
时间:2022-11-19 12:59:02 | 来源:语文通



绿豆发芽的过程观察日记 篇1绿豆发芽观察日记 篇2绿豆芽的生长过程观察日记 篇3绿豆发芽过程观察日记 篇4绿豆发芽观察日记 篇5绿豆发芽观察日记 篇6绿豆发芽的观察日记 篇7绿豆发芽观察日记 篇8绿豆发芽过程观察日记 篇9

绿豆发芽的过程观察日记 篇1


Tuesday, November 10th Sunny


This evening, I took out some green beans, sprinkled them in a disposable cup, poured some water, and put them on the table. I hope they will germinate soon.


Wednesday, November 11th Sunny


When I got up in the morning, I hurried to the table. I found that the color of beans became light green, a little swollen, like a balloon blowing air. It seems that they are growing up quietly while I am sleeping!


In the evening, I found the beans sprouted! Interestingly, their shells split from the middle, and the mung bean's body split into a small crack, as if breathing with its mouth slightly open. A white, one or two millimeter bud stretched out from the middle crack.


Thursday, November 12 Sunny


Last night, I covered the beans with paper towels. This morning, I opened the paper towels and was surprised to find that the sprouts of beans had grown to about one centimeter. How fast!


However, when I came home at night, the sprouts of beans seemed to have no change, which made me a little disappointed.


Friday, November 13 Sunny


This morning, I found that the bean sprouts were a little longer, and the roots of several bean sprouts were a little bit purple.


In the evening, I carefully observed that the bean sprouts had grown again and the water in the cup had been sucked up. I thought they must be thirsty, so I quickly added water to the cup.


November 14, Saturday, overcast


Today, the sprouts of beans are growing longer. It seems that the water in the cup is not enough for them to drink. In one night's work, they finished drinking the water. Haha, I can imagine that they are scrambling to drink water!


November 15 Sunny Sunday


When I got up, I saw the bean sprouts greet me with vigor! I take a ruler to measure them. They have grown to 2cm. Some are tall, thin, and some are short, fat, and cute!


In the evening, I picked up a ruler to measure their height. The tallest one has grown to 3cm. The little beans took off their coats, and two white beans were completely exposed.


Monday, November 16th Sunny


It has to be said that bean sprouts grow fast! It has more and more roots, like an old man's beard.


Tuesday, November 17 Sunny


I was surprised to find that the bean sprouts grew to 5cm! Many beans turn purple or green, but only a few do not change color. Some beans have grown two small leaves. The small green leaves are like a pair of small wings. They are very beautiful!


Wednesday, November 18th Sunny


Today, bean sprouts actually give off an unpleasant smell. The unpleasant smell is like garlic and green leaves, which makes me want to vomit. Oh, I should have forgotten to change the water!


I think in two days, I can transplant them into the soil and cultivate them well. I hope they can thrive, blossom and bear fruit!

绿豆发芽观察日记 篇2


The Mid Autumn Festival is a three-day holiday. Our teacher gave us an interesting task - soaking green beans and observing their changes.


The first day, I took 20 green beans and soaked them in water. In the afternoon, I found that the skin of mung beans had become wrinkled, and then I found that the water was a little green.


The next day, I found that some of the mungbean clothes had been taken off, and they were as bare as white pearls. I asked my mother, "Can it become mung bean sprouts?" My mother told me of course and told me to change the clean water, otherwise the water would smell.


The third day, when I went to see mungbeans, I suddenly found that mungbeans sprouted. The tender buds were very cute, like the capital English Q we just learned. Mom said it would be the same as the green bean sprouts we bought in two or three days.


I have been looking forward to that day.

绿豆芽的生长过程观察日记 篇3


It's sunny on September 19th


In the evening, I took out a handful of mung beans from the bag, soaked them in water, and waited for them to become fat tomorrow.


Monday, September 20th Sunny


In the morning, after a night of brewing, the beans are round and bulging. The green clothes have already split. When I got home at noon, I couldn't see any change in the beans. In the evening, beans opened their mouths one by one, stuck out their little "tongues" as if making faces, and said to me: "Fortunately, we don't have to do homework. Are you tired? How stupid! Ha ha ha ha!" I saw the "tongue" stretched out longer and longer, which was very funny, and it was also emitting fragrance. It was very beautiful.


Tuesday, September 21, sunny


In the morning, the bean sprouts are three centimeters long. I really hope they grow faster! A week passed, and the bean sprout was fourteen centimeters long. Oh, I can't eat bean sprouts.


Wednesday, October 1 Sunny


The roots of these bean sprouts are very thin, and they also emit a delicate fragrance. The color of the stem is light purple, while the middle part is light green, which is very beautiful! There are two or three leaves growing on the stem, some are spread out, some are not spread out, but it is still beautiful. Although these bean sprouts do not have the pride of chrysanthemums or the fragrance of roses, their vitality is very tenacious. It takes little from people, only needs some water, and gives all of its own to people for people to eat.


This little bean sprout brings me endless thinking.

绿豆发芽过程观察日记 篇4


In order to cultivate our observation ability, the teacher assigned us to write a diary to observe the "bean sprout growth process". On Friday evening, my mother and I grabbed a handful of mungbeans and put them into a transparent glass, then poured some water into the glass, so that the mungbeans could be completely immersed in the water, thus starting the observation of the first day. I found that mung beans are oval. Its color is green, and it has a black hole on one side. It looks like a mouth. It's lovely!


The next morning, when I got up, I couldn't wait to see what the little green beans in the glass looked like? I found that mungbeans are much fatter than before, but they haven't sprouted yet. The water in the cup has become light green. My mother told me that mungbeans haven't sprouted so quickly. In the evening, mother poured out the water, and then took a piece of cloth to cover the glass. Mom said: "Mung beans can't be soaked in water for a long time, or they will rot, but they also need to keep a certain humidity, so you need to cover the glass with a wet cloth, so the water won't evaporate easily."


When dealing with nature's creatures, we should carefully observe them.

绿豆发芽观察日记 篇5


A little girl, wearing green clothes, tightened the zipper - mung beans. There is a white vertical line on the "belly" of mung beans. This evening, I put the hard green beans into a big bowl filled with water to soak them, and prepare to put them into a breathable basin to sprout beans when they are swollen by water.

8月28日  星期天

Sunday, August 28


One night later, I found that mungbeans were getting fat. They broke the "green clothes" and showed their white "little belly". There were some small bubbles floating on the water. A few impatient mungbeans have exposed their short white roots, just like a small signal.


My mother and I found a plastic basket with small holes, spread the soaked gauze on the bottom of the plastic basket, then spread the mung beans on the gauze, finally cover the gauze with mung beans, and put the plastic basket in the dark. I asked my mother: Why should I use a plastic basket with holes and breathable gauze? Mother said: This way, mung beans can absorb enough air and water, and let the water evaporate faster.


In the evening, I went to observe mung beans. These naughty little mungbeans are scrambling to show white roots one by one, just like little hands held high to greet me! These naughty little mungbeans shouted, "It's so hot! It's so hot!", Some threw off all their green clothes in a hurry, some took off only half of their clothes, and some were shy of wearing all their green clothes.

8月29日  星期一

Monday, August 29


When I got up in the morning, I couldn't wait to observe these mungbeans. I was anxious to know what they looked like after a night. I saw that their "little hands" grew longer and thicker, just like a long white arm waving to me and saying, "Thank you for your thoughtful care for us these three days." Some mungbeans have nowhere to stretch their hands. They are so anxious that they stretch their hands out of the bottom of the plastic basket to greet me and thank me. Some delicious and nutritious mungbeans grow two yellow green "small mouths" between the two watercress and sing praises to me incessantly. Some were embarrassed to speak, and their faces turned pink and purple. Mother said that she could take off the gauze covered and let the mung bean stand in the light to absorb the moisture of the sun.

绿豆发芽观察日记 篇6

9月16日 星期一 中雨

Monday, September 16 Moderate rain


When I came home from school, I excitedly told my father that the teacher assigned a job of soaking beans today, and I was eager to do it myself. I put some green beans and soybeans on the plate, and then put some water on it. I poured out the bad beans and water, and then put a little water on it. Beans, like pearls, lie quietly on the plate and sleep. In order to keep the beans hydrated, my mother covered them with a quilt.

9月17日 星期二 中雨

Tuesday, September 17 Moderate rain


In the morning, when I got up, I couldn't wait to see the beans. When I opened the quilt, I found that there was no water left on the plate. So I added some water to them. After careful observation, I found that a lot of mungbeans had split a "crack in the door", as if they were about to sprout. I was very happy. In the afternoon, when I came home from school, I ran to the table and carefully opened the wet cloth. Wow! Mung beans all show their tails, but they make me happy. It seems that soybeans will sprout too, and they are even fuller. After another one, I found that mung beans had taken off their green clothes and exposed their small white heads. Only soybeans are still lying there quietly, as if to say, "Hurry, I will sprout tomorrow!"!

9月17日 星期三 阴

Wednesday, September 17, overcast


When I came home from school today, I opened the wet cloth and saw it. Ha ha! The bean sprout has been an inch long, and the small white head of mung bean has become a big mouth. It is estimated that these bean sprouts will live in my stomach tomorrow. Soybeans have sprouted and are trying to grow in


One thing I learned from this observation diary is that all living things need a process to grow, and they can't grow up all at once.

绿豆发芽的观察日记 篇7


first day


This week, Mr. Zhang assigned us an assignment to write a continuous observation diary.


When I got home, I racked my brains and wondered what to observe. Finally, my mother gave me a suggestion, saying, "Let's observe mung beans!" Just do it. I took out some mungbeans from the cabinet and found that these mungbean fairies were small and exquisite, like little guards in green dresses. A closer look shows that there is a white line on the mungbean umbilicus. After a closer look, it turns out that the white line is not a line, but a small oval.


I was just about to soak these elves in the water, and my father immediately came up to stop them: "Mung beans like wet places, but don't like places with lots of water. If they soak like this, they will not come out." With that, Dad washed some water on the mung beans, then put them on the cup cover, and finally put the wet gauze on the mung beans.


I really hope my mung beans can send out white bean sprouts.


the second day

今天秋游回家,我就迫不及待去看昨天泡的绿豆宝宝。我掀开布头看,惊奇地发现绿豆宝宝的身体已经膨胀了不少,它那绿色的礼服因为身体的膨胀,穿不下了,露出了白嫩的身体。绿豆的豆脐上还 https://www.d8qu.com/ 长出了一条条小尾巴,我高兴地大声喊道:“妈妈,快来看,我的绿豆发芽了!”妈妈闻讯赶来,让我摸一摸绿豆的身体。我摸了一下绿豆宝宝胖乎乎的身体,发现绿豆没有以前那样坚硬了,皮肤变得滑滑的,嫩嫩的。

I can't wait to see the mungbean babies I soaked yesterday when I came home from the autumn outing today. I opened the cloth head and was surprised to find that the body of the mungbean baby had expanded a lot. Because of the expansion of its body, its green dress could not be worn, revealing its white and tender body. HTTPS://WWW.D8QU COM/I grew little tails, and I shouted happily: "Mom, come and see, my mung beans are sprouting!" Mom came to me after hearing the news and asked me to touch the body of mung beans. I touched the fat body of the baby mungbean, and found that the mungbean was not as hard as before, and the skin became smooth and tender.


After one night, my mungbean baby has changed so much.


on the third day


Today, I got up early in the morning to see my baby mung beans. I found that the tail of mungbean babies has become longer. I measured it with a ruler. It is almost 2cm! Its body also became fatter. They are close together. Some are like pulling a crutch, some are like a cute tadpole, and some are like hooks. They are very interesting!


Their bodies became fatter. They took off their green dresses and bare their white and fat bodies. They couldn't help but want to bite.


My mungbean baby is so cute!


The fourth day


Today is the last day of the observation diary, and I look forward to the great changes of baby mungbeans. I found that the baby mungbean is no longer the snow white as it was a few days ago, and the color becomes dim. I also found a dark red horizontal line on the head of the baby mungbean, which my mother said was where the mungbean sprouted. What's in this little mungbean baby? I couldn't help gently breaking off the fat body of the mungbean baby, and was surprised to find that there were two tender shoots in the fat body, light yellow, especially delicate.


Although this observation diary of bean sprouts only lasted for four days, in just four days, I saw the magic changes of baby bean sprouts: expansion, peeling, rooting, germination and growing. These mung bean babies grow from four to five millimeters into five to six centimeters of bean sprouts

绿豆发芽观察日记 篇8


October 25th


How do mung beans grow? So I decided to make a bowl of green beans. At the beginning, the mung bean was small, like a grain of rice, wearing green clothes and a tie in the middle - a seam in the middle. I put it in a bowl and waited with confidence for its new growth. Mung beans looked at the water for a while and then sank down.


October 27th


Wow. Unexpectedly, in only two days, the bean sprouts were twice as big as before. The color has faded in half. Did its clothes fade? I took a look and found that it was centered on the seam and turned white from inward to outward. Its coat is a little loose. I don't know what kind of surprise it can bring me?


October 29th


Today, I was very excited. I didn't even put down my schoolbag, so I went to see mung beans. Yo. It's so fat. Some take off half of their green coats and reveal half of their shirts. I don't know whether it is hot or cold; Some simply "get rid of the golden cicada", is it the white fat body that breaks the coat; There are still some small buds on its cracks, which are still transparent and gradually become white and long. It is not smooth in some places. Should I have plastic surgery?


November 1st


As expected, it stretched its tail long and slightly bent, as if it were a hook; On the tip of its tail, it smeared rose like red; It turns the body white, smooth and even.


November 3rd


It is no longer the original "millet". The outside of the bud is a little red. Why did my bean sprouts blush? Gradually, it grew small green leaves with clear lines, and gradually became deeper and larger.


As long as you care carefully, "a green bean" will give you a "big harvest".

绿豆发芽过程观察日记 篇9


October 11th


On Sunday morning, I couldn't wait to jump out of bed. I went to the refrigerator to grab a handful of mungbeans with big belly and put them into a box. Then I poured water into the box, so that the little mungbeans could stay in the "Ocean World" and roam around! I thought: What will they look like when they germinate? The more I think about it, the more excited I am! I really hope they can grow up quickly!


October 12th


After a day, I felt very happy because the little mungbean I was expecting finally showed its "little head". They came out of a "world" full of green. I think they must have a discussion together: "Wow! The outside world is like this! Red flowers, green grass, blue sky, or colorful! It is love! It is warm! It is not the April day on earth! Seen from above, it looks like a small tadpole swimming in the "pond"; Seen from behind, it looks like the back of a dog, walking towards the distance


I really hope they have new changes.


October 21st


After a period of time, mung beans have grown much taller. From a distance, they look like a small forest. The tender green leaves climb on the top, as if they are watching a game. It's really interesting!


The leaves are thin and long, soft to the touch. If you look carefully, you will find that there are some small hairs on the small leaves, which feel like the hair of a small sheep. Some leaves look like a child, looking at the distance; Some are like butterflies dancing on the branches The small leaves are really interesting and strange.


October 23rd


Mung beans grow very fast, as if they grew up in the blink of an eye. It feels like they have changed from a child to an adult. I found that some small green leaves were withered, as if their life cycle had reached the end. The withered leaves rolled together as if they were holding each other warm. I put them in the soil, hoping they can grow happily with grass and trees.