
时间:2022-11-08 12:57:44 | 来源:语文通



情感日志心情随笔 篇1情感的经典日志美文 篇2经典情感日志 篇3情感日志心情随笔 篇4

情感日志心情随笔 篇1


If one day I leave you, will you chase me slowly behind me? Will you slowly let me fall in love with you again? Will you reflect on yourself? Will you remember us every bit? You said, let me forget you, you know? Meeting you is the biggest disaster in my life. I want to tell you that I also want to forget you. If I can, I will choose to lose the memory of having you, but the more I think about you, the more I can't forget you.

爱情真的是毒药,只要一碰,就会有瘾,只要离开就会中毒,中毒到无药可救。我想封锁与你的记忆,我想每天都能看到我们的故事在我眼前慢慢地回放,遇到你我变成了一个傻子,傻傻的等你回来,傻傻的幻想与你的一切,傻傻的偷偷为你担心,失落的我就每天听歌,听到一半我就会落下属于悲伤的眼泪,这悲伤能怪谁呢?谁也不能怪,现实就是现实,当你失去了所有真心对你的人的时候,你就真的变的现实了,变得我不再认识你了,你不会再回来了……高中女生情感日志:一个人的爱情故事 情感日志:那些歌曲为我青春疗伤

Love is really a poison. As long as you touch it, you will become addicted. As long as you leave, you will be poisoned. There is no remedy for poisoning. I want to block your memory. I want to see our story played back slowly in front of my eyes every day. I met you and became a fool. I waited for you to come back. I dreamed about you and everything. I worried about you secretly. I listened to music every day. Half of the time I heard it, I would shed tears of sadness. Who can blame this sadness? No one can blame. Reality is reality. When you lose all the people who are true to you, you will become a reality. I don't know you anymore, and you will never come back... High school girl emotion log: a person's love story emotion log: those songs heal my youth

情感的经典日志美文 篇2


Love each other before they meet, and stay together as soon as they meet


I heard a story before going to bed last night, which can be vulgarly classified as online love, but it is more beautiful than many love stories. The story is about a couple of men and women who met on the forum. At first, they were just net friends. Later, they got used to daily contact and gradually fell in love with each other from their hearts. One day a year later, the girl went to the boy's city alone by car for 8 hours. At the boy's house, he made soup and cooked for her thoughtfully. Later, they ended up in a perfect way. They bravely entered the marriage palace and promised to live together in this life.


For a long time, everyone thought that online love was a very unreliable thing. Thousands of miles away, you don't know the remote end of the network connection, what kind of face is in front of the screen, and what kind of life is behind TA. A lot of online love cannot escape the curse of "light death". However, there are always exceptions, such as the story last night, such as my dear friend.


I remember that I said when I was with Wen Xiansen that I like that kind of non inevitable story. Just because you are my classmate and colleague, don't fall in love at first sight or fall in love with each other for a long time. I think love should be romantic and a feeling that we are not necessarily together.


Why? Now think about it. It's probably the girl's heart at that time. But now, I still think that the story of how two people came together is very important. Just like me, who has been married and has children many years later, when I think of our story or some familiar picture to remind me of that time, I will still smile, feel and miss it.


Scientists without romantic cells say that love is the happiness brought by the secretion of adrenal hormones. Although this explanation is very rigid, it proves from another perspective that the beauty of love under the moon and flowers is only presented for a short time, but it can not become a normal life. So there is a romantic story that can soothe my lost mood when I recall it occasionally.


Reality is reality. You can't ask marriage to be full of passion and romance when you are in love. Otherwise, it's easy to doubt, disappoint, give up on this relationship, or cheat on similar love outside of marriage. This is the rhythm of tragedy.


Russell's favorite sentence: There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of life, still love life. May we all stay together with one person from a romantic story and never change in this life. As the ancient language says, life and death are rich, we can talk with each other, hold the hand of each other, and grow old together with each other (I will cry again every time I say this).


The spring flowers and autumn moon


I used to love people on the Internet. At that time, I felt that she was so close to me that I could almost hear her heartbeat, but I felt that she was so far away that people could see flowers in the fog. Maybe that was the magic of the Internet!


I will not easily fall in love with the opposite sex on the Internet. However, when I met her, I turned my boat in the gutter. One time, I accidentally saw the phantom of her when she made a video, and found that her appearance was my favorite. At that time, she had Internet lovers around her. They stayed together every day, and when I saw him around her, I really envied him for having her! I secretly decided to take her away from that person, even if it was to let others say that I was a ruthless lover or an immoral person, I would be worth it if I could get her name! It's actually easy to know her. After a long time, I became familiar with her and talked a lot. From talking about the Internet to family, to talking about hobbies, when both sides put down their vigilance, I proposed to be friends with her? Unexpectedly, she agreed happily. Since then, she has nothing to do with talking to her, which makes her feel my existence. Once she said to me, "He is like a follower every day, which is very annoying. I've never liked him. But he just follows him every day. I'm really out of breath. When I talk to other men for a few words, he gets jealous, gets angry and teaches me a lesson, and says," Stay away from those people. Don't say I didn't remind you if I was cheated. ", oh my god! It's so wordless. I want to escape from the place without him. Ha ha! It seems that my chance has come. One night when I saw that the follower was not there, I told her that she was the person I liked. I would like to love her and stay with her on the Internet night and night. As long as she was happy, I would like to give my all to love her. She didn't speak at that time, but simply said: "It's late at night, let's go offline and sleep!"!


When I met her again the next day, she promised to be my online woman. She said: I'm tired, and I really want someone to love her, take care of her, and love her! Since then, I have her shadow in my heart. Every day when I am free, I will hurriedly open the computer to meet her. Even now, I can't understand why I was so obsessed with her! When not surfing the Internet, I often miss her even after work. I wish I could leave work early and meet her on the Internet. I'm glad I found the person I like on the Internet, and I silently tell myself: I must cherish her, love her, take good care of her, and be with her with such a sweet and happy heart. Even if I don't say anything, watching her silently in the video is also a kind of enjoyment of love, A smiling face is so beautiful that it is almost beautiful in my heart. The feeling can't be expressed in words. Her femininity and charm are hard to extricate themselves. Since then, she has been in my heart!


Every day, we are so intertwined with her. There are endless words and endless hearts. She said: Actually, followers have nothing to do with her. They are just network friends. He is now married again, and his wife watches him surf the Internet every day, so he doesn't play with the Internet anymore, oh! So it is! I was relieved, and there was no opponent. I wholeheartedly walked on the Internet with her. She said, "I really want to divorce my husband after my son's college entrance exam, because he has another woman, and he caught a mistress in her bed. I'm really angry. That's where she sleeps. He even fooled with other women. What am I?"? She said she was so sad that she would never forgive her husband. She just wanted to find someone else to hurt her. I said, "I'll marry you, OK?"? She promised happily, and we also made solemn vows. I said to her: As long as you don't leave me, I will never leave her vow! She said: "After three years, she will definitely be with me and marry me to be my happy woman, so that we can talk about the future together every day.".

经典情感日志 篇3


We live in a colorful world, where there are happiness and luck, but more of them are unexpected adversities. What should we do when we go into adversity and do not know where to go? I think I will choose the latter, whether to be depressed or to rise up to face the challenge.


Like many children, my childhood was rich and colorful. Not many of them grew up relying on the love and caress of their parents for a large part of the time. But all this changed when I was 12 years old. Until now, I still remember the scene after school clearly.


I was admitted by the middle school in the county because of my excellent academic performance, and I went home happily to report my parents. But when I first entered Ru's house, I felt something bad happened in my father's eyes. Sure enough, my father didn't mean to be happy when he saw me. He just asked me to sit down and take out a crumpled piece of paper from his coat pocket, saying, "Look at your mother's test report, son!". At this time, I had no smile at first. I quietly accepted the test sheet and opened it carefully for fear of being damaged by me. After opening it, five bright red words filled my mind: "Schizophrenia".


"Schizophrenia" shocked me. At that time, I only felt as if my internal organs were hollowed out. I was so excited that I dropped the test sheet on the ground. I never believed that my amiable mother would suffer from this disease. I couldn't explain this fact for a moment.


From then on, my family seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds. As a young man, I didn't know how to comfort my parents, but just cried all day long. I stayed by my mother day and night, afraid that she would leave me. I would collapse several times until my father said to me: "Life has given you suffering, and you should be brave to turn it into wealth around you.". Later, I seem to understand and understand the truth that courage is the most important factor in life.

情感日志心情随笔 篇4


Since ancient times, fate is predestined, and it is to go that is forced. In the past, love was like smoke, but now everything is in the abyss. Relying on the fence alone, I feel sad. Tears turn into ink, and writing becomes a sorrow. I can't tell all the past and cut all the sorrows. If I had known everything was wrong, why did I go through this journey? Heartbroken, grieved, lost in love; Turn around, say goodbye, don't look back. Let me make the final decision with the most piercing pain. If you continue, you will be forced to give up!




If it hurts me, how can I miss it?


If you protect me, how can you hurt?


If you pity me, why do you come here?


Some people are not intolerant, but more tolerant, more rampant;


Some things, not can't let, but let more hurt.


The biggest tragedy in life is to cultivate habits naturally. What should you do and what should others do?


The biggest tragedy in life is to boil true love into harm. You want to be good at everything, but your heart is endless.


Many people just take care of their own feelings, indulge their own words and deeds, but never consider the position of others. Those who always know how to ask others, but do not know how to retreat from self inspection, often get the opposite result, gradually separated. For love, I may follow blindly, but I must not be blind to lose myself. In this world, nothing can lock me, only love and warmth can really conquer me!


Walking through mountains, water and the most beautiful years of youth, we can never walk through the scratches left by the rapid passage of the river of years. Some people you can choose to ignore, but you have no way as completely non-existent; There are some words that you can ignore, but you can't treat them as completely unheard of.


Life is always like this. The more you want to live a peaceful life, the easier it will be; The more you pray for it, the more bad luck will come. If you cannot change, you will be destroyed by disaster. And then completely devour you until there are no bones left. It seems that this is the only way for us to deliver life.


In front of the mirror, you can see that the beauty is thinner than the yellow flower.


With hair stained cream, my heart has been hurt, and my tears are full of sorrow. Who is with me all the way?


Love has been sad, love has become an enemy, fate seems melancholy, youth has passed who and reward?


Looking back, once, when you said something and I said something, we talked about everything.


Now, you are speechless, I am speechless, and we have nothing to talk about.


Maybe, we really are predestined in this life, but the predestination is too shallow, just like the fluttering butterfly, although beautiful, it is difficult to cross the sea.


Slowly the feeling has faded, the heart is also cold and thin, no love, no warmth, let love shiver in the snow.


Time is a cold sword, which always cuts us ruthlessly. Cut off the rich meat and leave thin bones, so that we can clearly and profoundly know that for life, the ideal is always full, but the reality is only bone. No one can completely understand who, sometimes even he is not so clear.


It is the wish of every person who is full of beautiful fantasies about love in this world to have a heart and a white head. This is even more true of me, who love is supreme. In the world of mortals on the paths, why should the beautiful scenery on good days be put aside and youth and youth disappear. Where is the other shore after a thousand sails? Do you know my determination to love?


I would like to give up the earthly prosperity, just for one person to accompany, cherish and protect;


I would like to give up my wealth and honor, and just want to know each other and show my tenderness;


I would like to live eight years and ten years, just to get rid of the sea of suffering and no longer hurt;


I would like to pay a lifetime of sincere, just warm life, no longer cold.


However, how many stories in this world begin with comedy and end with tragedy. Even if I had loved you, it was only a flash in the pan. Every story is like a flower. Maybe we can predict the end, but in the world, we still have nowhere to escape. Only in that way, in the real time, living vaguely and soberly, walking, in those helpless intertwined love and hate, with tears, bear the pain, and see their hearts slowly emptied by the years, a little bit weathered.


Perhaps, the result without result is the best result. I exchange the last tenderness for the last let go. So far, I can never walk together anywhere, turn around, never turn back, and leave my hands from now on. There is no future.