
时间:2022-11-09 13:30:01 | 来源:语文通



冬至的日记 篇1冬至日记 篇2冬至日记 篇3冬至日记 篇4

冬至的日记 篇1


When the winter solstice comes, there is a saying that "the winter solstice is bad for dumpling bowls, but nobody cares about them". Dumplings are one of the traditional Chinese delicacies with a long history. Every family will eat them during the Spring Festival. Our school has carried out a large-scale activity to celebrate the winter customs. One of the activities is making dumplings!


Today, the sky is particularly blue, the sun is particularly bright, and the white clouds are particularly soft. We heard the teacher say, "Each class can go back to the classroom to make dumplings!" We jumped three feet high happily. Back in the classroom, the students began to make dumplings after washing their hands. Teacher Zhang demonstrated on the platform first. She first picked up a piece of dumpling skin, spread it flat on the palm of her hand, and then put an appropriate amount of meat stuffing in the center of the dumpling skin, dipped it in water, and pinched it for three or two times. A dumpling was shaped. The dumpling stood steadily on the ground, like a gold ingot. A classmate took a piece of dumpling skin and tried it, but it was wrapped like a pillow, which could not stand. The dumpling made by Teacher Zhang was a world apart. Teacher Zhang taught us step by step. First, spread the dumpling skin in our hands, scoop out a spoonful of meat filling, smear a layer of water on the outer ring of the dumpling skin, and then fold the dumpling skin in half, with the left side folded to the front, then folded again, and the right side also done according to the method just described. I did it like Miss Zhang. First, I spread the wrapper in my hand, scooped a spoonful of meat stuffing, put it in the middle, smeared water on the edge of the wrapper, and carefully folded it a few times, but it didn't stick very firmly. Then I squeezed the wrapper hard, and a dumpling was ready. I looked around and didn't look like a dumpling. I modified it and handed it to the teacher. Later, I became more and more skilled. I picked up the dumpling skin, put some stuffing in it, dipped it in water, and gently squeezed it a few times to make a dumpling. Practice makes perfect! The dumplings are over. Look at our dumplings. Some of them are very good-looking, like a mighty general. Some of them don't add enough stuffing, like a deflated ball.


After a long wait, the dumplings finally came out of the pot. A layer of cloud and mist curled around the dining hall, and the aroma came in gusts, which made people salivate. It was very satisfying to smell it. The students rushed to get the dumplings, and the dumplings they made were different from the ordinary ones, especially delicious!


This activity of making dumplings not only let us taste the delicious food, feel the fun of making by hand, but also let us know the joy of labor!

冬至日记 篇2


On the day of the winter solstice, early in the morning, I called my mother to get up early and make dumplings with me. Because when I was young, my mother often said to me, "If you don't eat dumplings on the winter solstice, your ears will freeze off."


When I was young, I would cry in my mother's arms for fear that my ears would freeze off. Because I don't like dumplings Now I laugh when I think about it. How naive I was. Mom bought dumpling stuffing. Our family mobilized and began to pack it. I tell you that it is not the first time for me to make dumplings. It has been a year. I held the dumpling skin, put a large piece of dumpling filling into the dumpling skin, gently squeezed the edge of the dumpling skin with my hand. Oh, the first dumpling was wrapped, and I gave my mom my favorite dumpling. Mom just smiled. I turned the topic around and talked with Mom and Dad intimately... After a while, the dumpling was ripe. Looking at the bowls of steaming dumplings, I was more than happy. I pulled my mother's clothes and said coyly, "Mom, tell me why I eat dumplings on the winter solstice." Mom said, "On the winter solstice of the lunar calendar every year, no matter rich or poor, dumplings are an indispensable holiday meal. As the saying goes," On October 1st, the winter solstice comes, every family eats dumplings. " This custom was left in memory of Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical sage", who gave up medicine on the winter solstice. Zhang Zhongjing, a native of Langdong, Nanyang, wrote Treatise on Typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases, which is a masterpiece of doctors and is regarded as a classic by doctors of all ages. Zhang Zhongjing has a famous saying: "If you enter, you will save the world; if you retire, you will save the people; if you cannot be a good minister, you should also be a good doctor." In the Eastern Han Dynasty, he served as the chief minister of Changsha, visiting patients and applying medicine, and practicing medicine in the lobby. Later, he resolutely resigned and returned to his hometown to cure his neighbors. It was winter when he returned to his hometown.

他看到白河两岸乡亲面黄肌瘦,饥寒交迫,不少人的耳朵都冻烂了。便让其弟子在南阳东关搭起医棚,支起大锅,在冬至那天舍“祛寒娇耳汤”医治冻疮。他把羊肉、辣椒和一些驱寒药材放在锅里熬煮,然后将羊肉、药物捞出来切碎,用面包成耳朵样的“娇耳”,煮熟后,分给来求药的人每人两只“娇耳”,一大碗肉汤。人们吃了“娇耳”,喝了“祛寒汤”,浑身 www.niubb.net 暖和,两耳发热,冻伤的耳朵都治好了。后人学着“娇耳”的样子,包成食物,也叫“饺子”或“扁食”。冬至吃饺子,是不忘“医圣”张仲景“祛寒娇耳汤”之恩。至今南阳仍有“冬至不端饺子碗,冻掉耳朵没人管”的民谣。

He saw that the villagers on both sides of the White River were sallow and emaciated, hungry and cold, and many people's ears were cold. He asked his disciples to set up a medical tent in Dongguan, Nanyang, and put up a cauldron to cure chilblain with "cold dispelling and sweet ear soup" on the winter solstice. He put mutton, chilli and some cold expelling medicinal materials in a pot to boil, then picked up the mutton and cut the medicine into pieces, and made it into ears like "sweet ears" with bread. After cooking, he gave two "sweet ears" and a large bowl of broth to each person who came to ask for medicine. People ate "Jiao Er" and drank "Cold dispelling Soup", and they were covered in WWW. NIUBB NET is warm, both ears are hot, and the frostbitten ears are cured. Later generations learned the way of "Jiao Er" and wrapped it into food, which is also called "dumpling" or "flat food". Eating dumplings on the winter solstice is the kindness of Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical sage", to "dispel cold and sweet ears soup". Up to now, there is still a ballad in Nanyang, "The dumpling bowl is not served in the winter solstice, and no one cares if the ears are frozen off".


After listening to this, I suddenly realized that it was like this. In the future, I should eat more dumplings to avoid freezing my ears. Soon the dumplings were finished, but I will never forget what my mother told me.

冬至日记 篇3


Today is the winter solstice. According to tradition, we should go to the tomb. At dinner yesterday, my father asked me that if you were free tomorrow, you could go to the tomb with your mother and help her carry things. I got up early today and got up at half past five. It starts from home at 6:10. At 6:40, go to the station next to Auchan Supermarket and wait for the tomb sweeping bus. We went quite early. Only two or three people were waiting there. After all, the first bus left at 7:30. But when I got back from going to the toilet, the line began to queue up. There was a commotion in the crowd: where was the grave sweeping car? No sign was put up. When the signboard was hung up, the red line of the queue was pulled up, and the people waiting for it were even more excited: the car started early, and the queue was already so long. When I looked at my watch, it was only seven o'clock. At 7:20, the first bus left, and I was the second one in the queue. Of course I could have a seat, so I was not tired on the way.


When we arrived at the Mid mountain Cemetery, we went straight to the business hall to pay the money. The reason is that my grandparents' tomb has been twenty years old, and we have to renew it like Netcom. In the business hall, my mother bought three wreaths by the way: one for my grandparents, one for my grandfather and one for my aunt. We go to Grandpa's, Grandma's and Grandpa's first, and then aunt's last in the order of near to far. My mother has been busy for several days for today's tomb sweeping. She bought paper money, candles, dried tofu, fish, etc., and paid tribute. The most troublesome thing is that the fish should be cooked and put away carefully. When she arrived at the cemetery, she spread these things out again, offering incense and burning money. The same procedure goes three times, making me dizzy. I held an umbrella for her, and my hands felt very sour. What's more, my aunt's tomb is in a very high place. My mother said she was tired to death. People who like climbing so much feel a little tired, not to mention her. When our three tombs were swept back, more people poured into the cemetery from all directions. Although it is inconvenient to walk in the rain, the cemetery remains popular. It was nearly 12 o'clock when I finally got on the bus and got home.

冬至日记 篇4


Of the 24 solar terms, if you want to say which is the most warm, it must be the winter solstice. Because on that day, every family will sit around and eat a steaming dumpling. It seems that there is no dumpling in the winter solstice, just as there is no moon cake in the Mid Autumn Festival and no tangyuan in the Lantern Festival.


In the past years, all three of us had a big meal of dumplings at noon on this day, and my mother would certainly pack my favorite stuffing for me.


At the winter solstice this year, I was the first to rush out of the classroom and ride my bike all the way after school at noon. As soon as I entered the corridor, I smelled the smell of dumplings floating out of my neighbor's house, mutton and pork. I also smelled the three fresh foods. I stepped three steps at a time and climbed five floors, but the aroma of dumplings disappeared somehow. I thought I was overjoyed, so I sniffed hard and carefully. After entering the house, they stared at the table: "Why don't you eat dumplings? It's noodles!" Then, like a chicken, his head drooped limply. The mother said angrily, "Daddy can come back this afternoon, can't he eat again tonight?"


Finally, after school in the afternoon, my father came to help me unload my heavy schoolbag, and my mother put a plate of dumplings just out of the pot on the table. The dumplings are crystal clear, just like the bright crescent moon painted with zigzag patterns; The dumpling is fragrant, and the smell in the memory goes straight into the mind through the nose. One by one dumplings lay quietly on the plate. I tasted them gently, and the mellow thick juice immediately hit my taste buds. Busy greeting Mom and Dad to sit down, our family sat around the table, eating dumplings, while talking about their own experiences. The fragrance of dumplings and the warmth of home make my heart ripple in the spring water.


Late at night, I lay in bed and quietly recalled the scene of dinner. I suddenly understood that the most important thing in the winter solstice was not to eat dumplings, but to sit together and eat happily and talk. The winter solstice is a time when people give this ordinary day a special meaning, which makes this ordinary day extraordinary and full of warmth.