
时间:2022-11-19 12:59:04 | 来源:语文通



电影《我和我的祖国》观后感1100字 篇1电影我和我的祖国观后感 篇2《我和我的祖国》观后感 篇3《我和我的祖国》观后感 篇4《我和我的祖国》观后感 篇5

电影《我和我的祖国》观后感1100字 篇1


"The mysterious and harsh Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the highest plateau in the world, known as the roof of the world. On this plateau, there are many high mountains with an altitude of more than 6000 meters, including Mount Everest, which is 8866.43 meters above sea level. It is the highest peak of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the world's highest peak."


When I saw here, I had a better understanding of Mount Everest in the Himalayas.


Suddenly, when I loosened my hand, the book fell to the ground and closed. I quickly picked up the book "The 100 Most Beautiful Places in China" and turned to the "Mount Everest" chapter. Unexpectedly, I turned over my head and turned to the "Great Wall" chapter. I thought it was also very interesting, so I read it.

原来,长城是由烽火台和列城等单体建筑发展起来的初建的是彼此相望的烽火台,和连续不断的防御城堡,而后用城墙把他们联系起来,便成了长城。长城西起嘉峡关,东边是山海关(就是长城的终点)。长城从山海关直逼海中,如果把万里长城比作一条巨龙,那些伸入海里的建筑就恰似龙首在吞波吐浪,因此人们把它称为 “老龙头”。

It turned out that the Great Wall was developed from beacon towers, column cities and other single buildings. At the beginning, what was built was beacon towers facing each other, and continuous defensive castles. Later, they were connected by the city wall, which became the Great Wall. The Great Wall starts from Jiaxia Pass in the west and Shanhai Pass in the east (the end of the Great Wall). The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan to the sea. If the Great Wall is compared to a giant dragon, the buildings that stretch into the sea are just like dragon heads swallowing waves, so people call it "Old Dragon Head".


The Great Wall has been built more than 2000 years ago, but it is still standing tall. It shows the long history of the Chinese nation, reflects the great achievements of ancient Chinese architectural engineering technology, and shows the strong perseverance and intelligence of the working people of all ethnic groups in ancient China.


In the west of China, there is a place called Flaming Mountain, where there are bare hills where grass does not grow. In midsummer, the red sun is in the sky, the earth's atmosphere is steaming, and the flame clouds are curling around. The reddish brown mountain body is shining under the sun, and the sandstone is like a flying fire dragon, which is very spectacular. The temperature in Turpan is very high, and Flame is said to be the most beautiful place in China. The temperature of Flaming Mountain in summer is as high as 47.8 ℃, and the surface temperature is as high as 70 ℃. You can roast eggs in the sand nest. However, the temperature difference between day and night is also great. The local folk proverb says, "Wear cotton padded jacket in the morning and gauze in the afternoon, and eat watermelons without a stove."


How bad the natural conditions of Flaming Mountain are, and the legend of Sun Wukong borrowing plantain fan three times also adds a strong mythical color to this strange mountain.


At the eastern edge of China's Qaidam Basin, there is a rich and beautiful natural salt lake called Chaka Salt Lake.


In the rainy season, the lake area can reach 105 square kilometers, which is more than ten times that of the west of Hangzhou. In the dry season, the lake surface belongs to the tooth water type. There is a rock layer at the bottom, which is generally 5 meters thick, and the maximum thickness can reach 9.68 meters. Chaka Salt Lake contains nearly 10000 kinds of minerals and more than 40 kinds of chemical components of red water. It is an important treasure house of China's inorganic salt industry, with reserves of more than 440 million tons.


The shape of the salt in Chaka Salt Lake is very strange. Some are like drunken pearls, some are like deep flowers, some are like crystals, and some are like gems. Therefore, people give them some nice names. There are many beautiful and moving names such as pearl salt, glass salt, stalactite salt, coral salt, crystal salt, snowflake salt, mushroom salt, etc. In the daytime, it is possible to see mirages formed on the lake, some like houses, some like cattle, so that you can experience the beauty of hazy changes.


Ah, my motherland is so lovely and beautiful. It also has beautiful scenery such as the Forbidden City, Mount Tai, Sun Moon Lake, the ends of the earth, the Xisha Islands, Xishuangbanna, Potala Palace, etc. Moreover, my family lives in Hangzhou, a paradise on earth, and the West Lake in Hangzhou ranks among the top 100 most beautiful in China. I think we are really happy!

电影我和我的祖国观后感 篇2


Today, I watched the film "Me and My Motherland", which made me deeply feel the prosperity of the motherland in the past X years. The motherland has experienced countless classic moments, which moved me deeply.


The night before last


The night before last为国庆而奋斗的事迹。这一片段让人感受到了以前的人们是多么不容易,只能用一个词来形容,那就是努力奋斗,才能让那时的我们更加进步。






take the crown


take the crown的事情,再次看到影片时就觉得她们更加亲切了。那时的生活条件很艰苦,很少人家里有电视机的。为了看一场为祖国争光的比赛,东东放弃了与好朋友的见面,决定和大家一起架构天线。看完比赛我觉得东东是一个富有、正直、助人为乐的孩子,没有为了自己的事情而耽误了大家。为了祖国的荣耀,个人的事情算不了什么。






Hello Beijing


There are many funny places in this paragraph, but he is full of this deep love. At the end of this episode, I know that if there is something that others need more than themselves, they should give it to others and let it play a more important role.


Diurnal meteor


Diurnal meteor讲了两个孩子在一位慈祥老人的带领下,带领村子从贫穷走向富强的路的故事,让我决定以后要做一个对社会对祖国有用的人。




It's cool to see the handsome attitude of women flying in the film. The blue sky and white clouds, they soar like eagles in the sky. If I can, I will fly to the blue sky to achieve my dream.


My dear motherland, you will always be our pride.

《我和我的祖国》观后感 篇3


As a generation born in the millennium, we have grown up with our motherland in the new century, perhaps because we grew up in peaceful times. Our generation's feelings towards our motherland are more respect and pride. We, who have enjoyed excellent material life since childhood, are often faced with various doubts. "Self centered", "poor psychological quality", "unable to bear hardships", "poor anti pressure ability" and many other labels have been attached to us, and they are even called the "Beat Generation".


Indeed, our generation enjoys the dividend of the times and has never experienced the hard life of our parents and grandparents. But as young people in the new era, we also have new challenges. We will also work hard for our own ideals. We have our own outlook on life, values, and the world. We know right from wrong. Although we still have many shortcomings, such as impulsiveness, inexperience and thoughtlessness, these shortcomings will be overcome one by one as we grow older. I believe that in the near future, our generation will give a satisfactory answer to the motherland and the times.


This is what Chinese youth should look like. History is not only written by heroes and emperors, but also made up of the ordinary lives of many ordinary people. What really drives the wheels of history forward is not only the will of great people, but also a joint force. It is composed of the choices of countless small people and ordinary people. Their will, their wishes, and their aspirations determine the future direction of a nation and a country. It can be said that every ordinary person has played his own note in the theme of patriotism and contributed his own strength. Each of us can be ordinary and small, or unknown, but our perseverance and dedication will eventually converge into the mission of guarding the country.


The film "Me and My Motherland" depicts the most moving moments with light and shadow when New China ushers in its 70th anniversary. The stories that describe ordinary people and the motherland let us look back on history and feel proud of ourselves.


Seventy years have gone by, 70 years of trials and hardships. The 70th Spring and Autumn Festival was a wonderful time, and the 70th birthday was celebrated by all. The motherland is also the mother of billions of compatriots. We were born and grew up in Si; Our generation witnessed its prosperity and strength and witnessed its rapid changes; We should be proud of our country and love our motherland; We should strengthen ourselves to serve our motherland.

《我和我的祖国》观后感 篇4


On the first day of the National Day holiday, my father and I went to see the movie My Motherland and I.


The film consists of seven stories, which are respectively [the night before last], [encounter], [win], [return], [hello Beijing], [daytime meteor], and [escort]. They all tell stories about people's patriotism and dedication to work in different posts in different periods of the founding of New China. Among them, the story of the night before last impressed me most.


This story tells the efforts and efforts of the little people behind the big event. Several engineers completed the difficult and arduous task of the electric flag raising device against the backdrop of tight time, poor conditions and limited space, ensuring the smooth raising of the first national flag of New China, reflecting their great importance to the founding ceremony, loyalty to the motherland and dedication to the cause. This patriotism is worth learning.

《我和我的祖国》观后感 篇5


My heart swelled with a warm emotion, which could not be calm for a long time.

After watching the film "My Motherland and I", my heart swelled with a warm emotion, which could not be calm for a long time.


With the flow of people, I walked out of the hall, but still replayed the heroic and soul stirring scenes in my mind. I know that there is a pure and supreme emotion in this world, called patriotism; There is a warm word called motherland. The subtle and touching stories. The film consists of several short stories. The eve tells the story of Lin Zhiyuan, the designer of the automatic flag raising scheme, who investigated the problem of the automatic flag raising device when the square was closed on the eve of the founding ceremony on October 1, 1949. And Meet, a researcher of the atomic bomb, who remained anonymous and gambled his whole life, even failed to leave his name at last


My heart swelled with a warm emotion, which could not be calm for a long time.


I still remember a scene in the "The Eve Before Tomorrow". People held torches and lanterns late at night, and took things that might be useful at home to donate to Lin Zhiyuan as an electric flag raising blocking device: it was a dark night. People came from all sides of the alleys, holding red hearts of patriotism, holding pieces of metal objects, and competing for donations. A long and brightly lit team reddened the sky and merged with the dawn of the morning sun to warm and illuminate the heart


Behind the strong motherland, how many people shed their blood and tears, invested huge energy and time, and gambled on their own life! On the land named China, there are 5000 years of civilization, dozens of dynasties and glorious history; The vigorous lives of these Chinese people have established and defended their motherland with hard work and strong protection. They, with their hands, diligence and wisdom, have enabled China to stand up step by step and become stronger.