抄日记200字 篇1抄日记200字 篇2抄日记200字 篇3抄日记200字 篇4抄日记200字 篇1
Before taking the last class this afternoon, the teacher announced: "Today's last lesson is doing family homework." We all cheered immediately.As soon as the class bell rang, everyone hurried to the seat.
After the teacher entered the classroom, he copied his family homework on the blackboard and said, "You can write a Chinese homework first, or you can write mathematical homework first, and write carefully." Everyone wrote it carefully.I saw Cui Rui and Wu Guanghui's homework.I raised my hand, and the teacher saw me and asked me, "Jiang Yuxin, what are you doing?" I said, "Teacher, I saw Cui Rui and Wu Guanghui's homework."When I came to Cui Ruihe, I said, "Do it by myself." While saying that I tapped Cui Ruihe gently with a small stick.
抄日记200字 篇2
I am busy every few days before the start of school. Why?Because I want to copy homework.I thought the holiday could be very easy.It is easy to solve the two homework.But the terrible teachers later arranged a lot of words.
But to blame yourself.Who made me always want to play.
The most hateful thing is that Dad and Mom have been laughing at me, and said, look, do you want the whole family to help you copy your homework now.Hum, I don't want it.I silently copied those words just now.Although this is finished, the word is super ugly.I don't know if the teacher will scold me.
This is a lesson in my mother's words.In the future, you can't enjoy the first, "suffering" later.
抄日记200字 篇3
Some bad students in our class always love to copy homework. They do not complete their homework independently, and even some outstanding students hate trouble. They directly copy and do not want to make drafts. These behaviors, I want to tell the teacher to listen.
I only discovered this afternoon. I saw that the classmate in front of me was writing synchronization, but he had two synchronization. No one had two books and two. I looked at Bai Guijia again. Why did he not synchronize?It can be seen that Luo Jun has two synchronization that must be copied Bai Guijia, so Bai Guijia must have copied the answer, because he is a person who does not seriously learn to learn.Answer.
Seeing this scene, I really want to tell the teacher to listen. Moms and dads are for us to read books. Let us have achievements in the future. Learning is not learned for parents, but for ourselves.How to test.Native
Forbidden to copy homework!
抄日记200字 篇4
Today, my mother bought a pot of mimosa.I did n’t know what Mimosa was before, but today, I know, I do n’t believe that you see a little girl like a little girl.I went to see it, there was nothing special, I thought: Maybe it may be inside.I reached out and poked, www composition fans .. Composition fans CN Mimosa's leaves immediately closed, as if they were saying: Don't touch me, master, I am shy!I immediately reported this situation to my mother. My mother said: There is nothing big, mimosa is like you, and when you see people, you are shy!After listening to my mother, I smiled happily. It turned out that Mimosa was a little girl!
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