
时间:2022-11-02 12:58:48 | 来源:语文通



诗意地生活作文 篇1诗意地生活议论文 篇2诗意的生活作文 篇3诗意地生活作文 篇4诗意地生活作文 篇5诗意的生活作文 篇6诗意的生活作文 篇7诗意地生活作文 篇8诗意地生活作文 篇9

诗意地生活作文 篇1


Caption: In this world with extremely developed material wealth, people are becoming more and more obsessed with the ostentatious appearance and the dazzle of money. In the rapidly rotating space and time, they lose their original intention and become confused.


The development and progress of society must be accompanied by the progress of material life, but human spiritual life is being eroded step by step.


Few children can feel that: "The disheveled children learn to droop, and the side sitting raspberry moss reflects." "The sky is as cool as water at night, and you can't enjoy it." Quiet and fantastic; And who calls himself a poet that everyone disdains: "Dogs bark in the water, and peach blossoms bring dew." It is true that those things are old, old, both time wasting and boring. They are absolutely no more than the fantastic pictures on the computer. If you want to see the majestic mountains, the clear photos are just a flick of your fingers. However, you can feel that "waving Ling Juejing, you can see all the mountains are small." Your spirit.


I admit that I am an "old man" or an advanced person. Sometimes, with a cup of tea, I will pick up the book in the thought of dancing with the tea fragrance, and then indulge in it; Sometimes, I would invite two or three close friends to ride a bike to see the lovely red and white blooming clouds, and talk about the world under the tree; Although I am busy with my studies, I will also cast a pole and fish on Saturday night to fight with fish, or enjoy the extraordinary pride of "fishing alone in the cold river and snow in a lonely boat" in the reservoir in winter; Even if I had no harvest, I would have been ready to take out the iron swab, put on the mutton, start a fire, test the mutton, and see what the fish can do to me? This is probably something the ancients did not have.


Some people say that I "do not work hard", I admit; Some people say I'm "vulgar", and I admit it; Some people say that I am "old minded and cannot keep pace with today's changing society", and I also admit it.


But didn't you find it? People's life is like a waterwheel, running round and round, insipid. Even going to the suburbs sometimes is just self consolation, where they have not found their own refuge and spiritual sustenance. There are more and more psychological problems. Theoretically, most people suffer from psychological problems more or less, which is probably caused by the social environment.


Of course, I am also a materialist, but I know that the pursuit of material things has no end. Facing the dance of gold and the twinkling of treasures, I smiled and said to myself, "That is not my pursuit." That's what I want: to get rid of the noise, to live alone by the lake, to read in the morning and fish in the evening, to have a "couple of fish and shrimp and friends of elk", to enjoy the pleasant singing of birds, and to enjoy the sunset at dusk

诗意地生活议论文 篇2


In the face of nature, perhaps human beings have always been weak. In the afternoon of May 12, 2008, such a tragedy really happened, and it was beside me, located in the Sichuan Basin in the southwest of the motherland. Now, I still have lingering fears. Looking back on that moment, that short and long moment, I really felt the cry from the depths of the earth. It seemed to be a beast that had been suppressed for thousands of years in ancient Greek legend. After getting rid of the shackles, it proudly released its sadness and ignored any existence.


The sudden disaster, "chaos" once represented the deepest panic and anxiety in my heart. The existing spiritual coordinates almost fell in an instant with the collapse of houses and mountains, and displaced with the displacement of people.


I feel like a floating cloud in the sky, a dandelion in the field, and I have no refuge. The situation is similar to the poetry after the new century, and there has never been a dependence that can be completely attached or bring a bit of comfort.


As a "special literary carrier", poetry has gradually deviated from the public, and the public's indifference to poetry has almost reached the lowest point in history. I even felt helpless to see people constantly spurning and desecrating poetry, but I could only be indifferent. Since the new century, the possibility of discourse hegemony has always been doubtful and uncertain to me.


There are 1000 Hamlets for every 1000 readers, and different forms of expression will inevitably lead to differences in personal standards. Generally, this difference will be as solid as gold, and it is difficult to improve greatly. As the saying goes, it is easy to change one's nature but hard to change one's nature.


Before the earthquake, the fate of poetry seems to have changed. I don't want to directly discuss its specific value. I think I pay more attention to its epic meaning, that is, its historical value. Whether on the Internet, in the media, or in newspapers and magazines, the poems about the earthquake can be seen almost everywhere. The number of poems, the number of participants, and the quality are all record highs. It can be said that such a spectacular "lyric" is unprecedented.


"Poets" have set out with their own senses to capture poetry and express their grief, faith, touching, contemplation, and other complex feelings. Yu Jian, a famous poet in Yunnan, said: "It is difficult to conceptualize what the heart is, which is unique to Chinese culture. It is difficult to say what the heart is without a specific scene. But I can tell people clearly today that the Wenchan earthquake in Sichuan, China, is everything that happened to human beings, which can fully prove the existence of solid."


He believed that after the earthquake, human nature began to return, which was different from the return of individual life in the past. It was the return of society as a whole and the return of national spirit.


"The great earthquake made us respect life again. Life is life, no wrong life, no enemy's life, no life that is not worth cherishing. Sadness is to cherish life and respect life. It is to respect the different ways of life, which is the foundation of harmony. The people waiting for rescue in the ruins have no class, no property, no poverty, no gender, no age, no rank and file. They judge all people equally Word, help. Life is above everything. It is not easy to understand the history of China since the 20th century. This is the ultimate salvation. When we save the victims, we are actually saving ourselves. The ultimate salvation is the heart. " It is undoubtedly fortunate that a nation with faith can be rebuilt on any ruins.


A large number of earthquake poems are just the embodiment of this belief. No matter how the poet writes, he (she) writes the truth. No matter how others read, he (she also reads the truth) has been thinking about what the power of poetry is for a long time. Now, it is not a problem. Through the special period of earthquake, I dare not assert the trend of poetry. I am not sure of everything, but I firmly believe that poetry has a future, because it has epic value.


Slowly, I calmed down, and the poems about the earthquake continued. Perhaps tomorrow, panic will start to escape, the sun will be bright, and poetry will be brilliant.

诗意的生活作文 篇3


I am a romantic child. I like to run the whole mountain from the shade of trees here to the grassland there at the first time when wildflowers are my favorite. I look at a large sky. It is blue to my heart. I have a basket of tears in my eyes for no reason. Some people say it is hypocrisy, but I am not here. Because I am responsible for life in my own way, and I am very grateful to God for choosing me among hundreds of millions. But by choice, I was completely eliminated from "poetry".


When I carefully turned over Du Shiniang's Fury Treasure Chest and talked about her love, the Chinese teacher said, "I don't think you guys in the physics class like this!" All of a sudden, the thunder and lightning flashed. I only looked coldly at her leaving back, and I was hurt for a long time.


Why, why treat science students as dry wood! Is it true that I am just a piece of flat white paper, and can't live with flesh and blood. Am I really just a rough turbid matter formed by triangle and compass? In my life, I released my life without any reservation. I made questions, I bit off my pencil, and I told others with test papers: I won't admit defeat. So everyone said that science students were born with no cream and could only live in the desert.


Is that true? Is it really "hopeless"? Am I really a disgusting child? Is it the duty of science students to take on the main role of school promotion? Is it just a ridiculous idea to walk in the rain? That's not true, it's not true! I can also live a poetic life.


In the afternoon when there is nothing to do, I will take a cup of tea, sit in the rocking chair of Ah Gong, wear headphones, close my eyes, breathe well and enjoy my youth. Science students are all smart guys. When running water sings, they can't help calculating its acceleration in the next second; When looking up at the starry sky, freely depict the bad arc of the meteor; At the edge of the lotus pool, I was embarrassed to estimate her blooming energy. Be excited to solve a difficult problem, take a deep breath for a series of long numbers, and draw a smiling face for repeated memories. Use points to observe people, use surfaces to understand the surroundings, use straight lines to represent the never ending youth, and use rays to mark the direction of progress. I can also live poetically, more eye-catching than anyone!


Please do not unilaterally deny that I am in the poetic world, because I am working hard on my own hot land, and I am also seriously waiting for whispers under the grape trellis. There are no crystal shoes, no pumpkin cars, and no fairy tales, but I look forward to the day when wings grow!

诗意地生活作文 篇4


Tao Xingzhi's folk chrysanthemum planting and Li Bai's drinking and writing poems are all enviable. At this moment, countless people want to have a poetic life in their dreams all the time. But people often give up happiness while pursuing happiness, and give up the perfection around us when pursuing perfect poetry. In fact, the poetic life that attracts thousands of people is in our life.


Childhood innocence


In childhood, our every move is often a beautiful myth. A beautiful music, a unique film, a fairy tale, a farce... I am a happy and naive girl who likes to make farces of all sizes. The follies of my childhood disappear with age. I always like to sit by the window and watch other students' words and deeds. I envy them more and more.


The indiscretion in youth


Tian Zhen's "Green Blessings" shocked my heart, as if it were a hook that pulled me from a child to a small adult, and from ignorance to half understanding. Usually I can't hold back when I learn a little knowledge. I want to be a story to tell others. I don't stop my mouth when I eat. It seems that my personal stage is everywhere. The doctrine of the Tao talks a thousand things, saying this and that. It's a way of showing off in fear that the world will not know. Therefore, I am often mistaken as a person who thinks highly of myself and values vanity. When others heard my knowledge, they sublimated me, but my ego became worthless. However, I am nurtured in the ocean of knowledge every day and grow up happily with me.


Now I, the so-called "adult"


At this moment, I treat all things with a different eye, which has both advantages and disadvantages. I became a big sister, and I adored people who loved me. I have long been thrown into the Huangpu River for pursuing that. But I always like to envy others' poetic life. How can we not add a little color to our original perfect life? Am I a polar bear? If the ice and snow melt and I can't land, I will cry or seize the happiness of others?


What is perfection?


What is poetic?


What is life?


What is life?


Don't ask why, all the perfection we seek is right beside us. The beauty around us can make us enjoy happiness all our life. People pursuing poetic life, please stop your steps! Learn from Shen Fu, Lu Xun and Darwin. Love everything around you. The poetic life in your dream is right beside us!

诗意地生活作文 篇5


I came and went in a hurry. I am a student. Students, in everyone's eyes, are people who live a life of two and one lines. School and home, we always rush here. But I have another piece of sky, which is full of dreams. Imagine. Knowledge, a world where reality and dreams blend. That is my atypical life - poetic life.


My other sky is as beautiful as a poem. Flat. Like Wang Wei's "travel to a place where water is poor, sit and watch the clouds rise", Lu You's "listen to the spring rain all night in a small building, and sell apricot flowers in the Ming Dynasty in a deep lane", Su Shi's "live in the misty rain in a hospital", and Zen's "no mountain people are empty, and water flows and flowers bloom", I always like a simple and comfortable life. Maybe let me read quietly, let the tea smell on the tip of my tongue linger for a long time; Maybe let me dance freely with music, and let laughter and joy surround me. My poetic life is my other territory, far away from the noise. Vulgarity. I know the loneliness of life. Trivial. Embarrassed, and mixed with the ethereal happiness and splendor, so I am not lost because my achievements are inconspicuous, my appearance is not prominent, and my dancing is not beautiful. At a loss, but to capture some of my happiness, will not let it flow into the distance. In my piece of sky, keeping an elegant, keeping a self-confidence. Perhaps it is lonely, but I will not lose my spiritual brilliance due to the non dust on the street, and lose my calm due to the helplessness of each day. I think, I always have some unique places, cheerful personality, sweet smile, these are my treasure, this is my other spiritual world. The moved stories, the books I read, the places I passed by, and the tears I shed, I rewound them again and again in my mind, which is also a joy, a way to retain happiness. My dream, in the poetic world, flies far, across the earth, across the sea, and with the changes of the seasons, time and again into another world. I will find a holy land among them, release inexplicable depression, pursue truth and seek strength.


My life is as beautiful as a poem! I am happy and free. I hope to have a pair of wings to fly in the clear blue sky after rain. I hope to soar happily in this poetic life, like the wind over the mountains and flowers flying all over the sky.

诗意的生活作文 篇6

生活就像一个日记本,本来只有冷冷的空线条,是自己一点一点把本子填满的。过生活就如写 https://m.shubaoc.com/ 日记,用自己喜欢的方式,记下那点点滴滴。

Life is like a diary, which originally had only cold empty lines, and was filled by myself bit by bit. Living life is like writing HTTPS://M.SHUBAOC COM/diary, write down every bit in the way you like.


Write down word by word along the grid. Formal words and neat handwriting are the embodiment of our attitude to learning. At school, our work and rest time is well arranged. The discipline and regular strict requirements in the classroom are all the grids in the diary, which make us well disciplined. This part of the text is written in the grid of the diary with a pen, occupying the majority of the diary, just as the school learning life is the main body of our life.


I always like to write down special things with pens of different colors in my diary. For those colorful diaries, we learn to steal time from our busy schedule and use our spare time to enrich our lives. I like sports, and every physical exercise adds a lively red color to my diary; I like listening to music. The metallic color of rock and roll and the warm yellow color of folk songs appear intermittently in my diary; I like to climb mountains. I like to see the fresh words in my diary like green shade; I like watching movies, and the colors representing different movies are on the paper. Such colorful diary is young.


I always like painting and scribbling. I feel that my diary lacks vitality without illustrations. Therefore, I like to travel. Every time I go to a new place, I will take many photos there. Even if it is not tourism, memorable things, even the most common things, I like to record them with a camera. I know that photos will never bring you the truth of your own experience, but that piece of paper can remind you of some memories. It is very pleasant to draw my mood with a brush. No matter what mood I want to express at the beginning, when I see my achievements, a small sense of satisfaction will immediately make me happy. You don't have to paint well to love painting. The main reason is that this process makes you happy. You don't need to care about other people's views. What you paint is what you paint. Isn't life so simple and refreshing sometimes?


I'm tired of living. I occasionally turn my notebook upside down to write a diary. Do something unconventional. It's also a way to spice up your life. Before the exam, I couldn't help getting up in the middle of the night to watch the World Cup. I saw the young people who were learning from the opposite building when they were enjoying themselves shouting out of the window. Before the semi-finals, there was a sudden power failure at home. I rushed directly to the nearest classmate's house with slippers on. Before I entered the house, I found that there was a call from my own home. I hurried back without saying goodbye, leaving the classmate's back standing there for a long time.


Take life as a diary, and live as colorful as it is in the diary. This is a poetic life!

诗意的生活作文 篇7


Wang Xiaobo once said: "It is not enough for a person to have this life and this world, he should also have a poetic world." Indeed, if only the monotonous life would make people feel bored, and more poetic life would make people feel dependent, excited and colorful.


Recently, there is a famous poetess on the Internet, Yu Xiuhua from the countryside. Living in the countryside and having trouble moving, she has enough time to live the life she likes, She once asked: "Under the east fence of chrysanthemum picking, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely. For some people, such poetic and picturesque atmosphere is just a pie in the sky, a kind of nihilistic spiritual sustenance. I have been living such a life, which makes me deeply doubt: why do you live alone? A life of scrawl, withered and yellow like grass, dead, no one knows, and why do you live? In the most direct inquiry, you can say: people should be happy to live. But why should you be quick happy? You don't know, you can't tell. "


Now? She found her answer: "I mow grass and feed rabbits every day and mourn for the death of a rabbit. This is how a farmer is alive. In the countryside, people are very far away from each other. They have little entertainment except playing mahjong. This is not depravity, but real pity. I don't know if I can play mahjong, I must be one of them, but I know I will be tired of it. For so many years, almost everything except poetry has been I'm tired. " Writing poetry is her greatest happiness, which enables her to have her favorite poetic life.


Of course, poetic life does not necessarily involve writing poems. It also has many forms of expression, such as raising flowers, walking dogs, mowing the lawn, humming minor tunes, and enjoying the beautiful scenery. These are all leisurely and comfortable poetic life. Most of the time, it is not that we live too boring, but that we do not want to live a poetic life, so as to reduce the pressure of our own life a little. It is just to put all the pressure on our hearts that we are living a serious life.


It is everyone's right to pursue a poetic life. We can all have it. It is not depravity, but a pursuit of a higher realm. It tests your cultivation, sharpens your mind, and makes your life more and more wonderful. I believe that more Yu Xiuhua will appear.

诗意地生活作文 篇8


Heidegger said: "People should live poetically." When birds fly in the sky, flowers bloom on the earth, and people smile, poetry begins to flow in life. One should live poetically.


Poetic life originates from people's inner harmony. Ji Xianlin once said that the real harmony is the inner harmony of people. "The real harmony is the harmony between people." Just imagine, how can a person with a cloudy heart make his life full of poetry? A person's attitude towards life is often a true reflection of his heart. Therefore, Sister Lin, who is as clear as water, lives in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, tears in the wind under green bamboos, expresses her feelings for the moon, and sings beautiful poems. Xue Fan, who smells like wine and meat, only knows how to guess fists and talks nonsense about "mosquitoes humming". You can live a poetic life only if you are harmonious in your heart and love everything. Mother Teresa brings love to every poor person, and love makes her life full of poetry; Father Pierre sent warmth to the homeless, and care filled his life with poetry; Academician Yuan Longping sent hope to the hungry people. Love filled his life with poetry. Only when people are harmonious and love everything can they learn to live poetically.


To live poetically, people need to learn from reading. Only by making reading a part of life can life become poetic. When people explore the way to be a man from the ancient books of Confucianism, Taoism and Mohism, when people open the mirror of history from Sima Qian's bamboo slips, and when people understand the method of writing from the works of the eight masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, wisdom begins to nourish people's dry souls and inject poetry into them. When people think of the feelings of hermits from Tao Yuanming's Chrysanthemum, when people feel the changes of life and death from Shi Tiesheng's Altar, when people find the peace of life from Rousseau's Walden Lake, thinking begins to give wings to the soul, so that it can soar in the poetic sky. Only by learning wisdom from reading and thinking from reading can people understand poetic life.


To live poetically, people need to let nature soothe their impetuous hearts. The life of modern people is full of pursuit of livelihood and future, full of noisy whistles and noises, and full of strangers and vigilance between people. People need to find the poetry of life in the breeze and the chirp of birds. The vast and desolate forest brings strong sadness to Shakespeare, who lives in poetic style. The flowing Danube River brings beautiful rhymes to the Strauss family. The ancient and vicissitudes of the Phoenix ancient city bring simplicity and depth to Shen Congwen, who lives in poetic style. The flexibility and purity of nature make people live more poetic.


When people live in harmony with love, when they get wisdom and ideas from reading, when they write on the Internet, when they seek comfort from nature, they can live a poetic life as Liu Yuxi wrote in The Light of Lou Shi.

诗意地生活作文 篇9


Under the golden sun, a butterfly was dancing in the flowers. Her dancing wings sparkle in the sun, gorgeous; Her free and easy dance moves through the red flowers and green leaves, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, like a beautiful dance. I was stunned.


A gentle breeze hit, and I woke up like a dream. Looking at the butterfly, I couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhuang, are you all right recently?"


I admire Brother Zhuang. In the life of common people like me, we are not greedy for power but for fame and wealth, and we are often tired of it. Otherwise, I play in the world all my life, not indulging in the worldly passions and desires, but also unaware of the disturbance of the external world and ignoring the temptation of the world. The elder brother renounces fame and benefits as if he were worthless. Although he lives in poverty, he holds a romantic banner, free and easy, and lives poetically in his ideal world.


Brother Xiang, when he was fishing in Pushui, he unexpectedly caught the appearance of Chu. How many people dream of this! Unexpectedly, my brother refused without turning back. The elder brother said that he would rather be an unknown living turtle crawling freely in the mud than a respected dead turtle for memorial.


Prosperity and wealth are not what you want, so even if you get it, you will discard it like garbage. Brother just wants to live in his own way according to his own temperament, and live poetically in his own world: you can hide in the Jianghu freely, and you can hide in the wilderness willingly.


Brother is a noble man, and can't be secular. In ordinary days, you can enjoy the natural law and understand the great way. The cook can solve the problem in an instant, while the blade is as sharp as the beginning. Brother said that this was a "divine encounter" rather than "visual". Brother Xiang must have a similar experience. He forgot the noisy world, the call of his relatives, and even himself. He swam freely in the ocean of thought and entered a fairyland.


In my opinion, everything in the world comes from this. If you live a poetic life like a brother in a fairyland, how can you be bothered?


Ordinary people love life and hate death. They are deeply distressed by death, but elder brother is not. After my sister-in-law died, my elder brother sat down and sang in a drum basin. A good friend Huishi came to mourn, and asked the elder brother for his unkindness. The elder brother said, "Death and life are destiny. They are the same as the night and the day. Your body is not yours, it is the form of heaven and earth; life is not yours, it is the form of heaven and earth; life is the form of heaven and earth; therefore, life is a pretext. Death and life are like the alternation of day and night, so life is not happy enough, and death is not sad enough. Moreover, those who get it are also time; those who lose it are also time. Peace and prosperity, sorrow and happiness can not be people."


For a person who sees life and death so calmly and thoroughly, what can't be seen through in the world? No wonder that brother returns to nature, indifferent to fame and wealth, and free from vulgarity. No wonder that brother can live poetically in the society of chasing fame and chasing stink.


In the past, my brother dreamed that he was a butterfly, but he was also a butterfly. My brother is very elegant, dancing among the flowers. I wanted to stay here, but I decided not to stay, so I said goodbye: Brother Zhuang, have a good journey!