
时间:2022-11-19 12:59:03 | 来源:语文通



西游记读后感500字作文 篇1《西游记》读后感500字 篇2西游记观后感500字 篇3西游记读后感500字 篇4西游记读后感 篇5《西游记》读后感 篇6

西游记读后感500字作文 篇1


Journey to the West is one of the four famous works in China, which is suitable for all ages. It is full of strange and wonderful fairy tales. When I read Journey to the West, I can't help but melt into the wonderful plot.


I remember when I was young, I often asked my mother, "Where do I come from?" Mom always smiled, touched my head and said, "You jumped out of the stone." I think that probably every child has received such an answer. Because each of us is the Monkey King.


We can recall our childhood, holding a comic book of Journey to the West and watching it with great interest. When Monkey King defeated the goblin, we always cheer for him; When he is wronged, we will also feel a deep resonance; When Monkey King was misunderstood by Tang Monk, he was forced back to Huaguo Mountain to continue to be his Great Sage. But when Tang Monk was in danger and Zhu Bajie rushed to Huaguo Mountain to ask Monkey King for help, he also resolutely went to save Tang Monk. I remember watching the series at that time. When I saw this clip, my eyes were full of tears. Because I know that I was the Monkey King at that time.


This little monkey is just like our avatar. When he jumped out of the stone, it symbolized the birth of a small life. When he plays carefree with monkeys on Huaguo Mountain, it is like our carefree childhood life, colorful. When the Monkey King caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he was just like a naughty child. He accidentally ran into the world of the adults and made a mess. The adults wanted to coax him, so they sealed him a Bi Ma Wen instead of coaxing him. Another Great Sage has been sealed, but he still hasn't been pacified. Then the Tathagata appeared and stretched out his flying palm to bind Monkey King at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. The merciful father finally overpowered his naughty son. After a long 500 years, the appearance of Avalokitesvara gave Sun Wukong new hope and embarked on the long road of learning from the West, as well as the long road of life.

《西游记》读后感500字 篇2


There are many famous works in the world, such as How the Steel Was Tempered, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Robinson Crusoe, which gives us courage and indomitability and enlightens us about life, and Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea, which is a colorful and mysterious underwater world. But today I introduce the characters with distinctive personalities, A Journey to the West with twists and turns.


When it comes to Journey to the West, you must be familiar with the characters in it: the kind and honest Tang Monk; The Sun Wukong with fiery eyes and changeable features; Pig Bajie with fat head and big ears, lustful for beauty; Honest and hardworking Monk Sha... Next, I will introduce my favorite story to you.


In the war against Red Boy, Red Boy hung on the tree again and again, waiting for Monk Tang to take the bait. If Sun Wukong had not been quick and witty, Monk Tang would have become Red Boy's food and drink; Among the three dozen baigu jing, baigu jing was very treacherous. For the first time, she turned into a girl, for the second time, she turned into a girl's mother, and for the third time, she turned into a girl's father. However, Sun Wukong's fiery eyes saw through all of them. She beat baigu jing three times, but the result was that she angered the mortal master and was expelled by the master on the spot; A fairy mother and several fairies in the heaven wanted to go down to the earth to help Tang Seng. They became a rich family. The fairy mother became a mother, and several fairies became daughters. This time, Zhu Bajie was lustful for beauty and loved her daughter. Of course, he did not know that these people were fairies, and finally got the punishment he deserved.


I think Wu Cheng'en must have spent a lot of time and energy in writing Journey to the West. After reading Journey to the West, I understand how people should get along with each other. I believe Wu Cheng'en also hopes that we can study hard and grow up to be successful

西游记观后感500字 篇3


Journey to the West is one of the four masterpieces in China. I believe everyone has heard of it. This summer, I opened the thick Journey to the West and entered a mythical world.


In Journey to the West, I like the time of three dozen Baigujing best. That time it was said that the white bone essence wanted to eat the Tang Monk and turned into a girl to send meals to the Tang Monk while the Monkey King was away. Fortunately, Monkey King came back in time and broke the shell of the white bone spirit with a stick, but the white bone spirit became an old lady again, and Monkey King broke the shell of the white bone spirit again. The third time, the Baigujing became an old grandfather. Sun Wukong hit him with a stick. The Baigujing was about to fly away, but he was chased by Sun Wukong and killed with a stick. Tang Monk got angry and thought that Monkey King had killed his family and drove him away. Although Sun Wukong was misunderstood, he did not seek revenge from Monk Tang. I found the Monkey King not only very powerful, but also very kind.


The four disciples of Tang Monk finally got the scripture after going through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. All the way is not to give up easily, but to persevere in the end with complete merits,. However, I did things in an anticlimactic way. For example, once again, my mother signed up for an Olympic math class and left me some difficult questions. After returning home, I quickly finished the relatively simple homework, but I couldn't do those difficult homework. I thought to myself, "My teacher is very good to students at ordinary times, so I just find a reason to get by." The next day, my father found that I had not finished my homework and was very angry. I remembered that in Journey to the West, Monk Tang's disciples did not retreat even after the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. Did these small Olympian math problems perplex me? No, I must finish it. So I finished my homework with my father's help. From then on, I really follow the example of Monk Tang's disciples no matter what I do.


I like Journey to the West, because it is wonderful and has benefited me a lot. I like Journey to the West.

西游记读后感500字 篇4


I believe that you must be familiar with every part of Journey to the West, and I am no exception. I picked up Journey to the West again and read it carefully. The smart and alert Monkey King, the honest and greedy Pig Bajie, the loyal and honest Monk Sha, and the persevering Monk Tang were all clearly displayed in front of me.


In Journey to the West, I like Monkey King best because his character is the same as mine. He has a superb spell, is not afraid of nothing and has an indomitable spirit of struggle. He is brave and resourceful. He dares to fight against the Jade Emperor. He makes a scene at the Peach Blossom Club, smashes the alchemy furnace of Taibai Venus, makes a scene in the Heavenly Palace for many times, tears up the life and death of the King of Hell, and intelligently fights evil forces such as monsters and ghosts. This is the Monkey King in my eyes, a brave hero!


I think Tang Monk is a pedant and a good man, but he is also a religious believer with a firm will. He has a good character, is not afraid of a thousand cuts, has perseverance, meditates and chants sutras whenever he has time. He is a devout, kind, weak and strong monk.


Monk Sha is a simple, honest, kind-hearted old man just like Tang Monk. Although he doesn't have much skill, he is diligent, hardworking and willing to be a logistics person.


Let's talk about Pig Bajie. He is very different from Monkey King. Bajie looks simple and honest. Although he is not as good as Monkey King, he is a capable assistant of Monkey King. However, Bajie has many small problems, such as greed, lust, laziness, etc. His greed and selfishness are the most disgusting. He always doesn't let himself suffer when encountering good things. When encountering difficulties, he first thinks about how to escape.


I like reading Journey to the West best.

西游记读后感 篇5


I have loved reading since I was a child, and I have read many books, but I am most impressed with the Journey to the West. It is a thought-provoking work. I admire Wu Chengen's superb writing skills, and his characters are more vivid: Tang Monk, kind-hearted, not tired; Sun Wukong is vivid and resourceful; Pig Bajie likes to eat and does nothing; Monk Sha is sincere, honest and down-to-earth. In a word, each of the four masters and disciples has their own strengths and weaknesses. It is just the saying that "when three people walk, there must be my teachers." This novel tells that the four masters and disciples went to the Western Heaven to learn scriptures and experienced ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. In order to get the Sutra, they are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and their spirit of perseverance is that they finally overcome hardships.


When I saw this book, I was really excited. I was moved by their spirit and recalled every bit of everyday life. In my life, I always give up halfway for a small matter and have no courage to undertake it. I can't help but feel ashamed why I didn't stick to it as they did at the beginning? But the next time I learned the spirit they had. I had just finished reading Journey to the West that day when I went to practice the piano. But there was one sentence I couldn't play correctly. After a while, I wanted to give up. At that moment, I thought of Journey to the West. Oh, how could I be a little difficult? Like the characters in Journey to the West, I will overcome difficulties and forge ahead bravely. In this way, I slowed down and played it several times until I became proficient. Unexpectedly, a book has a great impact on me, and I will always use it as my motivation.


I like reading, but I prefer books like Journey to the West. It enriches my spiritual life and allows me to travel in the sea of books until I reach the other side of the destination

《西游记》读后感 篇6


When I was in the fifth grade, I read Journey to the West. It is one of the four famous books in China. I benefited a lot from reading this book.


Journey to the West mainly tells a story: Tang Monk's four disciples went to the West to get scriptures, and they returned from the West after going through the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. The stories and plots in the book filled me with emotion.


In order to protect his master, Sun Wukong, the hero in the book, is brave and resourceful in the face of repeated disasters. Wukong's brave spirit makes me admire and worth learning from. This reminds me of something I have experienced. When I was in the second grade, all the girls in the class liked to jump the big rope. They tied two ropes together as the big rope. Because I was strangled by the big rope, I didn't dare to jump the big rope myself in the class. On this day, the teacher said that I would jump the rope. I felt uneasy. Soon, it was my turn. At that time, my heart was like 15 buckets of water - up and down, and my palms were sweaty. The girl next to me saw my nervousness and encouraged me to say, "It's OK. Don't be afraid. It's very simple." It seems that there are two villains fighting in my heart. Jump, I really dare not, for fear that I will be strangled again; Don't jump, and look too weak.


No, do you think Wukong would give up if he faced so many monsters and ghosts or fought bravely on his way to learn the scriptures? I summoned up my courage, clenched my teeth, started to run faster, and jumped forward bravely... Ah! It's amazing that I broke through myself and jumped over! I finally defeated myself, overcame cowardice and cowardice. The monitor ran over and said with a smile; "You are so awesome!" She also gave me a thumbs up.


Yes, this book is my good friend. It teaches me to face the difficulties and setbacks in my life bravely. I love books, but I prefer Journey to the West.