
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:49 | 来源:语文通


我和我的家乡观后感作文 篇1电影《我和我的家乡》观后感 篇2《我和我的家乡》观后感心得 篇3我和我的家乡观后感作文 篇4《我和我的家乡》观后感 篇5《我和我的家乡》观后感 篇6我和我的家乡观后感 篇7

我和我的家乡观后感作文 篇1


My hometown is in the countryside. That place is a small village, where everyone lives door to door. When we were young, the air there was very good. Behind the house are mountains and reservoirs. There will be a pond in front of each family, where fish or other animals are kept.


Today's society is developing very fast. My hometown has also changed a lot. It can be seen from the outside. In the past, we lived in tile roofed houses, which were also dilapidated, but now almost every family is a building, some of which have three floors. In addition, many families have installed air conditioners and refrigerators and other electrical appliances. When I was young, I didn't have any of these things, and I couldn't even think about them. In addition to this change, the most obvious is the home road. The previously pitted mud roads are now all cement roads or asphalt roads. But all these changes are due to a paper mill built behind my home. This paper mill has brought these changes to the whole village, and every family has money. But my hometown really stinks. There is no clear river water in the past. Now when you walk past the water, there will be a stinky and pungent smell, which is very unpleasant. In addition, the environment of my hometown has become very bad. I know that the economic development of my hometown is at the cost of the environment.


My hometown has changed. If I can, I hope my hometown is still the same as before, with clear river water and beautiful environment.

电影《我和我的家乡》观后感 篇2


My hometown and I will be officially released on October 1 of the National Day. When we first saw the name of this film on the first day of the year, it was hard not to think of another film, that is, "My Motherland and I". The box office score of "My Motherland and I" reached 3.1 billion. This result is quite high. Can My Home and I achieve this goal? The answer is very difficult. Because this box office result has entered the total box office list. At present, "Eight Hundred" is still hot, with a box office score of 2.8 billion. Although "Eight Hundred" has been released for some time, it will still be shown in some cinemas during the National Day holiday. And My Home and I want to make another success, unless the reputation is really good and the film quality is excellent, we can get good results at the box office. In fact, "Me and My Hometown" has many advantages. The final box office results will certainly not be very poor, but it is uncertain that the final box office results of "Me and My Motherland" can be reached. Next month, Sister will talk about what you can see.


My hometown and I consists of five stories. The director system is Zhang Yimou, whom everyone is particularly familiar with. The Bird's Nest and movie heroes were all created by him. Ning Hao is the chief director, and everyone in Ning Hao is very familiar with him. The Crazy Stone once made everyone laugh. The five stories are "A UFO Falling from the Sky", "Good People in Beijing", "The Last Lesson", "The Road Back to Home" and "Magic Brush Ma Liang". These five stories are comedies, please don't miss them, friends who like comedies!


Five stories, five groups of actors. "A UFO Falls from the Sky" is starred by Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang. These two comedians are very talented. It can be said that the effect of starting this short story is quite good. Laugh when you come up, so that the film has a sense of watching. The ranking of the five stories is relatively good. If the film is mediocre, the audience will generally feel disappointed.


Good People in Beijing is starred by Ge You and Liu Mintao. Uncle Ge's acting skills are really unique! Ge You, who used to lie down and get angry, was really full of drama! The Last Lesson is directed by Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng is excellent as an actor. In recent years, I'm not the God of Medicine, starring in it, has sold at the box office. It can be said that the popularity is higher. As a director, it is well known that Thai Gui. The Last Lesson is starred by Fan Wei and Zhang Yi. Fan Wei's level is not only a sketch, but also a great actor. This little story will be great!


The Road to Home was directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei. In fact, Sister Yue thinks that Deng Chao and Yu Baimei's directing ability is quite average. This short story, starring Deng Chao and Ni Ni, is not expected to be particularly funny. "Magic Brush Ma Liang" is directed by Yan Fei and Peng Daevil, starring Shen Teng and Ma Li. It is estimated that the final performance will not be bad, and Shen Teng and Ma Li will still play the leading roles, which will be the most funny.


"My Motherland and I" was originally played by many powerful actors in the publicity. This time, "My Home and I" also played by many powerful actors, which looks more like a sequel, because "My Motherland and I" is also composed of many small stories. The use of the plot is the same. It is expected that the film will be quite good! Good script, good actor, good director, it's hard not to be a good film!

《我和我的家乡》观后感心得 篇3


A well-off society is an attractive social ideal described by ancient Chinese thinkers, and it also shows the pursuit of a rich and beautiful ideal life of many ordinary people. According to textual research, the word "well-off", which comes from the Book of Songs Daya, is a typical Chinese concept. In a narrow sense, it refers to a living condition or standard of living, that is, "the wealth is still insufficient, but the food and clothing are already enough". In a broad sense, in addition to economic life, it also involves many fields such as society, politics, culture and ecological environment. The well-off society in my mind is that everything is better.


The city is so beautiful, with rows of tall buildings in different shapes, soaring into the sky. Blocks of UV resistant 'blue glass shine with gold in the sun, making every building shining. The expressway is straight and spacious, the flow of cars is endless, and the overpass is as dense as, lead in all directions. On both sides of the road, there are more beautiful flower beds and green lawns, which are pleasing to the eyes. There are a variety of goods in the shop, and people's faces are full of happy and satisfied smiles. Medical science and technology are also increasingly developed. Humans have conquered many cancers, and people no longer have the fear of turning pale about "non". In the flow of people in the city, there are also foreign friends with yellow skin, black skin, and white skin. There are different language sounds in communication from time to time.


Nature is so beautiful. People can no longer see the bare loess and smell the foul smell of sewage. What people see is the blue sky, and what they smell is the refreshing air. The Yangtze River is brand-new, like a green snail belt, winding the city. The flowers are blooming with happy smiling faces, the small trees are dancing briskly, and the birds are singing loudly.


With the progress of material civilization, spiritual civilization has also entered a "well-off" society. When you step into this strange city, you will always get a warm greeting and warm help, so that you can always feel familiar and kind when you return to your hometown. Whenever you walk into the shop, you can hear a gentle "Hello". People gradually understand the art of saying "No", "Nothing", "Never mind" and "Please forgive me", and the courtesy of bending, bowing and nodding. All this makes this well-off society more like a big home.


Ah, pursuing you, the well-off society in my heart!

我和我的家乡观后感作文 篇4


The mountain in my hometown is immortal, and the water in my hometown is spiritual. They are like gods in my heart, guiding me to turn back towards my home. I love the mountains and waters of my hometown as they raised me. When I grow up, I should look back at the landscape.


When I was a child, I grew up near the mountains and rivers of my hometown. I drank the water and climbed the mountains until I was eleven years old. At the age of eleven, my parents took me to live in the city, where I have studied until now, when I was seventeen. In six or seven years, I have not been changed by the water in the city, but I still have the simplicity unique to my hometown. In the past six or seven years, I often dreamed of going back to the mountains and waters where I was a child. In my dream, I was so happy. I caught fish and shrimp barefoot in the water with my friends. I still carried my small backpack to the mountains to step on the vegetables and herbs my grandfather needed. These things in my dreams are the same as what I experienced when I was a child. I always laugh at myself because I miss you too much.


My parents haven't thought about taking me back to my hometown, but they are too busy with their work, or they can't hold the mountain and water in their busy time. We should expect them to take me back to my hometown. Maybe there is no hope. Now I'm seventeen years old. I think I can apply to them and go to my hometown to have a look. I want to go back to see if there are still beautiful mountain ghosts living in the mountain. I want to go back to see if there is still a dragon swimming in the water that we have never seen with our own eyes. This is everything that accompanies me when I grow up. I can't forget it because I grow up again.


I love the mountains and water in my hometown. It is not so much my parents who brought me up as the landscape of my hometown. The sweet water is still the taste of my childhood, isn't it? Is the cloud and fog on the mountain, and the wild herbs and herbs on the mountain still so prosperous? The mountains and waters of my hometown! Wait for me a little longer. I will go back to see you, my past and my future.

《我和我的家乡》观后感 篇5


What is my hometown? Someone said: "Home is a shelter in the wind and rain.". Some people say: "It is the comfort of the soul". And I said, "Home is a yearning that can never be erased."


On October 1st, I went to Greenland with my classmates to watch My Home and Me. The film is made up of several short films.


For example, "The World Loses a UFO", "Good People in Beijing", "A Moment after Comparison", "The Road to Home", and "Magic Brush Ma Liang". These five stories tell stories about families in different regions of China.


The most touching thing is "Comparing the Later Lesson", which is an extraordinary lesson. There was a teacher with senile dementia whose memory returned to his youth. His students and children helped him recall the scene in class in the 1990s, but it was revealed. Recall the fragments of the past, both happy and sad. A young teacher could have gone to town to teach, but stayed in the countryside. A young teacher braved the heavy rain to bring paint for his students. A young teacher remembers not his children, but his students.


Teachers are sacred, selfless and great. We should sincerely bless teachers and revere them.


If you ask me who I like better in this movie? I would say Ma Liang. Ma Liang is an ordinary and great artist. What I admire about him is not his art, but the spirit of his hometown and the people.


In the film, Ma Liang was admitted to the Russian Academy of Fine Arts, but he went to a small village with his wife on his back. His wife didn't find him until she took pregnant women's photos.


You can have no diploma, but you can't be unpatriotic. A person may not have a diploma, but he must love his hometown.


Hometown is the place where we were born and raised. No matter how bad it is or how backward it is, we cannot dislike it. It's about changing him, as the film says, "Learn your skills and you will change it"


My hometown is in Hainan! When I talk about it, I will smile with pride


From a small island to a special economic zone to a free trade port. In recent years, Hainan has been developing rapidly. From the establishment of the "International Tourism Island" to the construction of the "Hainan Free Trade Zone and Trade Port", all these have confirmed Hainan's own strength!


The sky is blue, the sea is clear, the sand is fine, and the spring breeze is warm. The sun shines on the earth, and the flowers grow towards the sun. May everyone's hometown become what they want.

《我和我的家乡》观后感 篇6


During the National Day holiday, I went to the cinema again and watched the new film My Hometown and I, which was highly commented by Douban.


1、 Timeliness of the film.


It is an important mission of the Communist Party of China to win the fight against poverty. This year, we will give priority to stabilizing employment and ensuring people's wellbeing, resolutely win the battle against poverty, and strive to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the goal of poverty alleviation is to ensure that by this year, the rural poor will have no worries about food and clothing, and that their compulsory education, basic medical care and housing security will be guaranteed; It is called "Two Worries, Three Guarantees" for short. The film timely shows the goal of the CPC Central Committee to fight against poverty. The five stories are all about the theme of fighting against poverty. They are meaningful. Good people in Beijing tell the audience that the universal medical insurance has been basically achieved. The last lesson shows the changes of the compulsory education in poor villages and the way back to the hometown in poor mountainous areas of northern Shaanxi. It is very good, so that the audience can experience the taste of home.


2、 The fun of the movie.


The five unit comedy story tells the story of the hometown in five major regions in China. It is indeed a happy and warm film about the development of hometown in the new era. The performance of many comedians is unforgettable. Ge You's humor, Shen Teng, Fan Wei, Xu Zheng, Yan Ni and other actors' acting skills create a comedy feast for the audience. It is worthy of being the dream team of Chinese comedy. What impressed me most was Qiao Shulin, played by Deng Chao, who portrayed an orphan who was regarded as a liar in order to turn his hometown's Mu Us desert into an oasis. He owed a lot of money outside, but he was still the hero of his hometown. He helped his hometown people grow apples and become rich. He was called the richest man in his hometown by his hometown. This hometown feeling is really unforgettable. This may have something to do with the fact that I come from the central and western regions. The road back to my hometown is always a pain for outsiders.


3、 The era of film.


Home is the bright moon at night, home is the concern of our children day and night, home is the harbor of wandering alone. Everyone loves his hometown. My hometown is located in Qixian County, the central part of Shanxi Province, which is a good place for outstanding people. A word of slave (referring to a girl) and Mei (referring to her mother) can tell whether you are from your hometown or not. Qixian Qiaojia Courtyard and Qujia Courtyard are typical representatives of Shanxi merchants. The pasta in Qixian County is also first-rate. Sliced noodles, grain bases, sharpening, pancakes, hand rolling noodles, etc. are all favorite foods of hometown people. Qixian County is famous for its glass products, which can produce various types of wine cups, vases, candle stands, etc. The Mother River Changyuan River makes people feel the beauty of nature, and makes people growing on this land feel interesting. In particular, the rapid development in recent years has made me miss my hometown. I also look forward to a film similar to Qiao's Courtyard to promote my hometown, and I also look forward to everyone coming to my hometown for tourism and guidance, so that my hometown can keep up with the new era.

我和我的家乡观后感 篇7


Today, after watching My Home and Me, we consciously accept patriotism education every year.


As a person who seldom has lacrimal glands, I really shed a lot of tears for this film.


The story is divided into five units: Beijing, Guizhou, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Liaoning.


The Beijing story led by Uncle Ge, the cousin's cheating on the medical insurance, combined with the artistic form of sketches, has repeatedly erupted contradictions, combined with exaggerated and hilarious performances, but tells the medical plight of non urban residents, which is full of bitterness behind the funny. However, the warmth of law enforcement and medical personnel along the way brought about a turnaround, which indicated the popularity of rural medical insurance.


At the end of the scene, we like it very much. The two people are against each other. The city and the countryside are separated. The wind blows through the forest, and they secretly sing the "Snow Fields in the Forest" with the main character.


The Guizhou story led by Huang Bo is a farce of self-made UFO. But behind the farce is a good way to revitalize tourism.


At that time, Huang Bo thought of "Handmade Geng" as soon as he came out of the movie, and later it was really his prototype. The simple and limitless creativity and ordinary small inventor are really "experts in the folk".


The contradiction between the whole farce and the revitalization of tourism in marginal villages is the social pain. The exaggeration technique may not have a good result in reality.


Fan Wei's story about Wangxi Village, Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang, is my favorite. Fan Wei plays a professor of Alzheimer's disease, who returns to the old classroom to have the "last lesson" with the help of old students. It was the last lesson before I left as a volunteer teacher for ten years. Students who are adults simulate the wind and rain of that year. When naughty students break the lies, they reproduce the scene of falling in the paint rain in that year, and compare the development achievements of today.


The most touching scene is that the old teacher happened to meet the boy who was short of paint in the past. The school in the background was the same sketch in the past. Now it is full of colorful dreams. The boy who had bright eyes in the past has realized his dream, really built the school of dreams, and returned to build his hometown.


Deng Chao and Yan Ni's Shaanxi unit are stories of sand control. It was the childhood influence of sandstorm when the window was opened in those years. Deng Chao is also his classic role form. He seems to have accomplished nothing. He is just fooling around, and Apple is only losing money on sand control. It is through years of hard work and countless financial resources to control sand and plant trees that sweet apples are finally planted from generation to generation.


One shot is the "high mother", that is, the village teacher of the year, who was buried under a tree on the high hill. From there, you can see the whole village and town, facing the village primary school, always looking at it, always looking at the yellow sand no longer filled the sky, always looking from the earth kiln to the brick house.


The other is the sand control seniors with merit medals sitting under the podium of primary school students. It reminds me of the promotional film of "Ant Forest", where a group of people carried tools across the dunes. Looking back, it is really possible for all people to plant trees, one after another, and we can always do it.


Finally, Shen Teng and Ma Li's Liaoning unit. Shen Teng plays an artist who gives up the opportunity to study in Russia to return to his hometown as a village secretary, and uses rice field painting to stimulate the local economy. As always, funny and tearful. Although the final performance felt like shouting slogans, Shen Teng and Ma Li were the best partners.


The last moving long shot shows Shen Teng's character drawing on the wall, and the human scenery on the wall is also synchronized with that under the wall.


There are several feelings after reading:


First of all, almost all the brands I can recognize in this film are made in China.


Then, the five units are all old with new, and the five comedy masters each bring new people.


In addition, these five comedy masters, who have the Jianghu status and box office appeal, are blameless for their stories, spiritual cores and performances.


Finally, it is the most touching inheritance and changes that we have made over the years. Our previous generation has done so much, and under such hard conditions, there is no noise or dust in the vast years. But they paved the road and built the bridge for future generations. The pioneers in the cemetery and the old people on the monument will be very happy. China behind us is so good.