
时间:2022-10-15 13:29:58 | 来源:语文通



国庆节的日记 篇1国庆节的日记 篇2国庆节的日记 篇3国庆节的日记 篇4

国庆节的日记 篇1


October 2nd


My parents took me to participate in the National Day holiday activities organized by my father's unit. Come to the Tianlu Lake Conference Center of the Armed Police Force in the suburb, where the scenery is beautiful. Several children and I were so happy that we walked into the activity room on the first floor, where there were billiards, billiards, table tennis, many fitness equipment and video games. We played happily. Some people played table tennis and some people played billiards. My little brother and I chose to play the game machine. We played happily. After a while, my father told me not to play and said, "It's not good for my eyes to play too much video games for a long time.". I wanted to play for a while, but after listening to my father, I went to climb the mountain with him.


I had a really happy and meaningful holiday.

国庆节的日记 篇2


October 1st is our mother's birthday. October 1, 1949 was the day of the birth of New China. The founding ceremony was held at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Every year on this day, we will celebrate the birthday of our motherland, which is the origin of the National Day holiday.


In this National Day holiday, my father and I went to the East Lake Park. The flower beds at the gate of the park are in full bloom, and everyone is happy. After entering the door, my father and I went to see the dry land sledge first, and then we went to play UFO, merry go round and big train. Then my father took me to catch loaches in the loach pond. The loach is very slippery. It's not easy to catch it. I took the sign and went in alone. In a short time, I caught two loaches. I was very happy. When I left, I asked the administrator for some loaches. Then I left contentedly. Finally, I went to play the Golden Dragon Trolley again. After playing it twice, I still felt that it was not enough fun. It seems that I will have to come back next time!


I had a very happy National Day holiday and sincerely wish my mother a happy birthday. The motherland is getting richer and stronger. I believe that the birthday of the motherland mother will be better and better year by year.

国庆节的日记 篇3


In autumn, my parents and I went to Hangzhou to see the West Lake. There are ten scenic spots in the West Lake. Broken Bridge and Canxue are probably the most famous. It is said that in winter, the bridge is covered with white snow. It looks indistinct and indistinct, but looks like it was broken from a distance. Therefore, it is named "Broken Bridge Canxue".


In the summer, those lotus flowers in the West Lake opened, just like beautiful girls. At this time, standing on the broken bridge and looking at those lotus flowers, it's really amazing. Although the season we came to was autumn, we could not appreciate the broken bridge in the snow, and the lotus blossoms in summer also withered after the flowering period! But the beauty of the West Lake is still numerous.


Looking at the night scene of the West Lake under the light, we couldn't help admiring the beautiful scenery that made us close our mouths. "How well the West Lake is protected! In such a modern environment, it is still so beautiful!" Looking at some small fish playing in the lake, I thought to myself that if we don't take good care of the environment, destroy and kill them at will, our future generations may not be able to see the beautiful scenery of the West Lake in hundreds of years, or even imagine it.


How beautiful the West Lake is! I love the West Lake!

国庆节的日记 篇4


It's good. On the National Day, the aunt who handed out the leaflet gave me a ticket for the circus.


As soon as I got home, I pestered my father to take me to the circus. My father finally agreed to take me to the circus on the 3rd night after my repeated pleadings.


The evening of the 3rd arrived in a twinkling of an eye, and I was very excited. Dad took me to the circus on a battery car.


Just entering the circus, I saw two Siberian tigers and three African lions in the big cage, and two little monkeys in the small cage.


The circus performance began. The trainer released two Amur tigers and asked them to wave their hands. One of the larger Amur tigers raised two front paws and waved their hands to everyone. What about the other? It roared at the trainer, who hurriedly waved his whip. The smaller Siberian tiger raised its two front paws obediently, which made us all laugh. Later performances include bear rings, cycling, monkey pulling the bike


Ah, this National Day is really interesting!