
时间:2022-11-23 13:06:47 | 来源:语文通



观看信仰观后感 篇1信仰观后感700字 篇2纪录片《信仰》观后感 篇3信仰观后感1200字 篇4看纪录片《信仰》观后感 篇5信仰观后感700字 篇6

观看信仰观后感 篇1


Recently, under the organization of the Party branch of the school, I watched the historical documentary "Faith" in silence during the National Day holiday. Precious historical pictures and touching stories of generations of Communists make people feel the power of faith. It brought me not only tears of emotion, but also a kind of spiritual shock.


In the film, vivid characters are deeply imprinted on my mind: Huang Jiguang blocked the enemy's muzzle with his chest, Lei Feng did extraordinary things in ordinary posts, and Wang Jinxi was still thinking about oilfield construction in his late stage of bone cancer... What on earth prompted them to devote their lives to the cause they were engaged in? It is a kind of "faith"! Because behind their dedication, there is a belief of lifelong struggle for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people.


With faith, people have goals, and with faith, they have power. It is precisely because of "faith" that many Communist Party members put their lives out of consideration for the revolutionary cause; It is because of "faith" that groups of unsung heroes are desperate in the face of danger; It is because of "faith" that many excellent workers make selfless contributions to ordinary posts


With faith, there is spiritual power; With faith, we have the passion to devote ourselves to our work. While learning and moving, I also made myself further clear how to be a teacher with "faith". What are teachers' beliefs? I think: just practice a word of "love"! "There is no education without love" is the best interpretation of "love". Dedication to education is a lifelong loyalty. This educational belief requires me to practice it with all my life: as always, I will stick to the oath that I read under the Party flag, always be strict with myself according to the standards of Party members, have a sincere love, always maintain a warm love for my work, and love every student wholeheartedly. In our work, on the one hand, we should set an example for others; Be modest and prudent, pragmatic and hardworking. On the other hand, we should have the silent spirit of dedication, pay in obscurity, and do our best to do everything well.

《信仰》给予我们鞭策与激励, 让“信仰”为我们导航!身为人师,如果我们都能做一个有教育信仰的教师,我坚信,在“信仰”的指引下,教育事业的未来一定会更加美好!

Faith gives us encouragement and encouragement, and let "faith" guide us! As teachers, if we can all be teachers with educational belief, I firmly believe that under the guidance of "belief", the future of education will be better!

信仰观后感700字 篇2


Belief - Our Stories conveys the excellence of each period to us with one inspiring belief story after another. People are willing to sacrifice, dare to sacrifice, and are not afraid of suffering. One fresh story after another moved us and made us introspect. As the group closest to the Party, staff cadres can feel the power of faith more. We have higher requirements on how to turn faith into practical action.


First, we should take the overall situation into consideration. Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a city, and those who do not plan for the future are not enough to plan for a time. At every historical juncture of revolutionary construction and reform. The people reviewed the situation and made a decisive decision, leading the people to step up one successful step after another. However, in their daily work, cadres should take the initiative to strengthen their awareness and ability to follow the center, respond to the new development situation, pay close attention to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Committee, learn all kinds of knowledge conducive to improving the quality of work and personal quality, open the door and go out, and strive to broaden their horizons, ideas and minds.


Second, the only thing that remains unchanged in the world of innovation is constant change. History has passed on many valuable ideas to guide us to move forward. However, the new situation and new situation have put forward new tasks for us. Party members and cadres should dare to break through all the thinking that hinders development, dare to change the old rules and customs that constrain development, and learn to plan organizational work with a constantly developing vision. Cultivate a fine style of work and implement the policies and principles of the Party and the state to the letter. We should broaden our thinking and invest energy to keep up with the development of the new situation.


The third is to serve the masses. We have to work hard to make it convenient for thousands of people. In the new era. People shine with dazzling brilliance on trivial matters and ordinary posts. Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to shed blood to show our family's feelings. What we need to do more is to stick to our own posts and realize, develop, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the people. We should learn to sincerely observe the people's feelings, take the initiative to go deep into the masses, and personally experience the joys and hardships of grass-roots work, gain and loss. Take the initiative to go to the grass-roots level, really bend down, put down airs, make friends with the masses, pull the truth, tell the truth, do what the masses welcome, care about, and satisfy, and do what the people can see and feel.

纪录片《信仰》观后感 篇3


From June 24 to 25, I watched the large-scale theoretical documentary "Faith" jointly produced by the Central Organization Department, the Central Literature Research Office, the Central Party History Research Office and CCTV, which was broadcast by CCTV. I deeply felt that this is an inspiring educational film about the Party history, which brings people a positive spirit and a deep moving heart. It is authentic.


Belief is divided into three episodes, namely, "as long as the doctrine is true", "changing the sky with lofty aspirations", and "pioneering travel of the times". Each episode lasts for 50 minutes. It has the following characteristics: First, the theme is prominent and the views are clear. With ideal and belief education as the theme, it elaborates theoretical views through character stories, guides stories with views, and integrates history, characters, and theories. The second is typical, moving and representative. The combination of old and new models, the combination of individuals and groups, the combination of leading cadres and ordinary party members, taking into account all levels and all fronts, mainly select front-line models, and highlight the key points. Third, the details are real and vivid. Focus on speaking with facts, moving with feelings, touching, infectious and attractive with details. Fourth, the form is novel and creative. Take the advantages of political commentaries, documentary films and documentary films, and pursue the sense of documentary, scene and intimacy. It is a theoretical documentary that conscientiously implements the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of Hu Jintao's important speech at the congress celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. It is a classic TV film that combines political commentaries, documentary films and documentary films, and integrates ideology, education, artistry and appreciation. It is a key educational film that educates the majority of Party members, cadres and activists who join the Party in their ideals and beliefs.


Belief stands at the historical level, traces back to the glorious years of 90 years, breaks through the traditional mode of thinking, and interprets the history of the Party with modern context and popular language. Taking the 90 year history of the Party as the background, and adopting the expression technique of "big background, small details", excellent Communist Party members adhere to their ideals and beliefs, play a vanguard and model role, and maintain progressiveness and purity through telling the history of revolution, construction, and reform. The touching story deeply expounds the core values of the Communists. Through the major historical events in each era and the impressive deeds of the outstanding groups and individuals of the Party that emerged, people lead things and reason with things, the formation process of the CPC's ruling concept of building the Party for the public, governing for the people, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times and serving the people wholeheartedly, and the inevitability of the Chinese people's choice of the CPC was demonstrated. In the critical moment of struggling against the enemy with many difficulties, in the impoverished mountain villages in the early stage of construction, and in every moment of building the motherland with all kinds of waste waiting to be rejuvenated, there are magnificent figures of Communists who walk ahead, rush ahead, and devote themselves to the front, vividly representing the lofty spirit of Communists who are determined to stick to their ideals and beliefs, which is deeply moving, inspiring, and has a strong artistic appeal.


Although Faith is only three episodes long, it uses a lot of little-known camera materials. It is the epitome of our party's overcoming difficulties to victory, and a valuable textbook to help us re understand history. Every Communist is a bright red flag. Every Communist must use the power of faith to infect everyone around him, and be ready to defend the flag of the CPC with his life, Let this flag always guide our way forward.

信仰观后感1200字 篇4


Serving the people wholeheartedly is the purpose of the Party. From July 1 to 3, in order to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the founding of the Party and show the spiritual quality, ideals, beliefs and legendary stories of outstanding Communist Party members in various periods, the party member education television film "Faith" was broadcast on the news channel of Guangdong TV Station. It was divided into three episodes, namely, "as long as the truth is true", "change the sky with lofty aspirations", and "the vanguard of the times". Each episode was 50 minutes long. Taking the 90 year history of the Party as the background, it adopted the expression method of "big background, small details", Through telling the touching stories of outstanding Communist Party members in various historical periods of revolution, construction and reform, it profoundly expounds the core values of Communists. For more than 90 years, it is the generation after generation of outstanding children who have faith like iron and indomitable, who have faithfully fulfilled the Party's purpose, bravely stood at the forefront of the times, rooted in China, linked with the people's hearts, and added style to the banner. Our Party and the national great undertaking she led have been able to forge ahead in the midst of great hardship, and enjoy unlimited prosperity in the changing circumstances.


Faith eulogizes the great process of several generations of Communists shouldering the mission of bringing China from poverty and weakness to prosperity, strength and democracy. This documentary makes me know our great party again and the firm banner that always guides us to be firm.


After watching the film, I felt a lot. What made our Party? What has supported our Party through the stormy 91 years? Why do outstanding Communist Party members emerge in various periods? The answer is faith.


When people have faith, they have spiritual power. If the belief is biased, that person's outlook on life, values and world outlook is distorted, and people will also make crazy actions for their distorted beliefs, thereby harming themselves and society. From the initial stage, our Party took Marxism Leninism as its faith, constantly improved and developed Mao Zedong Thought in practice, and established our country through the efforts of the Communists. It is also this belief that has supported our revolution, construction and reform over the past 90 years and even today.


Today, we live in a peaceful and affluent society. Communists are still doing ordinary things in their ordinary lives, but they are beneficial to the development of the Party; Things beneficial to social progress; Things beneficial to the people. This is because the belief of the Communist Party members has not changed. With a strong spiritual force, the cause of our Party will continue forever.


In the future, I will seriously study Marxism, study educational science, learn professional knowledge, and constantly improve my theoretical level and professional level. To integrate ideals and beliefs into ordinary work, it is important to act and work hard, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members. People should have goals when they are alive. Only with goals can they have passion for struggle. He has both ability and moral integrity, pays attention to being a model for others, and strives to become an educator with noble ideological realm and moral quality, profound knowledge, and understanding of the laws of education. Loyal to the socialist education cause, have a strong sense of dedication and responsibility, have correct educational ideas, be fully responsible for students, be responsible for all students, and love having children. Teachers are not only guides in students' learning, but also guides in students' ideological character. In accordance with the requirements of curriculum standards and teaching materials, we should work hard to complete the teaching tasks from the actual situation of students. Carefully organize classroom teaching, continuously improve teaching methods, guide students to improve learning methods, cultivate students' good learning habits, give full play to the role of 40 minutes in the classroom with quality and quantity guaranteed, and solidly complete the teaching requirements of each class hour and unit. Have the courage to reform, forge ahead, actively practice various educational and teaching reforms, constantly explore, summarize, discover, create, forge ahead, and constantly improve the quality of education and teaching. Obey the distribution, unite colleagues, teach and learn from each other, adhere to justice, talk less nonsense, and do more practical work. Adapt to the requirements of education in the new era, and constantly improve their professional level and cultural accomplishment. They are hardworking, sincere to others, love students, and have harmonious interpersonal relationships. They always regulate their words and deeds according to the requirements of a new era people's teacher, strive to improve their quality and self-cultivation, strive for excellence, and strive for the cause of the Party for life.

看纪录片《信仰》观后感 篇5


91 years ago, with the belief of saving China, the CPC launched a great practice in Chinese history on a cruise ship carrying the light of truth and national trust in the South Lake of Jiaxing. During the Revolutionary War, "I should live forever in fire and blood!" Ye Ting, Qian Xuesen, who went abroad to save the country through science and technology and returned home with his family after his aesthetic success, and Yang Shanzhou, who shouted, "I want to go back to Daliang Mountain to plant trees." These outstanding Communists who stuck to their beliefs in different times explained what the belief of Communists is with their own practical actions, and how far Communists can go by virtue of their faith and adherence.


At present, there is a problem of "three changes" of belief in society. First, the belief is indifferent. Many people are unfamiliar with the word "belief", and have long been indifferent to what belief they should have; Second, materialization. Some people regard the pursuit of money, power and status as a kind of belief, and the amount of money as a sign of a person's success. People lose themselves in the process of materialization of belief. Third, diversification. In today's increasingly open and individual liberation, there is nothing wrong with the diversity of belief pursuit. But in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, we urgently need a spiritual belief to unite people. As a young Communist, how to hold the pure land in the deepest soul in this complex and materialistic society, how to resist loneliness and temptation in the face of extravagance, requires that we must adhere to the belief that we should adhere to as a Communist, remember the original solemn oath of joining the Party, start from every bit of life, and start from the trivial things around us. Do every ordinary thing well, and do every simple thing well.


First, we should stick to our faith. We should strengthen our belief in communism and strive for it all our lives. Regardless of the wind and rain, regardless of the thunder and lightning, we should remember the oath and stick to our faith. Second, be faithful to the Party. As a Party member cadre, especially an organizing cadre, we should follow the Party, believe in the Party, love the Party, and be loyal to the Party. We must never talk about it and act on it. Third, adhere to the cause. In terms of work, we should have high standards and requirements. We should make it our permanent pursuit to do a good job in organizing work. We should not seek to be a high-ranking official, but aspire to do great things. Fourth, adhere to discipline. Party discipline and national law are "high voltage lines". We should always be in awe, take the lead in abiding by discipline and law, consciously abide by the code of conduct of organizational cadres, be able to keep the bottom line, endure poverty, and do not ask for more things given to us, ask for things without me, and ask for things outside of us.


No matter how the history changes, no matter how the times develop, the loyalty and practice of faith, the persistence and pursuit of faith, and the enrichment and improvement of ideals are always the solid roots and constant soul of our Communists.

信仰观后感700字 篇6


Faith records a history of China's development after the founding of New China. It records that the young Chinese nation has been blocked by the West. To make people live a happy life, we should use the country to become strong and not be bullied by powerful enemies. It is with faith that we have led the people to rely on themselves and work hard to build a poor and white country into a modern power under all kinds of difficulties. Practice has proved that our country cannot be strong without generations. People's struggle. The most prominent ones are Iron Man Wang Jinxi, Lei Feng, Jiao Yulu, Qian Xuesen, etc. They sacrificed all their lives for the people, the country, their faith, and even their own lives.


This is the second time that I have watched this documentary. Every time I watched it, I felt different. At the beginning, when I watched CCTV, I just felt how great the revolutionary martyrs and scientists who fought in the front of science were, and my heart was full of respect and gratitude for them. Now for the second time, I can't help feeling more belonging. As a contemporary college student, I must understand my own mission. It is not blind learning every day, nor just enjoying every day. We must always close to the Party organization and carry forward the spirit of hard work. Before China was built, it was those ancestors who created this harmonious and perfect life for us with their own blood and sweat and their own beliefs. And we should inherit this "belief" and strive for the future of our country. It is not difficult to choose a belief, but it is too difficult to stick to it. It is our duty to serve the people. People's lifelong faith. The victory of man is the victory of faith. Therefore, to pass on faith, it is important to stick to it, and to stick to it is to act. As a young man, we must not forget our responsibilities. Everyone's strength is limited, but the belief in serving the people is strong. Once we have identified our own belief, we must firmly practice it.


Premier Zhou decided to "study for the rise of China" when he was young. Like the Premier, we should have a strong heart to support the Party and the people. This inner spirit is also a spiritual belief that always supports self advancement, leading us to work hard to create a stronger China. The sky will bring great responsibility to the people. They will work hard to improve their health. As the vanguard of the times, we should march forward bravely.