
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:59 | 来源:语文通



观察日记 篇1观察日记 篇2观察日记 篇3

观察日记 篇1


Monday, October 18th Sunny


Life is not short of beauty, but of eyes to find beauty. This morning, I ran to the balcony, God! A small purple flower grew on the vine! I was very surprised. The little flower was trumpet shaped. There was a small receptacle under it, and there were many love shaped small leaves beside it. It was very lovely. My mother also told me, "This flower is really beautiful." In the afternoon, I went to see it again. The flower withered. I hurried to find my mother and told her about the strange phenomenon I saw. She smiled and said to me, "Morning glory usually opens at 5 o'clock in the morning, closes at 10 o'clock, and withers in the afternoon." I see! I really hope the flowers will bloom better tomorrow!


Wednesday, October 20, overcast


I just got up and walked into the balcony. It was drizzling outside. The morning glory was washed clean by the rain, and it also gave off a fragrance. Suddenly, I found a lot of small fluffy hairs on the vine. I touched it with my hand, itchy and prickly. I ran into the room and checked the information. oh It turns out that those small hairs are used to hold the pole. Even if the storm comes, it will not blow them away. "Ha ha, I have gained new knowledge today!" I said to myself.


Friday, October 22 Sunny


I rushed into the balcony early this morning. Eh? How come there are no flowers, only a few withered flower buds. I feel so strange. I picked a small flower bud and looked at it. There was a small black seed in it. Wow! I cried out, very happy! I planted the seeds I took down, hoping to grow more morning glory!

观察日记 篇2


August 5 Sunny Sunday


Autumn has come. My garlic sprouts are more than a foot high. When it comes to planting garlic, I have to start from the summer vacation. That day, I finished my homework and slept late upstairs. At this time, Grandma asked me to go downstairs. She was going to plant garlic and asked me to accompany her. Grandma gave me some big garlic and said, "Yang Yang, go with Grandma to plant garlic in the field. Don't you like to eat garlic stir fried pork?"? OK, I'm interested in that.


These big garlic are flat and round, covered with a white film. When pulled apart, they are some garlic petals, which are squeezed together. Grandma said that the outer membrane should be removed before planting.


When I got to the field, I took a shovel and began to dig the hole. After digging the hole, I buried the garlic clove, then picked up the shovel to fill the soil, and finally poured water on it. I pray silently, baby garlic, you must grow up quickly!


Monday, August 6 Sunny


This day ushered in a happy event, and I was in a good mood. Why? Tell you secretly! My garlic sprouted. The bud was tender and green, like a newborn baby. I showed the true face of Mount Lushan shyly. I watered it and felt happy.


Tuesday, August 7, cloudy


Today, I used a ruler to measure it. Why didn't I grow up? One millimeter is fine! My mood fell sharply and I was very depressed. Grandma smiled and said to me, "Don't worry. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Children can grow up slowly. How can garlic grow up so fast?"


Saturday, August 11, sunny to cloudy


Today, my garlic sprouts seem to have grown up a lot, about 2cm tall, and the dark clouds on my face are gradually turning my eyes. Grandma said: "Garlic is a treasure all over the body. Garlic is the condiment for cooking. Eating more garlic is good for your health. It can kill bacteria, diminish inflammation, and prevent cancer. After a while, when the garlic sprouts grow tall, you can stir fry the meat shreds of garlic sprouts. I can't help drooling when I think of all the delicious dishes on the table. Now, my garlic sprouts grow taller and taller. When the wind blows, they shake their heads. The water is exquisite, and I'm really happy People!

观察日记 篇3


One day, Grandma brought a plant like grass. I asked curiously, "Grandma, what is this?" "This is a pepper seedling," Grandma said. Then Grandma introduced me how to plant this pepper seedling. I took notes while listening. I was secretly determined that I would plant this pepper seedling well and eat the pepper I planted myself.


I first found a larger flowerpot and dug some fresh soil downstairs to fill it. I carefully moved the pepper seedlings into the pot with a shovel, applied some fertilizer and watered them.


In my anxious expectation, I finally found that the pepper seedlings had changed from light green to dark green. I was very happy and more energetic! Every day I put it in the sun to give it enough sunshine, and I timely uproot the weeds beside the seedlings. After a while, the stems of pepper seedlings began to thicken and the leaves grew larger. Grandma told me: "The pepper seedlings grow very well, and they will bloom in a few days!"


A week later, as expected, there were many flower buds on the pepper seedlings, but they were small and green. After several days of careful cultivation, the flowers and bones changed from green to white. I know, the pepper seedlings are about to blossom! A few days later, the buds opened, white and yellow, beautiful!


After flowering, small peppers slowly appeared! There are green and purple ones, which are very lovely!


At last, the pepper turned red little by little from its corner, and there were red little peppers.


Looking at the little chili peppers cultivated by myself, I have a sense of achievement that I have never had before. Through planting pepper this time, I learned that only hard work can be rewarded!