
时间:2022-11-08 12:57:41 | 来源:语文通



《焦裕禄》观后感 篇1电影《焦裕禄》观后感 篇2《焦裕禄》观后感 篇3焦裕禄观后感 篇4《焦裕禄》观后感 篇5

《焦裕禄》观后感 篇1


Recently, all government organs and institutions throughout the country have been organizing to study the Party's mass line education, which is a good thing. Under the current national conditions, when the people's food and clothing are basically solved and many social contradictions are prominent, our Party and our Party members really need to review the ideological and political theories of several generations of leaders.


This afternoon, the unit organized to watch Jiao Yulu. The earliest time I remember was when I was in high school. The school organized to watch Jiao Yulu. At that time, I probably wanted to let us know more about the character and learn about his dedication. I can't remember whether he was affected by some scenes of the film. I just remember one scene, that is, holding his painful stomach with a teacup. When I saw this film again today, I was not only moved by many of the plots, but also moved to tears. It may be because I became a mother; Most of them were moved by Jiao Yulu's spirit. From the film, we can see that a real Communist Party member has done a lot of real things and won the hearts and minds of the people for their food and clothing, regardless of their own health and reputation. Although he worked in Lankao County, Henan Province for only one year and three months, he spent more than a year thinking about the people every minute, and was busy running for the people's food and clothing. In the film, there is a 'leading cadre' with Jiao Yulu, Secretary Wu. His words and deeds form a sharp contrast with Jiao Yulu. Comrade Jiao Yulu said that the Party will be satisfied with what the people are satisfied with, and our Party will not be satisfied with what the people are not satisfied with. This sentence fully shows that our Party represents the broadest masses of the people, and that all the work of the Party is based on the masses. If it is divorced from the masses, then it is empty talk about what political ideas are being talked about there.


Reflecting on our society today, many leading cadres have divorced themselves from the people, and some have even damaged the interests of the people. Today, when our material conditions are relatively good, our spiritual world is very empty. Why? Because we lack many noble spiritual pursuits, such as dedication, honesty and friendliness.

电影《焦裕禄》观后感 篇2


On the afternoon of April 17, the village party branch organized all the village party members to watch Jiao Yulu. After watching the film, I felt shocked and guilty.


When I saw Lankaowan delivering the funeral to Secretary Jiao in the film title, the common people fell down on their knees together. In addition to the emotional cry, the tears of the party members (including me, of course) present could not stop...... Because my heart was hit and shocked. Jiao Yulu has been the secretary of the Lankao for only one year or four months. He has been so admired by the Lankao people and given such high treatment, which has caused us to think deeply. What did he see in Lankao?


On the day he took office, he saw a large number of refugees fleeing from their homes to other places at the railway station; He saw the disaster and poverty brought to Lankao people along the ancient Yellow River by waterlogging, sandstorm and salinization; He saw the scene that the cadres in the county were unstable, confused, lax and lacking in fighting spirit, and asked to be transferred one after another What did he do in Lankao?


In the face of these difficulties, he did not flinch, did not hesitate, ignored the criticism of the outside world, dragged his sick body, took some cadres with conscience in the county, started from solving how the masses survived the famine, braved the wind and sand, braved the rain, shared the fate with the masses, and ran in the countryside to change the appearance of Lankaoluo, He was accompanied by a bicycle carrying 46 patched quilts and 35 patched mattresses.


Will such a cadre make the mistake of formalism? Will he be a bureaucrat? Will he enjoy himself regardless of the sufferings of the masses? Will he go in and out of high-end clubs and a group of rich people to enjoy luxury? Comrade Jiao Yulu has completely fulfilled his pledge to join the Party. He is a "noble person, a pure person, and a person who has separated from the low-grade taste."


Nowadays, the problem of "four styles" within the Party has seriously affected the relationship between the Party and the masses, and shaken the foundation of the Party's governance. In the "General Program" of the Party Constitution, Party building must adhere to the third of the four basic requirements, which has long reminded us that the greatest political advantage of our Party is to keep close contact with the masses, and the greatest danger after the Party takes power is to be divorced from the masses. The question of the Party's style of work and the question of the Party's connection with the people are questions concerning the life and death of the Party. Therefore, it is very necessary and practical to take Jiao Yulu as an example and positive energy to practice the mass line in the mass line education.


People are dying. When our cadres come to the end of their lives, they will be treated like Jiao Yulu, that is, one in a thousand, and they will be smiling. Although it is not as heavy as Mount Tai, it is at least not as light as a feather.


Then I felt very guilty when I recalled the past against Jiao Yulu. I graduated from high school in 1968 with the determination to change the backwardness of my hometown and return to my hometown as a farmer. As soon as I got home, I was elected as the team leader and did some things. It took one year to raise a poor team whose daily labor value was only 45 cents to 95 cents; The breeding room of the production team was rebuilt; Combined with the first three teams in the south to dig deep wells in the dry land; We bought tractors and livestock for the collective. However, I was frightened by the difficulties. I did not resist the pressure brought by the wrong route and policy, nor the temptation of the superior life in the city. Three years later, I left my hometown to the factory and became a deserter who changed the face of my hometown. Although I joined the Party in the factory, I did not realize my ideal of life to change my hometown, which will be my lifelong regret. Now I have returned to my hometown, but times have changed and I can do nothing for my hometown. Compared with Jiao Yulu, I am even more ashamed. Who wants me to be a deserter?

《焦裕禄》观后感 篇3


On the evening of May 12, the national tour of the original musical Jiao Yulu premiered in Kaifeng. Zhang Shengwu, a villager in Laohanling Village, Chengguan Township, Lankao County, who played an important role in the Henan opera Jiao Yulu, which was compiled and performed by the people of Lankao 47 years ago, burst into tears after watching.


May 14 is the 50th anniversary of Jiao Yulu's death. As a famous historical and cultural city and the birthplace of Jiao Yulu's spirit, Kaifeng has taken the creation of the musical Jiao Yulu as a key cultural project to commemorate and promote Jiao Yulu's spirit. The play was jointly produced by Kaifeng Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Television and Press and Kaifeng Zhongyi Cultural Industry Development Co., Ltd., together with Kaifeng private entrepreneurs, Beijing Times New Era Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. and Beijing Chinese Jiashi Performance Culture Co., Ltd.


The reporter saw at the performance site that the theater was full of cadres and people from Kaifeng City and Lankao County. After nearly two hours of performance, the play made the audience cry again and again. Jijiao, the boy saved by Jiao Yulu, strung the whole story in the form of voiceover. Through many newly discovered stories and inner monologues, Jiao Yulu's loyalty to the cause, love for the people, and affection for his family were demonstrated; In terms of performance form, it integrates music, dance, drama, high-tech and other comprehensive artistic means. More than 40 original songs are sung by actors from the Chinese Opera and Dance Theater, and it is integrated into the characteristic Kirin Dance of Lankao. It is grand and melodious, which not only enables the audience to appreciate the personality charm of model characters who work hard for the people, serve the public faithfully and filial piety, but also gives the audience exquisite, modern and three-dimensional artistic enjoyment.


Since the official launch of the compilation and creation work in November last year, the drama team has successively gone deep into Zibo, Luoyang, Lankao and other grassroots front-line, interviewed hundreds of cadres and masses who know and know Jiao Yulu, and collected a lot of valuable and touching materials. They rehearsed day and night, modified repeatedly, and created this masterpiece in only four months, based on the principles of in-depth excavation, innovative form, careful arrangement, and emotional touching. "Jiao Yulu's spirit is very simple to reflect on modern ordinary people, that is, to be a good person, do a good job, and try to promote social integrity and positive energy with their own expertise!" said Yu Yin, the actor of Jijiao and Jiao Yulu's grandson in the play.


"Every song moved me, every dialogue shocked me, and I saw many films and TV works about Jiao Yulu, but this musical let me come closer to Jiao Yulu more truly, and understand the old model. It is a good teaching material for us to practice the mass line," said Yue Jie, an official of Kaifeng Municipal Government.

焦裕禄观后感 篇4


After watching the film Jiao Yulu, I habitually searched out Jiao Yulu, a good example of the county party secretary, and read it carefully. This reportage, written by Mu Qing, recounts Jiao Yulu's life and deeds. More than 40 years later, it is still so touching. Comrade Jiao Yulu is not only a good example for the county party secretary, but also a good example for all cadres. Every leading cadre of Party members should learn from Comrade Jiao Yulu and strive to be a good cadre like Jiao Yulu.


1、 We should foster the concept of the masses and guard against bureaucratism.


Jiao Yulu is a model of serving the people wholeheartedly. The essence of Jiao Yulu's spirit is to serve the people wholeheartedly. Jiao Yulu always regards himself as a member of the people. He always thinks that he is from the people and he is the ordinary people. Therefore, he always puts the sufferings of the people in his heart and the feelings of the people in his heart, internalizes them in his heart and externalizes them in his deeds. Only then can he consciously go deep into the people and share weal and woe with them. Seeing that so many people in Lankao were not fed and clothed, his heart was like a knife; Seeing that so many people in Lankao worked all year round in the sandstorm saline alkali land without a good harvest, he was very worried. Premier Li Keqiang also quoted in the Government Work Report that "the people are the foundation of the country, and the country is solid and peaceful". People first is the consensus of politicians at all times and in all countries. The fourth question in the exam for the future is "For whom? Rely on whom? Who am I?", More than 40 years ago, Comrade Jiao Yulu gave a satisfactory answer. As long as we are in a correct position like Comrade Jiao Yulu, all for the sake of the masses, rely on the masses together, and always think of ourselves as ordinary people, asking questions about government, planning, and needs of the people, we will not commit the bureaucratic error of "separating from reality, the masses, being above the top, ignoring reality, and being exclusive and self inflating". Only by doing so can we achieve outstanding results in the future oriented exam, worthy of this great era, It is worthy of our hardworking people.


2、 Set up a pragmatic concept and guard against formalism.


Jiao Yulu is a model of seeking truth and being pragmatic. Being pragmatic is the fine tradition and style of our party, and also the main content of this party's mass line education practice activity. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once pointed out that "everything in the world is done, not done, and there is no Marxism". The highlight of Jiao Yulu's spirit is to insist on proceeding from reality in everything, go deep into the grassroots, and go deep into the mass investigation and research. Jiao Yulu has always carried out investigation and research in every link of his work, went to the front line with his illness, and comprehensively grasped the distribution of the "three evils" of waterlogging, sandstorms, and salinization. His blueprint for changing the appearance of the Lankao is based on in-depth investigation and research, which is not only about books, but also about the top. He is good at summarizing typical experience at the grass-roots level, and has successfully promoted it throughout the county, Led the people of Lankao to achieve a phased victory in the fight against disasters. At present, some cadres are keen on formalism, political achievement projects, and instructions at the beginning of getting off the train, which are incompatible with Jiao Yulu's spirit. To become a good cadre like Jiao Yulu, we should follow Jiao Yulu as an example, vigorously promote the trend of investigation and research, and sink into "grassroots investigation and research, especially in places with many contradictions, great difficulties, and poor conditions, to understand what the masses think and expect. We should adhere to observing the truth, telling the truth, doing practical things, and seeking practical results" (excerpted from "Comrade Hu Jintao's Story - A Receipt Fax").


3、 We should set up the concept of diligence and refrain from hedonism.


Jiao Yulu is a model of diligence and integrity. During his eighteen years of revolutionary work, Jiao Yulu has always listened to the Party's words, studied hard, studied hard, worked hard and worked hard, and made extraordinary achievements in every ordinary post, whether working in the village or the district, whether in the Youth League Committee or in industrial management. In particular, during more than a year as the secretary of the Lankao County Party Committee, he endured the pain caused by liver disease with tenacious will and went deep into the most basic production teams. He went through more than 120 of the 149 production brigades in the county. Until the last moment of his life, he still thought about the growth of wheat and the life of the masses. Jiao Yulu has been ill for a long time, and his family has a large population, so his life is relatively difficult. Someone persuaded him to get some relief for his family, but he flatly refused. He also often teaches his children to do dirty and hard work and go to the most difficult places. Once Jiao Yulu found that his eldest son had gone to a play and asked where the tickets came from. The child said, "The ticket collector asked me for the tickets. I said Secretary Jiao was my father. The ticket collector let me in without taking the tickets." Jiao Yulu was very angry when he heard this. He immediately called the family to give a lecture and ordered the child to give the ticket money to the theater immediately. Later, he specially drafted a document, "Ten Prohibitions for Cadres", stipulating that no cadre should be allowed to be special. Today, we learn Jiao Yulu's spirit, which is to learn from his extraordinary tenacity, his excellent character of being diligent for the people, and his noble feelings of "worrying about the world first, and being happy after the world", so as to be a diligent and honest civil servant.


4、 Set up the concept of thrift and avoid extravagance.


Jiao Yulu is a model of hard work and plain living. He wears patched clothes all the year round. An old coat has become his only thing to keep warm. He was strict with himself and devoted himself to public affairs. He ate steamed bread and pickles. During the months of hard work in the countryside, he always brought his own dry food, carried an umbrella, fought with the masses against the flood, explored the quicksand and checked the wind outlet. He insisted on living among the masses, sharing weal and woe with the masses, and where the most difficult, there was his figure. He is dedicated to the public and the people, but he has no himself. Compared with those years, we have no worries about food and clothing, and our life has been very good. But I always believe that frugality is a virtue at any time, and we should be prepared for danger in times of peace. We should advocate hard work and thrift, and keep in mind the "two musts" proposed by Comrade Mao Zedong at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, "we must maintain the style of modesty, prudence, not arrogance, not rashness, and we must maintain the style of hard struggle.", Strictly implement the "eight provisions" of the central committee, the "ten provisions" of the provincial party committee, and the "six leaders" of the municipal party committee to improve the work style, and strive to avoid extravagance and thrift.


Confucius said, "When you see a wise man, you should think of yourself. When you see an unworthy man, you should introspect yourself." Jiao Yulu is a model of dedication to the people, a model of seeking truth and pragmatism, a model of diligence and integrity, a model of hard work and plain living, and a model worth learning forever. We must all contact our personal thoughts and work practices, and in accordance with the general requirements of "looking in the mirror, straightening our clothes, taking a bath and curing diseases", we must reflect deeply, find out the gaps, analyze the causes, formulate measures, focus on solving the "four winds" problems in our study, work and life, and hand in a satisfactory answer paper in the face of the future exam.

《焦裕禄》观后感 篇5


Recently, I watched the film Jiao Yulu with deep remembrance and admiration. The tall image of Jiao Shuji still haunts my mind?? Although he has been away from us for 50 years, his deeds will always be praised by people. Like the Jinggangshan Spirit, Yan'an Spirit, Lei Feng Spirit and other revolutionary traditions and great spirits, his spirit was, is and will remain the 'precious spiritual wealth' of our Party. We should always learn from him.


In 1962, Jiao Yulu, a Communist Party member only 40 years old, was transferred to the post of secretary of Lankao County Party Committee. In the face of yellow sand, flood and saline alkali, as a Communist Party member, he did not have any fear. He led the people of Lankao to overcome all difficulties, fight against floods, explore quicksand and check wind openings, fight tenaciously and fight against "three evils". Until the last moment of his life, he used his practical actions to interpret a great life of a Communist Party member who was selfless and fearless for the Party and the people.


What should we learn from Comrade Jiao Yulu? Through the baptism of thought and the combination of time and time again with reality, I think we should take Jiao Yulu's spirit as the ruler to find out our own problems in ideals and beliefs, purpose and concepts, organizational discipline, mental state, work style and other aspects, and clarify the focus of our own improvement.


First of all, we should learn from his firm and noble party spirit. When Jiao Yulu was assigned by the organization to serve as the secretary of the Party committee of Lankao County, where the environment and conditions were poor, he had no complaints or requirements. In his work, he was wrongly accused and treated unfairly, but


Work as usual. His brilliant achievements have established a straight benchmark for our party members and cadres today, and set up a monument of a communist party member with his words and deeds. We should actively learn from Comrade Jiao Yulu, strengthen the Party's purpose, implement the Party's decisions, maintain the Party's image, and strictly abide by the Party's discipline. We should not only look at the size of the official position, but also look at the amount of wealth, but also look at what we have done for the society and the people in this position.


Secondly, we should learn from his spirit of selfless dedication. Comrade Jiao Yulu was realistic in his work, took the lead, braved the wind and rain, investigated openly and secretly, ignored the pain, and really interpreted the glorious image of a Communist Party member with his own actions. When Jiao Yulu went to the countryside for disaster relief, he always brought his own dry food and rushed to the front line with an umbrella. During the attack of liver cancer, he endured the pain and insisted on working day and night until the last moment of his life. In our work today, although the work content is different, the same thing is that we will all face difficulties, difficulties. In the face of difficulties, we should learn Jiao Yulu's spirit of facing difficulties without fear, facing difficulties, daring to take responsibility and being responsible.


Third, we should learn from his honest and upright work style. Comrade Jiao Yulu's honest and disinterested work style has set a brilliant example for us. Jiao Yulu, who first came to Lankao, saw that the poor life of the people took the lead in canceling the special living treatment for leading cadres. As the parents of Lankao County, his daughter did not even have a decent cotton padded jacket. Compared with Comrade Jiao Yulu, in today's society, how many leading cadres have relaxed the transformation of their own world, and how many have lost their way by using power for personal gain and trading power and money. In today's good social and economic environment with steady progress, we should establish a correct outlook on life, values and power, cherish the trust of the Party and the people, maintain a sober political mind, and follow the requirements of "three strictness and three solidity", namely, strict self-cultivation, strict use of power, strict discipline, and practical planning, entrepreneurship, and conduct.


Some people may wonder what Jiao Yulu's spirit really means at present? The answer is: no matter in the past, now or in the future, Jiao Yulu's spirit will not be outdated or forgotten, such as the public servant's feelings of giving up oneself for the people, the realistic style of seeking to be local, the struggle spirit of facing difficulties and the simple and honest moral sentiment. As a discipline inspection and supervision cadre, we learn from Jiao Yulu's spirit, that is, we should learn his kind of public servant feelings of being close to the people and loving the people. We should be bold in grasping and managing acts that harm the interests of the masses and be good "guardians" of the masses; It is to learn from his truth-seeking style of seeking everything from the inside; It is to learn from his spirit of fighting against difficulties, abandon all selfish considerations, and be a good demonstrator, defender, and disciplinarian in implementing the "Eight Provisions" and the mass line; It is to learn from his moral sentiment of integrity and selfless dedication, to be an honest man, to work steadily, and to be a good cadre with integrity and clean hands.