
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:49 | 来源:语文通



梦想议论文 篇1有梦想真好作文 篇2因为有梦想作文 篇3梦想议论文 篇4梦想议论文 篇5

梦想议论文 篇1


Each of us has a seed in our heart. We water, fertilize and care for it carefully. This seed is a dream. Dreams may be young, such as: 100 points in this exam, becoming an excellent young pioneer this semester, and I can cook my own food... Dreams may also be mature, such as growing up to become a scientist, astronaut, police, doctor... My dream is to be an old teacher.


Teachers are like diligent gardeners, while students are like budding flowers. The gardeners constantly water, fertilize, deinsectify and take care of the flowers. After absorbing sufficient nutrition, the flowers will finally one day welcome their own wonderful bloom. They are so beautiful, fragrant and dazzling! At this time, the gardener will be very happy and relieved, because this is his wish.


In the class I live in, the students care about each other and get along harmoniously. The teacher hopes that we can become more and more excellent, and her care for us is meticulous: when our classmates have won honors or been praised by the school, the teacher always smiles more happily than us; When we do something wrong, the teacher will not criticize us severely, nor exclude us with acerbic language, but will teach us earnestly, analyze the reasons for us, and explain the harm of doing so, so that we won't do it next time; When we are injured, the teacher will rush to the "place of the incident" to comfort us and take us to the place of treatment at the first time... The teacher has many warm things to do. She encourages, supports and comforts us, sows the seeds of love and hope with a sincere love, and reaps the fruits of love... I hope to be such a person, so my dream is to become a teacher.


I have paid a lot for the realization of this dream. In class, I speak actively to exercise my courage and expression ability; In my spare time, I read extensively and dabbled extensively, such as: "If I could have a bright day in three days", "The Little Prince", "Robinson Crusoe", "Anne of the Green Gables", "100000 Why", "We Love Science", "Up and Down Five Thousand Years", "Madame Curie", "Edison"... These books broaden my vision; I also actively participated in various composition competitions and achieved good results in school, municipal and national composition competitions, which exercised my writing ability.


Knowledge is like the sea. I will continue to explore and discover. I will get closer and closer to my dream until I finally realize my dream one day. Believe in yourself, I can do it!

有梦想真好作文 篇2


Whenever I put the wings of dreams on, I always imagine. When the "dream" is determined, keep forging ahead, and I really feel "it's good to have a dream"!


When I was a child, my "dream" always changed.


When Grandma was seriously ill, I decided to be an excellent doctor!


When watching the flag raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, watching the rhythmic pace, orderly lines and the five-star red flag waving in the hands of the PLA uncle, I decided to become a soldier when I grew up, and to be a patriotic and protective female soldier!


When watching Miss Song Zuying sing a well-known song on TV, I decided to learn to sing Bel canto and become a singer who sings for the country like Miss Song Zuying!


When I was in kindergarten, I clearly remembered other people's "dreams". Some people wanted to eat all kinds of food and become a gourmet; Some people want to be an imaginative writer; Some people want to be like a swan, white in high school, and a dancer


Now when I think of their dreams and my own dreams, I can really feel the simplicity of my childhood and the eagerness to dream. However, with the growth of age and the improvement of thought, my "dream" is no longer unrealistic.


I always think it is a step closer to the dream of becoming a painter when I watch sketch paintings flow from the pen tip to the hand. Even if there are many hardships and difficulties on the way to success, I will use sweat and hard work to grow them up and blossom!


Once, the sketch teacher told me that it was very difficult to walk in the art class, especially in painting! A good painting needs someone to appreciate it. And the Chinese don't know painting as well as the French do. They will pay a lot of money for a meaningful and exquisite painting! Some painters spend many days and nights to paint a picture, but that picture will not be sold in a short time


At that time, I heard that I had never felt confused before. I was so confident that I was full of fear about that road!


But my mother said to me, "Do you want to give up? You decided to give up after holding on for so long? This is not like you! Even if the road is long and hard, you should use your strength and confidence to stand it up again!"


My heart is like a balloon full of air again, and the road blocked by fog seems to see light again!


"Yes! It's not like me to give up because of the hardship of the road! As long as you persist, you will win! Use your strength and confidence to support the blue sky of that dream again!


From then on, I began to paint hard to improve my painting level. Because only in this way can I be better!


Dream, let me regain confidence!


Dream, give me strength to move forward!


Dream, let me no longer confused!


I really feel that it's good to have a dream!

因为有梦想作文 篇3


We have many dreams, most of which we never remember. The dreams of "saving the world", which are full of young people's blood, cannot be called dreams, because they are too surreal, and we will have a number of wishes in our life, such as the hope that school life will be more comfortable and beautiful, which cannot be called dreams, because we live too much.


So, what is the dream?


Many years ago, when I didn't know anything about the world, my mother took me everywhere to visit, hoping to find a good teacher to teach me how to play the piano. When I was a little older, I asked her why she asked me to choose the piano at that time. Hearing my question, she bowed her eyes for a long time, as if she was remembering something, and then said a long, heartfelt word to me, I vaguely remember that she said slowly, "I learned piano when I was a child. At that time, my family was not rich and there were many children, so I only learned for a period of time and gave up. At that time, I thought that I would let her learn piano no matter how much it cost to have a child." I was in a daze for a long time, looking at the faint expectation and regret in my mother's eyes when she looked at the piano. I thought that I would work hard to practice the piano and become a pianist in the future to help my mother realize her dream.


When I was young, my mind was always restless and easily affected by the outside world. Later, I had several dreams, most of which were interesting at that time, and I thought I would do the same in the future.


Up to now, I have only one dream firmly in my heart. It is not big, nor far away, but just to be a lawyer. I have told this dream to many people with great joy, and I have been affirmed, encouraged and questioned, but no matter what other people's attitude, this is my dream.


I try my best to do everything and force myself not to be careless in the exam, because every effort is a brick to the end of my dream.


What is a dream? It is not a dream that you dream after falling asleep, nor a desire that you want to achieve in the near future. It is a force that guides you forward. It is not close, you can not touch it two steps forward; It is not far away. It is not something you will never reach in your life.


I used to practice day and night for pianists. Even if I changed my "temporary" dream later, I tried hard. Because I have dreams, I have to struggle, struggle, go through the thorns, and experience the wind and rain. Because of dreams, people live a meaningful life, not a life of mediocrity.

梦想议论文 篇4


From business to Qin, from Tang to Qing; From the old democratic period to the new democratic period, the world has changed from ancient times to the present. The policies of governing the country and securing the state in different periods are also very different. If they are similar, they are strict laws and regulations.


The ancients said: "No rules, no square", discipline is the guarantee of everything. If the country has no discipline, how can it make the country prosperous and the people secure? If there is no discipline in society, how can we talk about stability and order? If there is no discipline in the school, how can talents come forth in large numbers?


Throughout the ages, there have been many stories about discipline. Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms Period had a strict military discipline, so he didn't let his soldiers trample on crops. But once, his horse was frightened and trampled on a large area of crops. He wanted to kill himself. With the persuasion of the soldiers, he cut off a strand of his hair as a punishment. This is called discipline.


Chairman Mao, also a very influential figure in China, went to the hospital to see Political Commissar Guan Xiangying when he was in Yan'an. The two talked happily in the ward. The nurse came in and said, "Comrade, the doctor told the patient to be quiet and not to receive visitors." Chairman Mao said modestly, "I'm sorry, little comrade." Then Guan Xiangying left the ward. This is also called observing discipline.


I believe everyone has seen the wild geese, right? Do you know why the wild geese form this orderly formation? In the eyes of outsiders, this is not only a spectacular scenery. By flying in this formation, the geese can reduce the resistance in the air, save energy for themselves, and enable all the geese to reach the destination smoothly. This is not only a manifestation of unity, but also an act of discipline.


Do some of our classmates feel ashamed to hear this? Some students will be late for class, leave early, some students will bring their mobile phones, say dirty words, and even some people will go to Internet cafes and play games outside the school. How incompatible with our identity!


Dear students, a civilized campus needs each of us to create, a good order needs each of us to maintain, and a great dream needs each of us to strive. Let's start from now on, from every little thing, strengthen our moral cultivation, improve our cultural quality, and consciously abide by the school discipline. No matter big or small, we will resolutely do whatever the discipline requires; Whatever is prohibited by discipline, we should resolutely refrain from doing it, develop the good habit of observing discipline, and make it our conscious action. Discipline is like a ferryman, which supervises our words and deeds, makes us abide by the law and achieve a beautiful life. Let's shout out: "Abide by discipline, start with me!"

梦想议论文 篇5


Dreams are seashells washed ashore by the sea waves. They are mottled and blurred. They are bright in color and shiny. But my dreams may be buried by them forever, because my dreams just want to keep the time coming and going.


Belinski once said that among all the criticisms, the greatest, most correct and most talented one is time. I know that time is always the most fair, it will not reverse, nor can it be changed because of me. Therefore, I only hope that I can seize the few remaining childhood time and make it full and unforgettable.


It is also a dream. You should realize it. It is your goal, a goal that will be achieved in the future; If you are eloquent about your dream, but indifferent to your actions, then it is not just a dream, no matter how valuable it is. I'm only a stone's throw away from my dream. I don't want to see it turn into a blank check. I want to be more coquettish in front of my parents; Playing and fooling with friends; Try to be scared of missing an assignment; While saying 'hot', he stuffed hot strips into his mouth; Throw the changed clothes all over the sky; Play pranks with friends... Do whatever you want and play freely. Every week, every day and every hour is filled with happiness and joy. I want to record every thing that makes me feel fresh in my memory. I feel happy every day. I will not do anything against my own ideas. When I am happy, I will laugh without image and enjoy my childhood.


My dream always comes and goes like a fog, but it always revolves around a word - happiness. In another year, my primary school career will end, but it will be my junior high school career; In another four years, my childhood will be over, but my youth will be followed by me.


I want to enjoy my present time wantonly, get ready for the next stage of life, and make my life happy without regret. This is my dream. Even if it is not as great as the dream of those who want to be scientists, it is not as noble as the dream of those who want to be doctors. The dream of those who do not want to be teachers is selfless, but it is my eternal dream - to live happily at every stage of life.


At the beginning of the exercise, I wrote about the beauty of my dream, and then I turned my pen to highlight the uniqueness of my dream. Then I wrote about the operability and reality of this dream, and finally elaborated my dream - to live happily at every stage of my life. The exercises echo from the beginning to the end and highlight the theme by means of comparison: "Seizing today" is my eternal dream.