
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:50 | 来源:语文通



《水浒传》读后感800字 篇1《水浒传》700字读后感作文 篇2水浒传初中读后感800字 篇3水浒传读后感 篇4水浒传读后感800字高中 篇5水浒传读后感 篇6水浒传读书心得800字 篇7水浒传读后感800字数5篇大全 篇8

《水浒传》读后感800字 篇1


When I saw the title of this composition, I saw that "The Water Margin" was three years ago, and the characters in the play had already forgotten more than half; And what I like most is Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The Water Margin has not been carefully read. As a last resort, I had to read a set of faxes from the Internet and found that the Shuihu fax was actually good.


The first point, and the most fascinating one, is the one hundred eight generals in the book. Although the characters are not all distinctive, they also have their own unique skills. For example, Zhang Shunshui, a white stripe in the waves, is extremely good at carving stones, Jin Dajian, a jade craftsman, is outstanding, and Yunlong Gongsun Sheng, a fearsome wizard, is not one of the most talented people. Some people say that 108 stars in Water Margin will be barely made up, just to make up for the 108 stars in the legend. I don't deny this, but if we really write as many as we can, we will not only lose a fantastic color, but also lose the meaning of "one hundred and eight will fall from the sky". The Water Margin is the best in characterization.


The second point is the description of the plot in Outlaws of the Marsh. "The Water Margin" From the chaos of the Nine Striped Dragon in the Shijia Village to the gathering of eight generals in one hundred orders, from Song Jiang's breaking the serial horses to Song Gongming's being recruited, the complexity of the middle things and the large number of people are daunting. However, Shi Nai'an used his excellent writing style to explain such a long story without any sense of procrastination, and the reader could not help but continue to look down, as if he had been in the real story. It was amazing.


The third point I want to say is the historical account of The Water Margin. You may have to laugh at me. Such a story similar to "science fiction myth" is just a fabrication. There is no real history. Indeed, The Outlaws of the Marsh is a myth, but he analyzed the society in which the people were living in poverty, treacherous ministers were in power, foreign enemies invaded, and the combat effectiveness of the army declined from a special perspective. You think, if the people live a comfortable life, how can more than 100 heroes rise bravely? If loyal ministers are in charge, why should Gao Qiu be the prime minister? If the country is peaceful, why should the Jin Dynasty come? If the army is abundant, why should we make peace? In my opinion, the Water Margin is not only an interesting novel, but also a historical book reflecting the society at that time.


I said so much, but it was useless. I just listed the good places in The Water Margin. I still like The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Therefore, the good books in everyone's mind are different. I hope we can all find the book we like.

《水浒传》700字读后感作文 篇2


The Outlaws of the Marsh is a very classic Chinese masterpiece, which is comparable to Dream of the Red Chamber, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Journey to the West, known as the "Four Famous Chinese Novels".


The Outlaws of the Marsh truthfully describes the whole process of the uprising, development and failure of the peasants in the Song Dynasty, and exposes the darkness and decay of the feudal society and the evil of the ruling class. It reveals some essential aspects of the occurrence, development and failure of the peasant uprising in the feudal society of China by means of outstanding artistic description, and shows that the root cause of the peasant uprising is "the government forces the people to revolt".


The theme song of The Marsh is bold and unconstrained, just like Lu Zhishen's great Han in the west of Kansai. I firmly believe that this song is exclusive to Lu Zhishen. As the saying goes, "When the road is not right, we should take the sword to help". When a villain does evil, he will never stand by and watch. To save Jin Cuiying, please keep this sign, coach, and save Shi Dalang... It seems that he has always been a great Xia, who has no scruples to lend a helping hand to others, whether he is a passer-by or a friend who is familiar at first sight. How can people not be ashamed of such heroism and chivalry? As Jin Shengtan praised, Luda's blood spurted out, which made me deeply ashamed that he had never contributed to others in the world!


Among the 108 generals of the Water Margin, the most memorable character is "Hua Monk Lu Zhishen". "Hua Monk Lu Zhishen" is a real man and a hero who is very straightforward, violent, but chivalrous and tender. He killed the villains to save the poor from fire and water. Through those eyes, we can see that Lu Zhishen is a kind and sincere soul under his fierce and stubborn appearance. Others only said that he was ferocious. Only the Elder Zhizhen of Wutai Mountain had a pair of eyes that knew people and saw his wisdom root: "This man should be the star in the sky, and his heart is just. Although he is ferocious and stubborn at present, and hit a complex target, he will be quiet after a long time. The positive results are extraordinary, and you are inferior to him." He is addicted to drinking, eating meat, killing people and stealing goods, but still

与佛有缘,只因他心存赤诚的真善。谁然他往往在人们面前表现出一副粗鲁,野蛮,可他到了冲锋陷阵的时候可毫不含糊,挥着62斤重的禅杖上阵杀敌。 鲁智深是一个清清白白的好汉,他一生中最看重的就是“侠义”二字,根本不屑那些凡俗之人苦追的东西。

He is predestined by Buddha only because of his sincere truth and kindness. However, he often behaves rudely and savagely in front of people, but when he comes to the front, he can be unambiguous and wield a 62 kg Buddhist staff to kill the enemy. Lu Zhishen is a pure and innocent man. In his life, he values the word "chivalry" most and disdains what ordinary people chase after.

水浒传初中读后感800字 篇3


"Outlaws of the Marsh" is a novel about the ancient peasant uprising. It describes the process of the peasant uprising from its occurrence, development to failure. It deeply reveals the social roots of the uprising and praises the revolt of the uprising heroes and their social ideals. "Outlaws of the Marsh" is also one of the earliest chapter novels written by composition fans in Chinese history. The book describes the story of 108 heroes led by Song Jiang who accepted the call of peace after gathering together in the late Northern Song Dynasty and fought everywhere.


The most impressive characters in Outlaws of the Marsh are Shi Yu Songjiang, righteous King Chao Gai of Tota, brave and resourceful leopard head Lin Chong, and loyal Wu Song. There are various characters in The Outlaws of the Marsh. Today, I'd like to talk about my favorite character, Wu Song.


Surely everyone knows the story of Wu Song fighting against tigers! Wu Song is a stubborn man. On the day he drank in Jingyanggang, he staggered up the mountain without listening to the restaurant's advice. When he saw a large bluestone, he took a rest on it. Suddenly, a strong wind blew. Then the big tiger fell behind Wu Song. Wu Song turned his head back and flashed behind the big bug. The big bug didn't even touch Wu Song's side. His paw fell to the ground, roared loudly, and threw the tail of the tiger, Wu Song dodged to the side again. He swung the super whistle and hit it with all his strength. Unexpectedly, he broke the branch next to him. The whistle was cut in half, and the big bug came again. Wu Song took the broken whistle and followed the tiger with his bare hands. Wu Song only pressed the tiger's head into the soil and swung his fists. He used all his strength to hit the tiger's head, which made the tiger bleed at its seven orifices. Soon, he was out of breath. Wu Song thought about taking the tiger down to the restaurant in Jingyanggang. Unexpectedly, he had no strength, so he planned to take the tiger down the next day.


Lin Chong is also a person I like better. Because he is the most loyal and honest man. At first, his life was quite peaceful, but it was unexpected that Lin Chong's wife was favored by Yamen Gao. Therefore, Yamen Gao invited Lin Chong's good friend, Lu Qian, to help him. Lu Qian took advantage of the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Lu Qian first asked Lin Chong to go out to eat, and then asked someone to cheat Mrs. Lin away. But the plan failed in the end. So Gao Qiu, the father of Yamen Gao, went out personally and let Lin Chong enter the White Tiger Hall by mistake. As a result, Lin Chong was escorted to Cangzhou. On the way to Cangzhou, he was almost killed by two thieves. Fortunately, Lu Zhishen saved Lin Chong. After Lin Chong arrived in Cangzhou, Gao Qiu sent Lu Qian to set Lin Chong on fire. Lin Chong killed Lu Qian and others and caught up with Liangshan overnight.


"Outlaws of the Marsh" let me know the darkness of the society at that time, and also let me know the loyalty of 108 heroes in Liangshan.

水浒传读后感 篇4


Read the fourth chapter of Water Margin: "Councillor Zhao rebuilt Wenshu Temple; the people in the temple did not dare to open the door to this evil spirit. It was a happy scene. It was a joke in itself, and he did not want to make a big deal. Lu Zhishen appeared in the third chapter, and I felt here!


This time in the Water Margin should also be counted as an introduction part; Anger draws the sword!


It is said that after Lu Da killed Zheng Tu, he would become the first state in Jiangnan, and would like to take the rest of his dog leg in his arms and enjoy it slowly - his wisdom has been used here, and his first quarrel was just to grab a bucket of wine from the hillside and turn over the book a little. " This figure in the Water Margin is so important. It's really not too important. He pretended to be a monk and bought dog meat and wine. The wine is strong and the law is called Zhishen! Come in!


This makes me look forward to it even more. Direct teaching! First of all, the wine poured in to practice fist and foot. If he didn't pay attention, he would have met his destined good friend Lin Chong?


So from the very beginning, Elder Zhizhen, who had protected him everywhere, could not keep him. As Baochai said, the old man severely beat the Vajra around the door, cut down the world's villains and slandered officials, and died in the 119th return. He had to send him to a more famous place in the future, and forced the monks to eat dog meat. All the monks wanted to escape. The man smiled and waved his Buddhist staff: "There is no religion! There is no wine, and he became a monk in Wutai Mountain!


But Ruda is a rude man. So I got to know Councillor Zhao; For the second time, I slightly disclosed some news about Liangshan heroes: I knew Jin Cuilian had become the mansion of the rich man, Councillor Zhao Wai. In a total of 120 copies of novels, Lu Da had just become Lu Zhishen. He said that he had the important weight of opening and closing, and was a "lively drama"!


Lu Da knows that he is a criminal. Did he learn from this? Zhao Xian hid Lu Da in Qibao Village, and he was about to "fade the bird out of his mouth". He happened to meet Lao Jin who was rescued by him when he ran away. Jin Yong's The Eight Heavenly Dragons depicts how Tianshan's fairy grandmother forced the little monk to eat meat. Lu Zhishen became much wiser. In fact, he made a lot of trouble when he was young, and then vomited filth. He stopped robbing. So we are very familiar with Lu Zhishen, the hero in Shuiboliang Mountain. He collapsed the pavilion halfway up the mountain. After the news, he mobilized Lu Da to become a monk. He also cares about the Heavenly King Lao Tzu. He has plenty of food and clothes. He is not the one who enters the stomach. Lu Zhishen makes a big fuss over Wutai Mountain. "The core of this name is two words. This is the first time that it has been exposed!


Lu Zhishen made a scene in Wutai Mountain. He was originally a man who "didn't have some monks' noodles". He had no choice but to eat meat: the famous Chichi had traveled three thousand miles north, but only from two couplets at the end of this chapter!

水浒传读后感800字高中 篇5

《水浒传》是中国古典四大名著之一,想必大家都读过吧,它的作者是施耐庵。是我国第一部歌颂农民起义的章回体小说,全书共一百二十回。前七十回以宋江晁盖为首,逐渐吸纳四方豪杰上梁山。这些人聚集梁山的目的是“替天行道”,反抗腐朽的政治。直到108条好汉齐聚忠义堂,排座次。后五十回则描写梁山好汉接受朝廷诏安,为国家效力的过程。《水浒传》通过生动的艺术描写反映了梁山起义发生、发展直至失败的整个过程,揭露了社会的黑暗,腐败,反映百姓有苦无处伸张, 的社会状况,宣扬了忠义思想,并表现了梁山好汉忠心为国的无奈。

"Outlaws of the Marsh" is one of the four classical masterpieces in China. Presumably, everyone has read it. Its author is Shi Nai'an. It is the first chapter style novel eulogizing the peasant uprising in China, with 120 chapters in total. In the first 70 chapters, Song Jiang Chao Gai was the leader, and gradually attracted heroes from all sides to Liangshan. The purpose of these people gathering in Liangshan is to "act on behalf of heaven" and resist the decadent politics. Until 108 heroes gathered in the Loyalty Hall and took their seats. The last fifty chapters describe the process of Liangshan heroes accepting the imperial edict and serving the country. The Water Margin reflects the whole process of Liangshan Uprising from its occurrence, development to failure through vivid artistic description, exposes the darkness and corruption of the society, reflects the social situation of the people who have no place to stretch out, publicizes the idea of loyalty and justice, and shows the helplessness of Liangshan heroes who are loyal to the country.


This article mainly talks about: During the reign of Emperor Zhezong of the Song Dynasty, 108 strong generals led by Song Jiang and Chao Gai revolted in Liangshanbo, Shandong Province. At last, Song Jiang accepted the call of peace and became a military force of the imperial court. In the end, he was killed by the rulers. A spectacular peasant uprising was thus brutally suppressed.




After reading this touching literary work, I was very sad because I felt the darkness of the government at that time, and also felt angry at the despicable villains such as Gao Qiu and Tong Guan. The heroes of Liangshan were attacking the enemy, but they were at ease. They just had to talk to the emperor. The data sharing platform Water Margin 800 Words High School (). Song Jiang always wanted to accept the offer, but they tried every means to block it. The first time Song Jiang accepted the imperial edict, they changed the imperial wine into ordinary wine. The second time they tampered with the imperial edict was really hateful. After reading the chapter of Liangshan heroes sacrificing their lives to pacify the rebellion, I couldn't help shedding tears. It's a pity that Liangshan heroes defeated the enemy with their own lives, but they were killed by treacherous ministers. In the end, they didn't succeed.


There are many moving chapters in this novel, among which the most attractive one is "Jingyang Gang Wusong Fighting Tiger". One of the words that impressed me deeply in the passage is: life force. One sentence is: "A tiger eats people. It depends on one attack, one lift, and one sweep. Three kinds of kung fu have been used up, and half of its strength has been used up." The main idea of this chapter is: Wu Song passed Jingyanggang on his way to see his brother. After a big meal, he was so drunk that he slept on the big bluestone. Soon, a tiger woke him up and a fight between man and tiger started. At first Wu Song used his brute force, but he broke the whistle. Wu Song fought with the tiger with his bare hands. After exhausting the tiger's physical strength, Wu Song rode on the tiger's back and hit the tiger's head with all his life strength, finally killing the tiger.


Books are the ladder of human progress. Only by reading more good books can we make progress!

水浒传读后感 篇6


Holding "Outlaws of the Marsh" in hand, I was deeply touched by the fearless spirit of Liangshan heroes who roared when they saw injustice on the road and should make a move.


You see, the fisherman Ruan Sanxiong was dissatisfied with the government's exploitation, and took an active part in robbing Liang Zhongshu, a corrupt official, of the people's wealth and cream, the "birthday outline"; After being plundered and persecuted by the landlord, the hunter Jiezhen, Jiebao and his family resolutely seized the prison and ran to Liangshan; Although Lu Zhishen is an officer, he likes to fight against injustice. He "killed Zhenguanxi with three punches" and "made a scene in the wild boar forest". Although he was wanted twice by the government, he did not turn back; Although Lin Chong is the coach of 800000 Forbidden Army and has a distinguished status, he was framed by a treacherous minister, Gao Qiu, and was "burned on the grassland" when he was exiled to serve his sentence. Finally, he couldn't bear it and killed his enemy.


When dealing with social evil forces, they should fight with violence when they need to; When it is time to deal with the oppressed kindness, we should help them. This is the inspiration from the heroes of the Water Margin.


Although a lawsuit judgment occurred on November 20, 2006, which was triggered by "saving people or hitting people", the moral nerve of our nation was greatly impacted, and Chinese people fell into the confusion of "whether to do good things". As a result, "the old man fell into the street and no one helped him" happened repeatedly. Within 7 minutes, 18 passers-by saw a 2-year-old child Yueyue hit by a car, but none of them was indifferent to lend a helping hand. However, the national tradition of helping the needy, saving the dying and protecting the injured will never die. Justice is at home in the hearts of the people. The heroic feat of the heroes of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh of the Marsh.


Look: In the face of the heinous robbers, the "Car Throwing Brother" came forward and threw his car to subdue the criminals; In the face of drowning children, 12 college students in Hubei made ladders to save people without hesitation, including three who died bravely; When a young child accidentally fell from the 10th floor at the critical moment, a young mother did not hesitate to extend her hands, although she paid the price of breaking the ulna and radius of her left arm into three parts; The "most beautiful driver" Wu Bin, an ordinary civilian hero, who was even more touched by the Chinese people, made timely moves in the face of the critical moment of "disaster from heaven", endured severe pain, insisted on completing a series of safe parking actions, and finally fell to his post after explaining the precautions of the passengers on the train. These vivid examples that can be sung and praised can be called the model of our times.


In order to maintain social fairness and justice, we need to "act when we need to", and in order to build our harmonious society, we also need to "act when we need to".

水浒传读书心得800字 篇7


The good books in everyone's mind are different. I hope that each of us can find meaningful good books that we like. The Outlaws of the Marsh is a very classic Chinese masterpiece, which is comparable to Dream of the Red Chamber, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Journey to the West, known as the "Four Famous Chinese Novels". The Outlaws of the Marsh truthfully describes the whole process of the uprising, development and failure of the peasants in the Song Dynasty, and exposes the darkness and decay of the feudal society and the evil of the ruling class. It reveals some essential aspects of the occurrence, development and failure of the peasant uprising in the feudal society of China by means of outstanding artistic description, and shows that the root cause of the peasant uprising is "the government forces the people to revolt".


"Water Margin" describes that the heroes took the road of resistance, each with different reasons and different situations, but many people have the same point in forcing Liangshan. Such as the creation of Ruan Sanxiong_ Because they could not live on, they were dissatisfied with the government's exploitation and took an active part in robbing the "Birthday Programme", so they went to Liangshan. Jiezhen and Jiebao rebelled against the landlord's plunder and persecution. Lu Zhishen is an officer. He is jealous of evil and likes to fight against injustice. As a result, he has conflicts with the government and is forced to climb the mountain and fall grass. Wu Song was born in a poor city. He was framed repeatedly to fight against injustice and avenge his brother's death, Bravely attack the ruling class. He was awakened from the lessons of blood.


The Water Margin - 108 generals, the most memorable characters are "Zhiduoxing Wu Yong" and "Tianguxinghua Monk Lu Zhishen". "Wise and resourceful Wu Yong" offered advice several times: Wu Yong offered advice to Chao Gai to win the birthday. He used medicine and wine to kill Yang Zhi, a green faced beast, and captured 100000 gold, silver and jewels that Liang Zhongshu, a famous official in Beijing, sent to Grand Master Cai to celebrate his birthday; Song Jiang was caught reading anti poems in Xunyang Tower, and was taken to the execution ground together with Dai Zong. When he was about to be beheaded, Wu Yongyong robbed the execution ground and saved Song Jiang and Dai Zong; Song Jiang's second strike at Zhujiazhuang failed; When attacking Zhujiazhuang for the third time, Wu Yong used his two palms to attack Zhujiazhuang. When Song Jiang was in trouble in Huazhou, Wu Yong came up with a plan to rescue Shi Jin, the nine tattooed dragon, and Lu Zhishen, the Hua monk Life is full of ingenuity and achievements. Shou Zhao'an was appointed as Chengxuan Envoy of Wusheng Army. After Song Jiang and Li Kui were killed, Wu Yong and Hua Rong hanged themselves in front of Song Jiang's grave and were buried together with Song Jiang. It really deserves to be called "Wisdom Star"! "Tiangu Xinghua Monk Lu Zhishen" is a real man and a hero who is very straightforward, fierce as fire, but chivalrous and tender. He killed the villain to save the poor from fire and water. He often shows his rudeness and barbarism in front of people. But when he came to the front and fell into battle, he could definitely wield a 62 kg Buddhist staff to fight against the enemy.


After reading this book, I learned about the history of ancient China, the rebellious spirit of the heroes of the Water Margin and the corruption of the feudal society.

水浒传读后感800字数5篇大全 篇8


The Outlaws of the Marsh is one of the four famous novels in China. I finished reading this famous book describing the character's temperament with the help of this holiday. After reading it, I felt: It is really one of the four famous novels! It's really fascinating and exciting!


I was deeply attracted by the plot. Wu Song was drunk and killed a fierce tiger. However, people have different views on Song Jiang. Now let me taste him.


Song Jiang, who has read Confucianism since he was a child, received traditional education, and entered the society to be an interrogator (petty official) in the county government. His birth experience and personality enable him to understand and experience the 'pain' of the people, have a sense of justice, develop a cautious, resourceful, like to play politics. Because he was a petty official in the government, he knew the law and had the habit of abiding by the law. After Song Jiang arrived at Liangshanpo, he dealt with problems in a comprehensive way. Some people said that he was hypocritical and played politics, which was a means of dealing with problems. Such as capturing Qin Ming from Thunderbolt Fire and abdicating to Lu Junyi. After he committed a crime, the Yamen put the yoke on him. When others opened the yoke, he said no, which is the law of the country.


Song Jiang is a righteous hero in front of Liangshan Mountain. When justice and law contradict each other, Song Jiang ignores the law. He made a certain contribution to the cause of Liangshan. He killed Yan Poxi for the sake of Liangshan heroes under unbearable circumstances.


Song Jiang became the leader of the Rebel Army after going to Liangshan. He himself said that he was not outstanding in civil and military affairs. Why can he be the leader of Liangshanbo? This is because Song Jiang has the following advantages: helping others to help others; he has a certain appeal in the Jianghu; Care for brothers, and try to save them when they die; He has certain organizational and military command skills. For example, in the third battle of Zhujiazhuang, he paid attention to summing up experience, starting from investigating the truth and falsehood, and breaking up Zhujiazhuang and the other two alliances.


After being recruited, Song Jiang became a loyal official of the imperial court. His idea is to contribute to the country and protect the people's peace. After Chao Gai's death, Song Jiang changed the "Hall of Gathering Righteousness" into the "Hall of Loyalty", which is an important thing for the insurgents and a key for Song Jiang in The Water Margin. After being recruited, he changed the banner of "acting on behalf of heaven" on Liangshan Mountain to "following heaven and protecting the country". He also went from the leader of the rebel army to the obedient minister who obeyed the court. At this time, Song Jiang's thought is: I love the country, the emperor represents the country, and the court does not disappoint me, and I do not disappoint the court. He did not listen to Wu Yong and other heroes to dissuade him. He went to enlist Fang La, the leader of the rebel army, and fought bitterly.


A tragic ending. After Song Jiang led the people to fight against Fang La, there were 27 of the original 108 heroes left, and the rest either died or left. The court did not trust him and killed him. Song Jiang's life was a tortuous one. First he was a righteous hero, the leader of Liangshan, and then he became a loyal official of the imperial court. Finally, he had a tragic ending.