understand, so that your grades will be better. How about, are you determined to do it? The teacher believes you can.
13. You are a sensible and polite child. You are serious and responsible for your work, love the class and actively do good things for the class. Cooperate with classmates, get along well, finish homework on time, and get good grades. If you can consciously study and spend more time on study, you will be better.
14. You are a clever and lively boy. In class, you actively raise your hand to speak, are willing to participate in various beneficial activities, and actively do good things for the class. However, the teacher hopes that you can discipline yourself and study consciously, so that you will be better! Can you overcome your shortcomings?
15. You are a smart child, love learning, quick thinking, quick reaction, and like to express yourself. Make progress in discipline. If you can be more strict with yourself in discipline, you will be better if you consciously learn! You think you are a smart and lively boy. In every class, you listen attentively, raise your hand and speak boldly, finish your homework on time, and work earnestly and responsibly. Teachers and classmates all like you. I hope you can make further progress
三年级日记评语 篇6
☆ 赵帅!老师发现你有惊人的记忆里,学过的课文你记得多么清晰。如果你学着用自己的话来写日记,老师更喜欢你!
☆ Zhao Shuai! The teacher found that you have amazing memories of how clearly you remember the texts you have learned. If you learn to use your own words to write a diary, the teacher likes you more!
☆ 你是个细心的孩子,你把秋天的美丽色彩都写出来。老师相信你细心的观察,真实地感受,会让你写出更美丽的句子。
☆ You are a careful child. You write down the beautiful colors of autumn. The teacher believes that careful observation and true feelings will make you write more beautiful sentences.
☆ 读你的日记,老师发现你又进步了许多。你细心的观察,让老师感受到了美丽的秋天,加油!下次希望你写的日记更精彩。
☆ Reading your diary, the teacher found that you have made a lot of progress. Your careful observation made the teacher feel the beautiful autumn. Come on! I hope your diary will be more wonderful next time.
☆ 美丽的秋天,在你起床上学的一路上展现了出来。老师看得出你观察得很认真!希望下次见到你更棒的日记!
☆ The beautiful autumn is displayed on your way to school. The teacher can see that you are observing carefully! Hope to see your better diary next time!
☆ 看了你的日记,我也感到了几分喜悦。你是个细心的孩子,老师希望以后能看到你更精彩的日记。
☆ After reading your diary, I also felt a little happy. You are a careful child, and the teacher hopes to see your more wonderful diary in the future.
☆ 你今天的日记更美了,老师仿佛看到了你笔下美丽的秋天,真的好像一幅画。有两个错别字别忘了改哦!
☆ Your diary today is more beautiful. The teacher seems to have seen the beautiful autumn in your pen, which really looks like a picture. Don't forget to correct two typos!
☆ 老师从你通顺的语句中,读懂了你。我知道你是个善于观察的孩子,如果你能把字写得干净些就更好了。
☆ The teacher understood you from your fluent sentences. I know you are an observant child. It would be better if you could write more cleanly.
☆ 瞧!你的语言多美!还用上了比喻,老师为你喝彩!
☆ Look! How beautiful your language is! Also used a metaphor, the teacher applauded for you!
☆ 你真会观察生活,句子写得真美呀!
☆ You really can observe life and write beautiful sentences!
☆ 能把自己喜欢看的动画片的名字、内容写清楚,还用上了好词,真好。不要点那么多的逗号,读读你写的句子,看看用“”划掉的“,”,是不是不用点呀! 相信你下一次一定会用对“,”号的。
☆ It's good to be able to write clearly the name and content of the cartoon you like to watch, and use good words. Don't point so many commas. Read your sentences and see if you don't need to point the "," crossed out with ""! I believe you will use the right "," next time.
☆ 小兔子在你的笔下,太可爱了,你的文章越来越精彩了。
☆ The bunny is so cute under your pen. Your articles are more and more wonderful.
☆ 日记写得真好,会用上“有的??有的??还有的??”写句子,真真了不起。
☆ The diary is so well written that it will use "some? Some? Others?" It's amazing to write sentences.
☆ 你太棒了,既会干活,又会把怎么栽的苗写出来,真了不起。
☆ You are great. You can not only work, but also write down how to plant seedlings. It's amazing.
☆ 玩游戏真快乐,老师也想参加游戏。玉米丰收了,全家人多高兴啊!你写出自己高兴的心情,真好。要是字再工整点,会更好。
☆ It's fun to play games. The teacher also wants to participate in the games. How happy the whole family is! It's good of you to write your happy mood. It would be better if the words were more neat.
☆ 爸爸不会冷的,因为他有一个既爱学习,又关心她的好儿子呀!心里热乎乎的,又怎么会冷呢?
☆ Dad won't be cold, because he has a good son who loves learning and cares about her! The heart is warm, how can it be cold?
☆ 读了你的日记,好像走进了童话王国。
☆ After reading your diary, it seems that you have entered the kingdom of fairy tales.
☆ 你目前也有工作——上学;工作的任务是学习,工资是一次次的考试成绩,一次次的父母、老师的夸奖。相信你能把这个工作做得更好!
☆ You also have a job at present - go to school; The task of work is to study, and the salary is the result of examination time after time, and the praise of parents and teachers time after time. I believe you can do this job better!
☆ 心中的问题,我们的好朋友——书会告诉你答案的,快去读读罢! ☆ 你的理想是成为一名光荣的解放军战士,解放军是最守纪律的,从现在开始守纪律吧,长大以后,你一定会成为最优秀的军人。
☆ The question in your heart, our good friend - the book will tell you the answer, go and read it! ☆ Your ideal is to become a glorious soldier of the PLA. The PLA is the most disciplined. Please obey discipline from now on. When you grow up, you will become the best soldier.
☆ 开运动会当天,你们在老师没来时,就摆好了桌椅,坐端正了。真是长大了、懂事了。
☆ On the day of the sports meeting, when the teacher did not come, you put the tables and chairs in place and sat upright. I am really grown up and sensible.
☆ 用心去听、去做,什么事都是容易的。送你一句话:世上无难事,只怕有心人。
☆ It is easy to listen and do everything with your heart. Here's a word for you: Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want to.
☆ Be patient, you can't become an adult in a few days, and the seeds can't grow leaves at once!
☆ 你用平凡的字眼记录下眼中美丽的秋天,是那么的真实而又贴近自己的生活,相信生活中的你也一定是一个美丽、善良而又会学习的孩子,对吗?
☆ You use ordinary words to record the beautiful autumn in your eyes, which is so real and close to your life. I believe that you must be a beautiful, kind and learning child in life, right?
☆ 苦难与烦恼是每个人都会有的,关键看你如何对待它。笑一笑,用你的勇气,用你的智慧来面对他们,相信他们也会因为害怕而跑得远远的!“困难像弹簧,看你强不强。你强它就弱,你弱它就强”。老师将这句话送给你!
☆ Suffering and trouble are common to everyone. The key is how you treat them. Smile, use your courage, use your wisdom to face them, and believe that they will run away because of fear! "Difficulties are like springs, depending on whether you are strong or not. If you are strong, they will be weak, and if you are weak, they will be strong.". The teacher will give you this sentence!
☆ 期待不是现实,但却可以实现。而实现的唯一途径只能靠自己。用你的辛勤劳动、用你的汗水,用你的加倍努力,去一一实现你期待中的理想。
☆ Expectations are not realistic, but can be realized. The only way to achieve it is on your own. Use your hard work, your sweat, and your redoubled efforts to realize the ideals you expect one by one.
☆ 瞧,你今天的作业写得多美呀!没有一个错字。相信你一定是用心去写了,对吗?坚持做下去,老师会为你高兴的!
☆ Look, how beautiful your homework is today! There is not a single wrong word. I believe you must have written with your heart, right? Stick to it, and the teacher will be happy for you!
☆ 人的一生当中有很多的第一次。虽然有很多的困难,但你克服了,因为你很勇敢,老师为有这样勇敢的学生而自豪。
☆ There are many firsts in one's life. Although there are many difficulties, you overcame them because you are brave and the teacher is proud of having such brave students.
☆ 你是个自信的孩子,说的话句句在理。相信学习上你也一样。现在开始,加倍努力,让自信与你同行,来证明你是最棒的,加油!
☆ You are a confident child, and your words are reasonable. I believe you are the same in study. From now on, redouble your efforts and let your confidence go with you to prove that you are the best. Come on!
☆ 劳动是辛苦的,而劳动的收获却是喜悦的,你能从艰苦的劳动中找到自己的快乐,真是个乐观的孩子!
☆ Labor is hard, but the harvest of labor is joyful. You can find your happiness from the hard work. What an optimistic child!
☆ 你的家好美,你的字更美!孩子,你进步了,真为你高兴,能将这种进步坚持下去吗?
☆ Your family is beautiful, and your words are more beautiful! My child, I'm so happy that you have made progress. Can you persist in this progress?
☆ 你是个会说话的孩子,“齐心协力、满头大汗??”用得多美、多准啊!你也是个会观察的孩子,老师的一个眼神、一个动作都逃不过你的法眼。如果你是一个会倾听的孩子,相信你的表现会更棒、更出色的!
☆ You are a talkative child, "working together and sweating?" How beautiful and accurate it is! You are also an observant child. A teacher's eyes and actions cannot escape your eyes. If you are a child who can listen, I believe your performance will be better and better!
☆ 老师最喜欢读你的日记了,想知道为什么吗?因为每次都会给老师惊喜,而今天你最大的进步就是钢笔字写得一级棒!
☆ The teacher likes reading your diary best. Do you want to know why? Because every time will give the teacher surprise, and today your greatest progress is to write a good pen!
☆ 你笔下的小弟弟多可爱呀!他的顽皮,他的倔强,都成了你们的开心笑料。你写的作文越来越精彩了,孩子,了不起!
☆ How lovely your little brother is! His naughty, his stubborn, have become your laughing stock. Your composition is becoming more and more wonderful, my child. It's amazing!
☆ “柳叶黄了,枫叶红了,而松柏的叶子依然常青??”写得多好呀!你就是我们班未来的大诗人!
☆ "The willow leaves are yellow, the maple leaves are red, and the pine and cypress leaves are still evergreen?" How well it is written! You are the future great poet of our class!
You are a child who dares to love and hate. Justice is your greatest advantage. The teacher likes your bravery, so he hopes you can learn knowledge well and be a helpful person to others in the future.
☆ 你真是个“小馋猫!”,不过吃美味时你能不忘长辈,这点做得最好了! ☆ 小老鼠成了你的大烦恼。你的经历可真特别。把你的烦恼告诉同学们,他们一定会帮助你解决的,因为人多力量大吗?
☆ You are really a "greedy little cat!", However, you can not forget your elders when eating delicious food, which is the best! ☆ The little mouse has become your big trouble. Your experience is really special. Tell your troubles to your classmates. They will help you to solve them, because many people have great power?
☆ 你是一个敢说实话的女孩,我们生活在这个世界上,每天都会发生各种各样我们想不到的事。只要你积极一点,就会发现一切都和原来一样美丽!
☆ You are a girl who dares to tell the truth. We live in this world and all kinds of unexpected things happen every day. As long as you are positive, you will find everything is as beautiful as before!
☆ 你是个美丽的小女孩,因为老师从你那干净而又漂亮的钢笔字就可以知道:你不仅长得漂亮,而且心地善良。写字方面在努力些,将来做个书法家吧!
☆ You are a beautiful little girl, because the teacher can know from your clean and beautiful pen that you are not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted. I'm working hard in writing. I want to be a calligrapher in the future!
☆ “认真做事,认真思考”你就是这样一个懂事的孩子,你是老师心目中永远的“阳光男孩”!
☆ "Work hard and think hard" You are such a sensible child, and you are always the "sunshine boy" in the eyes of teachers!
☆ 瞧!一连串的动词写出你包饺子时可爱的样子,从包饺子中能悟出一些做事的道理,真好!
☆ Look! A series of verbs describe your lovely appearance when you make dumplings. It's good to learn something from making dumplings!
☆ 你能团结同学,帮助有困难的人,真不愧为班级的小主人,四.一中队一定以你为榜样!
☆ You can unite classmates and help people in difficulty. You really deserve to be the little master of the class. The Fourth and First Squadron will take you as an example!
☆ 读到这里,我真的好感动,,面对懂事善解人意的你,我觉得付出的一切都已得到了回报。
☆ I am really moved when I read here. In the face of you, who are sensible and considerate, I feel that everything I have paid has been rewarded.
☆ 瞧!你是个多么有爱心的小女孩呀!老师喜欢你的温柔与体贴!
☆ Look! What a loving little girl you are! The teacher likes your tenderness and consideration!
☆ 你的信心如此之大,真让人佩服!
☆ How impressive your confidence is!
☆ 体会到劳动的快乐,真是你最大的收获!
☆ It is your greatest gain to experience the happiness of labor!
☆ 在春天,爸爸、妈妈播下了饱满的种子,希望你也能种下漂亮的字,将来与父母一起收获累累果实。
☆ In the spring, my father and mother planted full seeds. I hope you can also plant beautiful characters and harvest many fruits with your parents in the future.
☆ 读了你的日记,我了解到你是一个有毅力又懂得怜惜东西的好孩子。就这样以日记为载体,把你的优秀之处传送到我这里吧!
☆ After reading your diary, I learned that you are a good boy with perseverance and know how to cherish things. In this way, take the diary as the carrier, and send your excellence to me!
☆ 你的文章就像一篇生动、可爱的小童话,我真爱读。
☆ Your article is like a vivid and lovely fairy tale, which I really love to read.
☆ 文章中书写着美景,更书写了你的爱心。雪美,你的心灵更美!
☆ The article describes the beauty and your love. Xuemei, your heart is more beautiful!
☆ 看得出你家的生活很有计划,家庭用具也很齐全,这一定都是家长的智慧和功劳,就把这份优秀成果沿用到自己的学习中来吧!
☆ It can be seen that your family's life is very planned, and your household appliances are also very complete. This must be the wisdom and credit of your parents. Let's apply this excellent achievement to your own study!
☆ 虽然值日工作每天都有人在做,但你能从劳动中体味到辛苦与快乐,这说明了你是个有心人,是个负责任的好组长。
☆ Although there are people working on duty every day, you can experience hard work and happiness from your work, which shows that you are a caring person and a good responsible team leader.
☆ 看到你一天天的进步我真高兴,你的双引号用得棒极了!
☆ I'm glad to see your progress day by day. Your double quotation marks are excellent!
☆ 听了你和父母的话,我真地感受到了父母对你的爱是无私的,伟大的。为了体现你对他们的尊重,把他们的话用双引号引起来吧!
☆ After listening to you and your parents, I really feel that your parents' love for you is selfless and great. In order to show your respect for them, use double quotation marks to enclose their words!
☆ 你能从生活细节中去捕捉妈妈的特点,并运用了精彩的语句来恰当描绘,真了不起!
☆ It's amazing that you can capture the characteristics of your mother from the details of life and use wonderful words to describe her appropriately!
☆ 一篇文章写出了你对妈妈的感激,却写不尽妈妈对你的爱,希望你从一点一滴的小事做起,去报答父母吧!
☆ An article has written your gratitude to your mother, but it can not write down your mother's love for you. I hope you can start from small things and repay your parents!
☆ 你的爸爸真了不起,希望你和爸爸一样,做一个真正的男子汉。
☆ Your father is really amazing. I hope you can be a real man just like your father.
☆ 读了你的文章,我真的很感动,因为你把雪花写得太美了、太善良了,文章中融入了你浓浓的真情。
☆ I was really moved after reading your article, because you wrote the snowflake so beautifully and kindly, and your deep true feelings were integrated into the article.
☆ 看到你这么有志气,有信心,我就觉得我们班更有希望,更有发展了。因为你是“班长”。
☆ Seeing that you are so ambitious and confident, I think our class is more hopeful and more developed. Because you are the monitor.
☆ 有收获的日子就是你健康成长的痕迹,加油吧,未来还有很多收获等着你。
☆ The days with harvest are the traces of your healthy growth. Come on, there are still many harvest waiting for you in the future.
☆ 我很欣赏你,因为你能看到自己的缺点,努力改掉“它”,你就是最棒的。
☆ I appreciate you very much, because you can see your own shortcomings and try to change "it", you are the best.
☆ 选你做朋友没有错,因为你会给朋友勇气。
☆ There is nothing wrong with choosing you as a friend, because you will give courage to your friends.
☆ 真喜欢你的心里话,请你坚持这样写作,好吗?
☆ I really like your words from the bottom of my heart. Please insist on writing like this, OK?
☆ 虽然你刚刚走进我们四年二版,但你在文章中那充满激情的集体荣誉“演说”令我感动,相信四年二班未来的辉煌有你一份。
☆ Although you have just entered the Second Edition of the Fourth Year, I am moved by your passionate collective honor "speech" in the article. I believe you will share in the future glory of the Second Class of the Fourth Year.
☆ 文章中的关联词于用得真棒,它们让你的日记更有顺序感,更吸引人。
☆ The conjunctions in the article are great. They make your diary more orderly and attractive.
☆ 其实我们班的奖状里也有你的功劳,因为是你那么热爱集体,关心同学,为我们带来了精美的化妆品。
☆ In fact, your credit is also in the certificate of our class, because you love the collective so much and care about your classmates, bringing us beautiful cosmetics.
☆ 李月,老师很喜欢看你的日记,你能够取材于生活,再现生活,而且把人物的一言一行、一举一动,以及自己的内心世界,都能细致的描绘出来。这是老师欣赏你的地方。不足的是你的字有点乱,老师不要求你把字写得很漂亮,只是横平竖直就可以了。老师对你有信心,也希望你更有信心。
☆ Li Yue, the teacher likes to read your diary. You can draw from life, reproduce life, and describe the characters' words and deeds, every move, and their inner world in detail. This is where teachers appreciate you. What is not enough is that your characters are a little messy. The teacher doesn't ask you to write beautiful characters, but it's just horizontal and vertical. The teacher has confidence in you and hopes you have more confidence.
☆ 闫江,用梦想憧憬未来,用行动实现梦想!
☆ Yanjiang, look forward to the future with dreams and realize dreams with actions!
☆ 好文章不是随时都能写出来的,趁热打铁,有灵感的时候赶紧写出来。否则才思会溜走的。
☆ Good articles can not be written at any time, strike while the iron is hot, and write them when you have inspiration. Otherwise, talent will slip away.
☆ 未来的含义不是抛弃今天,而是要以今天、现在为基础。失去了这一份基础,那是什么呢?——沙漠中的高楼大厦!
☆ The meaning of the future is not to abandon today, but to take today and the present as the basis. Without this foundation, what is it—— Tall buildings in the desert!
☆ 春天的美,是万物苏醒之后,显示力量所呈现的美,不仅仅是阳光雨露给予它们美丽,还有更重要的是:它们更迫切的想展示自己生命的力度与韧性。
☆ The beauty of spring is the beauty that shows strength after all things wake up. It is not only the sunshine and rain that give them beauty, but also more importantly: they are more eager to show their strength and toughness of life.
☆ 用你的笔,用你的智慧把这份美展示出来。
☆ Show the beauty with your pen and your wisdom.
☆ 当你说到做到的时候,你就为自己增加了一份信心;当你说到做到的时候,别人也对你多了一份信任。让我们说到做到,做一个自信的、可信的人。
☆ When you do what you say, you increase your confidence; When you do what you say, others have more trust in you. Let's do what we say and be a confident and credible person.
☆ “爱心”比天上的月亮还明亮!
☆ "Love" is brighter than the moon in the sky!
☆ 它在寻找一份温暖,寻找一处可以安身立命的地方,你能给予他吗?
☆ It is looking for a warmth and a place to settle down. Can you give it to him?
☆ 踏踏实实地用汗水换取收获。什么叫“聪明”,真正的聪明是自己该做什么,做什么。对自己负责,而不是拿自己的时间和生命开玩笑。
☆ Steadily exchange sweat for harvest. What is "smart"? The real smart is what you should do. Take responsibility for yourself, instead of making fun of your time and life.
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