
时间:2022-11-24 13:09:22 | 来源:语文通






When you work hard enough, luck will meet you unexpectedly


notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


In the past, I thought that achievement was not important. It was just your achievement in your school days. Later, I found that hard work is a habit that will last throughout your life.


You will only take five minutes to bury the seeds, and then water them continuously, waiting for the results. You won't dig up the soil every ten minutes to see if it will blossom. Then why can't we believe in ourselves in five minutes and keep working hard?


Every effort will have results in the near future, but we can't start to abandon ourselves and develop into a vicious circle because we failed in the exam. "The past can't be changed, the future can be saved" is a sentence from animation. Although this is just a shot, I'm impressed.


When you don't work hard, fate will take away all your talents bit by bit! However, talent is just the humble words of hardworking people, not your excuse. When your body has not yet yielded, your soul has yielded, which is a shame. Try to manage the present until the future is clear.


Think of thorns as a field full of flowers. Every story you experience and every setback is a beautiful rose. The places you walk through are full of vibrant flowers. What is difficult and what should be done are often the same thing, and anything meaningful will not be easy.


Also, we must choose a target to find the beam of light in our heart. Close to the light, follow the light, turn it into light, and diffuse it. In case the result of our efforts is it, we will only go through trials and hardships if we choose a distant place.


When you are unhappy, learn to be distracted, and when you are happy, learn to help.


We grow up, we can do nothing, but the tide ebbs and flows every day. There is always a way to go, and hope will prevail.



Life is impermanent. Change as you say. Plans never catch up with changes. We young people should dare to struggle. Instead of walking in confusion. The goal of life. Maybe you don't. Maybe you have, but you haven't done it. Maybe you're doing it.


Maybe your dream has been denied. But just because of this, did you break the wings of your dreams? I can tell you that my dream is to become a professional player. Shine in the professional arena. Get your own glory. Maybe someone will say. Will your parents agree? I just want to say. There are two kinds of parents. One is to support children's dreams. One is to manage children. Dream for children. I was lucky. I was the first. My dream is slowly coming true. It was bronze from the beginning. Step by step, I came to the present Yao Xing III. In the middle, I have engaged in the mentality of countless times. Delete the game countless times. There are countless times behind. For that glory. Glory from the future. Maybe your parents will say that playing things hurts. It may also negate the game. Let me give you a word. This sentence can tell you why you are addicted to games.


Tired organizer. Not a toy. It is lack of ambition. Maybe you must think you can't deny your parents' decision. I still dare not deny it. I tell you. Obedient children can only work in society. Because there is no idea. I can only listen. At this time, you should argue with your parents. Let him respect your dreams. Maybe this method is extreme. But only for the future. worth. Maybe someone will say. It's just a game. Let go of false honor. Can't we fight for it in reality? It also makes parents angry. I just want to say. You don't understand. You will never understand the honor of a game enthusiast. You never know the honor of a game enthusiast. Parents deny the game and let him deny it. We just need to do our own thing.


Time flies with laughter, and the future is foreseeable. struggle!



Do you feel lost in the future? Do you feel hopeless? Don't be afraid, young man, because the future is coming.


You think the most difficult time is actually the closest to success. What can really trap you is not a cage made of steel, but a high wall standing in your heart. "What is difficult?" Difficulty "is the cage that imprisons you." Difficulty "is the difficulty of life. However, there will always be a day to break free from the cage and a time to resolve difficulties. Don't worry too much about the present and worry too much. In the future, when you have experienced something, the current storm will be different.


Teenager, when you work hard for your dream, the light in your eyes is very bright. Young man, when you wash your sweat, it will be like a sharp blade, which can break through all obstacles. It is often said that "drop of water wears away stone", but "drop of water" is not just a drop of water, but countless drops of water as small as ours, but this small water can pass through the hard stone.


Although the dream is far away, you can reach out and gaze at the light from a distance. You can run towards it with all your strength. Only in that time of selflessness can you truly enrich your life.


Youth, life will not be smooth, it is bitter, and bitter than sweet. But don't forget that life is really hard, but each dark cloud is inlaid with Phnom Penh. Don't you want to wait for the bright moon after the dark cloud?


Teenager, if you lose at the starting line, you can surpass them. Don't retreat. Avoidance can't solve the problem. Look at the people on the finish line, but you haven't arrived. Why don't you work hard?


We are all small trees. We grow up and wait for others to praise us. Don't forget, young man, that we were ordinary and lost, but after hard work, it was an endless glory.


Teenager, the future is promising!



A long winter vacation has passed and a beautiful spring is coming.


At this moment when everything is reviving and it is no longer cold, the new semester begins again. Facing the glory, we embarked on a new journey. Similarly, the next semester of senior two is coming to us.


Looking back on the journey in the past, we have had laughter and sunshine, as well as pain and hardships. However, these have become memories forever. Now, let's abandon everything and welcome a new semester; Now, take our weapons, get ready, and move forward to the new semester!


There is no doubt that the plan for the new semester is indispensable, and the new semester should be clear about its goals. Think about your original intention and dream. When it comes to this day, whether you will stop because of a little setback, and whether you can insist on welcoming the ultimate dream.


Looking up at the starry sky and overlooking the sea time after time, the lofty ambition and future life blueprint have been haunted in my mind more than once. But the ideal often cannot run away from the reality, setbacks and hardships, confusion and darkness. Looking back at the history, aren't the great people also the later and future after so many sufferings?


There is no limit to learning. Strive for your goal! The new semester has begun again. We have started a new journey. Let's set sail! We need to refuel. In the colorful high school life, we should study hard. This is a sprint. Facing the new journey, we may have difficulties and dangers. We will overcome all difficulties, avoid all the shoals, and reach the other side of success!


New expectations, new hopes, new journeys and new gains.


A new semester, a new starting point and a new look, let's look forward to a better tomorrow and embark on the journey again!



The class was very chaotic. I looked out of the window under the noise and thought about the future. The books on the table are so high that I can neither see the floor nor the future.


Half of my junior high school life has passed, and I still have no achievements, so I can't help worrying about the rise. I often think what to do if I can't go to high school; What will happen if the high school you enter is a general high school; What will my future life be like when I enter the university. These questions always perplex me.


I can't help falling into reverie when I look at the students who often get the first place in our class. She is sitting in the same seat as me at the moment, but the difference is that I am in a daze and she is working on the topic. Perhaps because of this, there will be a world of difference between her and me, which makes me more melancholy.


I looked out of the window again. The sunset red sun painted the sky with wisps of orange, cold and confident. The solitary bird sways in the air, forming a sad picture with the stubborn dry branches. The sound of cicadas was frozen in the air and completely shattered.


Perhaps, some people are doomed to be mediocre and mediocre; Some will make a great splash, and his appearance will be brilliant and attract the attention of thousands of people. But what genius is there? Edison said, "Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration, plus one percent inspiration." So how many people are willing to pay for his hard work and persevere?


But I still want to take the opportunity to try. Even though the first one is always recognized by everyone, even though I am now in obscurity, even though some people will constantly deny me, I am still willing to experience wind and rain, and take a good look at the long lost rainbow after rain, regardless of whether it can be affirmed.


The books are piled high, but I have read them all. The class was very chaotic. I looked out of the window in the noise and thought about the future. The light fell on my face impartially, and that was the future.