
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:17 | 来源:语文通



小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇1小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇2小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇3二年级家长会发言稿 篇4小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇5二年级家长会发言稿 篇6小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇7小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇8最新小学二年级家长会发言稿_家长会发言稿 篇9

小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇1


Dear parents


good afternoon. Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend today's parents' meeting, and for your strong support and help to the school and class work. We have the opportunity to sit together today for a common purpose, that is, for the children's learning, progress and future. With this midterm exam, we held a parents' meeting. The main purpose is to hope that parents can learn more about their children's school performance, strengthen the relationship between you and the school, and hope that parents can further cooperate with teachers to do some good work, so that children can learn better and achieve better results!


First aspect: class introduction


In the past half semester, students have made great progress on the whole. From the beginning of the semester when they did not pay attention, they have been able to basically follow the teacher's ideas or actively use their brains. Especially in the weekly class evaluation, students have performed well and their collective sense of honor has been enhanced.


The second aspect: talk about mid-term inspection.


When parents see the test paper, they are both happy and worried. They are happy that their children have got good grades, but they are worried that their children's grades are not ideal. In fact, this is exactly what we are confused about. The new curriculum reform has made the polarization of children more and more obvious. When you see your child's achievements, do you ever wonder what the reason is? How much did you pay for your children's study? How much responsibility do teachers have? Of course, today's society does not always attach importance to scores. They pay more attention to children's ability and all-round development. The goal of teachers is the same. However, we can also see some problems from this paper.


1. The basic knowledge of individual students is poor, and the phenomenon of forgetting is serious.


2. Did not develop good study habits.


3. Careless in the examination process, unable to carefully read the questions, analyze the meaning of the questions and solve problems.


Third aspect: experience exchange


1. Stimulate children's interest in literacy.


Now many parents have found it more and more difficult to teach new characters. How to make children interested in learning new characters is not only the responsibility of teachers, but also the responsibility of parents. At ordinary times, children can learn new characters anytime and anywhere. For example, on the street, you can look at the roadside signs with your children; Go shopping and know the names of things on the labels. In this way, children will be more interested in learning to read when they can learn to read in a relaxed and happy way. In the class, he can proudly show the words he knows in life to his teachers and classmates, and experience the joy of success.


2. Care about children's learning.


Every child has a family. The family is the first school where the child grows up, and the parents are the first teachers of the child. The quality of the family environment directly affects the healthy growth of children. Good does not mean a rich family environment, but a good family atmosphere. Psychologists say: 1) If children live in criticism, they learn to condemn; 2) If children live in hostility, they learn to be aggressive; 3) If children live with encouragement, they will learn self-confidence; 4) If children live in a popular environment, they learn to like others; 5) If children live in friendship, they will feel what a wonderful world they live in.


The family environment influences their psychological development and the formation of their morality from birth. A good environment enables children to grow up healthily. Some children have some problems, such as: capriciousness, irritability, excitement, pickiness, not cherishing things, poor self-care ability, not gregarious, not caring for others, jealous, self-centered, inferiority, etc. The most effective solution is to establish a good family environment. Parents' words and deeds have a great impact on children.


I understand the feeling of being a parent very much. We have to take the responsibility of educating our children in the evening. Many parents still have a lot of work to do at night, which is very hard. However, no matter how busy we are, we will never forget to educate and coach our children. I am very happy to see the children grow up and progress little by little.


3. Some questions children do not understand, parents should patiently explain the meaning of the questions, encourage children to ask if they do not understand.


But parents had better not tell him the answer directly. I think as long as you explain the problem clearly, the child can solve it by himself. I found that children with less than ideal performance are often highly dependent and unwilling to think independently. In class, they either wait for the teacher to explain or turn around to peek. These students must be very tardy in doing their homework at home. Parents should pay attention to correct guidance.


4. Parents should not only look at the score of the unit test paper that their children take home. Sometimes the paper is a little difficult, and everyone may not do well in the test. They should carefully check, help find problems, help children understand, urge children to correct, and then sign.

小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇2


Dear parents


hello everyone!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend today's parents' meeting. As you can see from your parents' attendance, you attach great importance to children's education, and thank you very much for your strong support and help to the school and class work. We have the opportunity to sit together today for a common purpose, that is, for the children's learning and progress. The topics of today's parents' meeting mainly include the following aspects: class introduction, safety education, and children's bad behaviors and habits and correction.


1、 Let me introduce the basic situation of my class

我们班有学生40人,从一年级接班到现在,教咱们二(1)班,也快有两年了,我非常喜欢这班的孩子,自信、聪明、上进,又很活泼。大多数同学能够做到按时到校,遵守纪律, 和同学友好相处,上课专心听讲,认真完成各科作业,做好值日工作。

There are 40 students in our class. It has been almost two years since we took over from the first grade to teach Class 2 (1). I like the children in this class very much. They are confident, smart, progressive and lively. Most students can arrive at school on time, observe discipline, get along well with classmates, listen attentively in class, conscientiously complete homework in various subjects, and do a good job on duty.


2、 Safety education


1. Educate children to pay attention to road traffic safety. Whether children walk to school or parents drive to school, they should always be taught to abide by the traffic rules. When crossing the road, they should "wait for three minutes rather than one second". After school every afternoon, it is the most crowded time at the school gate. Parents who have their own cars to pick up their children to school should abide by the traffic rules, put their own safety and the safety of their families first, let their children enter and exit the school gate by themselves, and ensure the personal safety of each child.


2. At ordinary times, we should pay special attention to whether the children go to the Internet cafes and whether they study and live regularly. The network is a double-edged sword, which brings convenience to our study and life. At the same time, if it is not used properly, it will bring harm to children that we dare not imagine. The impact of some bad information cannot be ignored '. Once a child indulges in the Internet, it is not just a problem of declining grades, the consequences may be unimaginable, and there are many examples of news exposure.


3. Scientifically and rationally arrange children's meals, pay attention to nutrition, and educate children not to buy fried food in small shops and mobile stalls outside. These junk food are very harmful to children's health. However, these things can not be explicitly stipulated by the school, but still rely on parents to educate and remind more often.


4. The weather is getting warmer. Teach children not to play near rivers and ponds, and not to go swimming alone to avoid drowning accidents. This safety string must be tightened. All our educational activities are carried out on the premise of safety guarantee.


5. Pay attention to your child's mental health, communicate more, encourage more, criticize less, and scold less, so that your child can grow healthily in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.


6. For the sake of campus safety, parents who pick up and drop off children should not enter the campus at will. If they really need to enter the campus, they must obtain the consent of teachers and guards before entering.


At home, we hope parents can educate their children about safety awareness.


1. Let children remember the names, addresses, work units and telephone numbers of their families and relatives. Remember the telephone numbers of fire alarm (119), alarm (110) and medical emergency (120). In this way, children can call and get timely help in case of danger.


2. It is necessary to tell children how to use water, electricity and gas at home and what should be paid attention to. It is necessary to explain to children what children cannot use alone.


3. Tell children not to drink strangers' drinks, not to eat strangers' candy and other foods. Don't be lured out by strangers.


4. On the way home, there is a tail at any time. If there is no one at home, don't run straight home. You can go to the neighbors who often have people and ask for their help.


5. When a friend who is said by a stranger to be his parents wants to be a guest at home, or is entrusted by his parents to pick up something at home, let him contact his parents. Don't tell a stranger's home address, let alone take a stranger home without confirmation.


6. At home, we should prepare some simple disinfection and hemostasis supplies, and a set of children's photos and fingerprints for emergency use.


7. Parents should keep track of their children's whereabouts, where they are going, with whom they are going, and when they will return.


Without personal safety, talking about other things seems empty. We all hope that children can grow up healthily and healthily, and safety is the first requirement of this desire. For children, let's tighten the strings of safety education. Teachers are at school, parents are at home, cooperate with each other, educate children well, and work together to improve their safety awareness.


3、 Children's Bad Behavior Habits and Correction


After entering the second grade, it should be said that every child has made great progress in behavior, discipline and learning ability. However, children are children after all. They are still in the stage of developing behavior habits. Their self-control is still poor, and some bad behavior habits will inevitably occur. After this period of observation, education and guidance, I think the main bad behaviors and habits of children are as follows


1. Some students do not have a strong sense of time, which is shown by their inability to go to school on time and being late.


2. The self-control is too poor, which is shown by making small movements in class, not paying attention to the lecture, talking quietly with classmates at the same table or in front and back seats, and making fun in class.


3. Learning is not careful and perfunctory, which is manifested by poor and careless writing of homework, many errors, non-standard and irregular writing of homework, and many errors. The above mainly refers to homework.


4. The child moves slowly.


5. Do not finish your homework on time, wait until the next day after school to hurry up; I didn't hand in my homework because I forgot to write it or left it at home.


6. Love to hit people, often accused teachers.


7. Say dirty words.


8. I am not active and active when I am on duty. Sometimes I forget.


9. Too egotistical to help classmates.


10. I don't like sports, and I don't go out after class. I'm not active in PE classes.

针对孩子出现的这些情况,除了老师在学校里督促和引导,家长在家里应针对孩子出现的情况进行引导 。

In addition to the teacher's supervision and guidance in the school, parents should guide the children at home.

1、检查孩子每天的家庭作业, 一定让孩子养成良好的学习习惯。

1. Check your child's daily homework, and make sure your child has a good study habit.


Last year, I also called on parents to check their homework and sign it, but through the performance of their children, I found that there are not many parents who really insist on checking their homework every day. This year, our children have reached the second grade, and can't be negligent any more. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to change their bad habits. So today I give you another suggestion: After the children finish their homework, they must check to see whether their homework is completed as required, Whether the operation book is neat, and whether the writing is neat and standard. For the problems found in the homework, you can write them in the homework book or communicate with me the next day. As long as we are always united in thinking for children, I believe that children will not have some bad learning habits.


2. Improve the writing quality of homework


The basic requirements for children's homework are neat, clean and efficient. The children are required to draw one stroke at a time. They should be careful when starting to write, and every stroke should be in place. Can not be perfunctory.


3. If the child is slow, the first thing to do is to analyze the reason. Is it because the child can't do it or is lazy. I think children should do their own things as much as possible, and parents should not do everything. Some parents yell at their children when they see them moving too slowly, which makes them even slower and prone to make mistakes. Others help their children when they see them slowly, which makes them never faster. There must be a process from slow to fast. Parents should not be too anxious, and should provide more opportunities for children to exercise.


4. The children can't consciously complete their homework on time, which may be because they are too dependent. When parents have no time to help their children, the children simply stop writing, and lie that they have lost it at home when they arrive at school. This situation shows that we should change the way of tutoring children. When children encounter learning problems, they should not tell the answers directly, but should skillfully inspire and guide them, and pay attention to cultivating their autonomous learning habits. We can encourage children more, cultivate their confidence in doing homework, and gradually let them develop the habit of completing homework independently.


5. Don't let children watch TV for a long time. First, it's bad for their eyes. Second, if they watch TV for a long time at night, it will be difficult to get up and go to school on time the next day, or take a nap in class. Parents should intervene and guide the time and content of children's watching TV.


6. To cultivate children's labor concept, we should pay attention to letting children participate in housework at ordinary times. Don't do everything for children. Gradually let children learn to take care of themselves.


7. Let children learn to love. It is natural for parents to love their children, and children should love their parents even more. Parents should not only care for their children, but also try to let them learn to love. Parents' love for their children should not only maintain moderation, but also strive to get rewards, so that children can learn to love their parents, love others, love their families, love their schools, love their motherland, and cultivate children's healthy psychology in the process of rewards, so that they can become modern people with good psychological characters such as compassion, love, conscience, etc.


8. The body is the capital of revolution. Parents should encourage their children to exercise more to make them strong, responsive, coordinated, intelligent and optimistic, and promote the development of good moral character and thinking quality. Children should be encouraged to take part in sports, so that they can maintain vigorous energy, eliminate fatigue and improve learning efficiency. At the same time, parents and children participate in sports together, which can improve the parent-child relationship, have more fun, and be beneficial to physical and mental health.


9. Give children more confidence and be a strong supporter for their growth.


We look at other people's children for many advantages, but we look at our own children for many disadvantages. Because we have high expectations for our children, it can be said that children's efforts can hardly meet the requirements of parents. Therefore, as parents, they should treat their children rationally, be more calm and less harsh, and treat their children's growth with a common mind. We should also pay attention to the children's self-confidence, tap their potential, and let them experience difficulties. Due to the children's individual differences, the students' performance will inevitably be good or bad. If the children refuse to learn, which leads to poor performance, we should properly criticize them. But the children are hard working, but their performance is not very good. We should give them confidence, rather than just pour cold water on them, This will make them feel disgusted with learning. For children with special difficulties in learning, parents should neither blame nor give up.


10. Create a peaceful and peaceful learning environment for children and encourage them to study quietly.


When a child is doing homework, don't talk loudly, argue, watch TV, etc. around him. During our home visit, we learned that many parents study quietly for their children, never watch TV when their children are doing homework, and watch it after their children sleep. I agree with this practice. Once a child hears the voice of TV, he cannot think seriously. If he is copying, can he remember these words? If he is doing math problems, I think he will make mistakes in any simple problem. Every child has a family. The family is the first school where the child grows up, and the parents are the first teachers of the child. The quality of the family environment directly affects the healthy growth of children. Good does not mean a rich family environment, but a good family atmosphere.

为了孩子全面发展,健康成长,光靠学校教育肯定是不够的,家校结合才能使孩子不断进步,在此我真诚地欢迎各位家长来学校或者打电话问问孩子的情况,或反映一下在家里的情况,以便我们及时针对你的孩子的特点展开教育。我们愿意从一点一滴做起,请和我们一样:无限相信孩子的潜力;永远不要对孩子失望;决不吝啬父母的表扬和鼓励;教给孩子一生有用的东西。有这样一句话我想让各位家长记住 “你可以不是天才,但你可以成为天才的父母。”

For the sake of children's all-round development and healthy growth, school education alone is certainly not enough. Only the combination of home and school can make children progress continuously. I sincerely welcome all parents to come to school or call to ask about the children's situation, or reflect on the situation at home, so that we can carry out education in a timely manner according to the characteristics of your children. We are willing to start from bit by bit, please do the same with us: unlimited trust in children's potential; Never be disappointed with your children; Never be stingy with parents' praise and encouragement; Teach your child something useful for life. There is a saying that I want all parents to remember: "You can not be a genius, but you can be a parent of a genius."

小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇3


Dear parents


hello everyone!


Thank you very much for your cooperation in our work and your punctuality to attend this parents' meeting. I am very happy to be here with you, because your arrival not only supports my work, but also respects me. Therefore, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks again for your coming.


It has been two months since I entered the school. As the head teacher of Class 2, I will take care of the children with my love and responsibility and let them grow up bit by bit. I will also use all my wisdom and knowledge to learn to be a person, learn knowledge and learn to communicate with them. I also look forward to receiving your parents' strong support, so that children can live and learn in harmony, happiness and prosperity at home and at school.


I always get along with my students' parents as friends, so we should be friends from the day when the children enter Class 2, so please don't deny me a thousand miles away. In dealing with children, we are comrades in arms in the same trench and workers in charge of different procedures. Our hearts should beat together. First of all, I would like to introduce the main situation of this class: there are 52 children in our class, 30 boys and 22 girls in the middle of the period. In general, the children in our class are smart and lively. Most of the children have received good education before school. Most of the parents have high quality and attach great importance to education. After more than two months of study and life, more than half of the children are on the right track. They have a strong interest in learning, abide by school and class disciplines, and can complete homework on time and with quality. In the middle of the semester, a small number of children have emerged as small cadres in the class. They have a strong sense of collective honor, are active in their work, and have a sense of responsibility. They have become my effective little assistants. Special praise: Li Mingyu, Yu Jialin, Tang Jiarui, Xing Pan, etc.


Next, let's talk about several aspects that need the cooperation of parents:


1、 Cultivate children's good daily habits.


In primary school, good habits are more important for children than their scores! From two aspects:


1. Develop the habit of self-care


The cultivation of self-care ability in life includes eating, dressing, arranging school bags by yourself, and preparing the learning tools to bring with you tomorrow. The children in grade one are still weak in self-care, so at the beginning, parents and children should read the school schedule together to sort out the books and learning tools used the next day, such as at least five HB pencils a day. (To explain here, the reason why I don't plan to bring a pencil sharpener to school is that it is unsafe, and the classroom sanitation can't be guaranteed. I have prepared two pencil sharpeners for my children and put them in the book corner.) The second grade children are easy to leave behind, so parents must remind and educate more, and let the children manage their own things. I made a homework evaluation form, and asked parents to copy it at home, and fill in and evaluate it according to the children's daily completion of homework. The above habits need a process from helping to letting go, and parents need patient guidance and cooperation.


2. Develop the habit of reading


Yu Yongzheng, a famous primary school Chinese teacher, once said: "Students who grow up after studying will have higher IQ and EQ, and will definitely have the potential of 'sustainable development'. Zhu Yongxin, a contemporary educator in China, also said that three points of a person's knowledge comes from the classroom and seven points from extracurricular reading. A person who loves reading will certainly have a broad vision, high aspirations and persistent pursuit. Now children have developed the habit of reading in primary school, which will benefit him for a lifetime. I always think that eating well and dressing well is a lifetime, but knowledge can affect generations. No matter how poor you are, you cannot invest in children's education. If you are rich, you cannot only enrich your body, but also your brain. I believe that no one does not want his children to love learning, but most of the time, we only know that we blame the children for being too naughty, unable to sit still and always causing trouble, but in fact, we do not reflect on whether we have created a quiet environment for our children. Some people will say that I don't have time to read, and I don't like reading. How can I create a reading environment for my children? In fact, it is very easy for children not to love reading, because there are no books in their lives, and children do not get the pleasure of reading from books. Therefore, they cannot remember reading. If children have books at their fingertips, children will unconsciously love reading. Even if they read books for a long time, it is better than never reading books! Environment changes people, and the edification of scholarly fragrance can make people wiser.


Here are three suggestions for our second grade parents when they help their children choose books: 1. It is better to have pictures and texts. Pictures are good for developing children's right brain. It can enrich the representation in the child's mind and is beneficial to the development of the child's creativity in the future. 2. The book should be thin as far as possible. It is better to have only one or two stories in a book, so that children can quickly read a book and have a sense of achievement and pleasure in their hearts. I will want to read it next time. 3. It's better to help children remove the obstacles of new characters in the book first, or buy a pinyin version. It's better to control the unknown characters in a book within 20%, so that children can read without stuttering and are willing to read. Otherwise, parents and children are suggested to read together. It is better to read and read at the same time.


2、 Things that need the cooperation of parents

1、 路队

1. Road team


Now the society attaches great importance to the safety of children. As early as the news reported that someone broke into the school to hurt children, the school has taken many measures to prevent safety accidents. Now there is a designated area at the school gate, and parents are required to pick up children according to the area. However, some parents were too anxious to pick up their children in the designated area. As we all know, this is not only a manifestation of lack of quality, but also a hidden danger of school safety. However, some parents in our class understand the concept of educating their children very well, and they know to educate their children in accordance with the requirements of schools and teachers. I think in their hearts, they must want their children to be children with a strong sense of collective honor. We all know that when children have a sense of collective honor, they will consciously control their own behavior, and as time goes by, they will become a person with noble behavior. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you for supporting our work and for your efforts to educate our children well.


2. Job


I am a teacher who attaches great importance to homework. Because the most direct feedback from my children on my education during homework is also the most obvious manifestation of whether parents attach importance to their children's learning and education. At present, children mainly complete the consolidation of new words learned in school during the day, preview the text, and recognize new words. In the review stage, there may be exercises such as Happy Paradise that need help to urge children to complete. Judging from the completion of these assignments, most of the parents in our class are very responsible. The children's homework is completed very carefully, neatly and beautifully. Some parents also add homework for their children's lack of learning. For example, Cong Lin's mother and Yu Jialin's mother often check and consolidate their children's spelling. Li Yuhan's mother and Lian Jiayi's mother attach great importance to the guidance of their children's spelling and writing, and their children have made rapid progress.


From homework and reading in the evening, I read many parents' wishes to accompany their children to complete their homework. Some encourage, some praise, and some hope. I am very moved! With such attentive parents, your children will be great, because education is a slow process, which requires your silent company and careful discovery.


3. Security issues


As a school, the alarm bell of safety work is ringing. As a teacher, we should talk about safety every day. Parents and friends should also often instill safety knowledge to children at home, so that children can establish safety awareness from childhood, such as traffic safety, food safety, electricity safety, gas safety, going out safety, etc. Let us all work together to help children grow up healthily and happily, prevent problems before they happen, and not regret it.


4. Communication with teachers


The parents of our class are all qualified people. I hope that all parents can calmly communicate with the teacher alone and amicably when encountering children's problems or disagreeing with the teacher's educational methods! For teachers, no matter where you are in any high position or what great people you know, you are just the parents of your children in front of teachers! Teachers deserve your due respect! I think that not only do you set an example for your children to respect teachers and respect morality, but also it is conducive to the development of your children's physical and mental health!


If parents find problems, they should contact the teacher in time. Especially for children's ideological problems, sometimes the children don't listen to what the parents say, and the children generally listen to the teachers, so you can talk to the teachers and let the teachers talk to the children, and the effect is better. As parents, don't be afraid to bother teachers. It is our responsibility to educate children. Some children are greedy for small things. When they see their classmates' pencils, rulers and good-looking erasers fall off, they do not return them to the owner or hand them in, but secretly hide them in their pockets. If parents find that your children have more things that do not belong to them, they must ask about the situation, contact the school, and educate their children ideologically. Some children are naughty and listen to the teacher's words on the surface, but do what the teacher wants behind his back. Therefore, we need to keep in touch with each other, exchange more about the children, and cooperate with each other to eliminate minor problems in the bud. Don't come to the teacher again when the problem is serious. I believe that all parents care about children as much as we do, because children are the hope of the family, the hope of the school and the hope of the country. If the child is ill or there is something at home that can't be attended on time, we also hope that parents can ask the children nearby to send a letter or call to let us know, so that our teachers can rest assured.


If children want to grow up healthily, school education alone is certainly not enough. The combination of home and school can make children progress continuously. You can come to school or call to ask about the children's situation when you are free, or reflect on the situation at home, so that we can carry out education according to the characteristics of your children. Communication between us is very important. For this reason, I have asked all parents to write their phone numbers and home addresses for several times. The children are not feeling well, and their learning has changed greatly. I can contact them. However, some parents change their numbers too quickly. The mobile phone numbers that I just investigated just two days later, when I called them, they were down and empty. If you need to change the number, please tell the child to remember and tell me so that he can contact me when there is a situation. In our work, there will inevitably be omissions or shortcomings. I hope you can point out to me in time and face to face that we will certainly "correct if you have something to do, and encourage if you have nothing to do". In the process of class education, we will do our best and do our best. Parents are the first teachers of children. Educating children is a science. Children's growth process is like a small tree growing into a big tree. During this period, it is inevitable that some redundant branches will grow. We should cut these branches in time to make them grow into towering trees.


Finally, I would like to say that I will try my best to teach these children well. At the same time, I hope to get your support and cooperation, because my personal strength is small, and I want to teach more than 40 children. Only with the participation of every parent here, can a strong force be formed. My students can make progress day by day, and your children can grow up day by day. I believe this is our common wish. Finally, we would like to give you a word of encouragement: parents and teachers should study hard, and children should make progress every day! Thank you!

二年级家长会发言稿 篇4


good morning! I'm glad we get together for the children. I am very moved by your arrival, which has brought great support to our school, our class and my work. At this moment, it reminds me of every parents' meeting in the past. My lovely friends came quietly ahead of time. They thought they had turned their mobile phones to silent or vibrating state, and each of them took notes seriously. It really moved me! I am even more moved to see you at this moment, and you have done better! Thank you! Once again, I set an example in the children's hearts and let them all respect and worship you... I am very lucky to meet you and know you. I hope we can become better friends from this moment on.


1、 First introduce yourself:


1. Some basic job resumes and information.


2. Contact:


mobile phone:






2、 "Time flies like an arrow" is the fifth week in a flash. Here, I would like to briefly talk about some of the students since the beginning of school.


(1) Student performance in the past few weeks


I hope parents can go back and praise the positive children again. If your child is not active enough for the time being, go home to discuss with him, tell him the benefits of active speech, and encourage him to speak more in the future.


(2) Now let me talk about some teaching situations in this semester:


1. Teaching philosophy: student-centered, aesthetic education


2. Teaching mode: learning before teaching, group cooperation (put forward the habit and method that some students have not learned to learn first, and emphasize the distinction between learning first and preview. Group cooperation is gradually cultivated in teaching.)


3. One practice every day: I plan to train 4 calculation problems every day in the future; And mental arithmetic training of addition and subtraction cards. (Parents should help and urge their children to finish when appropriate.)


4. Attach importance to the cultivation of the habit of doing exercises - effectively overcome carelessness.


(1) Put forward specific assignment requirements to students:


For each type of math questions, I ask them to do well in the following aspects:


For example, the examination of the topic should be comprehensive, the requirements should be clear one word at a time, the conditions should be comprehensive, the problems should be identified, the analysis should be reasonable, the calculation should be careful, the writing should be neat, the format should be standardized, the book should be neat, and so on. In particular, let students develop the habit of careful inspection.


Calculation question: I ask students to do "four checks": check whether the numbers are copied correctly, check whether the symbols are accurate, check whether the order is correct, and check whether the results are written.


Oral Arithmetic Problems: For problems you don't know well, you should calculate them on the draft first, and then write the answers on the test paper;


Fill in blank questions, judgment questions, multiple choice questions: ask to draw keywords to remind yourself that there is no error.


Application question: check the question; (ii) Search for keywords, words or sentences and find equivalent or quantitative relations; 3. Lookup; 4 Check the calculation process; 5. Check the unit and answer.


5. Pay attention to the habit of self-study


Generally, before the new class, we will arrange which page of the self-study book. We need to self-study first, think about how we can solve problems, and then communicate with classmates in class. Try to let children read textbooks in writing. When picking up a book, you might as well pick up the pen at the same time, check out the key points while looking, and change your eyes to pen reading. As for the "pen reading textbook", I think it is more appropriate for primary school students. You can quote it and train them to read math books or any other books. They may as well take up the pen and do not read without moving the pen.


6. Pay attention to the good habit of correction: correct any mistakes, and correct them in time.


7. Pay attention to the cultivation of thinking ability: think more about solving problems in different ways from books and others. When doing the topic or preview, you can guide children to write various methods in their homework books or books.


(3) Management incentive


Those who perform well in class can get prize tickets. Every ten prize tickets can be replaced with a piece of "My Best" card paper. Ten cards can be replaced with a letter of praise. At the end of the semester, see who gets the most praise letters.


If your child gets a letter of praise from the teacher, or a cardboard card, when he or she comes home, I hope you can take the opportunity to encourage him or her, so that he or she can feel that his or her efforts are not in vain, experience the benefits of serious study, and encourage them to continue to work hard for a higher level.


3、 Where parents need to cooperate:


Finally, based on the actual situation of this class, I hope you can spare no effort to cooperate with me:


(1) We should create a good family atmosphere and a harmonious learning environment. Parents should always keep consistent with teachers and give them active cooperation and support.


(2) Give children more care and let them enjoy the warmth of the family. Ask your children about their school work every day, not just "Have you finished your homework?" Ask children about their studies, and understand their thoughts and doubts; We should listen to the voice of children, understand their difficulties in learning, and help them.


(3) Contact the teacher in time when finding problems. Especially for children's ideological problems, sometimes the children don't listen to what the parents say, and the children generally listen to the teacher's words, so you can talk to the teacher on the phone and let the teacher talk to the children. The effect is better.


(4) Students should be encouraged to participate in classroom learning, answer questions bravely and participate in group activities and cooperation.


(5) Urge children to finish homework carefully and quickly. The writing quality is strictly required. It includes doing homework carefully and in time, checking carefully after homework is completed, thinking about problems, writing correctly, not sleeping late, doing your own things, etc.


(6) Some questions children do not understand, parents should patiently explain the meaning of the questions, encourage children to ask if they do not understand. Parents should not only look at the score of the unit test paper that their children take home. Sometimes the paper is a little difficult, and everyone may not do well in the test. They should carefully check, help find problems, help children understand, urge children to correct, and then sign.


(7) Questions about children watching TV and playing computer. It is impossible to ask children not to watch TV or surf the Internet, but there should be a time limit. You can ask them to do something according to their personality and give them more time to watch TV and play computer.


Dear parents and friends, your children need our education, and our students also need your care, because you have three magic weapons of genius educators: first, unconditional trust. 2、 Expect patiently. 3、 A generous reward. Harmonious cooperation between schools and families can cultivate new talents in our audio-visual society. For our students and your children, let's have a happy cooperation! Thank you!

小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇5


Dear teachers and parents!


I am the parent of XX in our class. On behalf of my family, I would like to express my gratitude to all teachers. It is your earnest guidance and careful cultivation that have made Yang Yang make great progress in his study, thought and behavior. At the same time, I would like to take this opportunity to communicate with teachers and parents about the methods of educating their children. Here are some of my own experiences and understandings:


1. Build children's self-confidence with love, patience, encouragement and praise. Confidence is a common characteristic of every successful person. Confidence is the source of action and creativity for both adults and minors. Therefore, parents should constantly observe and find the bright spots in their children, constantly praise and encourage them, enhance their children's self-confidence in doing anything, and constantly strengthen the awareness of "I can do it, I can do it well, and I can do it better than others". This process requires not only love, but also patience. Don't be impatient for success. Don't hate iron as steel. Keep criticizing and scolding the child, often comparing him with other children, and even abusing and corporal punishment. These are the most terrible poisons to destroy children's self-esteem and self-confidence.


2. Help children develop good habits of thinking and behavior. Thinking guides behavior, behavior develops habit, habit forms character, and character determines destiny. Good habits will benefit children for life and become a strong driving force for their success. I think habits include a lot of content, which can be roughly divided into two categories: thinking habits and behavior habits. As the psychological growth of primary school students has a gradual process, there is no need to carry out systematic scientific thinking training. It is only necessary to consciously guide in the communication with children in real life. For example, let children analyze the causes of some problems from multiple perspectives, and how to treat others when getting along with classmates


The main energy and time of parents should still be put on the development of children's good behavior habits. Behavioral habits also cover many aspects, such as: regular work and rest, personal and public health habits, habits of civilized language, eating habits, such as drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, good learning habits, saving habits, scientific consumption habits, such as the habit of accumulating and spending money in a planned way, etc. The habit formation is not an overnight thing, but a process of constant repetition, correction and strengthening, A process of constantly overcoming mistakes and bad habits. This requires parents not only to make children realize the importance of forming good habits, but also to remind and urge them from every aspect of life.


3. Capture various opportunities and situations in life and educate children. If parents are the children's first teachers, then life is the children's first big classroom. In fact, life is a lively and interesting classroom, a classroom full of truth, goodness and beauty, hypocrisy and ugliness. There are materials and opportunities for educating children all the time in life. Parents seize these opportunities and situations in life and seize the opportunity to guide and educate children. It is easier for children to understand and accept than simply preaching, and the effect should be better.


4. Make friends with children with a peaceful mind and an equal concept, and often communicate with them. We all love our children, and we all hope to know their emotions and thoughts all the time, so as to guide their physical and mental development. What children like is a good friend like father and mother who can play with them, laugh with them, sympathize with them, and sympathize with them, so that they can open their hearts and tell you what they mean. If the parents often take a commanding position, speak big words, and always scold or even scold, it is likely that this will not have the desired effect. It will also make the children close the door to communicate with the parents in advance, which means that the positive education of parents can no longer be transformed into the children's internal ideology and external behavior




Well, the above points are my personal understanding of children's education, which can also be said to be an assumption, because I, as a parent, do not do very well in many aspects, and I am not up to standard. Please criticize and correct the mistakes.


Thank you!

二年级家长会发言稿 篇6


1、 Self introduction and teachers


2、 Overall and individual progress in monthly examination results


3、 Last month, we changed our bad habits a lot, and made few mistakes. In the past semester, we didn't get red flags several times. Now we can guarantee discipline and health red flags every week. The whole class performs very well when the teacher is away. The students can do something in class and during self-study time. Our monitor on duty can arrange things very well every day, Always do things in a planned and purposeful way, so that students can systematically complete their learning tasks during the day's study. But this method is not suitable for every child. It is only suitable for most students in our class. It is not suitable for some students. This leads to the phenomenon that the overall performance of our class is improving, but individual students are making little progress, or even regressing. What should we do in this situation? It requires the cooperation of teachers and parents to let children have a systematic grasp of the whole knowledge system, Some parents achieve this goal by inviting tutors or letting students make up lessons


4、 Please see your parents as a career problem.


The form of school education is group oriented. One teacher should be responsible for the education and teaching of at least dozens of students. Therefore, schools cannot have enough time and energy to focus on one student as their parents do. Family education always has a special advantage. Its potential ability is huge. There is a phenomenon that children at the same age go to the same school at the same time, In the same class, the teaching time is the same, and the educational environment is the same, but the effect of receiving education is different. The reason for this differentiation is not the quality of school education, but the cooperation of family education. There is a metaphor that a teacher is like a doctor, and parents are like nurses. After a doctor prescribes medicine, the nurse's care is particularly important. School education can never be separated from the correct family education. If there is no good, correct and reasonable family education, no matter how good a teacher or school is, it is impossible to have a good educational effect. To this end, we must reach consensus on the following aspects.


1. To master the characteristics of children and carry out targeted education, we should pay more attention to the ways and methods of education. The attitude should not be rough and the language should not be excessive. Parents should try their best to spend time with their children, communicate with them frequently, and learn to treat problems they encounter in their growth equally. At ordinary times, we should communicate with children more and ask about their studies. We can't wait for the results to come out, and only when the problems come out can we think of caring for children. For example, children can ask casually when they come home; What's new at school today? Have you changed your deskmate? Do you like him? What are the characteristics of your math teacher's lectures? What beautiful short articles do you have in your textbook? Read two paragraphs of beautiful articles to relieve my boredom, and so on. Ordinary conversation will arouse children's interest. Only children tend to be self-centered. In fact, relying on teacher education alone is weak, and parents should pay more attention to it. When educating children, we should grasp the yardstick. Especially when correcting children's critical shortcomings, we must consider maturity and choose the best place and time; There is a female classmate in our class. Her parents communicate with her in the form of written conversation. They write down what they want to say to her on paper and leave it on the desk. They also write down her ideas, opinions and words that she doesn't want to say face to face. This method is very good. Both of them avoid emotional problems and are easy to accept. Parents can try.


2. We should estimate our children comprehensively and accurately. This assessment cannot be too high or too low. There is an old saying in the countryside that "crops are good for others, and children are good for themselves". When their children were very young, they thought they were very smart. But when they went to school, they saw a gap. Then they became discouraged at the middle school stage, which is caused by inaccurate estimation of children's intelligence. As the parents of children with better intelligence, we must see that "there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world".


3. We should give children more confidence and be a strong supporter of their growth. Due to the individual differences of children, it is inevitable that their performance will be good or bad. If children are unwilling to learn, which leads to poor performance, we should properly criticize them. If children do their best, but their performance is not ideal, we should give them confidence, rather than just throw cold water on them, which will cause them to have an aversion to learning. Listen to the voice of your children. Don't just scold them. Help them analyze the existing problems and find solutions. Then the children will not be rebellious and will be willing to communicate with you. In the face of children with poor behavior habits, parents should not blindly blame, let alone give up. We should encourage them more, give them confidence, cultivate their positive and optimistic attitude towards life, be good at discovering their strengths, patiently guide children to see their own shortcomings correctly, and work together to make plans to help them correct their shortcomings.. Sometimes a parent's words, eyes and actions may have a great impact on the child, even unforgettable. Positive encouragement and appreciation is an effective way to promote children's success. For example, if you failed in an exam, you should not sneer at him: Look at your appearance, what can you do. It's better to change an angle, and the effect will be different: such a difficult question, also got more than 60 points, good!


4. Students should be taught to observe discipline. Family law exists at home, school rules exist at school, and class discipline also exists in classes. These rules and disciplines are the guarantee for students to improve their performance. Only by properly observing these disciplines can students form a good class and comprehensively improve their own level. If any student fails to observe discipline, it is not only a kind of injury to himself, but also to those students who study hard and wholeheartedly. It is also a kind of injury to the class, and it is unfair to other students. This is what we do not want to see, and it is also absolutely not allowed. class


Some students speak dirty words, call other people's nicknames, or even write some dirty words on a piece of paper. It is not only easy to cause conflicts and conflicts, but also corrupt the class atmosphere. Parents are expected to strengthen education. Educate children to obey the teacher's discipline at school, respect teachers and not contradict them. Our teachers are very experienced teachers who have taught many, many students. Therefore, we should believe in the teacher's education method and level, and believe that everything the teacher does is for the children.


Educate children to be more self-criticism. When a child quarrels or conflicts with other students and tells about his or her grievances, let the child find the reasons from himself or herself first. Don't always help the child to speak, otherwise he or she will indulge his or her shortcomings. When being criticized by the teacher, let the child analyze why the head teacher and the teacher criticize you. Is it the teacher who finds fault with you? What's wrong with you? Strict requirements at any time are beneficial to students. The teacher's criticism education is responsible for children, praise is love, and criticism is even more a kind of love. After all, children are children, and what they say is not always true and credible. We should believe what the teacher says. We should ask parents to actively communicate with the head teacher and the teacher to understand the truth. We believe that many misunderstandings can be completely eliminated through communication, which is more conducive to the growth of children.

小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇7


Distinguished leaders, teachers, parents and dear students


hello everyone!


It is my great honor to have the opportunity to speak here as a parent representative on this beautiful and happy day as the year 20XX is coming. Today's beautiful day belongs to children first. First of all, please allow me, as an ordinary father, to extend my best congratulations to the children of the school. They are healthy and happy!


The towering trees cannot be separated from the careful cultivation of gardeners, the healthy growth of children, and the care and care of school leaders and teachers! For every parent, we are pleased to see that their children were innocent and ignorant when they were young, but now they are knowledgeable, polite and caring for others. The joy and hope of growth are nurtured in their young minds. All these growth and progress contain the earnest teachings of teachers and the hard work of teachers. Here, on behalf of my parents and friends, I would like to extend my most sincere thanks and highest respect to the teachers who have worked hard and made selfless contributions!


I have won many awards, but today's "Excellent Parent Volunteer" award is the most precious one! Speaking here as a parent representative, I am also full of anxiety, because I haven't done enough. However, I believe that the concern of school leaders, the trust of teachers, and especially the happy growth of children are the driving forces that motivate our parents to make continuous efforts! For children, we should constantly learn new knowledge and be a learning parent; For children, we should make constant efforts to be a civilized, tolerant, respectful and caring person with children; For children, we should be strict with ourselves in all aspects, set an example to children. We also thank the activity of "Listen to the voice outside the window, parents enter the classroom", which gives us the opportunity to learn and communicate with our children together!


Childhood is beautiful and childlike innocence is valuable. How to guide children to embark on a healthy, positive, happy and successful life step by step from the first step is an eternal topic for every parent. As parents, our knowledge structure and social experience have a large gap with the needs of modern education. Facing the growth of children, we are extremely gratified, but also deeply responsible. Education is the cornerstone of social development and also an endless exploration. Children need more space full of sunshine and nutrients for their growth. I hope society, schools, teachers and parents can work together to cultivate the hope and future of the motherland!


Finally, please allow me, on behalf of my family and parents and friends, to wish all leaders and teachers a smooth work and good health! I wish Golden Coast Primary School a more brilliant tomorrow!


Thank you!


hello everyone!首先对各位家长的到来表示热烈的欢迎。忙忙碌碌的一学期转眼间就过去了,孩子们也马上告别一年级小豆包的生活了。我跟咱们家长一样,眼看着孩子们一天天的长大,一天天的懂事,心里真是有说不出的喜悦和欣慰。


1、 Vacation arrangements:


Holiday time: January 26.


Opening time:


Three suggestions:


(1) Students who are less literate and poor in Pinyin will learn more Chinese characters during the holidays to lay a foundation for their study in the next semester. Children who are slow and not allowed to calculate should write a mental arithmetic card or a set of math papers during the holidays. The holiday of scribbling or learning calligraphy or carefully tracing calligraphy.


(2) During the holidays, parents should spare more time to play with their children. If it is convenient, they can take their children to travel, get close to nature and broaden their horizons.


(3) Make a study and activity plan with the children, complete the homework of each subject on time and in quantity every day, and carry out appropriate recreational and sports activities.


(4) Watch less TV or computers, and be sure to protect your eyesight. You can choose interest classes according to your child's interests. Try not to go to tutorial classes.


2、 Anatomy examination:


1. Talk about the final exam: the questions in this final exam are all basic knowledge, the students answer the questions very carefully, the writing on the paper is also very neat, and the results are good. There are 17 math students and 17 Chinese students with full marks. The total number of 53 students in the class is nearly one third. Full marks for 27 people in English. There are 10 students who are fully qualified in mathematics, Chinese and English.


They are: What has made great progress is that, on the whole, this test is about the seriousness of the children. The children have a solid grasp of basic knowledge, and their handwriting is relatively standard. Some students lost points mainly in four areas: Chinese: some children have weak foundation in Pinyin, inaccurate spelling, careless, careless attitude in answering papers, lack of flexibility in learning, and poor comprehensive learning ability. Cultivate language sense and pay attention to the use of punctuation when writing.


Conclusion: I think they are very smart and have talent for learning. The key is whether they have worked hard. Every child has infinite potential and can achieve the best. The key is whether the children themselves take learning seriously. Excellent children often win by being able to sit on a stool and work conscientiously.


2. Talk to everyone about how to treat children's exams.


Congratulate the child with full marks first, but it does not mean that this time full marks means that he has mastered all knowledge. A student who is not 100 points does not mean that he has no ability to achieve full marks. It may be that his attitude is not serious, his questions are lost or he is careless. If children have difficulties in learning, parents should not give up and be confident. And we should know that: score is not necessarily equal to future, more important than score is health, confidence and ability. Therefore, I advocate that we should work hard at ordinary times. Every time the children are asked to take the test paper back for signature, they want parents to know the children's learning situation through the test paper, and then help the children.


First of all, we should understand that the written examination is just a testing method, which aims to test the degree of children's mastery of knowledge over a period of time. A good exam shows a good grasp of knowledge; A poor exam shows that there are loopholes in knowledge. If there is a loophole, don't worry. You must find a way to fill it!


As the saying goes, a small hole does not mend, but a big one suffers. Strive to be clear on the spot and on the same day. There is no need to be afraid to fill the gaps in knowledge. How? First of all, we should calm down, look at the test paper with the children, find the loopholes, and analyze the reasons. If the mistake is caused by carelessness, tell the child to carefully check after writing; If you can't lose points, try to teach; It is to help children improve their speed if they lose points when writing slowly. If parents can calmly find out the reasons and find ways with their children after each test, their children will be able to handle things calmly after a long time.


The calm and restrained attitude of parents will enable children to have a correct understanding of the exam, feel secure and secure in their hearts, and will not tremble at the issuance of the exam paper, nor will they try to hide and deceive parents. In this way, another advantage is that when facing the big exam, we will not be too nervous and will become very calm.


3. Suggestion: After the parents' meeting, strike while the iron is hot to hold a family meeting. The whole family will sit together, and the adults will praise the progress of the children first. If conditions permit, the children can have a wish. Then determine the direction of future efforts with your child.


Therefore, no matter how busy our parents are, they should also take time to study with their children, find problems together and share the fun of learning. Supervise and help children develop the above necessary learning habits. Do not "herd sheep". Leave the child at home alone to do homework. At least one person should be left at home to guide and remind the child to do the above. After the child has formed the habit of self-consciousness, it will be OK to let go.


However, before children have formed good learning habits, they should not be taken lightly and let go. That is to let go of their future and development. I believe that the parents of our class are responsible and good parents. Some parents complained that whether the teacher left homework for parents or children? If the child is quite self-supporting, or has confidence in his or her own child, you don't care. Please don't take such complaints as children's words to lower the teacher's prestige. If a child is a boat, the teacher and parents are a pair of oars. The boat can move forward only when the oars are used together. I hope parents can continue to cooperate, give full play to the role of external forces, and let children walk more steadily and develop faster on the road of growth.


Thank you!祝我们的孩子假期愉快,学习进步!祝大家工作顺利,合家幸福!

小学二年级家长会发言稿 篇8


























好的习惯是成功的保证。因此,我们强化对学生进行良好习惯的培养。而良好的学习习惯则包括作业习惯、听课习惯、阅读习惯。在学校常规习惯养成方面,很多孩子都养成了好的习惯,早上来到后摆好学习用品或是打扫卫生或是读书,课前准备好上课所用的课本,听到预备铃响后能安安静静的趴好等老师来上课,中午到校后都能自觉的练字。这样孩子们进入教室就有很好的学习氛围。 小学生要培养的学习习惯有八个:












第三、抓态度。要求学习专心、细心,勇于克服学习中的困难,书写要工整、清洁、准确,不能“虎头蛇尾”或“龙飞凤舞”。 做作业尽可能不要橡皮擦等。为使孩子养成良好的习惯,提高正确率与责任感,要求孩子养成检查的习惯。有的孩子在不同时间不同地点写的字不一样,教育孩子要持之以恒。

































最新小学二年级家长会发言稿_家长会发言稿 篇9


Dear teachers and parents


hello everyone! I am Han Zexi's mother. First of all, I would like to thank the school and teachers for giving me such a good opportunity. I feel very honored to stand here to discuss and share the children's education with you. As for the education of children, I think there must be many parents present who have done better than me. There are still many omissions in their own education of children. I will discuss with you here and learn from each other.


Our children are about seven or eight years old. Children at this stage are in a critical period of rapid physical development, intellectual development, and behavior cultivation. Parents are the first teachers of children, and children need their parents' correct guidance. The "I show, I am happy" exhibition activity organized by our school some time ago, I think it is very good! This not only helps children to overcome their shyness, but also enhances their self-confidence. According to the teacher's proposal, let the children show themselves in front of strangers boldly and actively. Although Han Zexi is usually an outgoing, lively and active child, he was also a bit nervous and timid at the beginning. I was thinking: This matter is urgent. I must be patient, starting with people the children know, let him have a certain amount of courage, and then slowly spread out. After thinking about it, he started to take action. Every night after work, he took him to exercise. From his family to his colleagues, he would praise and encourage him in time when he saw that he had made progress. Finally, he took him to the supermarket and on the road. After a period of exercise, his son would no longer feel timid when he met any strangers. He would take the initiative to show himself and was pleased to hear everyone's praise, However, there are also cases where strangers do not cooperate, which requires parents to guide their children's psychology in a timely manner to avoid shadows. However, it is also a way of training children to let them touch the wall properly, so that they can understand that everything is not always smooth. In their growth journey, there will be ups and downs, and pay will pay off. I am also gratified to see that my son is more and more confident. Through this event, I have a deeper understanding of the importance of encouraging education.


After a period of training, children have become more interested in learning. They have been waiting for me with tears when they encountered problems that they could not do. Now they are taking the initiative to solve problems. Their thinking has also changed a lot. Seeing problems has also become multifaceted. Confidence is the driving force for life and the source of strength for children's continuous progress. It further enhanced his self-confidence, aroused his enthusiasm for learning, and made learning a happy thing. I also felt much easier!


The growth of children can not be separated from the fertile land of school. Good learning habits are the key to achieving good results, and parents need more cooperation. Therefore, as parents, we should cooperate with teachers to let children gradually develop good learning and living habits. In normal education, we give priority to praise, and create a good learning atmosphere and environment for children. If we do not advance, we will go back. We should also learn with children and make progress together!


The above is my humble opinion and personal experience on family education. You are welcome to criticize and correct me. Let's work together for the healthy growth of our children!


Finally, I wish teachers good health and smooth work!


I wish parents and friends a harmonious family and a happy life!