
时间:2022-10-22 12:59:15 | 来源:语文通



《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇1最新朝花夕拾读后感 篇2《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇3鲁迅《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇4《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇5《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇6《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇7《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇8

《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇1


In his old age, Lu Xun recalled his childhood. It was like a fresh flower silently blooming in the sunshine. When he picked it at sunset, he lost its original fragrance. The setting sun gives it a feeling of illusion. "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering" is exactly the same name as it.


Everyone has a childhood. The happiness and depression of childhood and the pursuit and exposure to the beauty of human nature constitute Lu Xun's most authentic spiritual landscape.


When I read the prose written by Mr. Lu Xun, I seem to see Lu Xun's childhood sweetness. He secretly jumped into the herb garden to play when his teacher was away. Sometimes he climbed the flower bed to fold wax plum flowers, and even climbed up a tree to pick wild fruits to eat. Although I always think of my husband's severe eyes, I still can't avoid childhood capriciousness and childishness.


Everything is so naive, which resonates with me. Mr. Lu Xun looks at the world from the perspective of childhood. How beautiful everything is!


Childhood is happy and memorable, and my childhood is colorful. My home belongs to the suburbs, and there is a large green grass behind the house. When I was tired of playing, I lay there. I smell the fragrance of flowers on the grass and listen to the chirping of birds. Sometimes I go to the fields to catch lobsters, barefoot, and step into the soil. My partners have fun. Although sometimes I go to the river to catch fish, I imagine that we eat fish together. But it was a fantasy after all, but the fish in the river was too quick to catch any fish after several hours. This beautiful fantasy ended in failure.


Now, in order to be admitted to a good school, and strive, can no longer be as happy as before.


Childhood has gradually slipped away, leaving only foam like memories. It is better to read "Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers", feel the darkness of feudal society, and love life as much as Mr. Lu Xun.

最新朝花夕拾读后感 篇2


Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering is a collection of reminiscent essays written by Mr. Lu Xun. The articles in the book were concentrated in 1929, when the author was 45 years old. The article materials mainly recall the childhood and youth, just like the flowers in the morning are picked in the evening, so the anthology is called Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering.


The book Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering tells the story of Lu Xun's childhood and his study in his youth, recalls the author's unforgettable events, and expresses his nostalgia for his relatives, friends and teachers in the past. After reading the book, I found that the whole book was written in chronological order. The first six articles were written by the author to recall his childhood, and the seven or eight articles were written by the author to recall his youth when he faced choices. Finally, he expressed his remembrance and blessing for his relatives, friends and teachers.


Although Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering is a collection of reminiscent essays, Mr. Lu Xun is not just recalling the past, but exposing the social climate at that time from multiple angles and sides in a broad social background, expressing the author's deep thinking about society. The criticism of feudal society and feudal education, the ridicule of the Beiyang government, and the attack on the old society all reflect Mr. Lu Xun's consistent fighting style. Now, nearly 90 years have passed since the waves began to wash the sand. This book is still shining like gold and is a favorite of middle school students. Now, when we open this collection of essays, we can still smell the fragrance of daily flowers.

《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇3


Lu Xun, a famous writer, thinker and revolutionist. What was Lu Xun's childhood experience? What do you feel when you approach Lu Xun's childhood? With such a curiosity, I read Lu Xun's collection of essays "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering".


The so-called "picking up flowers day and night" refers to picking up flowers in the morning at night, which means recalling childhood after growing up. The stories in Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering are vivid, interesting and easy to understand. Lu Xun in Dog, Cat and Mouse is lively and lovely. The author of Ah Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas is happy and carefree. The author of "From Herbal Garden to Sanwei Bookstore" is even more innocent - small stories are fascinating and interesting.


The most unforgettable are "A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore". A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas tells about the growth experience of A Chang. A Chang is now the nanny. During the Spring Festival, I have to get up early in the morning and eat "fuju" or something. From the Herbal Garden to the Sanwei Bookstore, the author has played everywhere he can. The back garden of Sanwei Bookstore is located at the root of the mud wall. This reminds me of Shen Fu. With the harmony between man and nature, there is also a story of "red snake", which adds to the mystery of the herb garden and makes people unable to stop.


What makes me admire more is Lu Xun's personality charm. He went to Japan to study medicine, and later published his first vernacular novel, The Diary of a Madman, under the pseudonym of Lu Xun. Bold exposure of the feudal concept of cannibalism. In old China, when Japan invaded, both the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army would rather die than surrender and remained steadfast, reflecting the strong character of their officers and men. However, Lu Xun, a weak scholar, was also able to take up his unique "weapon" - pen to fight with the enemy in the end. In the society at that time, how many people lived by stealth because they were afraid of death, but Lu Xun was a man of backbone, right is right, wrong is wrong, "dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood."


From Lu Xun's Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering, I read about Lu Xun's innocent childhood. I also read the charm of Lu Xun's great personality.

鲁迅《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇4


After carefully reading Mr. Lu Xun's Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers, it seems that I have suddenly returned to my naive childhood. Everything is full of curiosity, imagination and expectation... I linger in it, revel in it, and enjoy it. I can't help but see fascinating pictures in front of me


"The oil flies sing low here, and the crickets play the piano here. When you turn over the broken bricks, you sometimes meet centipedes." This scene seems to be a true portrayal of my childhood. At once, the young "I" entered the Hundred Flowers Garden and kept pulling up the Polygonum multiflorum, as if looking for something; I seem to see that "I" is crying for the painting of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"; It also seems that I saw "I" wrapped around the corner of Chang Ma's coat and listened to her tell the story of Red Lian Snake


My childhood, my dreams, I long for childhood.


"There is also a garden behind the Sanwei Bookstore. Although it is small, you can climb up the flower bed to fold waxed plum flowers and look for cicadas to shed on the ground or on the osmanthus trees. The best job is to catch flies and feed ants without making any noise. However, the students went to the garden too many, too long, but it would not work. The teacher shouted in the study: 'Where are all people?!'...",


I suddenly felt that "I" was much smaller. It seemed that the boy next door was playful, curious, and naughty. Everything was so unrestrained, relaxed, happy, and desirable.


In my childhood, I was the master, and I longed for freedom.

《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇5


The road of growth is like a strange bean, with five different flavors, but it can always leave you with endless aftertaste.


During the National Day holiday these days, I read a collection of essays called Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering. The author of this book is Mr. Lu Xun, a famous Chinese writer. "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering" was originally called "Rethinking the Past". It mainly describes the people, things and things that Mr. Lu Xun met from childhood to adulthood. According to the book, it is "copied from memory". This book is like a memoir. In this memoir of Mr. Lu Xun, there are beautiful memories, as well as attacks and discontents against the old society, which write the most authentic childhood and youth life.


The book Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering is composed of dozens of articles. Among these articles, the most impressive one is "A Chang and


In this book, in addition to the eldest mother, Lu Xun, the author, also created one and more vivid characters: feudal father, strict teaching Mr. Fujino... depicted one real picture after another, such as the grand Five Rampant Festivals, rich herb gardens, and so on. Lu Xun used the most vivid brush and ink to immerse us in the scene, as if we were having a spiritual exchange with the people in the book.


Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering is Mr. Lu Xun's only collection of reminiscent essays, which describes the carefree play at that time and the darkness of the old society. Compared with the past, we are really happy now. Therefore, we should cherish the present happy life, look forward to a better future, and of course, recall the ups and downs of the past. As middle school students in the 21st century, we should work hard to win glory for our motherland in the future!

《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇6


The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering was written by Lu Xun, a famous writer in China. His original name was Zhou Zhangshou. Later, it was changed to Zhou Shuren, a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, and a great thinker and revolutionist. This book is divided into ten chapters, which respectively describe the interesting childhood stories of Mr. Lu Xun in his childhood and satirize the old society in different ways. In this book, I am interested in the first, second and fifth chapters.


The first chapter, Dogs, Cats and Mice, mainly talks about Lu Xun's hatred of cats in his childhood. There are two reasons for his hatred of cats: first, he is of the same family as a tiger, but he is born with a charming image, and he always catches enough prey to eat. Second, it ate a little hermit that Mr. Lu Xun loved very much when he was a child. Although Mr. Lu Xun learned that it was not done by a cat, he still hated the cat, because he really ate a rabbit later! This article takes the type of cat and satirizes people who are similar to cats in life.


The second chapter, "Ah Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas" - Ah Chang was Mr. Lu Xun's baby sitter in his childhood, describing the scene of getting along with Ah Chang in his childhood, and expressing the image of the mother who was kind, simple, superstitious and nagging. Mr. Lu Xun was full of respect and gratitude to her for purchasing and presenting the painting "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" that he had long wanted. The article expresses the sincere remembrance of this working woman with affectionate language.


Chapter V "impermanence" - impermanence is a human spirit. When he went to enchant his soul, he saw how sad his mother's son was when she cried and died. So he decided to let his son "return to the sun for a moment". As a result, he was beaten 40 times by his immediate boss, Yan Wang. When recalling impermanence, the article occasionally added a few words to comfort Lu Xun's lonely and sad heart at that time.

《朝花夕拾》用平常的语言,鲜活的人物形象,丰富而有内涵的童年故事,抨击了囚禁人的旧社会,体现了鲁迅先生要求“人的解放” 的。

With ordinary language, vivid characters and rich and meaningful childhood stories, The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering attacks the old society of prisoners, which reflects Mr. Lu Xun's demand for "human liberation".

《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇7


Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering is a classic prose work of Mr. Lu Xun, in which there is no lack of criticism on the rationality of the old feudal system, and there is no lack of memories of childhood. Warm memories: For example, from Herbal Garden to Sanwei Bookstore, the author recalled the tedium of playing in Herbal Garden and learning in Sanwei Bookstore in childhood; Rational criticism: For example, in Trivia, the author criticizes Mrs. Yan's behavior, which shows that she is a selfish woman.


In the book Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering, my favorite article is Ah Chang He. This article tells the story that "Ah Chang" was the author's baby sitter. She was superstitious and simple. She learned that the author wanted to get the Book of Mountains and Seas, bought it for him and gave it to the author as a gift.


In the article, I like the character "Ah Chang" best. She is a superstitious and simple person. When she learned that the author wanted to get the Book of Mountains and Seas, she bought it for him and gave it to the author as a gift. First suppress, then raise, sublimate the human beauty of "Ah Chang".


The article describes Shanhaijing in this way: it is the author's "favorite treasure book originally obtained", "the book with very rough and clumsy engraving", "the paper is very yellow, and the image is also very bad", "even almost all of it is made up of straight lines". This shows that The Classic of Mountains and Seas is very shabby, but the author still likes it so much. The profile describes the love of "Ah Chang" to the author, and the author likes "Ah Chang".


After reading this article, I read Lu Xun's love and hate for his mother, but more of it was love. In life, don't relatives treat us like this? They will give you whatever you want; If they can't, they will try their best to help us. Can't we be moved by this kind of deep affection?


Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering is a good book and a classic. I recommend you to read it!

《朝花夕拾》读后感 篇8


Everyone's childhood is a mixture of five flavors, including excitement, loss, crying and laughing, but they are all generally good memories of life. Pick up the flowers that have fallen from the branches and left their fragrance and memories. You can smell the fragrance of youth when you taste it carefully!


The Morning Flowers and the Evening Gathering was originally called "Rethinking the Past". It was written by Lu Xun, a great scholar in China. It tells about some things that happened to Mr. Lu Xun when he was a young boy. Some of them were bittersweet while others were happy. What impressed me most were the nanny, Ah Chang, and Mr. Fujino.


The babysitter Chang used to make "I" very disgusted. She always put the word "big" in her sleep, which made "I" unable to turn over, and killed the "I" hidden mouse, which made "I" very sad. He also has many rules that "I" hate. I don't like Ah Chang either, but Lu Xun wanted the "Book of Mountains and Seas". The eldest mother took pains to help Lu Xun buy it. Only then did she find that the eldest mother was a kind and upright person.


Compared with her mother, Mrs. Yan is too selfish. When the fish tank freezes, "we" go to eat ice. Mrs. Ke Yan not only didn't stop us, but also cheered for "us". After Lu Xun's father passed by, Mrs. Yan asked "I" to steal my mother's jewelry and sell it. The rumor that Lu Xun sold jewelry was also spread everywhere. This kind of person is really too bad. It's a bit abhorrent.


Mr. Fujino is a very good teacher. He is not only kind, but also does not despise Chinese people. He also helps Lu Xun correct mistakes in his notes. He is a truly compassionate person. He believes that knowledge knows no borders. He has spread medicine to China and hopes that more countries can have better medicine, which is honorable.


There are still many fresh characters in Lu Xun's works. His articles have unique charm and leave people with endless aftertaste