
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:55 | 来源:语文通



校园的秋天作文 篇1走进秋天的校园作文 篇2校园的秋天作文 篇3校园的秋天作文 篇4校园的秋天作文 篇5

校园的秋天作文 篇1


In autumn, the fairy came to the campus with a strong aroma of fruit. When the breeze blows, the smell of mango branches in the school ripples in the back playground. In early autumn, we had a PE class in the back playground. During the break, my classmates played with the mango branches and gave me a smell. I picked them up and smelled them! At this time, we slowly realized that the autumn fairy had come to the campus with fruit fragrance. The campus is golden, like a floor of golden 'petals. The leaves of the ginkgo tree are dancing. Only holly stands there, motionless, as if waiting for the coming of winter, waiting for the girl Dongxue to wake him up... The children can't help coming to the playground to feel the breath of autumn: the fragrance of mango, the praise of birds, the cool autumn wind, and the yellow leaf butterfly! They are all envoys of autumn. Oh, and the passing geese also told us that autumn is coming! Autumn is coming! Early autumn is short. The autumn fairy refused to stay for a moment, so she began to walk home slowly.

走进秋天的校园作文 篇2


In autumn, people like to describe it with "bright autumn", while I prefer to praise it with "colorful". Perhaps it is because I was born on the day of the beginning of autumn, so I am more fond of autumn.


Our campus is beautiful all the year round. I love the campus in autumn best. If you come to our school in autumn, the first thing to welcome you is bursts of laughter, the sound of reading, and the strong fragrance of osmanthus. Next to the school gate, beside the flower bed, in front of the building, Jingui and Yingui are really flourishing! You see, there are thousands of osmanthus flowers on the golden osmanthus, forming golden red flower balls, like fire. It is really "remote knowledge is not fire, so there is a strong fragrance".


I really like the campus in autumn! Ding Suyang


Our campus is very beautiful, with beautiful flowers, tall trees, students who smile like pistachios, bright red national flag, four small stars inlaid on the national flag, one big star, palm like leaves, butterfly like leaves... The grass has put on golden clothes and laid a carpet for the autumn girl!


The campus in autumn brings us endless fun. I love you - the campus in autumn! Xu Yanwan


Our campus is beautiful all the year round, but it is the most beautiful in autumn.


I walked leisurely on the playground, and the autumn wind blew my face. Suddenly, I felt chilly. The leaves on the tree turn yellow. Several leaves fall on the ground, and the wind blows them around and dances. When the wind blows, the grass nods frequently, which is very beautiful.


I love the campus in autumn.

校园的秋天作文 篇3


Autumn is a beautiful season. She uses her broad sleeves to separate the hot summer. Instead, cool autumn wind, heavy fruits and harvest joy are the most popular.


Look, the grass has already taken off its green shirt and replaced it with a yellow coat. It seems that he is afraid of wearing too little and accidentally getting cold and ill. But what can best reflect the autumn of our campus is the orderly rows of tall ginkgo trees.


When the cool autumn wind blows, ginkgo leaves are singing loudly, and occasionally some ginkgo leaves float down. They dance happily in the air like lovely golden fairies. The sky is their best stage, and the ginkgo tree is their best accompanist.


After class, all the students came out of the classroom to feel the breath of autumn. Some people bend to look for leaves with strange shapes in the grass to use as bookmarks, some people chase and play on the grass, and some people jump rope. Autumn is coming, and everyone's smile is more brilliant.


When we arrived at Xiange Lake, we saw the leaves of willows floating on the water. They were floating slowly with the autumn wind like boats. The weeping willows on the bank, their branches swaying with the wind, sometimes gentle, sometimes wild.


In the evening, the setting sun slants on the campus, and the leaves and grass on the ground become brighter. The whole campus has become a golden campus; The whole world has become a golden world.


Ah! What a beautiful autumn view of the campus!

校园的秋天作文 篇4


Yellow flowers and branches hang down, and red leaves litter the ground. Autumn on campus makes me beautiful and intoxicated.


The sweet osmanthus is set up in the yellowish grass, and the yellowish sweet osmanthus is jumping on the branches to welcome the arrival of autumn. Look how hard they drive! The branches on the tree are all covered with osmanthus, just like a girl in floral clothes, who lowers her head shyly, which can be said to be "thousands of branches are low"! Sitting in the classroom, the fragrance lingers in the nose, with refreshing sweetness, and the whole campus is immersed in the fragrance of flowers, just like the artistic conception of "osmanthus flowers are full of steps".


Ye Er blushed with joy, adding a lot of color to this serious teaching building. Under the cool wind, it looks like a colorful spark, dazzling; Seems to be celebrating the arrival of autumn, fireworks; Also like the flowers falling all over the sky when the fairy goes down to earth; This is also like a beautiful scene, like a split flower. Walking on the fragrant blanket made of red leaves, you can feel the breath of autumn. It's so cozy and Jennifer!


People are in high spirits in autumn. Walk along the campus path, stretch against the autumn wind, and let the cool wind kiss your cheek. All those disappointments and troubles were put aside, and the golden chrysanthemums full of joy were blooming. I played several football games on the yellow grass, which is unique compared with summer. Tired of playing, gentle grass is your best place to rest.


Autumn is about to die, and these beautiful landscapes will be swallowed up by the snow in winter. I quickened my pace and wanted to stay in that short time. I took my pen and carved a few short words:


Several trees are dark red and light yellow, and the golden autumn is refreshing. In the coming year, we must remember the campus autumn scenery and enjoy it.

校园的秋天作文 篇5


I love every tree and grass on our campus. Especially in autumn, its beauty makes people intoxicated.


As soon as I entered the school gate, the left side was the place for children in kindergarten to learn, and the right left side was the place for students of Grade I and Grade II to learn.


I walked into the second gate and came to the inner court. On the right and left was the place where the third and fourth graders studied, and on the opposite side was the place where the fifth and sixth graders studied. There is also a basketball court, where people who like playing basketball play basketball. There is also a pavilion where many people play after class.


The grass on the grass beside the inner court is withered and yellow, which looks like a yellow carpet from a distance. Most of the flowers and trees have turned yellow. The autumn wind is blowing, and the leaves are dancing, which is very beautiful. There are many, many kinds of flowers beside the grass. Autumn is the season when osmanthus is fragrant, and the campus is bathed in a fragrance.


I came to the back playground and saw the botanical garden. Autumn is the time when the fruit is ripe. You can smell it carefully. It is sweet and fragrant. There is also a happy stadium here. We came here when we had PE classes. Sometimes we come to the Happy Stadium to play. There are slides, parallel bars, horizontal bars, swings and many other entertainment facilities.


I love our campus, but also love the campus in autumn.