
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:50 | 来源:语文通



绿山墙的安妮读后感 篇1《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇2《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇3《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇4绿山墙的安妮读后感 篇5《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇6《绿山墙的安妮》读后感400字 篇7

绿山墙的安妮读后感 篇1


During the summer vacation, my mother bought me some books, including two comics; There are four Sherlock Holmes Detectives; There is also a copy of Anne of Green Gables, which I can read for one summer vacation. I finished reading the comics and Sherlock Holmes very soon, but Anne of Green Gables is not so easy to deal with. It took me seven to forty-nine days to read it because of my study.


In the book, Matthew and Marilla, the brother and sister of the Green Gable farmhouse, decided to adopt a boy. Unexpectedly, by mistake, the orphanage sent Annie, a fantasy and chattering red haired girl. Her unique personality changed the idea that the two brothers and sisters wanted to send her back to the orphanage for a boy. In her imagination, the cherry blossom is a white Snow White; the apple is a beautiful girl in red; Oriole is a little fairy who loves singing... She can even imagine the shadow and echo as two bosom friends, sharing happiness and pain with them. The happy days lasted for a long time, but the bad days also came. Bad news came one after another: Matthew died, Marilla was blind... In order to accompany Marilla, Annie had to be a primary school teacher and gave up her dream of going to college. In this primary school, Annie always teaches students how to overcome difficulties, how to look at problems from another angle, and how to imagine... Therefore, the children have excellent grades and love to use their brains.


When I think of myself, I only like to give myself a few simple math problems to review before each exam. When I meet a problem in my homework book, I can only divide three by five, and I can't ask parents or classmates. It is calculated, but it will not be checked and written down directly. As for Annie, she always thinks about problems seriously and never gets discouraged when encountering difficulties. Even if she is a little slower than others, she should figure it out. I really should learn from Annie!


Annie is like a compass, pointing out the direction of our efforts! Annie, let's be good friends!

《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇2


Recently, I read a book - Anne of Green Gables.


It was written in the book: Matthew and Marilla, the owners of the Green Gable farmhouse, adopted Anne, a red haired girl. At first, Marilla didn't like Annie, but she kept her. With her optimism, enthusiasm and hard work, Annie has won the favor of adopters and the trust of teachers and students. Finally, he was admitted to Queen's College, won scholarships and was admitted to the university. But in order to take care of Marilla, she gave up college and became a teacher.


What impressed me most was that Annie loved nature and life, and her imagination was very rich. For example, for a tall cherry tree, she named it "Snow White Queen" and the spring beside the log "Bangmu Spring". Annie also worked very hard. In order to get a scholarship, she studied at school even on weekends.


Think about myself. I usually write a composition. I don't know what to write, and I don't think much about it. My mother or teacher should constantly prompt me to write a good composition. I often don't want to do my homework. Compared with Annie, I am unwilling to use my brain and lack imagination. I don't love life and study hard.


This book has given me too much. I am determined to learn from Annie in the book. In the future, we should be optimistic, love life and study hard.

《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇3


After school, I borrowed a copy of Anne of Green Gables from the library. I was attracted by it when I turned over a few pages in my spare time. The protagonist Annie is portrayed as having a distinctive personality and flesh and blood, which makes people love and admire her.


"God is fair, if he takes away one thing from you, he will give you the same thing in another form." Usually, many similar words are spoken by people. I think if this is applied to Annie, it should be that God has taken away her custody and parental love, but has given her a unique personality, extraordinary imagination, the love of brother and sister Keith Bott, and the warm home green gable farmhouse.


As an orphan, she longed to have a family again. However, by chance, she realized this wish, and she was adopted by brother and sister Casebort. Although she sometimes falls into fantasies because of her rich imagination, imagining something she longs for or something wonderful and fails to complete the task (composition fan ★ WWW.. CN) ordered by Marilla on time, Marilla can still put herself in her shoes and love her more and more. Although her brother Matthew has always been afraid of going out with women, However, the innocent and lively Annie was particularly attractive to him.


When he failed to receive the so-called "boy" at the station, he took the replacement Annie home. All the way, he was intoxicated with Annie's self fantasies. He found that he liked listening to Annie talk, listening to her talk about all kinds of interesting and vivid things. In later life, he was willing to trust Annie, believing that she was not wrong, and there must be some misunderstanding.


Throughout the world, there are many orphans, some of whom struggle hard in adversity and try to squeeze into all walks of life to make up for what they have lost by living a dream life. In them, we see too many positive things, and too many inspiring things can be used as motivation. However, when we want to practice ourselves, it is often not so easy to achieve.


Because everything is done with perseverance and determination. Although we know that they have had a hard time, we can't sympathize with them in many cases. We are in a world where material life is increasingly rich, and many traditional virtues of the Chinese nation have been diluted or even forgotten. Without a particularly firm determination and perseverance, it is often difficult to continue.


I was very moved by Annie. She is really a cute and motivated girl. After she was adopted, Keith Pot brothers and sisters sent her to school. She made many good friends, and Diana was her favorite person. They knew each other before Annie went to school and they got along very well, becoming good friends. And she also met her sworn enemy, and in the process of competing with him, she was admitted to the Queen's College side by side with him, and after graduating from the Queen's College, she overtook him to take the university scholarship. But in addition to this good news, Matthew's stubborn intrusion broke all the joys and made her fall into a low mood.


However, she was very strong. Gradually she recovered, but then Marilla proposed to sell the Green Gable farmhouse. Because she was already old, her eyes also had problems, and there was a risk of blindness. She was afraid that she could not manage the farmhouse after she became blind, which would make it desolate. But Annie refused to let her sell. In order to change Marilla's decision, she gave up the chance to go to college and stayed in Avery Village to teach so that she could take care of Marilla at the same time. Because she said that the Green Gable was her forever home, she could not give it up, and Marilla was also very hard to raise herself. She was grateful to her. Now it was her turn to take good care of her and repay her.


When I read the whole book, I would think of the vivid plot in the book from time to time and be moved by it. It took me to appreciate Annie's childhood and many wonderful things in her learning career, and also reminded me of her carefree childhood life. At the same time, they will gradually believe that if there is a dream, there will be a pursuit, and if there is a pursuit, there will be hope.

《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇4


The hero of this book is Ann Shirley.


She is a little girl with red hair, very thin, and many freckles on her face. She likes fantasy very much. She lost her parents when she was young, and lived in other people's homes all the time. Later, because that family really had no ability to support him. She had to go to the orphanage. Four months later, by mistake, she came to the green gable farmhouse. She brought vitality and vigor to the Green Gable farmhouse that never existed before. Matthew and Maria decided to keep her. Later, she lived up to the expectations of Matthew and Maria, got into a good school, and finally became a teacher.


Annie always felt that she was not beautiful, and that her name was not pleasant. She wanted a pleasant name, but if she only called herself Ann, she felt very cold, so she asked others to call her Anne.


Annie always wants to make everything around her beautiful. She thinks everything in the village is so beautiful. The lake of Bali's house is sparkling, the mall is more beautiful, and a flower tree outside the bedroom window makes people feel like a bride's skirt.


Annie is always grateful, because she has experienced all the hard time before. Now she has come to the Green Gable farmhouse, and she can also go to study. Before in the orphanage, there were only a few small, thin and small trees outside the orphanage. Now she is surrounded by forests, lakes and many beautiful flowers, although Anne feels very happy.


The biggest feature of Annie is that she is imaginative. She can imagine everything that looks ordinary in the eyes of others very well. She thinks she is not beautiful and her hair color is not beautiful. She fantasizes that her hair is brown, her eyes are brown, her face is rose like color, and she is a little fat, not as thin as she is now... In Annie's imaginary world, Everything has become beautiful. The scenes that made Matthew and Maria feel ordinary became vivid because of Annie's description, and each of them had his own feelings like people.


Before Annie came, Matthew and Maria lived a very ordinary life. They were busy farming day after day. They seemed accustomed to those scenes and didn't think they were beautiful. Sometimes, they even felt very upset because of some small insects and birds on the tree that had some impact on farming. Annie is not. She has never seen such a beautiful scene before. She feels very happy to live in such an environment. Annie is a little girl who knows how to appreciate the beauty in life. She can spend an afternoon with trees, explore the places she has traveled countless times, and make friends with trees, flowers and even lakes and streams that seem to have no movement at all. She likes everything here, loves everything around her, and even the name of the village makes her feel very beautiful. Any little thing can make her excited, such as walking through the mall, bridge, etc. Her rich fantasies also add many beautiful colors to her life. Even though her life is not so beautiful, Annie can still imagine it as a very happy, comfortable and satisfying life. Of course, it is also because of fantasy that things that do not look so beautiful have become beautiful. Even later, people will feel very beautiful without fantasy.


In our life, there are also many children who love fantasy, and there are also many amazing scenery. However, fantasy is always turned into another word - daydreaming. Yes, fantasy is really like a dream, which is almost impossible to achieve, but it gives people a goal to pursue. It shapes the lifestyle that people want most. Some people may not live a life without doing anything because of fantasy. Even if it can't change people, it can also give people a good hope. Daydreaming, on the other hand, refers to those hopeless things.


The book Annie of Green Gables reminds me of a famous saying: "Life is not short of beauty, but of eyes to find beauty."


I hope we can all have a pair of eyes that can find beauty, find beauty in life, and live happily every day.

绿山墙的安妮读后感 篇5


Annie of Green Gables mainly tells the story of a little girl named Annie growing up. Annie is an orphan and was adopted at an early age. She has courage. Annie of Green Gables mainly tells the story of a little girl named Annie growing up. Annie is an orphan and was adopted at an early age. She is timid and withdrawn. Since she went to school, she has experienced ups and downs, studied hard, encouraged herself, from no friends to understanding friendship, from poor learning to good grades, she has experienced ups and downs of life, and finally became an excellent teacher.


Annie's personal experience deeply touched me. Although this is a fictitious story, it has far-reaching significance for my education. The calendar gives me a deeper experience. Reading Annie of Green Gables is like drinking a hangover. I deeply feel that Annie is my model.


My growing experience will greatly inspire and help me in my life and study. First of all, a person should have self-respect and self-improvement. Although Anne was an orphan, she did not abandon herself. On the contrary, she bravely faced the reality, actively communicated with others, and won many friends with her own actions. Usually, I am very timid, afraid of communicating with others, and I am not good at expressing my feelings. Reading Annie's story made me understand how to build confidence and communicate with others, so as to become a lively, happy and caring child. Secondly, to realize the dream, we must persevere. Through her own efforts, Annie finally changed from a timid orphan to a respected excellent teacher. Annie's experience tells me that there is no pie in the sky. No one can casually succeed. Without hard work, one cannot reach the other side of success.


From now on, I will learn from Annie and try my best to overcome such problems as face, timidity and lack of self-confidence. I think as long as I pay attention, there will be results, because if I don't pay, there will be no gains. Through unremitting pursuit, my dream should come true.

《绿山墙的安妮》读后感 篇6


Annie is an orphan, who was adopted by Marilla and her brother Matthew. With her unique personality, rich imagination and appeal, the little girl, who is insignificant and skinny, has conquered the brother and sister and won the love of the people around her.


Annie is freckled and has red hair. She is always kind and helpful. Her unique personality often makes people eat starlings. But even though she has no parents and is an orphan, she still faces life optimistically. She dreamed of her own fantasy every day and named the beautiful cherry blossom Snow Queen. The clear stream under the small wooden bridge was the bubble of the forest goddess.


Annie is a sunny, positive little girl. Through her constant efforts, she finally entered the Queen's School and won the Avery Scholarship. Annie finally fulfilled her dream. What a touching story! although


Annie was born in a poor family and experienced hardships, but she still made her dream come true.


Annie's naive fantasies made me moved: Isn't she the same? I am also a little girl who loves fantasy and has many sweet and beautiful fantasies of my own. When I was young, I hoped to have a beautiful "manor" with beautiful clothes, noble hand ornaments and high-grade shoes... Now, I also fantasize about a group of small animals around me. I will take them as relatives and friends and name them houses.


Yes, achievements are created through persistence and hard work. Success is behind persistence and hard work!

《绿山墙的安妮》读后感400字 篇7


A child who was brought back from an orphanage, her score was the first in the school! He has also become an excellent teacher. This child is the hero of Anne of Green Gables. I finished reading this book which has a great influence on me today.


Marilla and Matthew brought Annie from the orphanage. Annie is always unconsciously in a dream when doing things. In her growth, she made many mistakes, but Marilla forgives her. Annie also made a close friend, Diana, and they played together. Annie's imagination is very rich, so her composition is very good. When she read the article to Diana, Diana sighed and said that her article was exciting! Annie went to the girls' class, and then went to the Queen's College with excellent results. She also got the first place in the school. When she was about to win the prize, Matthew died. Finally, Annie gave up the scholarship because she wanted to accompany Marilla and not let her alone. She became a teacher.

我觉得安妮的想象力很丰富,她曾给阿冯利的景物起了有趣的名字:森林女神的水泡、闪光的小湖 …… 安妮还非常有孝心,当马修去世时,玛丽拉想卖掉绿山墙农舍,离开阿冯利。安妮就决定不上大学了,留在村里教书,她要报答玛丽拉的养育之恩。安妮还是个语言能力很强的女孩,她一说起来足足能说十分钟。

I think Annie's imagination is very rich. She once gave Avonley's scenery interesting names: the bubble of the forest goddess, the shining lake... Annie is also very filial. When Matthew died, Marilla wanted to sell the green gable farmhouse and leave Avonley. Annie decided not to go to college and stayed in the village to teach. She wanted to repay Marilla for her upbringing. Annie is also a girl with strong language ability. She can speak for ten minutes.


Like Annie, I also want to exert my imagination, study hard and make achievements. I also want to thank my parents all the time and make contributions to the country!