
时间:2022-11-03 13:16:25 | 来源:语文通



诚信的演讲稿 篇1诚信的演讲稿 篇2诚信的演讲稿 篇3诚信3分钟演讲稿5 篇4诚信3分钟演讲稿5 篇5诚实守信演讲稿 篇6诚信演讲稿 篇7诚实守信演讲稿 篇8诚实守信演讲稿 篇9诚信的演讲稿 篇10

诚信的演讲稿 篇1


Distinguished judges and guests


Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is: Ordinary Paver, Honest Road Man.


I want to tell you that road maintenance workers who are engaged in road maintenance in the whole county are too fond of their own road maintenance business. From the sixties and seventies, they used shoulder poles, hoes, shovel, and those iron like shoulders to some of the machines they have now, they have developed wide roads with two longitudinal and four horizontal skeletons in our county. With the spirit of honesty, trustworthiness and dedication of the highway people, in the ordinary post of highway maintenance, they wear the stars and the moon, exposed to the sun and rain, year after year, how much pain they have suffered, how much sweat they have shed, how much they have paid, and how much they have contributed. Only the stars and the moon at the third watch and the fifth watch are the most clear, and only the roads know the most. Today, highway traffic has ushered in an unprecedented period of vigorous development. The original gravel road has become the current cement road and asphalt road. Facing the new technical requirements for maintenance, road maintenance personnel have kept pace with the times to learn science, advanced science and theory, and constantly improve their comprehensive quality. Everyone has become a new technical expert. They painstakingly studied, and constantly introduced a number of innovative technical achievements, making our county's comprehensive good road rate ranking first in the city every year. The county section has won the provincial "Civilized Unit", 30 civilized management stations, Jueshan Management Station has won the titles of "National Advanced Team" and "Five Star Management Station", and Tongqinggou Women's Management Station has won the honorary titles of "Advanced Group for Women's Achievement in the National Transportation System", "Demonstration Unit for the Provincial Transportation System to Serve the People and Establish a New Wind in the Industry", and "March 8th Red Flag Collective Model in Hubei Province", More than 40 advanced individuals and model workers emerged in the whole section, and 3 employees were awarded the title of provincial model workers. Some people say that the spirit of road maintenance people is a poem, but their life is not as beautiful as a poem. Someone humorously described them as "like beggars from a distance, like coal diggers from a distance, and like road workers", which is the real life of road maintenance workers. They were not afraid of the hardships of the road; Tired on the road, they did not complain. They silently expressed their pursuit of life, their interpretation of integrity and dedication on the road that is constantly extending. The feelings of the broad highway are as gorgeous as a rainbow and as magnificent as mountains and rocks. With the passing vehicles, they spread all over the country. No one can forget that in the summer when the muddy waves are rolling and the floods are raging, it is the road maintainers who are desperate to get through the road; It is very cold in winter, and the wind is chilly. The road maintenance personnel guard the road to sweep snow, shovel ice and pave materials, and escort vehicles to pass safely. Many road maintenance workers suffer from a variety of diseases, but they have no regrets to devote their youth and even precious lives to the smooth road!


The road is a paved monument, a monument, and a towering road. For decades, the road maintainer has been in the ordinary post of road maintenance, facing the ups and downs, walking through the roadblocks without regret. They are great. They express to the society what is dedication, loyalty and integrity with their lifelong pursuit without regret. They are ordinary, and few passers-by will turn their attention to them from the picturesque scenery along the way. However, peace can lead to prosperity, and ordinary can lead to eternity. It is precisely because of thousands of ordinary road maintenance workers that we have a crisscross road network, bridges that extend in all directions, and the monument that stands on the land of Jingchu. Road menders, I'm proud of you. Road menders, I sing for you. You are the paving stone in the people's hearts! You are the vanguard of building a magnificent road! You are the pride of the new century!

诚信的演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Honesty is a symbol of strength. It is a person's high self-esteem and sense of inner security and dignity.


Honesty is a seashell on the beach. Although it is buried in the sand, it can shine brightly; Honesty is a wild flower in the countryside. Although it is very inconspicuous, it can convey the fragrance of distant places;


Integrity is the helmsman of the ship. With it, you can move forward bravely and confidently in the storm. "There is a long way to go, and I will seek from top to bottom." We seek freedom, true love, fame and wealth... But do you remember honesty, especially under the temptation of interests. Because honesty has only one kind of moral binding force. The most valuable quality of a person is sincerity. I believe that a sincere smile can warm the soul of a person.


Honesty is an intangible asset of people. It is a kind of internal beauty, which is more reliable than beauty. If you have no beauty, as long as you can do what you say and do what you do, you are also a bright pearl, which can make those who break their promises look shameless. This is a power of personality charm. People should take honesty as the foundation.


Honesty is a symbol of strength. It can turn stone into gold and touch wood into jade. I'm sure you've heard of the saying "Promise is golden". This idiom comes from Shang Yang's reform. Only by keeping his promise can we gain good contacts. This is the mass basis for the success of Shang Yang's reform. Honesty is also an intangible wealth, and some enterprises make full use of it in modern times. "Sincere forever" is Haier's famous slogan. "95519 serves forever" is the service tenet of China Life Insurance. Do you think such enterprises can not become bigger and stronger! Integrity is the quality of individuals, the goodwill of enterprises, and the source of social progress.


When you sow honesty, you reap not only the trust of friends, but also trusted friends. The strength of the team is huge. It is like a star, the smallest star in the sky, but it can send out the brightest light, embellishing the night sky; It is like a cup of green tea, which warms the whole heart and makes the exhausted people feel the comfort of the soul, even refreshing. It is like the seed of dandelion, sailing with the wind, no matter where it goes, it can take root and sprout, and it can open a flower of integrity in every corner of the world.


Honesty is a correct value. If you give others a look of trust and a sincere smile, you are an angel in people's eyes.


Life is like a vast ocean. There are violent storms on the sea. Everyone is a boat on the sea. Only with the rudder of integrity, can your ship not be overturned and sail to the other side of success.


With honesty, you are the most beautiful shell, lighting up the whole beach;


With honesty, you are a most fragrant wild flower, which shows the whole spring;


With integrity, you are the most soulful helmsman, galloping the whole ocean.


With a brilliant body, a persistent heart, and a good faith on the road, such a life will be more stable, the foot will be more firm, and out of a wonderful life, the world will applaud for you!


My speech is over.


Thank you!

诚信的演讲稿 篇3


Honesty is indispensable to everyone. If everyone loses honesty, he or she will give up himself or herself. Honesty is one of the most precious virtues in the world, so please don't lose it.

有一次我就失去了诚信,那次是一个阳光明媚的早晨,也是星期六,妈妈和爸爸出去有事,我也早早的就起床了,因为我和同学约好了一起出去玩。我看时间还早,就把电脑打开玩了起来。我本来是想玩一会到点就关了, www..cn 玩着玩着我把时间给忘了,再到我看时间的时候,就已经比我和同学约好的时间过了一个多小时了,怎么办呢?我赶紧上了我同学家门口,结果已经没人了,我知道我这次我做的不对也没守诚信,这时后悔已经完了。星期一,在学校了遇见了那几个同学,开口他们就说:“你怎么能失信呢!我们等了你一个小时你也没来为什么?”对不起,对不起,我只能这么说因为我知道我没守信用。从这件事以后我知道了诚信是多么重要啊!‘’

Once I lost my integrity. It was a sunny morning, and it was also a Saturday. Mom and Dad went out for business, and I got up early because I and my classmates had an appointment to go out and play together. I thought it was still early, so I turned on the computer and started playing. I wanted to play until the time was up. WWW.. CN was playing and I forgot the time. When I saw the time again, it was more than an hour later than the time I had agreed with my classmates. What should I do? I hurried to the door of my classmate's house, but no one was there. I knew that I had done something wrong and didn't keep my integrity. At this time, my regret was over. On Monday, I met those students at school and said, "How can you break your promise? We waited for you for an hour and you didn't come. Why?" Sorry, sorry, I can only say that because I know I didn't keep my promise. From this incident, I know how important honesty is! ''


Another time was at school. When I was in the second grade, the head of our Chinese group often asked me to help him with his homework. I help him collect it every day, but he is reading his homework. Once I was very upset because the teacher assigned a lot of homework in class, and I also wanted to do homework, but he asked me to help him collect his homework. I was very upset, so I also confiscated it. I didn't tell him I had confiscated it, but he thought I had collected it for him. But when the Chinese teacher was looking at the homework, he found that our group had not handed in the homework, so he came to our classroom and gave our group leader a bear. At that time, I also felt very ashamed because I didn't tell him about the confiscation of homework. Although he was wrong, I was also wrong.


Through these two examples of my loss of integrity, I know that I must keep my integrity and not lose it, so that my classmates will trust me. Please believe me, I will never lose my integrity again.

诚信3分钟演讲稿5 篇4


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


I'm ______. Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "Integrity is priceless".


I have read two stories about honesty, which are very instructive.


One is "Zengzi Kills Pigs". It is said that Zengzi's wife wants to go to the street to do business, and his son goes with him. Zeng's wife coaxed him, "If you don't follow me, I'll kill a pig for you!" The son believed it and stopped crying immediately. When she came back, Zeng Zi was sharpening his knife to kill pigs. The former wife scolded and said, "How can you take it seriously if you coax the children?" Zengzi said seriously, "As a man, you should keep your word and keep your promise. How can you bear to cheat a child? How can you make him stand in the society when he grows up?" Zeng's wife was speechless and had to agree.


The other is "The Wolf Comes", which is about a shepherd boy. In order to relieve boredom, he made fun of the farmers and shouted: "The wolf is coming!" The farmers immediately rushed up the mountain to help him. But he smiled and said, "Ha ha! You've been cheated!" The farmers left angrily. The next day, he did the same thing again. The kind-hearted farmers rushed up the mountain to help him. He couldn't help laughing: "Ha ha! You've been cheated again!" Everyone was very angry and never believed him again. A few days later, the wolf really came and broke into the sheep. He was so scared that he cried for help. When the farmers heard his cry, they thought he was lying again and ignored him. As a result, many sheep were killed by wolves.


In these two stories, Zengzi killed a pig to win his son's trust, which should be respected; Shepherding dolls cheat people and break their promises, and finally they suffer the consequences. As Confucius famously said, "People have no faith, and I don't know what it is!"


Therefore, integrity is priceless and more precious than gold. As primary school students, we must remember that "integrity is the foundation of life". Start from me, start from now, and start from small things to make the quality of integrity shine like gold.

诚信3分钟演讲稿5 篇5


The topic of my speech today is to be honest, trustworthy and civilized.


Honesty is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. The so-called honesty refers to honesty and trustworthiness. Since ancient times, stories about honesty have emerged in endlessly. In the Warring States Period, Shang Yang Limu was a good example. He was ready to carry out the political reform, but he had not released it. He was afraid that the people would not believe him, so he put up a piece of wood three zhang high at the south gate of the capital market, and recruited people who could move the wood to the north gate to reward ten liang silver. "There is a saying that people who can move wood will be rewarded fifty liang silver." When a man moved wood, Shang Yang gave him fifty liang silver to show that he did not cheat the people. Finally, he successfully issued a decree. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, there was a man named Jibu who always kept his word and had a very high reputation. Many people established strong friendship with him. Later, he offended Han Gaozu Liu Bang and was arrested with a reward. As a result, his old friends not only did not get confused by the heavy money, but also risked the risk of destroying the Nine Nations to protect him from disaster.


A person who is honest and trustworthy, naturally gets a lot of help, and can gain everyone's respect and friendship. Honesty is a virtue. It is not difficult to notice that in interpersonal communication, anyone who can treat others with integrity is generally welcomed by everyone. People like Shang Yang and Ji Bu who can treat others with integrity will naturally be loved and supported by everyone. Honesty is the embodiment of a person's character. Now the society is a society that stresses honesty and credibility. The honesty and credibility examination room has long been common. The honesty and credibility examination room opened by the school is that the school places honesty and credibility education in an important position of our ideological and moral education to cultivate our good quality of honesty and credibility. Honesty, as an excellent traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, has been surging along the long river of Chinese history; Honesty, as the root of being a man, often tortures our soul.


What is sincerity? Honesty means being honest. What is faith? A promise is a promise. Confucius said, "People have no faith, and I don't know whether they can be trusted." He believed that if people don't keep faith, they will have no place in society and can't do anything. Without honesty, we can no longer be called people. We should take honesty as the bottom line to measure everything, and the same is true of exams. Not only your cultural quality, but also your personal quality are tested in the integrity examination room.

诚信是立身之本,我们常说人无信不立。敬爱的周总理就是一位"言必信,行必果"的人。有一年他视察农村,在座谈会上认识了一位老农民张二廷。会后还专门访问了张二廷的家,临走时他紧握着总理的手请求总理抽空再来,周总理微笑着说:"有机会一定来,如果我不来,也一定派人来看望你。"在后来的几年中,周总理不管多忙,每年都派专人去看望张二廷。可见,诚实守信并不一定体现在什么轰轰烈烈的大事上,周总理就是这样,在细小的事情上注意自己的言行,做到诚实守信才得到了全国百姓的尊敬与爱戴。 相反,不守诚信就会遭到别人的不信任,我们在很小的时候就听过狼来了的故事,那个放羊的孩子一而再,再而三的捉弄山下的百姓并以此为乐,当真正有狼来了的时候,却再也没有人能救他,因为他丧失了人最基本的道德——诚信。

Honesty is the foundation of life. We often say that people can't stand without faith. The beloved Premier Zhou is a person who "keeps his word and acts with determination". One year he visited the countryside and met an old farmer, Zhang Erting, at a symposium. After the meeting, he also paid a special visit to Zhang Erting's home. When he left, he held the Prime Minister's hand tightly and asked the Prime Minister to come back at some time. Premier Zhou smiled and said, "I will come if I have a chance. If I don't come, I will send someone to see you." In the following years, no matter how busy Premier Zhou was, he sent a special person to visit Zhang Erting every year. It can be seen that honesty and trustworthiness are not necessarily reflected in any grand event. Premier Zhou is like this. He pays attention to his words and deeds in small matters, and only by being honest and trustworthy can he win the respect and love of the people all over the country. On the contrary, dishonesty will be distrusted by others. We heard the story of the wolf coming when we were very young. The shepherd kid teased the people at the foot of the mountain again and again and took pleasure in it. When the wolf came, no one could save him, because he lost the most basic moral integrity of people.


If you don't keep faith, a country will perish. The last emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King You of Zhou, had a concubine named Bao Si, who didn't like to laugh. King You of Zhou, in order to win the beauty's smile, decided to light the beacon tower. All the princes thought that there was an urgent war gathering under the beacon tower. Bao Si laughed when she saw that all the princes were panicked. The princes thought they had gone back after being teased. Later, Dog Rong came to attack King You of Zhou, but no princes came to rescue him, History will enter the Eastern Zhou Dynasty forever.


It can be seen that honesty is very important for a country. The modern society is honest, but still faces the crisis of dishonesty. In the contemporary society, people are eager for quick success and instant profits, and their material desires are rampant. Although modern people have created material wealth through science and technology, they are enslaved by material wealth. When modern people realize that they can actively strive for rights and interests, they mistakenly believe that freedom is to do whatever they want without rules and restrictions. Therefore, people often do everything for their own interests, at the expense of others, regardless of ethics, promises, reputation, contracts and laws, and do all kinds of selfish acts. For example, the economy of Chinese Mainland has begun to develop rapidly, but the credit system and market rules are not yet sound, so some people who are cynical will exploit the loopholes of the system, incomplete laws, lax law enforcement, and lack of credibility, forming a variety of phenomena that people who are cynical about profits and trust.


The lack of integrity is heartbreaking and thought-provoking. How should we carry forward the virtue of integrity and build a harmonious society together has become a top priority. For example, we can start from the small things around us. If we make mistakes in our studies, we should treat them with an honest attitude. If we know a mistake, we should correct it. We should not overshadow it and practice fraud. That is to say, we should be honest. When you study, you should adopt the attitude of "knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing". Knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing. You must not pretend to understand and deceive others.


Confucius said, "Keep your word with your friends." We should treat our friends with sincerity and trust in our daily interpersonal communication, so as to win everyone's respect. And true friendship is based on honesty.


A friend is someone who can help each other when you are in trouble, who can listen to you when you are upset, and who can be happy for you when you are happy. Such people can be called friends. Honesty is the most beautiful and holy soul. It makes people have a clear conscience.


Honesty is so precious, we should start from me and now, let the seeds of honesty take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit in our heart.


Students, let's hold the position of integrity, be honest and trustworthy, be civilized, and let the flower of integrity be beautiful and bloom forever!

诚实守信演讲稿 篇6


Confucius said, "A man has no faith, and I don't know what to do with it." Rousseau said, "To proclaim everything about you, do not use your words, but use your true colors." Honesty is the most beautiful emotion in the world.


It is a virtue left to us by our ancestors from generation to generation to keep our word and keep our promise. Honesty is not only an invisible force, but also an invisible wealth, and also an invisible link connecting friendship. When a person is honest, people will praise him, respect him, get close to him and trust him. If an enterprise is honest, people will be willing to patronize, and the enterprise will also win benefits and reputation.


Honesty is "quarter cloth". Jibu was born in Chu at the end of the Qin Dynasty. When he was young, he liked making friends very much. He was very loyal and trustworthy. He would do his best to do everything he promised. Jibu's trustworthy quality has won him a reputation among his peers. Later, his reputation became even more widespread, and even many rangers in the north knew that, so that the folk spread the proverb: "It is better to get Jibu Yinuo than to get a hundred jin of gold."


But now, honesty, which is a wonderful flower, has gradually withered, withered, forgotten and discarded with the passage of time.


If a person loses his integrity, who around him is willing to trust him again? Once you lose your integrity, people around you will leave you one by one and will no longer be your friends. You will also become a lonely person, living in loneliness.


Again, if an enterprise loses its integrity, who is willing to buy their products again? You and I must still remember the "Sanlu" incident. Isn't it a heavy and painful lesson? Isn't the case of big head babies in Anhui and fried foods in the Philippines a constant reminder? How many innocent people have been sacrificed? These bloody facts are caused by those who want money but don't want to die neglecting honesty.


Then, generation after generation, whether the integrity will never come, whether the world will no longer have this good character, and then disappear at the end of the world. I would like to say that despite the widespread dishonesty in the society, I still firmly believe that each of us has a seed of integrity in our hearts. Please water and fertilize it, and open your heart to enjoy the nourishment of sunshine and rain. In spring, it will sprout; In summer, it will surely open beautiful flowers; In autumn, it will bear rich and sweet fruits!


Friends, for the sake of the country, the society and yourself, let us join hands to be honest people and let the light of honesty shine on the homeland of the national spirit again!

诚信演讲稿 篇7


Dear teachers and students


Integrity is invisible, but can be seen from heaven; Honesty is colorless, but it can dazzle; Honesty is insipid, but it can give off mellow fragrance within five thousand years, both at home and abroad. Invisible, colorless, tasteless honesty has a suffocating power.


Honesty has been severely challenged in recent years, not to mention market cheating, black cotton, migrant workers' rice, even if you pick up an old man who falls on the roadside, you may get into trouble and lawsuits.


Many years ago, when he thought of his freshman year at Peking University, he was at a loss in the huge campus of Peking University. In his hurry, he saw an old man in a cloth shirt, put his luggage beside him, and said, "Master, please keep an eye on it!" More than an hour later, the freshman came back after finishing all the formalities, and found that the senior was still looking after the luggage and had not left. The next day, at the freshman entrance meeting, he found that the elder who had left his luggage yesterday was sitting in the middle of the platform. He is a contemporary Oriental linguist, educator, essayist, and Mr. Ji Xianlin, Vice President of Peking University.


Later, the student said: Jilao's personality charm will change his life.


Yes, honesty conquers hearts.


However, the charm of honesty goes beyond that.


A sociologist conducted a survey among 1000 successful people on "why I am successful", and the results exceeded people's imagination. No one thinks that their success is due to their talent. Most of them believe that the secret of success lies in "honesty". The entrepreneur who believed that only primary school culture said, "I don't understand advanced theories. I only know that I sincerely treat every customer and all the people I cooperate with." Honesty kept him unemployed.


We are in adolescence, which is an important period for shaping personality and cultivating morality. How to treat each student, how to give a good lesson and how to face each exam are all tests of integrity. If we waste our integrity at will in our student days, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the future competition with false learning and false attitude. A dead end will keep the literal meaning of the pillar. The young Washington confessed that he had cut down the cherry tree. These examples of sincerity and sincerity illustrate the important role of honesty as a personality force in life development.


Friends: Let's try our best to cultivate the character of honesty and trustworthiness, and let honesty make our personality shine!

诚实守信演讲稿 篇8


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Honesty and trustworthiness start with me".


Honesty is like a clear spring, like sunshine, which can wash away the impure lead with purity, make the soul glow and let us feel


Morality and conscience influence ignorance and distortion, making our national soul stand erect.


"Honesty is the foundation of people, and faith is the heaven". People without integrity live in the world like a dust floating in the air. Only by being honest can we have a foothold in society, develop our career and have a bright future. Zhou Dunyi, who "leaves the mud without dyeing, and washes the clean water without demon", told us to keep clean; Qu Yuan, who said that there is a long way to go, and I will seek from top to bottom, inspired us to pursue bravely; Zengzi, who "keeps his word and does what he does," taught us to be honest and trustworthy.


German composer Mendelssohn performed abroad for the first time when he was 20 years old, which caused a stir in Britain. Queen Victoria of Britain was in the White House


Jinhan Palace held a grand reception for him. The Queen especially appreciated his music "Italtz" and praised him: "This music alone is enough to prove that you are a genius." After Mendelssohn listened, his face turned red like purple grapes, and he was embarrassed to explain that his sister had composed this piece of music.


Mendelssohn could have concealed the facts to save face, but he chose the latter between honor and integrity. Up to now, not only his wonderful music is still popular in the world, but also his honesty has deeply touched us. However, in today's world, material desires are rampant. Under the extreme impact of the commodity economy, in the fierce storm of pursuing profit maximization, the boat of honesty is teetering. Honesty is to us like lips to teeth, and the consequences of losing honesty are unimaginable! It is urgent to raise the sail of integrity. On campus

块净土,我们尤其应该从自身做起,从现在做起。 重振诚信的旗帜,从我们和老师开始。师生之间,犹如鱼水,理应坦诚相待,摒(bing)弃所有

In particular, we should start from ourselves, from now on. Revitalizing the banner of integrity starts with us and our teachers. Teachers and students are like fish water. They should treat each other frankly and abandon everything


The hypocritical smile and hateful lies are replaced by sincere greetings and trusting eyes, restoring the clean and relaxed atmosphere, taking off the mask, disguising and honesty, which benefits us a lot!


We should start with honesty and trust. We should treat people with sincerity, be consistent with what they say, and keep their promises. Let the rumors disappear and the intrigues disappear. In the classroom, we should work together for our dreams and cooperate closely; In the dormitory, we share the happiness of collective life, unite and help each other. There is no need to be on guard everywhere, let alone have trouble sleeping and eating. Honesty makes us cheerful!


Pick up the luggage of integrity and start from ourselves. Set up lofty aspirations, water dreams with youth and blood, work tirelessly for them, and be a person who keeps his word. Being a person and doing things with integrity will enable you to gain more trust, help and solve many problems. Integrity, let us know self-respect and have more friends!


Honesty, you will have unexpected harvest!


Be honest and your journey will be bright!


My speech is over, thank you!

诚实守信演讲稿 篇9


I happened to see a documentary on TV, called Common Concern, about a farmer who bought and used an instrument to treat cervical spondylosis, but later the farmer died because he used a fake cervical instrument.


I was shocked. A farmer, who had worked hard all his life, exchanged sweat and tears for only one word: death.


I can't help scolding the boss of that company. Why do you have to cheat? Is it just for the sake of small gains? Do you know how many people will be disabled or even die because of your personal interests if you do these selfish acts. Don't you feel guilty?


Students, I believe you must know that this is a dishonest practice, and this society will feel ashamed of such vendors. Yes, honesty and trustworthiness are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation and the moral norms that everyone must abide by. The state's trustworthiness will win the support of the people, the leaders' trustworthiness will win the love of the people, and a person's trustworthiness will win the trust of the people.


We turned the clock back ten years. At that time, Wenzhou was not a trustworthy city. Do you still remember? A lot of leather shoes made in Wenzhou were burned in the downtown of Hangzhou in broad daylight. This is a price, the price of dishonesty. This not only burned a pile of fake leather shoes, but also burned the heart of Wenzhou people who are not honest. Such a painful lesson has awakened Wenzhou people. Since then, all Wenzhou people have put honesty first, and have been vigilant about the "leather shoes incident" everywhere. Finally, they have created a number of clothing brands with first-class quality and reassurance for consumers. Finally, people all over China and even the world began to accept Wenzhou and began to understand Wenzhou from different perspectives. Now Wenzhou people have gone to the world, to the extreme of clothing brands! This is the power of honesty, the endless power of honesty.


Yes, no matter what you discard, you can only discard integrity, because only with integrity can we get money, honor, and inner happiness.

诚信的演讲稿 篇10


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


When we were young, our parents often told us not to lie. We are also familiar with the integrity stories at home and abroad, such as "The Little Axe in Washington", "The War Show" and so on. But have we really achieved integrity?


"Honesty" is composed of "sincerity" and "faith". "Honesty" means honesty, and "trust" means keeping faith. Honesty and trustworthiness may cause us to lose some benefits, but the benefits brought by honesty are endless. There is a story about an auto repair shop: a customer walked into an auto repair shop and claimed to be a driver of a transportation company. "Write more parts on my bill. After I return to the company for reimbursement, you will benefit." He said to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper refused his request. The customer continued to pester: "My business is not small, and I will come here often in the future. You will make a lot of money!" The shopkeeper told him that he would not do it anyway. The customer shouted angrily, "Everyone will do this. I think you are too stupid!" The shopkeeper asked the customer to leave, and he would never do such a false business. At this time, the customer smiled and held the owner's hand with admiration: "I, the owner of that transportation company, have always been looking for a fixed and trustworthy repair shop. Where do you want me to talk about this business?". In the end, the transportation company and the shopkeeper negotiated a big business, and both sides benefited a lot.


Although honesty may cause us to lose a lot on the surface, every honesty may be the beginning of a turning point in our destiny. On the contrary, violating morality and integrity may benefit us, but it is not permanent. In the United States, there used to be a case of a little girl who went to and from school by subway every day. Once at school, he forgot to swipe his card in a hurry. When he arrived at school, no one said anything about her. So she tasted the sweetness. Every day after that, she will escape. While secretly pleased with herself, she did not understand that there had been one bad record after another on her citizen credit record sheet. A few years later, the little girl grew up. When she reached the age of looking for a university, she came to a world-famous university and expected to be admitted. But the school officials refused. The little girl was puzzled: "My grades are obviously very good, why don't you accept me?" The school staff opened the computer, and the little girl was dumbfounded: on her citizen credit record sheet, her credit was almost zero. All the data above show her previous record of ticket evasion. She can't regret it now


We all understand that people should keep their promises. But honesty also has a "bottom line". If it is excessive, it may lead to adverse consequences. The most common: someone speaks in class, and you hear it and report to the teacher. Although the student was punished, he held a grudge against you, so there was a rumor that "___ is an undercover agent sent by the teacher, everyone be careful!" Gradually, you will be isolated. This is excessive honesty.


In addition, there is a situation called "white lies". Some people think this is just an excuse to lie, but it is not. "White lie" It has an adjective "white". Therefore, white lies are enterprising. Appropriate white lies can save a person at a critical moment, and white lies can also be a life saving straw, pulling us from the low ebb of life. It is possible to use white lies properly, but this cannot become a reason for lying.


"Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small.". Famous sayings were summed up by the ancestors in repeated failures and desperation. Be honest, but learn to be flexible. Honesty, although it will make us lose, but it brings us unlimited benefits. Let's start from the moment, from the small things, to be an honest person!