
时间:2022-11-08 12:57:47 | 来源:语文通



观察大蒜生长过程日记 篇1大蒜观察生长日记 篇2观察大蒜的生长过程日记七则 篇3观察大蒜生长过程日记 篇4大蒜生长观察日记 篇5

观察大蒜生长过程日记 篇1


The rain turned overcast on Thursday, October 14


When I got out of bed, I went to look at a garlic tree that had been hydroponically cultivated a few days ago, and was surprised to find that it had taken root and sprouted quietly. I saw the dense thin roots rush out from the garlic "butt" like white ribbons waving in the water. Look at the "head" of garlic, there are many sprouts struggling to break their coats and get out, like a group of small children standing on the mountain, like thick and short hair. I gently touched the leaves with my hands, very smooth and soft, just like my mother's hands.


When I saw that the water was a little muddy, I quickly replaced it with a clean one, otherwise the root system could not absorb enough nutrients, which would affect the growth of garlic. During this period, I put my nose up to smell the garlic smell, and only felt a smell of garlic. Although the smell was pungent, I felt that the smell was really charming, which was emitted by my lovely garlic treasure!


I gave garlic a name, "I will pass every exam". I hope I can study smoothly and profitably. "Every exam must pass", let's cheer together!


Monday, October 18th, sunny to cloudy


Today, as soon as I got home from school, I couldn't wait to see my "pass every exam". "Every time you take an exam, you will pass" I seem very happy to see me, gently shaking my roots and swinging my arms, as if to say: "Little master, you are here, and you see I am growing up again."


I carefully observed the "pass every exam", and found that its roots were longer than before, tightly clustered together, measured, a full length of 4 cm, and the speed was amazing. The leaves are much taller, and the highest one is 10cm. I also found that some leaves had small buds growing out of them, like a little baby hiding in the house watching the outside world secretly. It was really cute.


I saw the water was turbid again. In order to make "pass every exam" grow into "the best garlic in the world", I immediately changed the water for it. How tenacious it is to think that it can grow so fast only by the nutrients in the water! I want to learn from it.


It rains on Wednesday, October 20


Today, I went to see "Every exam must pass" as usual at the first time after school. It really surprises me every day. I saw that the roots had almost touched the bottom of the bottle. I thought that the reason why they were growing so hard must be that they could absorb more nutrients to provide for the stems and leaves. The leaves have grown to about 13cm, and the color is getting darker. A closer look shows that the small leaf buds have completely escaped from the package, and the whole body has been stretched out. Let me look at them generously.


Garlic cloves, which used to be close together, are now slowly separated, like grown children preparing to leave home for their own struggle. Maybe soon, I will need to find a new home for them.


The teacher once told us a story that a man praised his plants every day, and the plants grew very luxuriantly. It shows that there are feelings between people and plants, so is it because it grew up in my love that my "pass every exam" looks so good? I will praise it more and let it achieve the goal of "the best garlic in the world" as soon as possible!

大蒜观察生长日记 篇2


When I came home from school, I saw the autumn wind sweeping yellow leaves and dancing in the air like butterflies. I also remembered my two inseparable partners garlic. I haven't seen them for many days. I wonder how these two cloves of garlic are growing. Have they grown up a lot? Instead of wasting time here, I'd better hurry home to see what is going on. Thinking of this, I quickly stepped forward and rushed home.


I saw that the two good partners were very different from before and had made great changes. The first clove of garlic has its leaves, which are green; The waist of the second petal is also straight, and the leaves are also divided, which is greener than the first petal. The first clove of garlic has a long leaf, and a small leaf just growing beside it, sharp and hard; The second garlic leaf has three leaves, two of which are soft. The other one hides between the two leaves. It is small, hard and sharp, unlike the other two, which bend when touched.


The second clove of garlic has changed the most in the second half of these two good partners. They are already straight and vigorous. They are no longer the coward who once tipped, pushed and wouldn't resist. He has learned to resist and won't be laughed at any more. The first clove of garlic became more tenacious and stronger. The manly interior looks like a victorious general. He is very energetic. He may become arrogant when he sees that his companion is not as strong as him, but he did not notice that there are wrinkles on his green skin, which is rough to the touch and not as smooth as the second clove of garlic. If you look at it carefully, some parts of his body are dark, Is it because he has been sunburnt for a long time?


If I didn't stop them in time, I didn't know what they would become.

观察大蒜的生长过程日记七则 篇3


Friday, October 11, 2019 Cloudy


As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out of the classroom like a rocket and ran home. Because my teacher has given me a difficult task, I am eager to complete it. That is to observe garlic and record its growth process.


When I got home, I went to the kitchen and took out a garlic to observe. When it was not skinned, it was round and wore a white coat. There was a protruding tip on the top that looked like its hair. There was no root underneath. Peel off the skin and you can see that the inside is one petal at a time. They are tightly surrounded and lean against a pillar, fearing that others might separate them. But in order to observe them clearly, I separated them. The lower part of them is light brown, and then looked up, the color became pale, almost white. My mother told me that we must peel it clean before we can eat it. I peeled off its skin and saw that it was milky white inside. It looked very lovely. Then I planted garlic according to the teacher's method.


I looked at the planted garlic and thought about what it would look like when it grew up. He smiled involuntarily.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 Sunny


Finally, I'm looking forward to the weekend. When I got up in the morning, I immediately ran to the bottle where garlic was grown to see how it changed


I found a little green on the head of garlic. A few buds can be vaguely seen below the garlic. I can't help sighing that the vitality of garlic is really strong. Why did it grow yesterday and grow today? Its color has not changed much as yesterday, and its shape has not changed much. My mother said that my heart was too anxious. But I still silently read in my heart: "Xiaosuan, Xiaosuan, grow up quickly!"


Cloudy Sunday, October 13, 2019


Today, when I can't wait to see my garlic, I can't help but be overjoyed because a small bud has grown on the top of one garlic, and garlic is about to sprout! I quickly changed a bottle of water and found that its root was long. I took a ruler to measure it. The root was only a little long, about 1mm long.


Its skin is translucent now, which may be the reason why it has been immersed in water for a long time. Some garlic is about to crack. Its small roots seem to be more than those of yesterday, dense like a grass covered with weeds. Its shape remains unchanged.


It seems that Xiaogen and Xiaoya are not willing to lag behind in the competition, and they are working hard to grow.


Monday, October 14, 2019 Cloudy


Today, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the sprouts that had been vaguely released in the previous day have now emerged and are thriving. There are two buds, about 7 mm long. I was afraid that the nutrients in the water were not enough, so I changed the water again.


When I changed the water, I found that the root of garlic was long, about 1cm long, and the other one was fast, a total of 1. 3 cm. After measurement, it was found that the garlic root was 4 mm long, and a total of 5 mm long.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Cloudy


I've come to refuel garlic roots and sprouts again! It can be found that garlic grows very slowly and has reached the bottleneck period. It may be malnutrition, so I added two compound fertilizers to it, hoping it can grow healthily.


At this time, there was a small crack on the bud, which seemed to be about to separate, and the skin was about to peel off, emitting a faint fragrance from time to time.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Sunny


Today, the small green sprouts of garlic really grow tall and strong. I was so happy that I quickly added another grain of compound fertilizer, fearing that the nutrients in the water could not meet the growth of garlic. I found that the two small green buds had grown another 1cm, and the highest one was 2cm. 5cm, and 2cm for the shorter ones. At this time, the garlic root also became coiled.


Thursday, October 17, 2019 Sunny


I was surprised to find that a "good friend" had emerged from the two green buds. I added a grain of compound fertilizer as a gift to welcome "new friends". As usual, I took a ruler to measure. The longest one was 3cm long. Their growth stopped again. I thought it might be the cause of malnutrition and lack of sunshine. So I planted it in a flowerpot and put it in a sunny place on the balcony. Let it bathe in sunshine in fertile soil. I believe it will grow stronger!


Through these seven days of observation, I know the growth trajectory of garlic. It's really an interesting observation process. I hope the young garlic can grow up!

观察大蒜生长过程日记 篇4


November 8th


Today, my mother bought a white flowerpot and soil to grow garlic. We used water culture and soil culture. I think water culture should grow faster. Sure enough, in the afternoon, a very short filament appeared at the bottom of the hydroponic garlic, much like the corner of a jellyfish. However, there is no "movement" in the soil culture. I guess it sleeps under the soil, but the garlic in the water culture is more diligent. I hope that the garlic in the soil culture will sprout like the garlic in the water culture in a few days. I water it while thinking. My strawberry sticks out of its pot, as if to say, "Garlic, you must grow up quickly!"


November 10th


This morning, I found more "jellyfish tentacles" at the bottom of my hydroponic garlic. To my surprise, the top of the garlic sprouted. The bud was green, and it came out of a small hole at the top of the garlic (my mother cut the garlic head). The bud was less than five millimeters. I thought that more small green buds would come out from the head of each garlic in the future. My mother said that these buds could be used for cooking when they grew up. I think the local garlic must have overslept. I still don't want to move. I'm worried about it.


November 12th


That is great! The growth rate of hydroponic garlic is really fast. There are so many roots at the bottom of garlic that they are starting to "grab the ground". In addition, lovely small buds sprout from the top of each garlic petal. The others are less than half as long as the others a few days ago! Each bud is sharp, like a green knife. I went to see my local garlic again. Alas! I can sleep better than I can, but I believe garlic will sprout. Through observation, I found that hydroponic garlic grows faster than native garlic. Because plants like water, we should learn from plants to drink more water!

大蒜生长观察日记 篇5

9月24日 星期四 天气晴

Thursday, September 24th, sunny


This Thursday, the teacher asked us to plant garlic and measure their growth rate every day. Back home, I excitedly took out the garlic in the kitchen and broke it off one by one. The broken garlic petal is white and plump, like a baby just born. It's really cute! Then, I took out a small cup, put some water, put garlic in the cup, and finally put garlic on the kitchen window sill and said to it: "Garlic, you must grow up quickly!" A breeze blew, and it moved, as if in response to me.

9月26日 星期六 天气阴

September 26, Saturday, overcast


Wow! Excellent! Garlic sprouts! I jumped three feet high and was surprised to find a bud growing in the middle of it, looking at the world like a curious baby. I was so happy that I poured some water on it, touched its small head and said, "It's good to drink more garlic!"

9月27日 星期日 天气阴

Sunday, September 27, cloudy


Today, I found several millimeters of white roots growing from the bottom of garlic, like the beard of an old man. However, the buds did not change much. I decided to move it to the balcony and let my "white beard" garlic bask in more sunlight. Father Sun, please cast some magic on it! Help it grow up quickly.

9月29日 星期二 天气晴

Tuesday, September 29, sunny


It seems that Father Sun heard my prayer. With the sunshine, the garlic buds began to grow crazily. With a ruler, it was 3-6cm long. Some of them also split two garlic leaves, and the "white beard" underneath became more and more dense. There is only one piece of garlic on the top, except for the white beard. I decided to plant it in the soil, and I believe it will also take root and sprout. I thought to myself that the growth process of garlic is really wonderful! My garlic with white beard, what surprises will you bring me tomorrow?