
时间:2022-11-08 12:57:45 | 来源:语文通



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运动会发言稿 篇1


Good morning, everyone!


It's my honor that the kindergarten gave me this opportunity to communicate with you here as the representative of parents. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of all parents of children, to express our sincere thanks to the leaders of the kindergarten and all the teachers who held the Games! We are grateful to the teachers who have given their children selfless love. It is you who smile every day and care kindly. It is you who decorate children's colorful world with wisdom and childhood with love. Thank you for your hard work for children's growth.


Yesterday, with hope, we sent our children to Yuewan Kindergarten and planted ugly ducklings into white swans. Today, we like the growth of our children. They are becoming more and more sensible day by day, just like seedlings growing up. Tomorrow, we believe that children will be able to ride the wind and waves and sail!


Yuewan Kindergarten is a collective full of joy and wisdom. They constantly absorb advanced learning experience of children, attach importance to the cultivation of children's habits and quality, and gradually improve children's ability in all aspects. The warmth of "father son activities", the harmony of "parents' participation", the happiness of "International Children's Day", and the enrichment of various specialty classes... The development of various activities in the park has increased children's knowledge and exercised children's ability. At the same time, we are happy to see the changes of children in kindergarten and witness the progress of children in kindergarten. All this is inseparable from our hard paid teachers. One minute on the stage, ten years of work on the stage. What we can see is the progress of children, but what we can't see is that teachers give up their rest days, concentrate on research, and work hard day and night. Yuewan Kindergarten: The children are given to you. As guardians, we can rest assured. As reassuring children, they are very happy and comfortable


As a parent, I deeply know that on the way of children's growth, we have to sweat a lot of hard work, pay a lot of effort, and experience many ups and downs and hardships, but we are not afraid. Because we have hope for the future. Because we have the same hopes and expectations, we want to reach a consensus with teachers to build a bridge for family education, so that our children can become successful real people under the sunshine of love, happy doors, and the source of improving elegance and interest.


Winter is a season full of hope. On such a beautiful day, I would like to thank the school for holding this sports meeting, so that children can get healthy in sports, learn to cooperate in competition, find happiness in games, and let our guardians experience the beauty of family ties in participation.


Finally, we wish the children a healthy growth, our teachers a happy family and a happy work, our Yuewan Kindergarten a great reputation and prosperity, and our sports meet a complete success!


thank you very much

运动会发言稿 篇2


Dear leaders, teachers and students


Good morning, everyone! Today, our smiling faces are as bright as blooming flowers, and our mood is as bright as the gentle sea breeze. Life is in motion. With the careful organization of school leaders and the strong support of teachers, the annual June 1st Funny Sports Meeting of Huafeng School finally opened. This sports meeting provides a stage for students to show themselves.


I believe that students can take the Games as a starting point to strengthen physical exercise and lay a foundation for future study. The students will compete with style and level in the competition, and carry forward the competition style of "safety and friendship first, competition and ranking second". Carry forward the Olympic spirit of "higher, faster and stronger", and ensure that "victory is not arrogant and defeat is not discouraged". Here, on behalf of all the judges, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders of the University and all the teachers and students for their kind care and strong support.


At the same time, all our referees will wholeheartedly do a good job of refereeing for the conference, and use the referees' rules to ask themselves to ensure that they are "fair, just, serious, serious, accurate, modest, cautious, united and cooperative. Please also supervise and support us. I hope that all teachers and students in the school will join in the Games with full passion, high morale, and the courage to strive and forge ahead.


Finally, I wish the Games a complete success! I wish all the contestants a good harvest of competition results and spiritual civilization!


Thank you!

运动会发言稿 篇3


Dear teachers, students, referees and athletes


Good morning, everyone!


In this golden autumn, in this harvest season, we ushered in the first sports meeting of Jiulixiang Lake City School. To ensure the smooth convening of the sports meeting, our school worked together from top to bottom to make all the preparations for the sports meeting. On behalf of the school, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the staff who worked hard in the preparation of the Games!


School physical education is an important part of quality education. Holding the winter sports meeting is an important measure for the school to comprehensively promote quality education, vigorously carry out sunshine sports activities, enhance team cohesion, and enrich students' extracurricular life. It is also a great review of school physical education, and also a great display of contemporary primary school students' spiritual outlook. Therefore, students should attach great importance to it, and take this opportunity to show their talents, temper their will, and cultivate team spirit and collective sense of honor.


At the beginning of each competition, I sincerely hope that all teachers and students will strictly obey the arrangement of the conference, follow the unified command of the conference, strictly abide by the discipline of the venue, pay attention to their own safety, and keep the venue quiet and clean. The team headquarters will arrange weekly students on duty to conduct unified inspection and evaluation; It is hoped that all referees will abide by the rules of the competition, make fair decisions and earnestly perform their duties; It is also hoped that all athletes will follow the example of our Olympic athletes, carry forward the brave and tenacious spirit of struggle and good sports ethics, and reflect the high quality, high style and high level of our teachers and students.


Finally, I wish the first Winter Games of our school a complete success. Thank you!

运动会发言稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Today, all teachers and students of XXXX Primary School of XXX Experimental School welcome the annual sports event - the 20XX students' autumn track and field meet. First of all, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the grand opening of this Games! I would like to express my cordial greetings and heartfelt thanks to the teachers and students who have worked hard in the preparation for the Games!


In recent years, all students of XXXX Primary School have always insisted on sunshine sports. Morning exercises, extracurricular exercises and extracurricular activities are rich and colorful. The growth records of students who insist on exercising and love sports are recorded on the physical exercise cards every day. Students live happily and grow healthily in sports, and have also made gratifying achievements in sports competitions. It can be said that good news has been reported frequently: our school hockey team has won the third place and the second place in the women's primary school group successively in national competitions; The soft softball team won the national championship four times in the national competition with the indomitable spirit; The aviation model team won the first place in the provincial group and the first place in many individual events; XXXX Primary School respectively won the first place in the table tennis and rope jumping competitions in the East District. Today, on behalf of the school, I would like to extend congratulations and thanks to all the coaches and players of the representative teams, and thank you for adding luster to the school!


Students, "Exercise for an hour every day, and live a happy life." Love sports and benefit for life. I hope that the children of XXXX Primary School will always keep the good habit of loving sports in their future study and life. They will run every day, jump rubber bands, jump rope, play ball games... They will insist on taking lunch breaks every day, and actively learn badminton, football, taekwondo, table tennis, swimming, skating and other sports after school. I believe you will be healthy and happy every day.


In order to prepare for this sports meeting, many children actively devote themselves to physical exercise in their spare time, train hard, persist in practice, and pay a lot of sweat. This spirit of not being willing to lag behind and being brave to challenge is worth learning! I hope that all the contestants can fully display themselves in various competitions, win the first place bravely, stick to the end, strive to achieve the best results for the class, try to break the record of previous years, and refresh the competition results for the school.


This campaign is also a grand occasion for each of our classes to show their team spirit. Today, 72 squadrons of us made wonderful appearances one by one, with neat steps, loud slogans and vigorous spirit. I hope you will obey the referee, respect and appreciate your opponents, and participate in the competition in a civilized manner; When watching the game, observe the discipline of the venue, take the initiative to cheer for the players, do a good job of water delivery and other services, actively write the radio script, be a civilized cheerleader, be a civilized audience, and compete for the "spiritual civilization award" for the class!


Finally, I wish XXXX primary school students a complete success in the autumn track and field meet!


thank you!

运动会演讲稿 篇5


In golden autumn, you can enjoy the cool and fragrance of thousands of grains. At this exciting moment today, we, the teachers and students of Jianghuai College of Huaiyin Institute of Technology, are full of joy and full of spirit to solemnly hold the 20XX Autumn Track and Field Games. I suggest that we give our warmest applause to express our sincere congratulations on the upcoming Games. (Applause) I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the people involved in the preparation and organization of the Games for their hard work, and to all the classes that have made careful preparations for and actively participated in the Congress! I would like to express my high respect to the referees, coaches, athletes and all the staff of this conference!


Teachers and students, with the continuous advancement of human history, social progress and the development of civilization, the status and mission of sports in human development are also changing, and the function and value of sports are also constantly becoming mature and perfect. Our educational goals put forward higher requirements for the quality of people and the harmonious development of body and mind, which also enable sports to develop day by day. Therefore, sports have more and more influence on social culture and people's life. From the fighting among slaves in the ancient Roman arena to the competition among athletes in the modern Olympic Games, sports has always been the excitement of human society and the focus of education. Strong physical quality is the basic guarantee of study, life and work.


Today, we are here to hold the 20XX Autumn Track and Field Games. In the 20XX session of the Games, our athletes, in the spirit of always striving for the first place, were brave and fearless, which fully demonstrated the spirit of our students' courage and progress. We are looking forward to the reappearance of sportsmen's style in this sports meeting, and create another great performance!


Thank you!

运动会发言稿 篇6


On this bright and sunny day, the XX Federation Primary Spring Track and Field Games was held today. As an athlete, I am proud of the first-class environment on campus and the vigorous vitality and high morale of my classmates!


Stepping on the runway and facing the wide playground, what is presented to us is not only the beautiful XX Lianxiao, but also the stage for us to put aside the pressure of learning, release our mind and show ourselves.


For the competition, we will give full play to our best level, showing our unique vitality and vigor; With regard to competition, we will adhere to the principle of "friendship first, competition second" to achieve fair competition and make progress together in the primary school sports meeting. We should strictly follow the instructions and requirements of teachers and referees, avoid conflicts with other students, and truly compete for style, friendship and achievements. Demonstrate the good moral cultivation of XX Union primary school students..


Finally, I wish the XX Federation's Spring Track and Field Games a complete success!


My speech is over, thank you!

运动会发言稿 篇7












运动会发言稿 篇8


He laughed and I laughed,


She cried and I cried together;


Sing with him for five minutes every day,


Play for ten minutes;


Exercise for 20 minutes;


No matter how busy,


There can be no excuse,


Because he is my baby,


He must have a wonderful childhood,


If you violate or fail to do it,


I will be punished,


Buy a hamburger for your baby,


Swore on October 12,


I believe that all the people present are good parents, believe in yourself, believe in your baby, come on!

运动会发言稿 篇9


Respected leaders, teachers, parents and dear students


Hello, everyone. The morning of golden autumn is sunny. Under the warm sunshine, we ushered in the education of the times - the golden autumn interesting sports meet. As a representative of the athletes, I am very excited. I believe that everyone's mood at this moment is as difficult to calm as I am.


The teacher said: a strong body is the cornerstone of the future. It is true that sport is the composition of life, the guarantee of study, the foundation of future career, and more importantly, it is closely related to our health.


As students of XXX Middle School, the education of the times, we followed the pace of the times and carried out interesting activities. During the activities, students showed excellent sportsmanship, and teachers and students showed great enthusiasm for sports!


Today's Golden Autumn Games will be our stage. We will spare no effort to show ourselves, never give up, never retreat, fight for ourselves, fight for the class!


I swear on behalf of all athletes here: obey the referee, abide by the rules and order of the game, respect the opponent, respect the audience, unite and cooperate, fight tenaciously, play with level and style!


Finally, on behalf of all the athletes, I would like to wish the XXX Golden Autumn Games a complete success! Thank you!

运动会发言稿 篇10







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