
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:49 | 来源:语文通



2022罕见“名场面”闪耀冬残奥会赛场优秀观后感 篇1罕见名场面闪耀冬残奥会赛场观后感 篇2罕见“名场面”闪耀冬残奥会作文 篇3冬残奥会罕见名场面的观后感 篇4罕见“名场面”闪耀冬残奥会作文 篇5

2022罕见“名场面”闪耀冬残奥会赛场优秀观后感 篇1


The athletes gathered at the Beijing Paralympic Games, with their outstanding competitive level and high spirited spirit, demonstrated the profound theme that disabled people and healthy people "belong to the same world, and seek a better dream together", and carried forward the distinct concept of "transcendence, integration, and sharing". The two Olympic Games that China has consecutively dedicated to the world are equally wonderful, but also bring different inspiration and inspiration.


Coubertin praised that the Olympic spirit is a school to cultivate noble sentiments and pure hearts. On the Paralympic Games field, the special "transcendence" that will be remembered by the world will make all participants and viewers feel more strongly the shock and power to cultivate their sentiments and clean their hearts. The cheers of physically handicapped athletes struggling to fight the water waves towards the end point, and the cries of cerebral palsy athletes lying on the push bed struggling to lift the barbell with their arms, indicate that they are not afraid of physical defects, and pay more hardships than ordinary people to challenge the limits of physiological transcendence. "I cannot choose my destiny, but I can choose my attitude towards it", "The tragedy is not that I have not achieved my goal, but that I have no goal." These life proverbs of disabled athletes proclaim their psychological transcendence of breaking through discrimination and prejudice and yearning for equal participation in society. Their lives are shining with brilliance because of their constant self-improvement and pursuit of excellence. The transcendence of the spiritual realm, which is more shining than the gold medal, is more exciting and inspiring.


Disability is an inevitable social cost in the process of human development. Today, the total number of disabled people in the world is about 650 million. The Paralympic Games, which welcomed friends from five continents on an unprecedented scale, is a more complete celebration of human sports. "Integration" not only marks another grand convergence of the Olympic spirit and the splendid civilization of China, but also highlights the profound humanistic implication of harmonious coexistence and cooperation between the disabled and the able-bodied. Inside and outside the stadium, the "smile circle" on the volunteers' wrists silently conveys understanding and friendliness, and the sonorous Chinese vocabulary "Come on" has become the universal "international language". The Canadian reporter commented: "China is embracing the whole world, and everyone has once again won sincere smile and respect in the Olympic family." The spread of the concept of "integration" will arouse people's deeper understanding and greater appreciation of the value of life, and gather strong forces to promote world peace and progress, harmonious coexistence and harmonious development.


The Paralympic Games provide a vast world for disabled people to realize their dreams and hope. The disabled, like the healthy people, pursue magnificent dreams and life values. The concept of "sharing" advocated by the Beijing Paralympic Games clearly conveys the common aspiration of disabled people to share the achievements of social civilization and create a better future for mankind. The excellent performance of the disabled in sports competitions and their remarkable achievements in other fields have irrefutably proved that they are also masters of writing and creating history. Carrying forward the humanitarian spirit, developing the cause of the disabled, understanding, respecting and helping the disabled, who are the most in need of social care, are important signs of social civilization and progress, and are also the lofty responsibilities of the international community. "The Beijing Paralympic Games show that China has made great and effective efforts to seek harmony and sharing ideals through collectivism," said Zaiwen, a foreign website The "United Nations Human Rights Award", the "Special Award for the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons", and the "United Nations Messenger of Peace Award" record China's strong footsteps in promoting the cause of disabled people and practicing the concept of "sharing".

罕见名场面闪耀冬残奥会赛场观后感 篇2


Yu Jing, a 38 year old Chinese girl, is the only female player in the seven teams participating in the Paralympic hockey mixed team match. In the first two rounds of the match, China defeated Slovakia and the Czech Republic successively. Although Yu Jing did not get a chance to play, she cheered her teammates on the sidelines by hitting the club.


In Paralympic ice hockey, skates, sudden stops, turns, and hits all depend on the club, which requires frequent use of wrist strength. After a long time, Yu Jing's right wrist bulged a large bag, which was a tendon sheath cyst formed by joint fluid exudation. "When the cyst is large, it will bulge very high, and the wrist can't move, so you have to press it to break it, and then rest for a few days until the joint fluid is absorbed before resuming training."


Yu Jing said, "I hope that through my experience in participating in the Winter Paralympic Games, more female disabled people can pay attention to and participate in this sport, enjoy happiness and change their lives through sports."


On March 5, in the mixed interview area of the National Stadium, a figure on crutches was particularly noticeable. One side of her arm is an empty sleeve, and one leg is an artificial limb. "This is the first time I have reported on the Winter Paralympic Games. On this grand competitive stage, I am particularly moved to see disabled athletes from all over the world challenge their own limits and strive for good results." Said Camille, a female journalist from Canada.


"My parents have always encouraged me to live like a healthy person. Even if I often fell down when I was just learning to walk, they encouraged me to stand up by myself." Camille said.


Before becoming a reporter, Camille was a fencer, which made her more sympathetic when reporting. "I know these disabled athletes will face some difficulties and problems in their life, but I also know that physical disability cannot defeat them, and sports inject confidence and courage into their lives."


"The staff and volunteers here are very enthusiastic. They will help me when they see that I am not able to move. I will spend the March 8th Festival in the event report." Camille said.

制定场馆运行政策和制度、巡查各个流线、为运动员排忧解难……国家体育馆场馆运行中心经理谢雯雯自1月24日进入闭环后,就成为场馆最忙碌的人之一。“作为‘双奥’人,我身上肩负着光荣的使命。今年‘三八节’,我们驻地为女同胞准备了鲜花等礼物,还提前给我们举办‘服务冬奥 女神最美’庆祝活动,让我们感到特别暖心。”

Formulate venue operation policies and systems, inspect each flow line, and solve problems for athletes... Xie Wenwen, manager of the National Stadium Venue Operation Center, has become one of the busiest people in the venue since entering the closed loop on January 24. "As a member of the Olympic Games, I shoulder a glorious mission. This year's March 8th Festival, our camp prepared flowers and other gifts for female compatriots, and held a celebration of" Serving the Most Beautiful Winter Olympic Goddess "in advance, which made us feel particularly warm."


Li Zixian, a senior from the Department of Vocal Music and Opera of the Central Conservatory of Music, is a volunteer. Her service position is in the public area outside the Bird's Nest.


"I will continue to stick to my post on March 8th." Li Zixian said, "The enthusiastic feedback from the audience is something I have never experienced. Some audiences will say, 'Can I take a picture with you?' 'You are really' too cute 'or' thank you for your hard work '. I will feel that the work of this day is worth it. I look forward to the blessings from the audience tomorrow!"

罕见“名场面”闪耀冬残奥会作文 篇3


"Beijing!" When the President of the International Olympic Committee Bach issued a non-standard pronunciation, the millions of Chinese people waiting for the land of China were boiling again! As Samaranch announced in Moscow 14 years ago, Beijing won 20_ The Chinese people are immersed in the excitement of selflessness at this moment. Beijing has become the first city in the world to host the Winter and Summer Olympic Games! After the meeting, Wang Anshun, Mayor of Beijing, interviewed CCTV reporters and said five key words - happiness, thanks, commitment, respect and welcome.


The Olympic Games is not a simple sports competition, but a belief that will never change. As a primary school student, maybe we can't win gold medals for our country like athletes, nor have the opportunity to attend the games and participate in the service and reception of the Olympic Games, but as long as we start now, we can also contribute to the Olympic Games!


We should be a small envoy of civilization. When the Winter Olympics comes, we will decorate every corner of the city with civilization and extend our ceremonial hands to welcome visitors from all over the world, so as to promote our culture. The national spirit reflects our national culture.


We should be a good and polite guide. People from other countries come to Beijing to watch the Olympics, which is the pride of our people! As "little masters", we should say polite and cultured words and serve our guests with thousands of times enthusiasm. For example, being an interpreter and helping foreign friends guide the way will certainly make foreign friends feel the warmth of our Chinese people and let international friends taste the soothing and civilized feeling.


We should be small environmental protection guards one by one. We should use practical actions to realize the dream of "green China looks forward to the Olympic Games". We should start from the small things around us. We should not litter, but pick up the garbage at will, so that the sky is blue, the ground is green, the water is clean and the air is fresh, and foreign friends can linger in our capital Beijing and Zhangjiakou.


No longer wait, start from now, start from bit by bit, start from me, stretch out your arms to welcome our Winter Paralympic Games!

冬残奥会罕见名场面的观后感 篇4


The spectacular opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games have given me more expectations for the opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games. When the warm-up ceremony started and the Disabled People's Art Troupe lit the Bird's Nest that night with their voices, I knew that all expectations in the Bird's Nest could always be satisfied, even far beyond. Each performance is as pure and transparent as a child looking up at the sky, full of hope. In the center of the Bird's Nest, the stars are brilliant, as bright as the Milky Way. The audience uses their mobile flashlights to illuminate the night sky. The lights like stars are reflected in people's eyes, and all people's eyes are shining. It is because of the lights of the Bird's Nest, but also because of the brilliance of the Paralympic spirit.


Now I want to choose the most impressive scene of that night, but my mind keeps playing different pictures like a movie. I knew that every moment was so impressive, so special, and could not be compared with each other. Whether it is the cheering of the audience around when the torchbearer lights the main torch, the cheering and shouting of the hearing-impaired people in sign language, or the audience laughing and saying hard to us before leaving. All of this makes people want to treasure it.


When spring comes, the Paralympic Games are the most beautiful flowers in the city of double Olympics in the eyes of the world. Proud and beautiful.

罕见“名场面”闪耀冬残奥会作文 篇5


The host of the Olympic Games is a city, but the world's impression of the Olympic Games is that of a country. When talking about the Tokyo Olympic Games, I thought that I had been dissatisfied with the gloom, and that gods and monsters had become synonymous with the oriental civilization, so I specially found the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games to watch, and unexpectedly met thousands of netizens. 20_ The Beijing Olympic Games in opened a new key for the world to know China. It showed the world that we can develop and we are developing. Now I look forward to the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. I personally think that the image of the motherland, which is magnificent and solemn, is the interpretation of the oriental civilization. The Olympic Games during the epidemic period are especially precious. Looking forward to the repeated outbreaks abroad, I think China will declare to the world in a credible, reliable and respectable Chinese image that we have the ability, confidence and confidence to overcome difficulties, and we have become stronger!


I often wonder how the times are. Naturally, it is not a time when the mountains and rivers were broken, "forty million people cried together, and where is China?"; It is not the magnificent history told in Changjin Lake, which was written by our ancestors with the will of steel; It should not be the difficult past of Liu Changchun floating around and running out of the "one person Olympics". This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of China's return to the United Nations. Mr. Qiao Guanhua smiled and stayed in the textbooks forever. Over the past 50 years, China's important role in the United Nations has become increasingly prominent. The 2022 Winter Olympics is like an answer to the world. We are more powerful than we were fifty years ago; Compared to 20_ By hosting the Summer Olympic Games in, the people have more confidence and tolerance; Looking forward to the future in 2022, the tenacious history gives us unlimited hope. When we talk about the Olympics, we already have the answer. Fourteen years later, Beijing took Zhangjiakou to host the Winter Olympic Games. The city of double Olympics told me, "Look at the time when people have faith, the country has strength and the nation has hope. Isn't it the time you are asking?