
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:23 | 来源:语文通



学生《开学第一课》观后感范文篇 篇1最新开学第一课观后感 篇2开学第一课学生观后感 篇32022秋季开学第一课观后感 篇4最新开学第一课学生观后感 篇5开学第一课优秀观后感 篇6开学第一课观后感 篇7开学第一课学生观后感 篇8开学第一课学生观后感 篇9

学生《开学第一课》观后感范文篇 篇1


After reading the First Lesson, I was deeply impressed and touched. Do you know how to write the impressions of the first lesson? The following are 20 sample articles of students' impressions of the First Lesson at the Beginning of School, which I hope you can enjoy!

最新开学第一课观后感 篇2


On the first day of September, we ushered in the new year's school season. On that night, the first lesson of the school, which attracted the attention of primary and secondary school students across the country, finally began to broadcast; As an excellent student, we also went home early and prepared small benches to wait for the broadcast of the first lesson.

开学第一课主题给我带来很大的触动,身为在和平社会下成长起来的孩子,我对于祖国的发展一直都了解的不深,即使有听到,也更多以听故事的心态来感受。但在看了开学第一课之后,才深深的意识到,我们的祖国,能过走到今天的这一步,有多么的 不容易。

The theme of the first lesson at the beginning of the school has greatly touched me. As a child growing up in a peaceful society, I have never understood the development of the motherland very well. Even if I heard it, I also felt it more by listening to stories. However, after reading the first lesson of the school, I deeply realized how difficult it is for our motherland to get to where we are today.


Therefore, we must study hard and do not disappoint the hard work of our revolutionary ancestors. Only with superior achievements and firm patriotism can we respond to our ancestors. I learned a lot on the night when the First Lesson of the School was broadcast. In the future, I must be more focused and serious, and face learning to serve the motherland.

开学第一课学生观后感 篇3


In a twinkling of an eye, our happy summer vacation life left us. The day after the summer vacation ended, it was the day when we returned to campus. It is also the opening day of the national public welfare large-scale program "The First Lesson of School". The theme of the first lesson this year is:.


In the First Lesson of School in 2022, our motherland will develop better and better in 2022. Even in the face of the crisis of epidemic, under the leadership of the Party, we are still heading for victory and unswervingly. Countless outstanding Communists, in the face of personal danger, still take the glory of the Party and the mission of the motherland as their own responsibility, fearless of hardship and hardship, all of which are dedicated to our motherland, toward communism, this great route.


As famous students, we are the new cornerstone of the future of our motherland and the new generation of leaders. Like all the predecessors in the First Lesson, we should adhere to learning as our own duty, keep learning new knowledge, and enter a good university in the future. Only in this way can we contribute our share in time when our motherland needs us.


The First Lesson at the Beginning of School is the first class in primary and secondary schools across the country. It shows us deeds and spirit that are worth learning and thinking. Only by constant efforts can we become a revolutionary hero respected by everyone and shoulder our historical mission like our predecessors.

2022秋季开学第一课观后感 篇4


On the evening of September 1, we watched the annual First Lesson at the class meeting. The theme of this lesson is "Ideal illuminates the future", which makes me understand that as a teenager, I should set up correct life values and ideal goals, and make progress actively.


There are so many moving moments in the first lesson of the semester, and I am most moved by the three generations of the Lazini family as edge guards. Deeds. At the border of China, Red Flag Lapu has a high altitude and poor natural conditions. When border guards want to climb over eight mountains with an altitude of more than 5000 meters and wade across more than 80 glaciers on the border patrol road, they are called Lazini. Bayika, his family has been engaged in this hard work for three generations since his grandfather. On January 4, 2021, he died bravely to save the children who fell into the ice cave. Now, the hero sleeps in the Bohmir Plateau, guarding the border line he dreams of. His 14-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son promised to protect the country when they grew up on the scene, because they always remember the words: "Without the boundary stone of the motherland, there will be no cattle or sheep."


I was deeply moved to see that the third generation of their family did not fear hardships as border guards, and the fourth generation of children also aspired to defend their country. It is precisely because of these people who have laid the immortal foundation stone for our happy and beautiful New China and the road to success piece by piece with their meager bodies, that we can have this beautiful and harmonious new life today. Because of the selfless dedication of our ancestors, their deeds and spirit should be learned by all our students. We should learn from the patriotism of our ancestors and build a heart to serve the motherland, so that we can learn more directionally and with more motivation.


I will take the construction of a beautiful new China as my goal, and the development and construction of the motherland as my learning direction. I will shoulder the mission of a new generation of young people in the new China, and work hard to learn!

最新开学第一课学生观后感 篇5


The appearance of the golden autumn in September represents the departure of the hot summer, and also means that we will welcome the arrival of the new semester. In the evening of the school season on September 1st, the CCTV educational program "The First Lesson of School" will be broadcast at 8:00 on time, and tens of thousands of children will be waiting in front of the TV. And I am also one of them. I am excited to enjoy the program.


The First Lesson at the Beginning of School is an educational program jointly established by the Ministry of Education and CCTV in 2008. The themes of each issue are different. They are all centered on dreams, happiness, beauty and love. This program is intended to be a gift for all schoolchildren and a gift about "love" on the day when school starts every year, September 1. Each program closely follows the current hot issues, promotes positive energy, and has profound and important educational significance for children. This year's First Lesson is different from previous years, so it has a significant theme.


Following the host's appearance, we listened to him talk about the tough years of our motherland, the difficult development process of the Party, and the heroic deeds of countless ancestors in those years. These great feats made my blood boil. This dauntless spirit deeply shocked me, washed out my strong patriotism, and felt extremely proud of myself as a Chinese. Our motherland has a very long history. Even if there are difficulties and obstacles in the middle of the journey, it will stand still. It gives me a strong sense of identity and belonging to the Chinese culture.


As the content of the First Lesson unfolds, I think that as the future flower and successor of the motherland, we should work hard to learn to improve our self-worth, enhance our personal quality, enrich our spiritual world, and show the integrity and sunshine of our successors and promote the spirit of youth. As we live in a peaceful and prosperous era, we should not idle away our time and waste the good years that our ancestors have had their lives to replace. I should combine moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor development in an all-round way, and improve our own capabilities, so as to make the country better on the road of construction in the future.


The first lesson at the beginning of school is about to draw to a close. In this short two hours, I have benefited a lot from the knowledge learned in the program. It reminds me of the song "Without the Communist Party, there will be no new China". It is precisely because of the correct leadership of the CPC that the motherland has today's prosperity. It is also precisely because of the mutual support and common progress of the party and the motherland that we will make great progress in the future. As the successors of the motherland, we should unswervingly support the CPC, follow the correct guidance of the Party, keep pace with the pace of the Party, and also fulfill our responsibilities and obligations, shoulder the tasks and missions given to us by history, and assume a sense of social responsibility.


As a young generation in the new century, we are the hope of our motherland, and the future of our motherland will certainly belong to us. The first lesson of the school in the September issue of the golden autumn season made us feel a lot. Therefore, watching the first lesson of the semester with this theme can make us feel more deeply that each of us is proud of being Chinese and the descendants of the Chinese people. In order to have a better life and future, as teenagers, we should set lofty goals and ideals, study hard, become the talents needed by the Party, the motherland and the people, and strive to make our people's lives more meaningful.

开学第一课优秀观后感 篇6

今天晚上,学校组织了我们全体师生一起去观看了今年的《开学第一课》,今年的主题是“创造向未来”,是以“创造 向未来”为主题,分为“梦想、探索、奋斗、未来”四个篇章,以充满前瞻性和未来感的设计,展现了中国人民伟大的创造精神,旨在启发青少年的创造梦想,激励当代青少年发奋努力去创造更好的新生活。在看完节目后的我,深感震撼,特别是对解海龙先生所拍摄的“我要上学”系列照片印象深刻,因为在我还没有看到这档节目之前,我都认为读书是我自己的事情,学不学到知识根本就无所谓,反正这样活着的我没有碍着别人就行了,但在看到“我要上学”系列照片和听到解海龙先生讲述它背后的故事时,我的脸的发烫的,我为我自己那种愚蠢的想法而感到羞愧。

This evening, the school organized all our teachers and students to watch this year's First Lesson. This year's theme is "Creation towards the future", which is divided into four chapters: "Dream, Exploration, Struggle, and Future". With a forward-looking and futuristic design, it shows the great creative spirit of the Chinese people and aims to inspire young people's creative dreams, Encourage contemporary teenagers to work hard to create a better new life. After watching the program, I was deeply shocked. I was particularly impressed by the series of photos of "I want to go to school" taken by Mr. Xie Hailong, because before I saw the program, I thought that reading was my own business. It didn't matter whether I learned knowledge or not. Anyway, I could live without hindering others, But when I saw the series photos of "I want to go to school" and heard Mr. Xie Hailong tell the story behind it, my face was burning. I was ashamed of my stupid idea.


Compared with the children who can't even go to school in the mountain area, I have a better living environment and educational resources than they do, but I don't cherish them. I just want to muddle along in school. I really don't deserve to sit in this bright classroom.


After reading the First Lesson of School, I learned that love is mutual and equal, and it is absolutely impossible to be a receiver forever. We have accepted the cultivation and care of the country, so we should return to serve the country and contribute our part to building a better motherland.


As young students, we don't need to be discouraged because we can't go to work to build our motherland. Reading well is a good way for us to repay our motherland. As long as we study hard and accumulate more knowledge, we will serve our motherland when we graduate and enter the society. We should firmly believe that our power can affect the world we live in. The knowledge we have accumulated now is a solid foundation for building a better future for our country!

开学第一课观后感 篇7


The first lesson at the beginning of this year is very impressive. It is not only a visual impact, but also a spiritual impact. The theme of the first lesson at the beginning of this year integrates the particularity of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic.


From the first lesson broadcast by CCTV, I understood the development process of the motherland on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, felt the growing strength of the motherland from the changes in people's clothing, food, housing and transportation, and saw the difference of the motherland from the external praise.


In the 10 years of growing up together with the motherland, I went from a born baby to a young man who is now alive and kicking. Listening to my grandparents' stories about the past, one of the most impressive words was: "Today's life is hard won!" Listening to the stories told by the guests in the first lesson of the semester, I deeply felt that the motherland has become more and more attractive in the years, and the more glorious she has grown up!

在往后与祖国共成长的岁月里 ,我将带着祖国赋予我的力量,更加坚定前行,去开拓自己的人生,去实现自己的梦想!

In the years to come when I grow up together with the motherland, I will take the strength given to me by the motherland and move forward more firmly to expand my life and realize my dreams!


After reading the first lesson of the semester, I can't be calm for a long time. My heart seems to have a thousand words of blessing for my motherland, which turns into that my motherland and I will never be separated. I grow up together in this land, under this blue sky!

开学第一课学生观后感 篇8


The year 2022 is the most special year since our student career. Our life has been greatly affected by the COVID-19. Not only is it necessary to wear masks at all times when traveling, but also personal hygiene has been significantly improved. Time is fast, and it is now September. Now the epidemic has been controlled. The first lesson of the new year is also officially broadcast, This year's theme: "Young people are strong, China is strong." It also makes us feel what we have experienced in the process of anti epidemic!


Because of the epidemic, we spent an extra long winter vacation. We not only had to study online at home, but also wore masks when we went out, making great changes in our lives. However, with the constant efforts of the motherland to fight against the epidemic, and under the wise guidance of Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, we overcame this dangerous epidemic that people are afraid of. Now, although the epidemic has not been completely contained, we have also slowly restored the calm life before, and the students have returned to the campus, opening a new semester of learning life.


With the end of our summer vacation, it has been several months since we overcame the epidemic, and our life has gradually returned to calm. Although we still need to wear masks when we go out, compared with the epidemic situation that continues to spread abroad, we can say that we are the fastest country to win.


With the end of August and the advent of September, whenever we return to campus, CCTV will broadcast the first lesson of school, which makes us feel the difficulties encountered in the fight against the epidemic. The heroes emerging from the fight against the epidemic are also a firm foundation for our motherland to smoothly overcome the epidemic crisis. The motherland has__ At the age of__ Age is old, but for a great country__ Year is just the beginning, a starting point for the beginning of a great victory.


Therefore, as the flowers of the future of our country, in order to serve our country better in the future, we primary school students must study hard and strive for the development of our country, just like all the predecessors in the theme of "popularizing anti epidemic knowledge and promoting anti epidemic spirit" in the first lesson of school.


Next year is the great Communist Party__ On the anniversary, under the vision of the motherland's mother, let's learn the heroic deeds of the great ancestors, follow the heroic footprints leading to the bright, keep moving forward, and return to the campus for the future of the motherland!

开学第一课学生观后感 篇9


Today, after dinner, I watched the First Lesson of the School on CCTV One. The theme of this program is "Immortality of Heroes". In this program, I learned that our peaceful life today was acquired by countless revolutionary ancestors more than 70 years ago at the cost of blood and life. Our five-star red flag is dyed red by the blood of the revolutionary martyrs, which contains many revolutionary martyrs' loyalty and fervor to the motherland.


I know the deeds of many heroes, such as Zhao Yiman, Liu Hulan, Dong Cunrui. They are great heroes and heroines. They are heroic revolutionary martyrs. They are our best example to learn from. They died for their country and died bravely. Their names are deeply engraved in the history and people's hearts. The Chinese people love peace, but they do not allow foreign enemies to encroach on national interests. In the face of foreign invasion, the heroic and senseless Chinese people vowed to defend the people's interests and national interests to the death.


The first lesson of the school is divided into four chapters: "patriotism", "bravery", "unity" and "self-improvement". It brings together guests of all ages, veterans and artists of the Anti Japanese War from over 90 years old to teenagers, to commemorate this period of history together through heroic stories. In the program, a 93 year old artist, Qin Yi, was invited to speak on the stage. Qin Yi not only used language to reproduce the real battle described in the national anthem, but also revealed her "special fate" with the national anthem. A late letter from home touched the audience. At the moment when Zuo Taibei's grandmother held the statue of her father, everyone was moved to tears. In the midst of danger, this love for the motherland allows heroes to endure the pain of separation, so that more people can be reunited with their relatives. "Wang Erxiao" is a well-known image of a young hero, whose heroic deeds are celebrated through songs and stories. In the first lesson of the beginning of school, Shi Linshan, the young partner of "Wang Erxiao", was visited and invited to restore the real face of this heroic young man on the scene, and more carefully reproduce the emotional context behind the heroic sacrifice of "Wang Erxiao". The first lesson at the beginning of school inspires students' patriotism and self-improvement by telling heroic stories. As a group of this age group, TFBOYS led the students to recite the "Declaration of Youth Self reliance" on the spot. As leaders, they led the young people on the scene to jointly issue a call to clarify the responsibilities of the new generation of young people and jointly inherit the spiritual wealth of the Anti Japanese War. Without those who did not have the original heroes' blood fighting, how can we live a happy life today! We should admire these old soldiers who worked hard for the country and the people. Here we salute you! You are the eternal heroes of our nation.