
时间:2022-10-14 13:32:20 | 来源:语文通



草船借箭读后感 篇1草船借箭读后感 篇2读《草船借箭》有感 篇3草船借箭读后感 篇4草船借箭读后感 篇5草船借箭读后感 篇6《草船借箭》读后感 篇7读《草船借箭》有感 篇8草船借箭读后感 篇9

草船借箭读后感 篇1


Grass Boat Borrows Arrow is a story in the famous historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After reading this text, I feel much better.


Zhou Yu is careful in the story. Seeing Zhuge Liang was very talented and jealous, he framed Zhuge Liang again and again, always trying to kill him. Zhuge Liang also used his wisdom to defeat Zhou Yu Yijun again and again. Later, Zhou Yu had to believe Zhuge Liang's information.


When I read this letter, I was filled with admiration. I admire Zhuge Liang's intelligence, and even more admire his generous character. He clearly knew that Zhou Yu was an evil person and opposed himself everywhere, but he was always calm and magnanimous.


Unfortunately, in real life, few people are as open-minded as Zhuge Liang. Let's take our class as an example. Some students have good academic performance, while others are envious. They not only don't study hard, but also tell long stories and short stories behind their backs. They even speak ill of others. They can't eat grapes and say sour grapes, which makes them unable to get along. Sometimes there will be some conflicts between students, which is very normal, but some students will haggle over every detail and have to forgive others. You must get me.


I think that if each of us can be as broad-minded and magnanimous as Zhuge Liang, communication between people will be more harmonious and reliable, and our society will become so beautiful.

草船借箭读后感 篇2


During the holiday, I read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms written by Luo Guanzhong. I benefited a lot from the well-known Grass Boat Borrowing Arrow.


"Straw Boat Borrows Arrows" mainly tells that Zhou Yu, who is narrow-minded, is determined to get rid of Zhuge Liang, who is resourceful and resourceful. He then gives him a difficult problem and asks him to build 100000 arrows in three days and establish a military order. On the third night, when the fog was thick, Zhuge Liang used only twenty straw boats and a thousand straw sticks to collect more than 100000 feather arrows that Cao Cao had shot at them. Zhou Yu admired him very much and was even more jealous of him.


After reading this story, I admire Zhuge Liang's broad mind. He knew that Zhou Yu, who was narrow-minded, wanted to harm him, but he still helped Zhou Yu with his intelligence, which made him feel inferior.


Zhuge Liang was able to predict the weather by knowing astronomy and geography. It was because he was diligent and eager to learn when he was young, and he read extensively, which also benefited from his ten years of hard work in seclusion and cultivation in Longzhong. We should study hard like Zhuge Liang. I feel ashamed to think of myself. My mother is very concerned about my study and keeps nagging every day, but I can't understand my mother's pains. I remember that time, I wrote very poorly in class. Teacher Xu, who always reported good news and never reported bad news, sent my scribbled handwriting and photos to my mother. When I got home in the evening, my mother was furious and tore my little composition to pieces. In the face of my mother's tireless teaching, I looked at my mother angrily and even felt tired of learning... I am ashamed to think of this.


Our ancient sages also told us that the black hair didn't know how to study early, and the white head side regretted that it was an inch of time and an inch of money late in studying. An inch of money can't buy an inch of time. I decided to read more, accumulate more knowledge, and use my diligence to shape an open-minded self.

读《草船借箭》有感 篇3

这世上总有那么一些人,看到别人比自己强,妒忌便油然而生[注: 自然地产生(某种思想感情)。],千方百计[注: 想尽或用尽一切办法。]地去陷害别人,而不是加倍努力去追上别人。三国时期的周瑜就是这样的一个人。

There are always some people in the world who are jealous when they see that others are better than themselves [Note: (some thoughts and feelings) naturally occur], Try everything possible [Note: Try everything possible.] Instead of trying harder to catch up with others, try to frame them. Zhou Yu in the Three Kingdoms period was such a person.

《草船借箭》讲的是周瑜看到诸葛亮的但是超过了自己,心生妒忌,想置诸葛亮于死地。他以军中缺箭为借口,让诸葛亮在十日之内造好十万支箭,诸葛亮胸有成竹[注: 原指画竹子要在心里有一幅竹子的形象。后比喻在做事之前已经拿定主意。]地答应了。诸葛亮用草船向曹操“借”了十万只箭,提前七天完成了任务,再一次挫败了周瑜的诡计。

The Grass Boat Borrows an Arrow is about Zhou Yu who sees Zhuge Liang but surpasses him. He is jealous and wants to kill Zhuge Liang. He used the lack of arrows in the army as an excuse to ask Zhuge Liang to build 100000 arrows in ten days. Zhuge Liang had a plan in mind I agreed. Zhuge Liang "borrowed" 100000 arrows from Cao Cao in a straw boat and completed the task seven days ahead of schedule, which once again defeated Zhou Yu's trick.


After reading this text, I can't help thinking of myself by Zhou Yu. Didn't I have a strong jealousy before? If I fail in an exam, the first thing I do is not to analyze the reasons for my mistakes and correct them carefully so that they won't make mistakes next time, but to curse those students who are better than me for making some big mistakes in the next exam. Although this happened in the past, in retrospect, I should not have!


Envy is harmful to others and ourselves. Therefore, we must put an end to it from childhood and be a person of noble character.

草船借箭读后感 篇4


Zhuge Liang stood by the river and was thinking about it. Unexpectedly, he heard the call of the Commander Zhou Yu, so he went to listen. Zhou Yu said that there was a shortage of arrows in the army, and he wanted Zhuge Liang to be responsible for making arrows. He had a deadline of ten days to make 100000 arrows. Zhuge Liang thought for a moment, "So he wanted to take the opportunity to kill me!" So he opened his mouth and said, "It only takes three days, and you can make a military order!" Zhou Yu heard that it was so good. He took the ink, brush, paper and inkstone and signed on the spot.


Later, Lu Su went to Zhuge Liang and blamed him for overestimating and preparing to let him escape. Zhuge Liang said that he only needed to lend me twenty straw boats and arrange them according to my requirements.


On the night of the third day, Zhuge Liang took Lu Su and ordinary soldiers to go to Cao's camp by boat. He made a great effort. Cao Cao thought the enemy was coming, but the fog on the river was too heavy, so he ordered people to shoot arrows to defend the enemy. He didn't know the plan until early in the morning. He regretted it!


When Zhuge Liang returned to Wu, Zhou Yu came to check and found that Zhuge Liang was so unpredictable that he was secretly angry, "He Shengliang, who is born Yu!"


This story tells us that when encountering a crisis, we should be flexible and not trapped in the crisis. Many times, as long as you are willing to use your brain, there will be some miracles. Of course, Zhuge Liang uses his knowledge and wisdom to solve problems. This is where we should learn and understand the power of knowledge.


Experience: The classic story from the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms has brought me a lot of enlightening thinking. When we encounter difficulties in life, we should also learn from Zhuge Liang, arm ourselves with knowledge, and successfully resolve the crisis.

草船借箭读后感 篇5


Grass Boat Borrows Arrow is a story in the famous historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu in the article is narrow-minded. He was jealous of Zhuge Liang's intelligence and ability, so he asked Zhuge Liang to build 100000 arrows in 10 days. Zhuge Liang suddenly saw through Zhou Yu's plot, but he set out from the overall situation and did not dispute with Zhou Yu. With his profound knowledge, Zhuge Liang borrowed 100000 arrows from Cao's army, forcing Zhou Yu to bow down.


After learning the story "Grass Boat Borrows an Arrow", I realized that the axiom of jealousy is harmful. It harms others as well as myself. Such things are also common in my life. In several number tests this semester, my friends were so good that my grades were better than mine. I was jealous and unhappy. I always wanted to find a chance to quarrel with her. But she was my good friend after all, and I was not too shy. After reading the story "Straw Boat Borrows an Arrow", I recognized the danger of jealousy. My classmates had good exam results, so I should be happy for her. At the same time, I should work hard to achieve good results in the next test, How can you be unhappy? When I think about it, I feel happy.


In life, although there are many jealous people like Zhou Yu, there are also many people like Zhuge Liang who are broad-minded and don't care about trifles.


Once, when I was playing on the playground, a classmate knocked me over and immediately apologized to me. I got up and shouted at him angrily, "Are you sorry?" So we fell out. After class, he said to me, "I'm sorry, you can push me down too!" In retrospect, he can forget the past grievances for the sake of our friendship, but I think he should. I am really confused!


Now I understand a truth: a person can only stand high and see far if he overcomes jealousy and is broad-minded, otherwise he will harm others and himself like Zhou Yu.

草船借箭读后感 篇6


Today, we learned a text called "Grass Boat Borrows an Arrow" in class. After reading this story, I felt a lot.


The story tells that during the Red Cliff War, Zhou Yu was very jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent, so he asked Zhuge Liang to make 100000 arrows in ten days. This was impossible, but Zhuge Liang agreed. Later, it turned out that Zhuge Liang had already prepared for a big fog three days later. With this fog, he pretended to attack Cao Cao. Cao Cao was suspicious and hit Zhuge Liang's plan. So Zhuge Liang successfully used the straw boat to "borrow" 100000 arrows.


After reading, I admire Zhuge Liang very much in my heart. He knows people's hearts and understands Cao Cao's character. He is sure that he will not send troops to fight. He knows that the sky can predict that the wind on the third night will allow him to borrow arrows smoothly. Yes, in fact, Zhuge Liang's advantage is that he dares to challenge and is thoughtful, which is also the real reason why I admire Zhuge Liang. I also reasoned that if Wu and Shu disagree, it will weaken the power of the two countries. At this time, Wei came to attack the two countries. It's really a battle between the two countries! If Zhuge Liang didn't take the overall situation into consideration, have the courage to challenge, and have the ability to arrange everything, how could he do a great job?


In my life, I also often learn from Zhuge Liang's brave challenges, bravely facing the first swimming, bravely facing the first long rope jump, bravely facing the first writing English essay. It was easy to win the first place in the long rope jump and the English composition contest until swimming was called a master! This is the result of challenges.


I want to tell people around me that we should have the courage to challenge, careful preparation, and the determination to do everything well. Only in this way can we move towards success.

《草船借箭》读后感 篇7


After reading the article "Grass Boat Borrows Arrow", I have deep feelings. This article is selected from Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of China's four masterpieces. The truth contained in the article is really thought-provoking.


The story "Grass Boat Borrows an Arrow" is very interesting. It mainly tells that Zhou Yu has always been jealous of Zhuge Liang's talent and tried to kill Zhuge Liang. So he said, "We are going to fight with Cao's army. What is the best weapon for fighting on water?" Zhuge Liang said, "The arrow is the best." Zhou Yu then said, "Yes, sir, I think the same. But now there is a shortage of arrows in the army. I hope you can make 100000 arrows in ten days." Zhuge Liang said, "Since we want to fight, I can do it in three days." He volunteered to write down the military order. If he failed to make it in three days, he would be punished severely. Zhou Yu was very happy. He thought he could get rid of Zhuge Liang. Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang accomplished this impossible task by "borrowing an arrow from a boat".


After reading this, I think Zhou Yu is too small minded to allow others to be better than him. Fortunately, Zhuge Liang was resourceful and had already thought of a way. In the final analysis, this is because Zhuge Liang is an expert who knows astronomy, geography and people.


Like Zhuge Liang, we primary school students should learn all kinds of knowledge to become more knowledgeable. We should not only learn, but also learn to become an observer in life, observing people and things around us, so that we can become more sensitive and handle things more easily.


Let's study hard! Become a useful person for the country!

读《草船借箭》有感 篇8


Since ancient times, there have always been people who look at others as more capable than themselves, instead of trying to outdo others. Instead, they are jealous and do not compromise their means to frame others.

三国时期的周瑜就是这样的人: 看看足智多谋的诸葛亮处处高自己一筹,便像疯狗一样想咬诸葛亮一口。甚至想置诸葛亮于死地。他以军中缺箭为由,让诸葛亮在十天之内造出十万支箭。由此看来,咒语不但心胸狭窄,而且十分狡猾阴险。然而,诸葛亮趁第三天大雾弥漫,从曹营“借”了十万支箭,完成了任务。?

Zhou Yu in the Three Kingdoms Period was such a person: he wanted to bite Zhuge Liang like a mad dog when he saw that Zhuge Liang was more resourceful than himself. He even wanted to kill Zhuge Liang. He asked Zhuge Liang to build 100000 arrows in ten days, citing the lack of arrows in the army. From this point of view, the incantation is not only narrow-minded, but also very insidious. However, Zhuge Liang took advantage of the heavy fog on the third day to "borrow" 100000 arrows from Cao Ying and complete the task.?


Reading Grass Boat Borrows an Arrow reminds me of the mathematician Hua Luogeng. Grandpa Hua Luogeng can be said to be knowledgeable, knowledgeable and famous all over the world. However, when he was in primary school, he often failed in mathematics. Under such circumstances, he did not lose heart, nor did he envy his classmates with good academic performance. He is confident that "celebrities" are also people, and he is also a person. He can do what others can do. After hard work, Grandpa Hua finally became a mathematician of the world's civilization.?


The Grass Boat Borrows an Arrow reminds me of myself. Don't I feel jealous? If you do not do well in the exam, you should not analyze the reasons, find out the mistakes, and study steadfastly. But the students who hope to get good grades will make a big mistake in the next exam so that they can level with themselves.?


Although things are small, isn't it jealousy? In retrospect, I am really ashamed.

草船借箭读后感 篇9


Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four masterpieces in China. I like the story of Grass Boat Borrowing Arrow best. Zhou Yu, jealous of Zhuge Liang's intelligence, always wanted to find a chance to eliminate this "". During a drink, Zhuge Liang asked Zhuge Liang to make 100000 arrows in three days under the excuse of lacking arrows in the army. Zhuge Liang asked Lu Su to lend him twenty boats and six hundred soldiers in private. In the middle of the third day, Zhuge Liang and Lu Su made a boat and gradually approached Cao Cao's water village, making soldiers beat drums and shout. Cao Cao's. Seeing the heavy fog, the soldier did not dare to act rashly, but shot arrows desperately, while he and Lu Su drank leisurely. The boat was full of arrows after a meal. Zhuge Liang shouted, "Thank you, Prime Minister Cao, for your arrows." Back in the Soochow Kingdom, Zhou Yu thought that there were 100, 000 arrows.


I am very Zhuge Liang. His intelligence, his ingenuity and ingenuity are all admirable. He gave up his leisurely pastoral life and fell into a life of fighting and killing for the sake of the common people all over the world. Moreover, Zhuge Liang was able to borrow arrows so smoothly because he had made full preparations.


It can be seen from this that if you want to succeed, you should be prepared in advance. The army is the best example. In order to win the battle, the troops carried out hard training. They got up at 5:00 every day to run, trained in line... and had breakfast at 7:00. They are also strict when eating breakfast. No one is allowed to speak. As long as one person speaks, all people are allowed to stand up and eat. Because of this training, they have good habits. Once they fight or finish other tasks, they will have a strong physique and strictly observe discipline.


Don't fight unprepared battles. This story tells us that if we do a good job in preparation, we will have more confidence in victory and get twice the result with half the effort.