
时间:2022-11-05 12:52:11 | 来源:语文通



坚定的锡兵作文 篇1坚定的锡兵作文 篇2坚定的锡兵作文 篇3坚定的锡兵作文 篇4坚定的锡兵 篇5关于《坚定的锡兵》读后感 篇6坚定的锡兵作文 篇7坚定的锡兵作文 篇8坚定的锡兵作文 篇9坚定的锡兵作文 篇10

坚定的锡兵作文 篇1


Later, there was a tin soldier who had no legs. The owner helped him to shape his legs.


Xi Bing was very happy and decided to repay him. One day, he helped the little boy to buy vegetables. A few days after you buy the dishes. The little boy fell ill. Tin Bing went to the town to find medicine because of her mother and his family. All of a sudden, they found the bird after they went to find medicine.


Tin Bing decides to save the bird. At night, Tin Bing sneaks into the bad boy's house. Save the bird when you are ready.


The tin soldier opened the lock, ready to open the door to the bad boy. The west immediately closed and hid under the bed. The bad boy's bed stinks. But tin soldiers should be strong. After a while, the bad boy left. The tin soldier who saved the bird rode on the bird's back and ran away! The tin soldier was dejected and the bird said, "What's the matter?"? Hey! Said my master was ill. No cure can cure it.


The bird says you can go to the magic doctor. Where does the tin soldier say? The bird answered on the remote fairy mountain. The tin soldiers were crawling. Finally, I found the magic doctor and said it would cost a lot of money.


Xi Bing tried a lot of work and finally got enough medical expenses. The miracle doctor said I don't want your money. I'm just testing you. In fact, I can't cure you. Go to the fairy, but I can prescribe some medicine for your master. Slow down.


After many hardships, the cavalry finally found the fairy to cure the man's disease. The fairy turned the tin soldiers into human beings. Since then, the little boy, his family and Xi Bing have been happy together.

坚定的锡兵作文 篇2


The tin soldier became a small tin heart, and the dancers became shiny ornaments burned into black carbon. The 24 brothers of the tin soldier who had found the evil deeds of the little demon again and again were very angry and sad. They announced the monster's atrocity to all toys before the demon came out. The toys stopped talking to the little demon and playing with the little demon.


The goblin soon found out this situation. He thought he had magic and forced the toys to play with him. But even the toys he was forced to play with were very unhappy. He just did what he said. Slowly, the goblin felt lonely.


Finally, one day he couldn't help talking to 24 brothers of the Tin Soldier. The brothers told him that only when you don't use magic to harm people and revive the Tin Soldier and dancers, can everyone believe you have changed your ways and forgive you. The little goblin thought for a long time, and finally used powerful magic to revive the tin soldier and the dancer. When everyone saw that the little goblin really did not use magic to harm people anymore, they corrected their mistakes and finally forgave the little goblin.


The toys fell in love with each other. After so many hardships, Tin Bing and the dancers finally got married and stayed together forever.

坚定的锡兵作文 篇3


One day, the tin soldier finally returned to the little boy's study desk. On the desk, he saw the little girl standing on the desk from a distance. She already had a pair of healthy legs. The Tin Soldier was both happy and lost. He was glad that the little girl had a pair of healthy legs, and she could dance. What he lost was that he was afraid that the little girl would leave him because of his missing leg. But when he thought about it, the little girl came to him and said, "Can I dance for you?" Xi Bing was stunned when the music sounded and the little girl began to dance. Xi Bing stood by and watched the little girl dance, thinking how beautiful she was! But I have only one leg. How can I deserve her? However, I must tell the little girl what I really think. I am willing to protect her for life. When the dance music was over, the tin soldier walked over and said, "Are you willing to let me protect you all my life?" The little girl did not speak. From then on, no matter where the little girl went, the determined tin soldiers just stood there from afar, watching the distance firmly and guarding day and night.


The black monster in the snuff bottle saw all this and was moved by the firm will of the recruits. The black monster said to the tin soldier, "I am willing to help you and fulfill your wishes." Finish. He handed a small medicine bottle to Xi Bing and said, "If you drink it, you will also have two legs like a little girl." The tin soldier hesitated and took the vial. He thought, "Whether the black monster is telling the truth or not, I will try it." So the tin soldier drank the potion.


The next morning, Xi Bing woke up. He found that he really had two legs. Not to mention how happy he was. He immediately ran to find the little girl. When the little girl saw Xi Bing, she found that he had two legs just like her. She was really happy for Xi Bing. Xi Bing told the little girl what she thought in her heart: "Are you willing to let me protect you for the rest of your life?" The little girl nodded.


From then on, Xi Bing and the little girl lived a happy life.

坚定的锡兵作文 篇4


Once upon a time, there were twenty-five soldiers made of tin. They were cast from an old tin spoon. Their uniforms were half red and half blue, with muskets on their shoulders.


These tin soldiers all look the same, but one is slightly different: he only has one leg, because he was the last one to cast, and the melted tin is not enough. However, he was still able to stand firm.


The tin soldiers were all packed in a box. They were given to a child as birthday gifts. The children put them on a table with many other toys on it. Among them, the most attractive one is a beautiful palace made of paper.


It was in this palace that the little tin soldier with one leg saw her in his life, a beautiful lady made of paper. She was wearing a beautiful cloth skirt with blue ribbons floating on her shoulders. This young lady is a dancer. She stretches out her hands and raises one leg very high. The tin soldier thought that the lady had only one leg, just like himself, because he could not see her raised leg!


Tin Bing fell in love with this beautiful girl at first sight. Although she lived in a palace with great style and he lived in a box with his twenty-four brothers, he still wanted to know her. So he lay down behind a snuff bottle on the table. From that angle, he could see her.


Night has come. The other tin soldiers went into the box, and the family went to bed. At this time, the dolls became lively. They "visited" each other, started a "war" or held a "dance".


At this time, only two people did not leave their original positions: one was a tin soldier, and the other was a small dancer. She stood upright on her toes, her arms outstretched, while he stood steadily, his eyes never leaving her.


Suddenly the clock struck twelve, and with a "touch", the lid of the snuff bottle was opened; But there was no snuff, but there was a little black spirit.


"Tin soldiers!" The genie said, "Please keep your eyes open!" But the tin soldier pretended not to hear. "Well, tomorrow you will see!" The genie said.


The next morning, the children got up and moved the tin soldiers to the windowsill. At this time, I don't know if it was the spirit who did it. The window suddenly opened and the tin soldier fell out.


Then, Xi Bing experienced an adventure.


The children and the nurse came down to find him, but they couldn't find him; The little tin soldier fell on the ground outside, when it began to rain. Two children passing by outside (WWW.. CN) saw the tin soldier, so they put him on the paper boat mischievously and let him "sail" along the current.


The paper boat followed the current into the sewer. In the sewer, he met a big mouse that prevented him from passing, and then flowed into a canal with the current. The huge current flooded the boat, and the tin soldiers were all immersed in the water. In the torrent, he thought of the paper girl who could dance... The tin soldier sank into the water. At this time, a big fish swallowed him. How dark the fish is! But the little tin soldier was firm. He bravely carried his musket.


I don't know how long it took, but the fish suddenly became quiet. Then a light came in. It turned out that the fish had been caught and sent to the market, then sold and brought into the kitchen. At this moment, the maid opened the fish's belly with a knife and saw a small tin soldier.


They put him on the table - how magical! The tin soldier found himself back in his old room. He saw everything he knew, the beautiful palace and the lovely dancers!


After an adventure, their relationship changed - they looked at each other without saying anything.


However, the ordeal did not end. A child walked over and threw the tin soldier into the stove without saying anything about it. The fire was burning beside the tin soldier, and the light on his body also disappeared, and gradually began to melt... However, he still looked at the girl, and the girl also looked at him.


A gust of wind blew, the paper girl flew to the stove, flew to the tin soldier's side, and turned into a flame.


The next day, when the maid poured out the ashes, she found that the tin soldier had become a small tin heart, and all the dancer left was the gold foil chicken heart.

坚定的锡兵 篇5


The tin soldier had a dream that he would dance with that paper girl, even if he had only one leg. The tin soldier looked at the paper girl, and the paper girl also looked at the tin soldier, and neither of them moved.


One day, the little master went out to play. Suddenly, a magic fairy flew in, saw the tin soldier, and said, "Do you want to dance with her?" "Yes, I really want to! But I can't move!" Tin Bing said disappointedly. The little fairy saw the disappointment of the tin soldier and said, "Let me help you!" With that, the little fairy waved a few magic wands, turning the tin soldier and the paper girl into a princess and prince who could speak and move. In fact, the little fairy is a part of the paper girl. However, the tin soldier still had only one leg. Paper girl said, "It's OK. It will be fine in a few days." The tin soldier knew that his legs were not good. He thought that the paper girl was lying to him, so he nodded. But he didn't know that the paper girl was the fairy.


The Tin Soldier and the Paper Girl danced together. They danced very well! Look! What a great dance!


"Hey? Why can't I open the door?" Oh, the little master came back, "Stand fast! Don't talk!" The tin soldier said anxiously. "Yeah! I finally opened the door!" The little master opened the door, took the car toy and left. He left in a hurry. The door closed with a bang. Tin Bing and Paper Girl were relieved. Paper Girl said, "It's really dangerous!" "Yes! It's really close!"


Xibing Green Composition Network and Paper Girl play and dance together... Look! How well they had that day! The tin soldier promised to accompany the paper girl for the rest of his life.


But one day, Paper Girl accidentally fell into the fire pit. When the tin soldier knew this, he also jumped into the fire pit and found the paper girl. He was about to carry the paper girl out of the fire pit. The fire was getting hotter and hotter. The tin soldier and the paper girl couldn't get out. So the tin soldier held the paper girl and didn't move


In the afternoon, a nanny took out the coal with tongs, put a new, burning coal in it, and added a love coal. The nanny picked it up carefully with her hands. After a closer look, it turned out that it was the paper girl and the tin soldier who burned it together, but it turned into a love.


The brothers of the tin soldiers cried for the tin soldiers. After a while, the paper girl and the tin soldier flew out. It turned out that they were in the shape of love to protect themselves. The brothers of the tin soldier were very happy, but they couldn't move. The paper girl waved the magic wand again, and the brothers of the tin soldier were able to move and talk again. Now, they were very happy! Even the tin soldiers' legs were better, so they decided to escape. Then, with a wave of magic wand, Paper Girl fled to a place nobody knew. It was a world of toys, and all of them were toys that Paper Girl turned into life. They were very grateful to Paper Girl.


Since then, they have lived well and happily here.

关于《坚定的锡兵》读后感 篇6


The firm tin soldier is a cast ceramic villain. He likes a ballet lady who is also cast, but a black goblin always wants to stop him. Finally, Xi Bing went back to Miss Ballet through all kinds of difficult obstacles. Around. Later, the little black goblins made trouble again and threw the tin soldiers and the ballet lady into the stove. At this time, two bright flames rose from the stove, and the two pure lives were combined, and they turned into shining flames. The next day, the maid found that the tin soldier had turned into a small tin heart, and there was a shiny glass ball in the middle of the tin heart, which was the ornament that the dancer hung on his chest.


This book tells us that no matter what happens, we should go forward courageously and not abandon ourselves. Only by courageously rushing forward can we get happiness!

坚定的锡兵作文 篇7


A short story about dolls. In just 30 minutes, "Tin Soldier" finished his life. It has gone through the process of being rejected and abandoned, from toys to garbage, from one couple to another, and finally back to the lover who is willing to dance for himself.


Director Wang Xuebing said that this is a film about love. I think it is not just a film about love. There is a Japanese film called "The Life of the Abandoned Pinenut". The heroine has experienced many hardships that ordinary people cannot resist. However, once and again, Pinenut stood up in front of the sun and walked on hopefully. The Firm Tin Soldier is a miniature version of Pine Nut's Life. If the "tin soldier" can breathe, everyone will find himself in it.


You may have been abandoned, just like a tin soldier abandoned in the sewer; Or maybe you walk around and come back to someone who is still willing to dance for you, just like a melted tin soldier. Tin soldiers are not perfect, but they are firm. Like love, they are not just love. Even if it is suffering, it will go on calmly, because only in this way can we return to the original place, and then the happiness will melt.

坚定的锡兵作文 篇8


When Xi Bing came back, he found that he had entered a fantastic place. The figures in the place could talk and move. He went to find the girl in the castle. The world was divided into three places: the first place was the fantastic forest, the second place was the fantastic street, and the third place was the playground.


Tin Bing first went to the fantastic forest in the first place. Once he entered, he found that the forest was full of clouds and fog, and it was hard to see anything around. So he thought about it. He came up with a good idea. He made a big flashlight to remove the clouds and fog. He found that there was no one in a cave, so he went to the fantastic street in the second place. Many people in the street could hardly identify the girl, So he thought of his appearance. He was looking around. There were many stores, about 10 in total. He had to look for them one by one. The first store was not found. He went to the second store and found none. He looked for all the stores in the back, but did not find where they were. So he went to the playground in the third place. There were ten casinos in total. The first one was archery. He found no one in the first place, The second place, the merry go round, was not found, so he guessed that it might be the Ferris wheel, so he went there and found it there, so he proposed like the girl.


After they got married, they began their happy life. They slept together, played together, and had a baby together.

坚定的锡兵作文 篇9


Recently, I read The Firm Tin Soldier in Andersen's fairy tale, which tells the story of a toy soldier made of metal tin, who has only one leg and experienced many difficulties.


He shocked me so much. Once, in a sudden storm, tin soldiers were put into a small paper boat by some naughty children. The small paper boat bumped up and down. Sometimes it spun so fast that the head of the tin soldiers fainted. However, he stood upright, his face unchanged, and he was calm. He tightly held the Mauser gun on his shoulder, and his eyes looked ahead, as if he was declaring war on difficulties. This small paper boat was so weak before the storm, but the tin soldiers were still very resolute. They stood still carrying his Maoser gun and were not afraid of all the difficulties that came at him.


I am deeply touched by the story. Tin Bing bravely challenges difficulties. He has an iron will and indomitable spirit. He never gives in to difficulties. The fire of hope in his heart is burning, supporting him to fight tenaciously. The spirit of Xi Bing deeply affected me in my life and study. I remember one time when I failed in the exam. At that time, I was very sad, and it seemed like a light rain was falling in my heart. It was gloomy. But I suddenly remembered the tin soldier. He was not afraid of setbacks and difficulties, so I should be stronger. It was just that I failed in an exam. I cheered myself up secretly, and my heart turned from cloudy to sunny, and then became bright again.


I hope that all people will not be discouraged and afraid when encountering difficulties, and will not be defeated by difficulties. They should have a firm and brave heart like tin soldiers!

坚定的锡兵作文 篇10


The little master likes the toy tin soldier very much. Although the tin soldier had only one leg, he could stand without moving.


When night came, the toys lay down and slept. Only the tin soldier stood firm and did not leave his post.


One day, the little master took the tin soldier to the windowsill to play, and accidentally, the tin soldier fell out of the window.


The little master searched and searched, but he could not be found.


The two boys picked up the tin soldiers, and they decided to let the tin soldiers explore on the water.


They let the tin soldier stand on the paper boat. The boat was very bumpy. The tin soldier was dizzy, but he stood firm.


The paper boat drifted into the dark sewer. Several ferocious mice scurried around, but Xi Bang was not afraid at all. He still stood firmly.


The paper boat drifted into a big river from the sewer. The river was too fast and the boat overturned. The tin soldier fell into the river and was swallowed by a big fish.


The big fish was caught by the fishermen and sent to the kitchen. What a coincidence! This is the home of the original little master of the Tin Soldier!


The cook opened the fish's belly and found the tin soldier, who was still standing upright.


This firm tin soldier!