
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:15 | 来源:语文通



开学第二周周记 篇1开学第二周周记 篇2开学第二周周记 篇3开学第二周周记 篇4开学第二周周记 篇5开学第二周周记 篇6

开学第二周周记 篇1


Two weeks have passed since the new semester. These two weeks seem to be very short, but they are so fast. Before we can have a detailed taste, they have gone. So, it's better to remember this week's study life and keep a memory.


This week, our class began to implement a new system - nine groups obtained quantitative scores according to the average score of six groups who recorded their scores in each language, number, English and material. There are health, behavior and other assessments in the school, as well as in the class. If a student in a group deducts a score in the school's evaluation column for various reasons, the score will be deducted twice in the group's evaluation column. Of course, if some students win prizes in certain competitions during this period, they can also be counted into the individual prizes scored by the group. This is almost the case. It is planned to implement the midterm exam. At present, this evaluation column has been posted on the exhibition board of our class, but the first score statistics has not been carried out.


Another plan is also related to learning. That is, each student should set a goal for himself. This goal is to try to surpass a student who was in front of you in the final exam last term. The midterm exam is the first opportunity to achieve the goal. If the students succeed in catching up, they will pay tribute to the students who have been overtaken. If they fail to catch up, they will pay tribute to the target characters. There was no one in front of me, so I decided to be in the top ten of my grade. I hope I can work hard to get back to the top ten this time!


The last thing has nothing to do with learning - that is, under my leadership (it should be said so), our class started a strong Rubik's Cube craze, and many students picked up the Rubik's Cube and began to explore carefully. Of course, there are many students in our class who can spell, which surprises me. Anyway, the "Rubik's Cube Explanatory Drawing" I created recently is currently being snapped up in our class. This weekend, I lent it to Jin BERLIN. Of course, many other students want to borrow it. Ha ha, I'm still good~~~

开学第二周周记 篇2


The first week of school was a happy one, and we ushered in a happy second week. In the first week, I gave myself a good leader.


After the lessons of last semester, I finally look forward to a new start. In the first week, I have been working hard. Although there are still shortcomings, I believe that I will do better with the help of teachers, the fun of learning and the support of my classmates! In the second week, I will continue my efforts in the first week to do better.


I am willing to do what I can for the students, and more willing to be a good helper of teachers. To assist teachers, help students in difficulties, and contribute to the class.


Although I think my current situation is good, there are still areas for improvement. For example, my temper is not very good, and I can easily quarrel with my classmates. These problems not only hinder the friendship between me and my classmates, but also add a lot of trouble to the teacher and disturb the rules and order of the class.


I believe I can do my best and make our class more brilliant.

开学第二周周记 篇3


In the second week of school, everything was on track. This week, I did not arrive late or leave early, nor did I forget to bring school supplies. My mother will urge me to do my homework and help me tidy up my school tools every night. This week's homework was not given much by the teacher, because it was all new lessons, mainly for preview. When I went home, I basically did the homework of reading and reciting. I almost finished it in half an hour.


In addition to school study, my mother also helped me sign up for extracurricular interest classes, painting and dancing, both of which I like, so I will study hard.

希望变成二年级大朋友的 m.shubaoc.com 我,能越长越大,学习更上一层楼。开学第二周的日记,开学第二周了,是否已经完全适应新学期的学习,也收心了,各科学习的进度是否跟的上?一起来说说吧!

M.SHUBAOC, who hopes to become a sophomore friend COM I, can grow bigger, learn more. The diary of the second week of school. Has the second week of school been fully adapted to the study of the new semester? Is the progress of each subject keeping up? Let's talk about it together!

开学第二周周记 篇4


This week, because of the Mid Autumn Festival, we only had a 4-day school holiday.


Although I have been in school for a week, I still couldn't help telling my parents the truth "Actually, I cry every day at school, but I cry secretly in the bathroom, and nobody finds out". Because I thought of leaving my parents for a whole day, I was very sad, but I have stopped crying now and can concentrate on listening every day.


September 10 is Teachers' Day. I wish teachers a happy holiday.


In the second week, I finally fell asleep after taking a nap. Before that, I was very sleepy when I came back every day to have a good meal. It seems that it is quite reasonable for the teacher to let us take a quiet nap in the afternoon. After coming back in the evening, we can read books for a long time, and we can also go downstairs to jump rope with my father. Although I am tired of jumping 50 times a minute, I believe that every day I will make progress in jumping rope. Now my legs are not hurt anymore, and I jump rope very lightly.


Today, after finishing the homework assigned by my teacher, I read two books I like. It's too early to think about it. I also want to see Where is Dad going in the evening, so I drew two more pictures. One is a little tiger, and the other is a child from Class 104.


I hope that I can work harder next week to gather all the little saffron flowers as soon as possible and go to the teacher's place to draw prizes as soon as possible.

开学第二周周记 篇5


Today is the second week of school. I have gradually adapted to school life, and there are new things every day.


Monday is a new start, but I know that most students will feel like a monster driving away the wonderful holiday. Originally, I imagined that spring was a warm and sunny season, and students could play outside the classroom. But it is totally different from what I imagined. The long rainy season makes people feel bored. Maybe because of the long rain, the students lost their original patience for early reading, including me. This led to our first class punishment since the new semester - copy text.


On Friday, I arrived at school at 7:30 as usual. It's going to be a holiday soon, so I can't help talking with my classmates, and then my student number appears on the blackboard. The unselfish early reading committee member wronged me and refused to listen to my explanation. Obviously, I'm not the only one excited about Friday. However, the teacher came at this time. When the teacher saw such a messy scene, he was shocked and said: "The whole class will give me the text. If I don't copy it twice before school today, I will double it on the weekend!" Unfortunately, I had to copy the text hard. After copying three texts, the only good luck today was that the member of the early reading committee, with my explanation, erased my student ID and avoided the tragedy of doubling my number at the weekend.


Today is Sunday. It's sunny!

开学第二周周记 篇6


Time flies. Two short weeks have passed since the beginning of school. It may be due to the reason of living on campus. Last week, my learning efficiency was much higher than last semester. In the evening, I can read some extracurricular books after finishing my homework, or preview the content after it. I feel very full. I don't want to watch TV after finishing my homework as before.


The first half month of school has passed, and the monthly exam will be held in two weeks. I think I should start reviewing the previous content in the next two weeks to prepare for the monthly exam.


Last week was also a special week, because it was the last week that our Chinese teacher Chen taught us. Although the time of contact with teachers is only a short semester, there is an old saying that "one day as a teacher and one day as a father", leaving is a bit reluctant after all. However, I think this is also a new start. I hope we can get along well with our new teacher, and I hope our class's performance can be improved!