
时间:2022-11-02 12:58:53 | 来源:语文通


鲁迅《朝花夕拾》读后感500字 篇1朝花夕拾读后感800字 篇2朝花夕拾读后感600字 篇3经典的朝花夕拾读后感900字 篇4小学生朝花夕拾读后感700字 篇5朝花夕拾读后感1000字 篇6

鲁迅《朝花夕拾》读后感500字 篇1


Recently, I read the only collection of reminiscent essays written by Mr. Lu Xun - The Morning Flowers and the Evening Flowers. There are ten essays in the book, which mainly describe the author's childhood life and the course of studying in his youth, recall those people and things that are hard to forget, and express the memory of past relatives, friends and teachers.


In his works, he criticizes and ridicules the reactionary and conservative forces. Among them, the most representative of the hypocrisy and cruelty of feudalism is the Twenty fourth Filial Piety Chart, which mainly describes the author's feelings when reading the Twenty fourth Filial Piety Chart, and focuses on the analysis of the stories of "Lao Lai entertaining his relatives", "lying on the ice to seek carp", and "Guo Chen burying children". It accuses this kind of feudal filial piety of neglecting children's lives, taking "meat and hemp" as fun, "taking" heartlessness "as the ethics, slandering the ancients, and teaching future generations bad." The work gives a sharp attack on the tendency of opposing the use of composition fans and advocating the use of retro.


After reading "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering", my biggest feeling is that; In Lu Xun's time, the people were oppressed by darkness, and they all launched resistance one after another. How many times have they gone through reform and war, and now we have a peaceful, stable and free life! Now we can live happily here. We have a wide range of electrical equipment at home, such as televisions and computers, so we can live a free life. No oppression from the dark society, no hardship, no revolution. It was all bought by countless revolutionary martyrs with their own blood and bodies. We should cherish the life in front of us, which also let me know that Lu Xun is a very compassionate person. He sympathizes with the oppressed people who work hard, and he hates those who oppress the people and hinder their progress, harass the people, harm children, and retain feudal ideas.


In the future, I will cherish the beautiful life in front of me and not waste time.

朝花夕拾读后感800字 篇2


In this summer vacation, I read the collection of essays written by Mr. Lu Xun, "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering". Serial time, serial memory, I really want to take Grandpa Lu Xun's memory as mine. The words used in the whole anthology are simple and soft, which is exactly the expression of Grandpa Lu Xun's approachability. The attack, satire and ridicule in the book are just Grandpa Lu Xun's disgust and dissatisfaction with the society at that time, which shows that Grandpa Lu Xun wants to make the nation progress, make the society stable and think about children.


This book describes to us the life picture of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the feudal social system, and the imprisonment of the people.


In From Herbal Garden to Sanwei Bookstore, naughty and naive children in the garden watched vegetable beds, ate mulberries, listened to the concert of cicadas, oil flies and crickets, watched wasps, played with cantharids, pulled polygonum multiflorum, and picked raspberries. To study and practice in the library, three to five words, and then seven words. Draw pictures secretly in class and play in the small garden of the bookstore. All of them reflect the children's pursuit of freedom and love of nature, as well as the constraints of society on children.


These two characters in "A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Fan Ainong" left Mr. Lu Xun with deep memories. Two figures created by the society at that time. A lower level worker, a kind, sincere, loving and caring Achang, has many negative and backward things in her thoughts and personality, which is the result of the ideological poison of the feudal society and shows the turbidity and darkness of the society at that time. Fan Ainong, an upright and stubborn patriot, was strongly dissatisfied with the dark society before the revolution and pursued the revolution. At that time, he was hit and persecuted after the 1911 Revolution. It reflects the people's resistance to bondage in the old society and their yearning for freedom and happiness. The people moved from captivity to rebellion.


These two figures are the reflection of the society at that time. People were oppressed by darkness, rose up to resist, and experienced many reforms and wars before we had a stable and comfortable life at this moment! At this moment, we can live happily here. There are televisions and telephones at home, some computers, miscellaneous electrical equipment and free life. We do not have to be oppressed by the dark society, do not have to suffer hardship, and do not have to make revolution. This is all acquired by countless revolutionary martyrs with their own ancestors, so we should cherish the life in front of us.


The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering is Grandpa Lu Xun's memory of the past, funny childhood memories, distinctive characters, one by one. It also criticizes the old society in which people were imprisoned, shows Grandpa Lu Xun's regret and sympathy for the hard working people, and also shows his dislike for the society at that time. It tells us not to go back to the society that makes people suffer, but also shows how to stop the people from advancing, harass the people, harm children The hatred of those who retain feudal ideas. Let's understand history and thank the origin of perfect life.

朝花夕拾读后感600字 篇3


After reading Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering, I really realized that it was nature and simple villagers who enlightened Lu Xunmei and his love in his childhood, so that he had a rich and delicate soul yearning for perfection, and did not become rough and numb because of the passage of years. So that more than 20 years later, when he recalled the past events of his hometown and the paradise of his childhood, even for every tree and grass, he was still full of deep attachment.


Many of Mr. Lu Xun's works left in the world, such as "Cry", "Wild Grass" and "New Stories", are still unforgettable. In today's materialistic world, people work day and night for fame and wealth, and are confused and worried about emotions. How many people have forgotten the fragrance of flowers and plants, the chirping of birds, and the rule that people always come from nature and return to nature "naked"?


In the noisy city, in the life that is easy to lose yourself, I will give you a copy of Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering. May your mood become calm and relieved. As the title of the book "Day Flowers and Night Gathering", this book is to piece together the trifles of my childhood when I grow up. What everyone can do, because with love, Lu Xun did the best.


Xun's name is a household name in China. When I read his article, I found it in the textbook "From the Baicao Garden to the Sanwei Bookstore", which is an article in the collection of essays "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering". In my mind, Lu Xun has always been an unattainable idol. In addition, he is a very famous literary giant in the world, and he is a little afraid to read his books easily. Afraid of being unable to read, I am too vulgar. But since I read Lu Xun's "Youth Leap Soil" and "From Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Bookstore", it seems that I have drawn closer to my idol. With simple writing style and exquisite emotion, I feel as if I am talking to an amiable and approachable grandpa.


For example, in From Herbal Garden to Sanwei Bookstore, Lu Xun first used many bright words to describe his carefree life in Herbal Garden, and then wrote that "I" had to leave Herbal Garden and go to Sanwei Bookstore to go to school. The Baicaoyuan described above is a good contrast to the boring life of studying in Sanwei Bookstore, which reflects Lu Xun's dissatisfaction with the old private school.

经典的朝花夕拾读后感900字 篇4


Sitting on the cane chair, the jasmine in the cup emits a refreshing fragrance, which gently diffuses around, holding the light green "Morning Flowers and Evening Picking up", tasting the unique childlike innocence from the lines, and flying with the pieces of clouds of missing to the world that once belonged to us


The flowers in the morning sun naturally bloom with delicate petals and faint fragrance. The flowers picked against the setting sun lose their tenderness and beauty in the morning sun, but add a late maturity and charm. This is Mr. Lu Xun's childhood, a green time full of debris.


Mr. Lu Xun was a lucky boy, but at the same time, he was also an unfortunate boy. In that turbulent era, he could play carefree in the herb garden, and he could listen to the oil flies singing quietly; He can catch birds in the snowy winter... But at the same time, he bears the burden of surpassing his age. At a young age, he will learn to give up, curb his desire to recite the so-called classics Jianlue, Qianziwen, and Baijiaxing. At a young age, he will lose his parents, and he will learn to assume the responsibility of a family


Perhaps, this is the green time covered with debris. In this time, Lu Xun learned to grow up, learn to bear, learn to think, and I learned to grow up with Lu Xun


Some people say that a good article does not depend on how beautiful you are, but whether you can arouse readers' thinking and resonance. But Mr. Lu Xun did it. He used his plain and simple language to evoke the thoughts, memories and happy times of many people.


When I was young, I liked to sit on a cane chair, snuggle up in Grandma's arms, look at the stars in the sky, and count them in the quiet moonlight. In the moonlit night, I enjoy the thick family affection and warmth.


Now I have left the past and no longer have the past. This may be a pity, but at the same time, it is a enrichment. Now I have many, many books. I roam in the book every day, study hard, and strive for tomorrow. Maybe it's very tired, but I grow up and mature day by day. This may not be understood in those beautiful scenes in the past!


Childhood is fading away as you and I grow up. Maybe it will disappear at the end of life, but it remains in those trivial memories, shining in the starry sky. Although it is just a little light, it is enough to illuminate the way forward for you and me... In today's era, it is better to read Mr. Lu Xun's Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering!


Close the Morning Flowers and Evening Picks up, taste the jasmine that still remains warm and elegant, and time brings me back to that reincarnation

小学生朝花夕拾读后感700字 篇5


This work records Mr. Lu Xun's life in his childhood and his learning process in his youth, and recalls those people and things that are hard to forget.


Among the ten essays, I have the most stable and profound feelings about the Twenty four Filial Piety Painting.

当在第一才看到这个题目时,我有很想看看这个二十四孝图,我想看看这二十四个小子是怎样实行自己的孝道,那场面一定很令人感动吧。真应了“不看不知道,一看吓一跳”了,读完《二十四孝图》后我一点儿也没觉得感动,取而代之的而是气愤,难道这个就是所谓的孝道?从中我没有看到“孝”这个字,这压根儿就是摧残,他们不顾儿童的性命,将“肉麻当作有趣”,“以不情为伦纪,诬蔑了古人,教坏了后人”。这就是孝 www.d8qu.com ?错,大错特错。这是他们借着孝来实现自己的一己私念罢了。可见,这摧残性命的“孝”是多么可怕啊。一个个多么无辜的性命就这么的没了。

When I first saw this topic, I really wanted to see the Twenty Four Filial Piety Chart. I wanted to see how the twenty-four boys practiced their filial piety. The scene must be very touching. I really should have "I don't know if I don't see it, but I was scared at first sight". I didn't feel moved at all after reading the Twenty fourth Filial Piety. Instead, I was angry. Is this the so-called filial piety? I don't see the word "filial piety", which is basically cruel. They disregard the lives of children, and regard "flesh and hemp as fun", "take heartlessness as ethics, slander the ancients, and teach the future generations". This is filial piety WWW.D8QU COM ? Wrong, big wrong. This is just that they realize their own private thoughts through filial piety. It can be seen how terrible the "filial piety" that destroys lives is. How innocent lives are lost.


I'm glad I didn't live in that society. I have a father and a mother who love me. They would rather have a hard time than live a better life. I am very grateful to them. I will understand their hard work and try not to let them worry about me. This is my filial piety to them. This filial piety is love, not destruction.


Although that era was cruel, it does not mean that our society is good now. On the contrary, those who help others become people who can hurt others, which makes the heart of many people who love helping disappear gradually. What's more, some people do something to hurt others and society for money. Some people, for their own interests, trample on others and play with them at will. Every society has its own status quo, which cannot be changed by one person alone. They have their own way of life. All this shows that we all need to work hard, and our new generation of young people should strive to change this bad situation.


As a new generation of teenagers, all we have to do is study hard, serve our motherland, and work hard for our society to be more harmonious and our motherland to be more beautiful.

朝花夕拾读后感1000字 篇6


Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers 600 words after reading


The Chinese writer I like, except Zhu Ziqing's third hair, is Lu Xun. When the book was published, it was named "Rethinking the Past". I think Mr. Lu Xun thought the title was too straightforward, so he changed it to "Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers". Of course, Mr. Lu Xun always satirizes and pungent in this book, but more of it is a kind of tender feeling when old people recall the past.


Among the ten stories in the book, Mr. Fujino impressed me the most. At that time, China was indeed a weak country in the heart of its neighbor Japan. However, when I saw that paragraph in Mr. Fujino, I felt heartache for no reason - "China is a weak country, so Chinese people are naturally imbecile..." It reminded me of Mr. Yu Dafu's Sinking, The one silently called in his heart, "Motherland, how can you not become stronger quickly? Your children are suffering there!" A young boy studying in Japan. This kind of people expect their motherland to be strong without effort. They just pray helplessly, which makes people not only pity him. But those Chinese who watch their compatriots being beheaded in the film, and cheer with the Japanese, are not only pitiful, but also hateful!


However, not all Japanese people don't understand the meaning of the word "respect". The author focuses on Mr. Fujino's rigorous teaching style, sincere concern for the author, and his love for China and "people". All the lines of the work are filled with the author's praise and concern for this mentor.


Mr. Fujino's patient guidance to Lu Xun is expected to introduce Japanese superb medical technology into China and treat physical diseases for Chinese people (in fact, the same is the purpose of Mr. Lu Xun's study in Japan). Here, Mr. Fujino has restored his medical skills to their original appearance - to study medicine for the health of all people, rather than for their own personal interests, which is really honorable!


At the end of the article, Mr. Lu Xun wrote that until now, he was still urged by Mr. Fujino's shadow to "write the words that are hated by 'decent men'", which once again expressed the author's memory and admiration for Mr. Fujino.


Secondly, The Twenty Four Filial Piety Painting in The Morning Flowers and the Evening Flowers also left a deep imprint in my heart.


The "Twenty four Filial Piety", which was originally used to cultivate children's filial piety, unexpectedly left a terrible shadow in their hearts, making them feel that "the white haired grandmother is not at odds with me"! Alas, the feudal ethics poisoned young people, how deep!


The Painting of Twenty four Filial Pieties is much the same as what the Kite (Lu Xun in The Scream) wanted to express. It can be said that it was a lack of education system in old China, but isn't this the weakness of China!


Mr. Lu Xun is our "backbone of the nation". He uses his pen as a gun, and every word speaks loudly. Although this book is a collection of reminiscent essays, it does not change its style in any way. As for the shortcomings of the old China pointed out in the work, I still feel shocked after that. While celebrating that I was born in the era of prosperity and strength of the motherland, I am determined to do my best not to let the cup repeat itself.


In the past days, our great motherland has a history of humiliation. Now, on the day when our motherland is prosperous and strong, how can we, as the pillars of the future, not work hard for China? From The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering, I was surprised to see my own shadow, so thin, so firm!


Mr. Lu Xun, China is rising!