数学日记 篇1数学日记 篇2数学日记 篇3关于数学日记 篇4数学日记 篇1
Explore the secrets of the corner
Chen Mo
I went to Jiangxinyu Island and found many secrets.
When I got on the ship, I found that the steps on the ship were 90 degrees, the lifebuoy hanging on the ship was 360 degrees red and white, and the yellow waves on the river were 180 degrees semicircular, as if Kuafu was running to the sea. With the sound of "Du", the boat started, and vaguely saw two people swimming towards the island in the middle of the river. The swimming posture and wave angle were the same as if they were integrated into the Oujiang River.
When the boat docked, I was surprised to find that Jiangxin Islet was so small from a distance, but entering it became different. We came to the East Tower. I walked around the tower twice and found that there were six corners of the tower. How much was each corner? With this question, I thought while walking: the total external angle of the hexagon is 360 degrees, that external angle is 360 degrees divided by 6=60 degrees, and that internal angle is 180 degrees - 60 degrees=120 degrees. Another method is: the center of a hexagon row is 360 degrees. Divide the hexagon row into six corners according to the center of the circle. One corner is 360 degrees/6=60 degrees, and the next two diagonals are 60 degrees. One corner of a hexagon row is 60 degrees+60 degrees=120 degrees. The results obtained by the two methods are the same. I am very happy and have a deeper understanding of the diagonal!
数学日记 篇2
In the evening, the shoe rack my mother bought arrived. I couldn't wait to open the express bag to help my mother build the shoe rack.
As soon as I opened the packaging bag, I saw 3 bundles of pipes classified by different lengths, 9 pieces of gray rectangular pads, 1 piece of dust-proof cloth with cartoon pictures and a pile of triangle buttons. I picked up these accessories and studied them. Then my mother asked me, "Shuangshuang, how many pipes do you need to build a shoe rack?" I had a brainstorm and blurted out: "A rectangle has four sides, so we need two long pipes and two medium long pipes. In addition, we need four short pipes to connect the second floor. A total of 2+2+4=8 pipes are needed to build the first floor." Mom asked again, "How many pipes do you need to build the 10th floor?" "There are eight pipes in one layer, and ten layers are ten eights, that is ten × 8=80! " Mom nodded and asked me, "How many pipes of different lengths do the 10 layers need?". I seriously thought: "Two long pipes, two medium long pipes and four short pipes are required for the first floor, and 10 long pipes are required for the 10th floor × 2=20 (pieces), medium length pipe 10 × 2=20 (pieces), short tube 10 × 4=40 (pieces). " Mother gave me a thumbs up. After finishing the calculation, I seriously set up.
After a while, I finished building the first floor. My mother asked, "It took you 5 minutes to build the first floor. How long will it take to build the 10th floor?" I scratched my head: "1 floor, 5 minutes, 10 floors, of course, 10 × 5=50 (minutes)! " As time went by, I built the 10th floor by myself, and then only assembly was left. It took me 3 minutes to connect the first layer and the second layer with triangle buttons, and it took me 9 × 3=27 (minutes). My mother asked deliberately: "Why is the 10th floor 9 × 3=27, not 10 × 3=30 minutes? " I proudly replied, "Mom, you don't understand. It takes 3 minutes for the second floor, 2 3 minutes for the third floor, and so on. It takes 9 3 minutes for the tenth floor! In addition, it took me 50 minutes to set up the shoe rack, so I spent 27+50=75 (minutes), that is, an hour and 15 minutes!"
After listening to my analysis, my mother praised me as a smart and capable child and took pictures of me as a souvenir. I not only set up a shoe rack taller than me alone, but also solved the mathematical problems in life with the multiplication I just learned. I'm so happy!
数学日记 篇3
Liu Zeqi
Today, my mother told me that ostriches are the largest birds in the world, with a height of 5/2 meters. The height of penguins is about 6/25 of that of ostriches. What is the height of penguins? I calmly said the answer: 5/2 × 6/25=1 × 3/5=3/5 (m) Answer: It's 3/5. My mother praised me. I'm very happy!
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