
时间:2022-10-15 13:29:59 | 来源:语文通



诚信作文 篇1关于诚信作文 篇2诚实守信作文 篇3

诚信作文 篇1


What is integrity? When you find the money, you take the initiative to give it to the police uncle; When others give you more money, you don't hesitate to return it to them... Integrity is around us all the time! But when it comes to honesty, several people can make the right choice.


I remember that it was a sunny afternoon. I played in the park with my classmates. There are many people in the park on weekends. In the crowd, we shuttle around. Sometimes we climb behind the stone to play hide and seek, and sometimes we sit on the pavilion to see the scenery. It's fun!


Seeing a hunchback grandmother selling drinks and ice cream in the distance, and seeing ice sweet food, we felt thirsty immediately. One student said, "Let's go and buy something to eat." OK After he got everyone's approval, we quickly ran over and bought three bottles of drinks and three ice creams. The old lady said, "Fifteen yuan in total." I saw that there was only a twenty yuan note and a fifty yuan note in my pocket, but there was no change! I can't help it. I can only give the twenty yuan to the grandma. She looked at it, found some one yuan, folded them together, put them on her legs and pressed them, trying to level him. I took the money and counted it. Eh, why is it one yuan more? After counting three times, I still got one yuan more. I stayed there. When she saw that I didn't speak, she kindly asked me if I was uncomfortable. I said, "It's OK." He left. In the pavilion, I told my classmates the whole story. They said: "We should send the money back. Grandma is so hard. We should not be greedy for small gains and lose our integrity." I felt guilty immediately. Yes, if everyone was greedy for small things like me, what would the grandma get from her hard work?


Honesty is the basic and valuable part of being a man. When you choose the right path in the face of honesty, you will feel that you are only one step away from success. However, when you are greedy for small gains and lose integrity, you will feel that you have lost the virtue of being a man. As Confucius said, "People have no faith, and I don't know what it is." One cannot succeed without integrity. Greed is human nature, but when you really know honesty, you will feel that greed has been uprooted by trust.

关于诚信作文 篇2


One day, honesty, happiness, status and money ran out of the dictionary.


They gathered together and said happily, "Here is my most important place. I can make people happy every day. Who can?"


The position was unconvinced and said, "Hum, that's nothing. Without me, how can people be superior and powerful in front of others?"


Money quickly jumped up and said, "None of you can compare with me. I can make people have enough money. With me, people can live in luxury and enjoy prosperity. Without me, there is no status, no happiness!" This is my most important place.


Happy saw that honesty was always silent, and said, "Honesty, who is the most important?" Honesty said slowly, "Let me tell you a story!" Everyone agreed.


Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who loved to lie and play pranks. One day, when he was herding sheep in the mountain, he felt bored and thought of a way to frighten the villagers. So he shouted at the foot of the mountain: "The wolf is coming, come to help." The villagers rushed over when they heard the cry. Where is the wolf? The shepherd child laughed and said, "I'm playing with you, ha ha!" After another meeting, the shepherd boy was bored again and shouted down the mountain: "The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming, come to help!" The villagers ran over again and got the same answer. The third time, the wolf really came. The shepherd boy was frightened and shouted: "The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming, come to help!" This time, he shouted loudly, and no one came to help him. The wolf ate him!


Honesty then said to Happy, "You see, the shepherd children cheat people again and again, and only get short happiness. What will the consequences be?" He bowed his head with joy and shame.


Honesty turned to money and said, "Although you have enough money, what can money do in the face of danger?" Money is also said to be convinced.


Honesty was about to speak with status, and status immediately blushed and said, "I know, people must have integrity. Only with integrity can we truly do something and serve people!"


Honesty nodded happily. From then on, they never fought for it again.

诚实守信作文 篇3


Honesty and trustworthiness are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. I was touched by the honest performance of a taxi driver I saw.


It was last summer vacation. My aunt called to invite us to visit Beijing. I jumped three feet and finally visited the capital. This is my dream! After arriving in Beijing, my father called a taxi. The taxi driver is a young man with short hair and looks very energetic. He is very enthusiastic and has a Beijing flavour. He knew we were foreigners and introduced us all the way.


Shortly after arriving at Xiao Yan's home, my father suddenly stood up from the sofa and said, "I left my briefcase in the taxi. There are many documents in it, as well as my mobile phone and money!" The family suddenly looked like ants on a hot pot. My aunt ran out and saw that the taxi had disappeared. Just when everyone was in a hurry, my mother's phone rang. He is a stranger. The other man was very worried. He asked if we had lost a black bag. Mom said, "Yes, we are in a hurry!" The other man was a taxi driver. When he finished his work, he found a black leather bag on the back seat. He found my mother's telephone number in the telephone directory and called. At this time, my father finally breathed a sigh of relief. The driver uncle asked us to go to Liuliqiao Station to find him.


When we arrived at the station, my uncle was really waiting for us there, with his father's black briefcase in his hand. Dad once held his hand and said, "Young man, thank you for your delay. You are a good man!" Uncle smiled and said, "You're welcome. This is what I should do. Please confirm whether the items are complete?" Dad checked and found that nothing was missing. Uncle said, "Take good care of your belongings when you go out. You must pay attention next time! Welcome to Beijing!"


The taxi driver impressed me and made me unforgettable. He is an example for all of us. His spirit encourages me to become an honest person, which benefits me a lot.