
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:13 | 来源:语文通



电影观后感 篇1电影观后感 篇2电影观后感 篇3电影观后感 篇4电影观后感 篇5优秀电影观后感 篇6电影观后感 篇7电影观后感 篇8电影观后感 篇9电影观后感 篇10

电影观后感 篇1


This is a film about native families, but it gives me more thoughts about family and interpersonal relationships. We live in a relatively open and clear era, and we should allow all the states of discord to occur. As the producer said, the outlet of emotional relations should not be reconciliation, but self-healing.


When watching the film, I was more silent and sad, but after watching the film, I was more relieved. I think this is the most attractive part of the film.


Your relationship with your mother determines your relationship with the world.


I often think about the relationship between my mother and me, which is more like a friend. Even if we don't know something, we can understand each other. We seldom say I love you to each other, but love is also in our hearts.


Let's talk about actors. I've never been disappointed in Sister Hao Lei's acting skills. I like everything. Her words and deeds are all feelings and life.


At the end of the movie, I really like the scene of surging tide. The spring tide is surging, and the water is flowing. Slowly everything will be fine. Time is the best healer.

电影观后感 篇2


On Saturday, I went to see a super hot movie with my family: War Wolf 2. When I finished watching the film, I thought it was very beautiful, with exciting scenes and moving places.


Leng Feng (played by Wu Jing) is unlucky to encounter war in Africa. As a soldier, he ignores his own danger and shields people to hide in the embassy. The Red Scarf Army can only withdraw. Seeing this, I am very proud: during the war, the ambassadors of other countries fled home, and my embassy was finally closed to save those overseas Chinese in the turmoil. This makes me very proud, this is my motherland! A prosperous and powerful country!


When we saw the mercenaries killing Chinese nationals, the ship growled, "Open fire!" At that time, I was very moved. Look, this is our army! It is the guarantee of our life safety. Because of their efforts, we can live happily.


In the film, I like Wu Jing's words "ONCEAWOLF, ALWAYSAWOLF!" That is, "once a war wolf, all your life a war wolf!" When this sentence was uttered from Lengfeng's mouth, I felt my blood boiling and Lengfeng was very moral.


When Leng Feng raised the national flag and successfully passed the war zone, I was excited beyond words. At that time, I thought our national flag was the most beautiful in the world. It was the flag of heroes and it protected us.


At the end of the film, a Chinese passport appeared, which said, "When you are in danger overseas, don't give up! Please remember, there is a strong motherland behind you!"


Yes, this is my motherland. Although not the first in the world, it is a country that has been working hard. I believe that our motherland will become stronger and stronger.


I am proud of being a Chinese!

电影观后感 篇3


Among Ghibli's animated films, the most beloved one is "Spirited Away", which is a fable fairy tale dedicated not only to children but also to adults. Under the seemingly ordinary appearance of the hero, Spirited Away, her innocence and bravery have not only become a weapon for him to face the supernatural world, but also constantly touched the audience's resonance for growth. Hayao Miyazaki's dream of light and shadow in real life is extraordinary with his animated fables.


The film mainly describes the growth process of the hero Qianxun: from the beginning, a girl who is somewhat capricious and mischievous, to a responsible and responsible adult


The most impressive thing is the exaggerated things and behaviors described in the film. Everything in the film has symbolic significance. For example, the most vivid thing reflected in the film is "eating", which means greedy desire. Qianxun's parents become pigs because of greedy eating. After devouring the greedy frogs, the faceless boy became more and more greedy and evil. Losing her name, parents, freedom, Gan Xun started her challenging growth journey in this gloomy atmosphere.


In addition, it is also worth mentioning the color style of the screen. The whole film uses dark colors, and everything on the screen is covered with a light shadow, creating a depressing and slightly gloomy atmosphere. However, under this gloomy sky, Qianxun, the hero, insisted on facing all difficulties and persevering on the road of growth. In the dark colors, there are often dark yellow gentle lights. Yellow symbolizes hope, which just reflects the warm human brilliance contained in the dark atmosphere of the town. Although it is small, it always insists on illuminating the town.

电影观后感 篇4


Today, we are coming to the Youth Activity Center of Xianxian Cultural Square with the pace of spring, because we are going to see a movie "War Wolf 2".


After watching the film, I was most touched by the sentence: "When you are in danger overseas, don't give up. Please remember that there is a strong motherland behind you!" It let me know what a powerful motherland we Chinese have behind us.


Leng Feng is the hero of the film. He is facing countless Red Scarf soldiers and will not hesitate to die for his brothers. He is brave and tenacious. No one dares to act rashly. In the film, there is a scene that I will never forget: a group of pirates hijacked a cargo ship sailing at sea. Facing a group of strangers, Lengfeng left everything behind and jumped into the blue sea to fight with the pirates. The cold front is equally heroic on land. It was he who saved the workers of the whole factory, not only the Chinese, but also every foreign worker in the factory. Leng Feng, he has completed his "mission". He is a "soldier"! He is a "hero"!


Leng Feng, you are brave and invincible. You are the wolf of China.


Wolf, Wolf, you spread the reputation of Asia the Invincible everywhere. You make us believe that there is a strong motherland behind us. I am proud, I am Chinese, I am even more proud of China!


Comments: "War Wolf II" is an excellent film to promote patriotism. The little author was deeply moved after watching the film, so he had this very patriotic feeling. The seed of patriotism is deeply rooted in the author's heart. This is a paean of patriotism!

电影观后感 篇5


Abortion is a child who loves his relatives. My mother is in hospital. She missed her very much and hoped that she would recover as soon as possible. She also loves Xiaomei. Although she was worried about the news that her mother had delayed her discharge from hospital and had a bad attitude towards her sister when she was sad, she still lost her temper. However, she found Xiaomei lost her way. She tried to find her sister, took off her shoes and ran barefoot to find her sister.


The moon is a capable child. She helps her family cook, not only preparing breakfast, but also preparing lunch for them at noon. When my father has no time, Xiaoyue can take good care of my sister Xiaomei. In addition, she also helps her mother-in-law do farm work and pick mature crops.


Xiaomei is a four year old girl. She is very friendly. Facing the strange Dragon Cat, Xiaomei made good friends with his innocent smile.


Xiaomei is full of curiosity. When she saw the chinchilla enter the tree hole, she had to catch up and have a look. I want to know what's in the tree hole. Unexpectedly, she and Longmao finally became good friends.


Xiaomei loves her family as much as her sister. Xiaomei is worried about her mother's health. She misses her mother very much. She has been looking forward to leaving hospital and sleeping with her. When she and her sister pick corn from their mother-in-law's house, she must give the corn she picked to her mother.


Chinchilla is very big, but he is very gentle. Xiaomei saw the Dragon Cat for the first time. The chinchilla is sleeping. When he yawned, he showed his smooth teeth. It can also be seen that chinchillas do not eat meat. He is not a dangerous man.


Longmao, Xiaomei and Xiaoyue became good friends. He let Xiaomei lie down on him to sleep. He gave the acorn seed to Xiao Mei and Xiao Yue. He also helped Xiaoyue find his sister Xiaomei. He gave his sister a lot of help.

优秀电影观后感 篇6


I have been browsing Douban for more than ten years and have registered for several years. I have never posted anything and rarely commented on it. I have been a diver for more than ten years. Why did I suddenly choose to go out and say a few words? Because this event and I have passed by "fate".


As a captain of a domestic airline, he repeats the monotonous high altitude, high pressure and high radiation flight mission with a strong sense of mission every day. It is my flight mission to safely deliver every passenger who steps on my plane every day to the destination. On that day, I flew from a certain place to Chengdu in the morning and landed in Chengdu 40 minutes after the flight of Sichuan Airlines. However, due to its particularity, Chengdu Airport closed the commonly used runway, and we landed in Chengdu using the rarely used runway and the rarely used approach method. In the morning, the fog almost missed the plane because of visibility problems. Having experienced this event at the first scene and as an insider in the industry, I sincerely feel that this event is a magnificent and impressive feat in the civil aviation industry.


The lack of aircraft configuration, the flight crew facing the cold and extreme conditions at high altitude, the loss of aircraft automation ability, the geographical environment at the time of the accident, the mental and physical substates of the crew brought by the early flight, and the lack of visibility in the early morning in Chengdu... All the status quo and real conditions have added some difficulties to the successful landing of the flight in Chengdu, but they did. I remember seeing the captain's interview. At the moment when the plane stopped, the second captain patted him on the shoulder in the back. The two of them looked at each other without saying... What is more important than living?


I remember that when I was in the control area of Guiyang, I could hear all kinds of noises in the air at both the normal frequency and the emergency frequency. There were planes helping to deliver messages, and there were anxious shouts from the air controller... I was still complaining: What's your name in the morning? The moment I opened my mobile phone when I landed in Chengdu, I knew that another plane parked hundreds of meters away from me had encountered this special event that happened once in a century.


I have seen Danzel's Flight, Dongmu's Captain Sally, and the classic TV series "The Aerial Catastrophe" that we all collect when we fly... Many fragments are thought-provoking, many emotions are sympathetic, and many predecessors have provided lessons... It is not easy for all walks of life to cherish each other, cherish the present, and cherish life.


I will definitely go to the cinema to support it. It is estimated that the company will issue tickets to encourage everyone to go to see it, ha ha

电影观后感 篇7


Different from the rhythm of the same type of films in the past, the Warrior started with a clear idea and condensed the time into three days of "forced ferry" and "flight capture". The battle of Dadu River came up, which made the audience worried; Without waiting for a break, the Red Fourth Regiment ushered in the task of running for 240 li day and night; Finally, it ushered in the climax of seizing Luding Bridge. The three narrations were all completed in a high rhythm and high intensity iron attack, and time bar subtitles appeared from time to time to present a countdown like tension, just like the narrative rhythm of Hollywood action movies.


This non-stop fast rhythm not only conforms to the historical facts, but also allows the audience to experience the non-stop battle journey of the Fourth Red Army Regiment, and re understand the fearless spirit of the Red Army's Long March warriors, who are running towards death.

电影观后感 篇8

人生最宝贵的是什么?有人会说,是聪明智慧,有人会说,是家财万贯 ,其实人生最宝贵的是生命。不是有一句话说生命是革命的本钱吗?生命是珍贵的,是公平的,它对每一个人都只有一次,失去了就不再拥有。所以我们必须对自己的生命负责。看了这部篇子,我的心情异常沉重。

What is the most precious thing in life? Some people will say that it is wisdom, while others will say that it is wealth. In fact, life is the most precious thing in life. Isn't there a saying that life is the capital of revolution? Life is precious and fair. It is for everyone only once. If you lose it, you will never have it again. So we must be responsible for our own lives. After reading this article, my heart is very heavy.

最令我吃惊的是,一年中,竟有好几十万的中小学生是因意外事故 而死亡。踢足球、玩耍、在马路上干任何不该做的事,一场车祸就轻易的夺走了一个个脆弱的生命,一朵朵祖国未来美丽的花。生命真的好脆弱啊,禁不起一点点的风吹雨打屏幕上,那一幕幕让人看得触目惊心,那一幕幕也紧紧地揪着同学们的心:有的在马路上滑溜冰鞋,有的在马路上玩飞盘,因为我们往往不小心,就会酿成一场悲剧的发生。

What surprised me most was that hundreds of thousands of primary and secondary school students died of accidents in a year. Playing football, playing, and doing anything that should not be done on the road, a car accident easily took away a fragile life, a beautiful flower of the future of the motherland. Life is really fragile. We can't afford to watch a little bit of wind and rain on the screen. That scene was shocking, and that scene also tightly gripped the hearts of students: some skated on the road, and some played Frisbee on the road. Because we are often careless, it will lead to a tragedy.


Our life is as beautiful as a flower, and as fragile as a flower. The flower will be heavy, but life gives us only once. This precious life is given by our parents, and we should all cherish it. Boys and girls, don't think that the disaster is far away. In fact, it is lurking around us. When you leave the teacher's words behind, when you don't abide by the school rules, when you are too happy to get carried away, and when you are determined to go your own way... It comes quietly, and its coming is bound to be painful, even for a lifetime. Let us remember safety, observe discipline, cherish life and create a better future for us!

电影观后感 篇9


During the winter vacation, my mother and I took me to see the movie Yuan Longping.


Before the film started, my mother didn't tell me anything, and I didn't know who Yuan Longping was or what he did. After the film started, when I saw a sister in the film who was dizzy with hunger, the sister still broke her head when she wanted to take out the only seed in the family to prepare for farming for Grandpa Yuan Longping to cook. Grandpa Yuan's eyes were full of tears and determination: people should not be hungry again, and it became Grandpa Yuan's lifelong goal to make people eat. It suddenly occurred to me that Grandpa Yuan, the first Shennong I learned in the Chinese Classroom, was driving away the evil that made many people hungry with a divine whip just like Shennong.


Since then, in order to achieve this goal, Grandpa Yuan has lived for decades, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter: in the hot sun, in the rainstorm, he did not fear any difficulties, and bravely and persistently moved forward for his dream. Finally, after more than ten years of hard research, Grandpa Yuan finally succeeded!


Although I am only a pupil for two years, I also have my own dream - I really want to go to Beijing to study in a first-class university in a few years. My mother told me that it was also a hard road. Like Grandpa Yuan, I should persevere in the face of difficulties, learn more about growth skills, and work hard towards my goal!

电影观后感 篇10


I watched Coach Carter by accident yesterday. Although I am not a coach, as a teacher, I have similarities and differences with Carter. I really like his view of "putting people first", which is also my own difference from others.


I believe that not everyone likes playing basketball, so perhaps many people do not know this film with basketball as the theme; But I believe that everyone needs to be encouraged and moved from the bottom of his heart.


This is a story about a coach who changed the lives of a group of high school students through basketball. In this world, there is nothing more touching than seeing the changes of life.


"Our biggest fear is not that we are not good enough, but that we cannot see our great potential."


Use this sentence to make the end of this recommendation and the beginning of each day!