
时间:2022-11-24 13:09:22 | 来源:语文通



数学教师研修日志 篇1数学教师研修日志 篇2数学教师研修日志 篇3

数学教师研修日志 篇1


On May 10, the "County wide Mathematics Teacher Training" was held in Xingfu Middle School, mainly focusing on the review of the third day of the junior high school. Two report classes were given: one was the examination paper review class, the other was the special topic review class. Then the lesson preparation teachers talked about their own lesson preparation process, and then some teachers talked about their own views or opinions. Finally, two schools introduced their own schools' treatment of graduating class teaching. Through this day's study, I learned too much from this first year's graduation class.


1、 In the teaching process, we should pay attention to the infiltration of mathematical ideas and the guidance of learning methods. Our teaching should not be mechanical, but should be explained through a topic, from which teachers can extract the ideas, laws and methods contained in the topic. Students should be able to understand and draw inferences from one instance through our explanations.


2、 Students are the main body of learning activities, and teachers only play the role of "finishing touch" in the teaching process. Teach the class to students and give them a chance to show themselves. This can not only stimulate students' interest in learning, but also improve their ability. Sometimes students will have better and more suitable problem solving methods. Why not?


3、 The success of a lesson depends not on how much the teacher says, but on how much the students will. If a problem is completely understood and understood by the students, the variant problem is just consolidation and application.


4、 In dealing with problems, we should find a breakthrough and grasp the basic knowledge. To review a knowledge point, we should put it into a problem, take the problem as the carrier, and let the students understand and experience on the basis of solving the application, so as to achieve the purpose of review.


In a word, I learned a lot through this study. I will savor carefully, apply what I have learned to my teaching, and constantly improve my teaching level.

数学教师研修日志 篇2


For a long time, as teachers, we have been struggling with educational problems one by one, always looking for new methods and absorbing new ideas. Today, after learning online, I have benefited a lot. Next, I will talk about the experience of this learning.


1、 Design the reality of life and guide students to actively explore


This kind of teaching design is conducive to stimulating students' interest in learning, making students have a strong desire to learn new knowledge, giving full play to the role of students' initiative, so as to tap students' thinking ability, and cultivate students' habit and ability to explore problems.


1. In teaching, we should not only base on our own reality, but also contact with the students' reality to carry out reasonable teaching design. It pays attention to developing students' thinking ability and combines mathematics with the reality of life, so that students can feel that there is mathematics everywhere in life. It makes the teaching design vivid, attracts students greatly, captures the characteristics of students' understanding, forms an open teaching mode, and achieves the effect of pre teaching.


2. Give students sufficient space for thinking, combine imparting knowledge with cultivating ability, and attach importance to the cultivation of students' non intelligence factors; Reasonably create teaching situations to stimulate students' learning motivation, and pay attention to stimulate students' learning enthusiasm to promote students' awareness of activities.


3. Use reasonable questions and discussions to play a group role in the classroom to exercise students' language expression ability. Achieve independent and active learning and actively cooperate with teachers to achieve goals together.


2、 Positively ask questions throughout the class


It is impossible for students to listen to your class attentively within 40 minutes. They will wander more or less. Some of them may not even take out their books or open them, or even talk and play. At this time, if the way of asking questions is adopted, the students' spirit will be tense and they will think about the questions you put forward. However, when asking questions, they should not only ask some selective questions, because they will have little space to think, which is not conducive to the cultivation of students' thinking ability; In addition, the questioning should be uniform, and it is not allowed to repeatedly ask a certain student, which will weaken the enthusiasm of other students to answer questions.


3、 Design questioning teaching to stimulate students' desire for learning


1. Make full use of the teaching materials and the knowledge and experience that students have.


2. Attach importance to the combination of imparting knowledge and cultivating ability, give full play to and make use of students' wisdom and ability, actively mobilize students to actively explore problems, and cultivate students' habit of autonomous learning.


3. Put forward questions in teaching, let students pass the test, develop and cultivate their thinking ability, make students actively look for problems, and take the initiative to acquire new knowledge.


Experience in Training Primary School Math Teachers 14


Under the unified arrangement of the Education Bureau, I participated in the national distance education training organized by Wang Changfeng, a teacher and researcher from the Teaching and Research Office, at the Daba Training Center from XX to XX. This training is very suitable for the professional development of our rural primary and secondary school teachers. At present, the state attaches great importance to the training of teachers. First of all, the investment is very large and the coverage is relatively wide. Therefore, For our teachers, it is our most urgent task to constantly strengthen the study of business theory, expand the field of knowledge and update knowledge.


Although the training lasted only six days, I benefited a lot from it. As a trainee of the school, I knew that I had a great responsibility, so I took this training as an opportunity to actively accept new education and teaching concepts, update ideas, broaden the vision of teaching research, and fully realize the characteristics and importance of modern education and teaching media in teaching. The experience mainly includes the following aspects:


1. The training and learning made me understand the trend of educational development in some developed regions of the country, the new ideas of experts and a lot of education and teaching experience, and maintain knowledge.


2. In our rural primary schools, we are poor in network knowledge. Most people have never been exposed to network knowledge and cannot realize the benefits brought by the network in advance. Therefore, in order to improve everyone's understanding, the teacher not only uses the method of physical demonstration, but also provides us with the opportunity to practice.


3. At the same time, in this training, we not only learned a lot about teaching, but also improved the communication with other school administrators and teachers. We sat together and talked freely, discussed and communicated with each other, put forward what we didn't understand and let the teacher help us solve it, which gave each other the opportunity to learn and consolidate knowledge, and improved the efficiency of learning.


By training me to accept new educational concepts and changing our traditional educational concepts, we can enrich our professional skills. At the same time, it has become the first problem that every educator must solve. Only by continuous learning can we master the latest knowledge and do our work better. I also hope to hold more such training activities, so as to better provide teachers with learning opportunities, so that our education and teaching level can be further improved.

数学教师研修日志 篇3


I was lucky to be a member of the training class for junior high school math backbone teachers, which also provided me with an opportunity to learn and improve again. This training is rich in content, diverse in form, interactive communication among students, as well as training and teaching activities. Before that, I also went out for training several times, but each time I mainly listened to the teacher's classroom teaching, and what I saw was the packed classroom reality. Through the profound, original, insightful, easy to understand, vivid, interesting and thought-provoking lectures of experts, I understood the disadvantages of these "downwind lessons": a few students successfully "entrusted" their teachers to the shore, but many children fell into the water.


The education and teaching philosophy, personality charm and academic spirit of experts are deeply impressed in my heart. Although I can not accept all these cutting-edge lectures with their own characteristics, their advanced education philosophy, unique teaching ideas and new management system will all play a leading and guiding role in my future education and teaching work. After this training, I gained more confidence in my efforts to become a scientific research teacher, and gave me a strong infection and profound theoretical guidance. The following are my experiences in training:


1、 Through the training, I deeply realized the importance of updating my ideas


The times are progressing and the society is moving forward. Similarly, the education and teaching concept is also advancing with the times. It is necessary to work hard, but it is also necessary to look up to the sky. If you work hard, you will lose your way. You can see the direction only by looking up at the sky occasionally. With the in-depth development of the new curriculum reform in junior middle school, many deep problems in education and teaching are constantly exposed. As a teacher, we should adhere to continuous learning and actively update knowledge. At present, the rapid rise of modern educational technology with multimedia and network technology as the core is impacting the teaching of various disciplines fiercely. Under the network theory, knowledge has broken through the limitations of the original books, no longer appears in the form of points, but is transmitted in the form of streams, which has fundamentally changed the teaching concept, teaching subject, teaching methods, teaching process and teaching form. For me, training is undoubtedly a "timely rain", which is not only helpful to the various relationships in the curriculum reform of Li Qingxin, but also provides new ideas and methods to solve some "bottleneck" problems in education and teaching in the new era.


2、 Through the training, I deeply realized the importance of teachers' ethics


Teachers are not only responsible for cultivating a new generation of educators, but also should develop students' wisdom, improve their ability, shape their minds, and promote the development of their physical and mental health. In the new era, teachers' morality is reflected in strengthening their self-cultivation, being good at acquiring a large number of new knowledge and information through various channels, and setting up a model of lifelong learning for students. As the training object of backbone teachers, we should constantly learn theoretical knowledge, guide teaching practice with theory, research and explore the laws of education and teaching, combine scientific research with teaching, and become an expert and scholar type teacher to make ourselves forward-looking in teaching knowledge. In this way, we can cultivate students who are "discovery type, invention type, creative type and innovative type" in the new era. Noble teachers' morality is a good textbook and a powerful spiritual force, which exerts a subtle influence on young people. We should use our good ethics to influence children and create a free development platform for students. It is the responsibility of every teacher to cultivate students' sound personality and highlight their personality development. Teachers should create a scene through classroom teaching to provide students with a platform for thinking innovation, so that students' interests, personality, etc. can be developed, and pave the way for the society to cultivate qualified talents. This is also the inspiration from training and learning.


3、 A good platform has been built


Let's have a very good opportunity to learn from each other and establish a bond of friendship for us.


We will share our successful experience in teaching with each other and improve together. As a backbone teacher, we should devote ourselves to practice with a solid style and persevere; We should treat learning with a conscious spirit, and do not need to be impatient for quick success and instant benefits; We should think about problems with a pragmatic attitude and strive to learn from others; We should be bold and innovative with a unique vision, and do not stick to one pattern; We should constantly improve our diversified and reasonable knowledge structure, maintain positive and healthy psychological quality, gradually form a comprehensive quality of leveraging external forces, keep our work, life and study in a state of research, and keep our life in the process of continuous exploration and pursuit.


4、 Training is only a means, training is only a beginning, and learning is endless


In the future, I will internalize the new knowledge I learned here as soon as possible and apply it to the education and teaching process. In combination with the actual situation of our school, I will make suggestions for the construction and development of the school in a timely manner. I will try to learn the learning attitude, knowledge seeking spirit and cooperation ability of my peers. From the reality, I will earnestly shoulder the responsibilities and obligations of teachers and play a leading role in the work of backbone teachers.