
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:12 | 来源:语文通



新来的老师作文 篇1新来的老师作文 篇2新来的老师作文 篇3新来的老师作文 篇4新来的老师作文 篇5新来的老师作文 篇6新来的老师作文 篇7

新来的老师作文 篇1


The new semester is coming. When I went to pay the tuition, I suddenly found, Eh! Another teacher.


The new teacher is called Ma Fengjiao. We all call her Miss Ma. Her face was round and red, and her dark and shiny eyelashes were close to her eyes. It seems that two dark solitary lines have been drawn; The little nose sticks out and tells jokes to everyone from time to time. Very funny.


Teacher Ma can write very well. In a class, Teacher Ma told a story: "The Worship of Tibetan Sheep": a hunter in northern Tibet aimed at a Tibetan antelope. Strangely, the sheep did not escape, but stood there. At the same time, two lines of tears fell down, but the ruthless hunter still pressed the bolt, and the Tibetan antelope fell down. When the hunter opened the belly of the Tibetan sheep, he found that there was an unborn lamb in the belly. We were all moved to hear about the accident.


Teacher Ma can not only write but also be strict! Once, when we were about to finish school, Mr. Ma was talking. I don't know who cut in and made us copy the first paragraph of the first lesson. Teacher Ma said, "You are in the fifth grade and have no rules. You know what? There is a saying: No rules, no square." He also said: "The last class I taught was much more obedient than you. If you want me to tell you, you are far behind the last class I taught."


See! This is the new teacher Ma Fengjiao. Both knowledgeable and very strict. I love the new teacher Ma.

新来的老师作文 篇2


At the beginning of school, a sudden news spread all over the class: we are going to change our math teacher! The classroom burst into flames. This said, "Is the teacher a man or a woman?" That said, "Is the teacher fierce?" Everyone in the class is in a panic.


"Coming! Coming!" With the cries of the students, the new teacher, who was the focus of the students' talk, came on the scene: she walked into the classroom with a steady pace. What caught my eye was a woman teacher in her 30s and 40s with a white and orange coat and a pair of white trousers. She wore short hair with autumn breath, several thin wrinkles on her forehead, and a pair of shining eyes under her long eyebrows. Her eyes were full of blood. She only heard her say: "My surname is Wang..." She was a little hoarse when she said.


Since Mr. Wang took over the class, the situation of wandering and doing small movements in class has been greatly reduced, and even the students who have not finished their homework have "no way to escape". Sometimes when I come home from school, I hear the nagging of my classmates. They all say, "Mr. Wang is really a policeman in the Pacific Ocean I am no more than that.


But once, I changed my opinion of Mr. Wang. I remember that time, we had to do the first unit small exercise. After the practice curl came down, I only got 88 points. I am very sad. When school was over, I was about to leave. Teacher Wang stopped me and said kindly, "Li Pei, winning or losing is a matter of daily life. As long as you find out the reasons, correct them, listen carefully in class, and show your wisdom, you will certainly succeed!" I was very surprised. No one used to encourage and comfort me, but Miss Wang did. A warm current poured into my heart, as if I knew why Mr. Wang had to stay late and why his eyes were full of blood. So I made up my mind not to let Miss Wang down.


In a twinkling of an eye, more than two happy months passed. Mr. Wang is already our "old" teacher. She is still working hard for us. Several freckles on her face seemed to say: "Study hard, time waits for no one!"

新来的老师作文 篇3


The summer vacation is coming to an end. I learned from my father that the Chinese teacher in the class is old and retired and has changed to a new Chinese teacher. I really hope that she is a kind, reasonable and knowledgeable person.


This day was finally expected by me. I packed my schoolbag, put on my school uniform, put on my shoes, hummed a tune, and jumped to school. As soon as I entered the classroom, I heard the students talking about one after another: "Will this new Chinese teacher be fierce?" "Can you beat people?" We all earnestly hope that the new comer will be a good teacher. As the saying goes, "Seeing is better than hearing." What's the use of hearsay now? I'd better make a clear exploration and then draw a conclusion.


"Ding! Ding! Ding!..." The class bell rang, and the Chinese teacher who we had been waiting for for a long time finally came. The teacher walked into the classroom with a smile and a light step. At this time, the classroom was boiling. "Eh? Isn't this the teacher who teaches pen calligraphy?" "I know the teacher!" The new Chinese teacher was tall, medium to thin, with short black hair and many young acne on his face. She smiled and looked very kind. People say that a smile hides a knife. I'd better be careful. Maybe the teacher is fierce!


"Quiet!" The new Chinese teacher spoke. Suddenly, the classroom was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop clearly. This was the "quiet" that had never been seen in the five years of primary school. The teacher then cleared his throat and introduced himself to the students, "My name is Liu. Let's call me Teacher Liu in the future! I hope that we teachers and students can help each other and learn together in the last school year of this primary school. I also hope that through my efforts, the students can develop morally, intellectually and physically in an all-round way...". Teacher Liu's earnest teaching is as warm and soft as music.


Miss Liu is very anxious about everything. Once, to pay the money for the art school, the teacher kept urging the students these days: "The money for the art school should be paid earlier. The teacher still has a lot of things to do. Ask the students to support my work..." "I only know money all day long, hum! I'm obsessed with money. I'm crazy about money!" It's really nonsense. Teacher Liu must not be such a person. She's just a little worried. She doesn't mean anything else.


What makes me happy is that my teacher often praises me for my beautiful handwriting. When I am praised, my heart is as sweet as honey. Teacher Liu's beautiful and beautiful words have been lingering in my ears, encouraging me to work hard and go further. But I am far behind Miss Liu. Hi! If only I could write good characters like Miss Liu!


Recently, I don't know why, Miss Liu's voice has become hoarse quietly and more and more serious. "Pharyngitis" is a common problem of teachers! Is it possible that teachers worry about our studies these days? Maybe I was busy before school and didn't pay attention to rest. I caught a cold? However, some students do not respect their teachers and speak ill of them in secret. They should not. We should study hard, and don't let teachers worry about us any more. Learning well is also the greatest reward for teachers.


Hi! Teacher, you have worked hard!

新来的老师作文 篇4


The new semester has arrived, we like a group of naughty monkeys, and we have come to the school that we are already familiar with.


Sitting in the classroom for a long time, I suddenly walked into a strange figure. He is neither tall nor short, nor fat nor thin. He has short black hair and bright eyes that are big and round. Standing on the platform to talk to us is full of smiles, showing white teeth, shallow dimples, looks like a young boy. The headmaster introduced him as our new head teacher this semester.


In the next few weeks, my Chinese teacher and I will learn and communicate with each other, and he will impress me deeply. After the sixth week, I can say for sure that he is a responsible teacher.


In the morning, before all the students in our class arrived, the Chinese teacher had already entered the class. I saw his face was red, and he often coughed. He was not in good spirits, so I knew he was ill. The Chinese class began soon. The teacher walked onto the platform as usual, gave us lessons as usual, and smiled at us as usual. The lecture was as interesting as ever. I have never seen such a teacher who can give us lectures wholeheartedly when I am sick.


Because the Chinese teacher cares about us and holds great hopes for us, I want to be an excellent student to repay him.

新来的老师作文 篇5


At the beginning of the new term, our class has a new teacher. Her family name is Zhou. She is 30 years old. She is not tall. She is thin and small. Her eyes are single eyelids. Her dark eyes are round and big. Dress neatly, behave modestly and speak concisely. It seems nothing special at first, but look carefully, ah! Teacher Zhou's eyes can speak.


Once in a Chinese class, when I looked at the new pencil box on the desk, my hand itched. I unconsciously reached over and just wanted to touch it, when the teacher saw me. Her eyes seemed to be saying, "Zhou Yue Yi, how did you make small movements?" I quickly put my hands in place and listened attentively to the teacher.


Another time, when Mr. Zhou wrote on the blackboard, there was a slight voice in the classroom. The teacher turned around and stared at us with stern eyes, as if to say: "Pay attention to the class." The classroom suddenly became silent.


Teacher Zhou also has humorous and lively moments. After class, our female classmates all jumped up and came to us with a stack of exercise books. Before we knew what was going on, Mr. Zhou jumped up with us in his brand-new high-heeled shoes. After a while, she winked at us and walked away with a smile in our surprise.


This is our new teacher, a good teacher who treats us strictly and kindly. After listening to her class, the students all expressed the same emotion: "We all love to listen to Miss Zhou!"


In general, our evaluation of Mr. Zhou is that the teacher's language is always funny and interesting, and we always look forward to the early arrival of the next class.


On Teachers' Day, we also heard the headmaster introduce to the students: Mr. Zhou is a new star in the municipal teaching arena and the first top ten teachers; County level teaching backbone, county level excellent head teacher... This long string of honor garland is the best praise and evaluation for her.

新来的老师作文 篇6


"Avanti" is the nickname of our new physical education teacher. He has short black hair, a pair of wide open black eyes on his uneven face, and two thick lips covering yellow teeth. He is of medium stature. His real name is Fan Xing, Teacher Fan. The reason why we give him this nickname is that he is too dedicated.


Teacher Fan is very different from the former physical education teacher. In the past, we can run for a while in physical education class to have free activities, but now it is different. Although we don't run now, there are many types of physical exercises, and we will always say goodbye to free activities. Teacher Fan also said: "This is the person in charge. There are many sports requirements, and it will not work if we don't meet the standards." From the first PE class to now, we have been used to the PE class that does not require free activities. Each PE class is either standing on the playground or learning to do new broadcast gymnastics. The teacher treated us like this, and we slowly began to cooperate with Teacher Fan. Because of the good cooperation with Teacher Fan, something unexpected happened in a lesson a few days later. On that day, there were ten minutes left before the class was over. As usual, we had no hope for free activities. But at this moment, we only heard a serious order, "Boys and girls, you can heal yourself." "Yep" heard us shout happily, and then we went to freedom. "Afanti sells donkeys, and donkeys sell an Afanti". This slogan specially made for Teacher Fan often rings in my ears. How do you want to know him?


When we were "repaired" and listless by Teacher Fan for disobedience, He often said, "Tell you that I don't care what your former teachers did to you, but now your PE teachers in our city. You should listen to me. I am a responsible teacher, and there are many sports standard projects, such as training students' will and unity spirit, and just thinking about playing like you can't do." The teacher looked at us sternly, I don't know who said what all of us wanted to say, "handsome boy, we have convinced you." Teacher Fan smiled triumphantly.

新来的老师作文 篇7


One day, a teacher I had never seen walked into the classroom. We were wondering whether it was the new Chinese teacher or the math teacher? Then the teacher began to introduce himself. So she is my new Chinese teacher.


The new Chinese teacher's surname is Yan. We all call her Yan kindly. Teacher Yan is very kind to us. She often takes the trouble to teach us to read, write, and form words again and again... especially, she doesn't concern my study, nor does she hit my palm. I used to be punished to stand because I didn't finish my homework and didn't recite good books. I often stayed to finish my homework when my mother came to pick me up after school. Not now. Teacher Yan seldom keeps me, and rarely punishes me to stand. I'm so happy. But my father told me: since the teacher is good to you, you must be good to the teacher. Do you know how to be good to the teacher? I don't understand. Dad also said: That is to finish the homework assigned by the teacher on time, listen carefully, do not make small moves in class, and get better results in the exam... Anyway, Dad nagged a lot. I also seem to understand some truth.


I will study hard to repay my teacher's kindness.