
时间:2022-09-14 13:33:46 | 来源:语文通



《心平气和的一年级》读后感 篇1《心平气和的一年级》读后感 篇2《心平气和的一年级》读后感 篇3

《心平气和的一年级》读后感 篇1


I just sent away a fifth grade this year and re -received the first grade.It feels really not used to it, and not to mention those who move in the class for a while, and do not say that the students have to report to the teacher, such as "I want to go to the toilet" ""East and the like.Whatever schools have any activities, teachers often need to personally do it.Such such as low -grade teachers also spend a lot of time, energy and tongue.The original students are familiar with each other. Many times they only need one look and one action.The daily work of the class is also managed by small cadres. Most of the teachers can only do teaching.Now, in the face of these small or not, there is nothing to say, they do not know what to do, I can't help but feel busy.


Just when I was quite confused, a friend recommended Teacher Xue Ruiping's "The First Grade of Heart".After reading, I feel a lot and inspire a lot.This book is different from the educational books that I have read in the past. This is an ecological education essay. There is no large set of empty theories and abstract concepts in the book.The teaching story of Wuhua reflects the true meaning of education. Many of the views and practices are worthy of our learning and reference:


1. Teaching should be grinded slowly, and the time to give students slowly.


Thousands of children, with a lot of personality.It is impossible for us to ask all children to ask us, which is also unrealistic.After reading the Yun Yun's "The First Grade of Heart Breaking", I realize the teaching, especially the first grade teaching must be grinded slowly, and the time for students to realize it slowly.The door of children's thinking needs to be opened slowly.What's more, their preschool education is very different.


The first difficulty of the first grade is to learn pinyin, and boring spelling often makes some children regret.In class, teachers need to use the charm of language to make children feel emotional to pinyin."Clear and concise, vivid and vivid language can make students look forward to every lesson of you ... No matter how developed teaching tutoring, language is always the most important way to contact emotions for teachers, and teaching knowledge."Need deep accumulation.Often for others, some clever pinyin stories are convinced, and they often feel the children's love for the story.Feeling the importance of childlike language is important for children to learn pinyin.Children's interests help them strengthen their memory.In the classroom, I often feel that the children are still learning, but that's just a temporary memory, and many children when they come home are often confused.


For this, teachers can't be anxious to review while teaching, allowing children to consolidate memories over and over again.But what teachers cannot relax are to make children develop the habit of reviewing every day.In order to urge children to develop this habit, I ask the children to sign up for parents after reading the meeting every day. I checked the next day.As a result, some of the signatures are familiar, but some are not conforming to the signature.


This often makes me angry, and the urging of parents is not so trusting. I still hold the students to pass the level every day. Therefore, the limited time between the class is dedicated to them. Every day, except for class appraisers to listen to them to study. Often, they are always studying.When I was exhausted, I scolded myself: I ca n’t think about it, I deserve to die.In fact, if you calm down, don't need to think about it. After so many years of teaching, no student will not be in the end.It's just a matter of time.So tell yourself: not being dragged by the students.Tell the relationship with parents, and the parents are checked and signed every day. For those who do not read, replenish themselves uniformly at night, so as to strengthen the students' consciousness: the homework must be reviewed every day.


2. Drag habits to be eliminated.


I am a chronic child, and many things are not so fierce, so I found that each student has my style: I am not in a hurry to do things.As a result, many of my precious time were occupied by some draggers.After reading Teacher Xue's text, I was determined to try it: Every time I homework, give the children a base time, the timeout is severe, and it must be completed. In this session of the children, we must break the dragging seedlings.


3. Gentle punishment


For the children who just entered elementary school, the habit development is the highlight, especially the learning habits, the classroom time is limited. If the teacher often puts time in organizational discipline, the classroom efficiency will be greatly reduced, and the classroom tasks will be over. Nothing. Once the children have tied the grass -roots in their hearts, the removal in the future will be difficult. Teacher Xue pays great attention to the cultivation of the children's meditation, which is very inspiring to me. In class, I often use small specifications to remind the children that if there is no concentration of children's attention, I said, "Little eyes", the children went on to say, "Look at the teacher"; ) Or set the children through the rhythm. But there are always a few eyes that are invisible to you, and the tips for you are disappointed. To them, I am very anxious and can't hold it. This delayed time, Teacher Xue's name penalty station made me very inspiration. Really let students know why they were punished, there was also a warning. Education that had been agreed with no punishment was incomplete education. But the degree of punishment grasped It's not good, and the students are punishing themselves while punishing themselves.


4. Do a good job of reading education


1) Listening to the low grades to read books, they often feel that they are dragging their sings. This is the case for each child. In my education, although I also noticed this problem, there is no stubborn Teacher Xue in the method of solving the problem:The children do not relax if they do not meet the requirements.On this issue, I was loosely tight for a while, so the effect was always unsatisfactory.Teacher Xue's stubbornness moved me and made me determined that this year's children will catch a new model.


2) The accumulation of language lies in reading. The language education that does not read the base is pale. To grasp this piece, the teacher needs to pay energy and persevere. At the same time, it is necessary to obtain the cooperation of parents.For children who are new to school, nursery rhymes are very good reading materials, which are interesting and eloquent, which is convenient for memory and stimulation of children's imagination.So I made full use of the book "Classic Reading" to let students read and endorse the nursery rhyme.When the Parents' Association, they won the cooperation of parents, and let parents tell their children a story every day. After the students have learned Pinyin, they can also tell their parents to tell stories to the parents.Through the form of back rhymes, reading stories, etc., we have rich Chinese literacy and cultivate children's reading interest.

《心平气和的一年级》读后感 篇2


Today, the title of the book I want to communicate with you is Xue Ruiping's "The First Grade of Heart".I have heard of the book "The First Grade of the Heart", but the real reading still started with the first grade children I took this session.Essence


This book counts to us in the daily record of essays. Teacher Xue Ruiping took a bit of bitch in the third grade, either eloquent long -term insights, or a few words that were sent out at will.The book consists of four parts, the first part is also the biggest part of me.Tell me about her growing up with the first grade.Part 2: Please follow me.It is a letter from Mr. Xue to his parents. Each letter is her true conversation with her parents, which reflects the sense of responsibility and love that a teacher should have.Part 3: Pinghe also radiates.The testimony of the influence of her posts brought to the people around me and the significance of reference in real education and teaching.


Part 4: Listen to the master.This part can be described as a need to see the blood, which breaks the theoretical source of her "calmness and" support: the theory of master Suhomlinsky and other masters concentrates on and understands "Treat students with peace of mind and treat children. Let us take it slowly. We originally, we originallyAre you preparing to use your life to love your children, isn't it? When the way is in a hurry, you can only make children afraid of learning. It may also be made into a big mistake that it is difficult to regret. "


If you only look at this book "The First Grade of Heart Breaking Qi", I think many people will think that this teacher Xue is an idealist. He teaches the first grade and can be calm?But as you really go into the book, you will be attracted by that simple and unpretentious story. It tells you the sadness and anger of an ordinary teacher to let you perceive in a real little story.The truth.These seemingly casual trivial records did not cover up, and did not make it, but reflected the unique teaching ideas of Teacher Xue.In Teacher Xue's eyes, education is no longer just trivial and hard work, but can be beautiful, quiet, and pure.


After reading Mr. Xue's book, I was always moved. Even me who did not like to read books this time was truly attracted.Some details have been read over and over again, and they are still moved after reading.


First of all, I was moved to Teacher Xue: Reading every day


Teacher Xue is an extremely book -loving person. Every two days without reading, he feels helpless and anxious.Her expo is neither for the sake of strangeness, nor to show her talents with a deep theory.In her opinion, reading is an important part of life. It is an inevitable thing like dressing and eating.She believes that as an educator, if you want your child to love, you must be a reader first. Parents are so, and teachers must be so.Teacher Xue said well: Everything reads himself.The language of Chinese can have no teacher. The root of Chinese learning is to read more books and read good books; because the sleeves can dance well, when the teacher does not like to read or not read it at all, no matter how good the teaching methods can beIt is a wave of waves in the teapot, just playing with tricks.It was the book that made her "calm and".


If you do n’t read a day, you will feel “empty in my heart”; if you do n’t study for a few days, you will feel “having impetuous qi”.Yes, as a teacher today, we actually need to read.I often position myself as a math teacher. I do n’t know that mathematics teachers deal with numbers and formula all day long, so I need to nourish literature.Reading can improve their own quality, reading can adapt to the needs of students, and reading can make us more different and make education more depth ... The benefits of reading have been accepted by more people.


Second, move the teaching skills of Teacher Xue: The sound of the class is small and soft.


Teacher Xue called him "cultivation" and felt that he also needed this "cultivation".Lectures often can't help but raise their voice, and always think that being a child like that will be obedient; I can't help but shout, always thinking that being like a child dare not make trouble.But wrong.The reality is often the opposite, the more loudly asking the children to "quiet", and the more these children are calm and calm.It seems that I really need to "cultivate" from now on.


Third, it is also moved by Teacher Xue's constant reflection and thinking every day


In this original ecological education and teaching essays, she often sees her repentant self -prosecution: there are penalties for students to be guilty, regrets after shooting tables, self -blame after the students are twisted, penalties are copied, and there are penalties to copy.The pain after several times.These unscrupulous self -exposure showed the irritability and twisted manner that a front -line teacher faced with the pressure of life and work.This expression is a strong self -reflection for her.In this uninterrupted reflection, she moved from impetuousness to peace every day.


Fourth: I also moved to Mr. Xue’s constant communication and communication every day


Teacher Xue said: Teachers' love is much bigger. It contains the kind motherly love, the harsh father's love and the friendship of the consciousness: the understanding, respect, trust, and intersection of the friends of the heart.Teacher Xue not only pays attention to the equal communication between students, but also pays special attention to communicating with her parents. She wrote so much letter to parents and led parents to move forward to the correct educational concept.


Fifth, even more moved to her sincerity.


Teacher Xue's sincerity is always reflected in the nature of true temperament.If you read the hand, you can find a large number of descriptions of this true sex from the text: "I can't bear this group of children who just on the road.The land believes: I left me, and they were just on the road, like the abandoned children. "This is the sincerity of the career.


Teacher Xue is so persistent that I really admire me.Education is a long and beautiful thing, and a hard work must have a gain; education is a belief that requires a mentality.The calm mindset is important for us.In fact, it is not only the first grade that needs to be calm?This belief and this mentality deserves each of our teachers to learn.


Let's dedicate it in peaceful education, wait, and listen to the sound of flowers.

《心平气和的一年级》读后感 篇3


The first grade of re -teaching this year, looking back, using the leisure time to read the book "Heart calm and first grade".


The first grade children do not understand the rules so, so lively, but Mr. Xue Ruiping said: What kind of realm does it need to teach the first -year students to be calm?Thinking that I will take over the first grade in the second half of the year, isn't this equivalent to sending me valuable experience?This attracted me even more, so I finished reading this book in one breath and found that there were too many things I lacked and had too much to learn.


1. The cultivation of calmness is an art


In Teacher Xue's eyes, training students' calmness is the focus of training throughout the first grade. Teacher Xue's article always mentions that reading needs meditation, and reading can also cultivate meditation. Therefore, she pays special attention to creating a quiet learning atmosphere for her children. She said, "My quietness and softness will be contagious, and quiet will always reach other children from some children." In order to cultivate the students' calmness, Teacher Xue let the first -year children lying quietly on the table to listen to music. Listen during writing, listen while reading, and listen during rest. "Moon River", "Clade", "Spring Ye", "Spring River Flower Moon Night". Entering the students 'classroom and entering the students' hearts. Teacher Xue often said to the children softly when the student's noise rose, "You influenced me to listen to music." Only this sentence made the students calm down immediately. For the behavior habits of first -year students, Teacher Xue only emphasized a quiet one and pay special attention to creating a quiet environment atmosphere for children. First of all, she does not make noise herself, and she is quietly transmitted with quietness and quietness -try to talk to the child as much as possible. After a long time, all the children were silently whispering, treating others with courtesy, and adapting to the life of elementary school. On the one hand, I lamented Teacher Xue's ability to appreciate music, and on the other hand, she also marveled her wisdom of educational education. Think about me sometimes complaining that students can't stand down, and I have an uncontrollable responsibility. The teacher's own heart is irritable, often unable to control his emotions, shouting and rebuilding, how can children be calm? Thinking about this, I should start from myself. Not only do students need to meditate, but also the teacher's more meditation. Only by whispering softly can all children be required to be able to speak softly. Only quiet can be suitable for reading, suitable for thinking, and suitable for children's growth.


Second, love children is love yourself


Teacher Xue said in her article: I like them, and they like myself. The way she loves children is to respect the growth characteristics of each child. She looked at the growth of each student with her ordinary heart. She said that no matter whether you want or not, the work is an important part of our lives. This is a piece of land that belongs to you. The flowers are still clustered in the bloom. It is largely decided to gain ourselves. If you do n’t pay, you want to harvest. It can be harvested by giving, that is the extraordinarily grace to me. The gap between abilities is natural, and the degree of learning is not the same. What the teacher must do is to magnify and ignite the enthusiasm of even a little bit of learning instead of using the mentality that is not used to doubt, and extinguish the sparks. She always said to herself: "Let it be natural. It is fast or slow, or active merits need to be trapped. They are rushing forward. We have no students in the second class." Think about me. Maybe my requirements for the students are too high. I hope that every child is excellent. I often complain about the child’s stupidity and the laziness of the parents. I am also troubled by my heart. However, it is the myth of education. Each child has his own growth environment and has his own personality characteristics. The learning ability of each child is also different. How can we ask for the development of each child's development? So learn to respect students and respect their personality development characteristics. Why not?


Three, reading is eternal spiritual grain


Anyone who read Mr. Xue's article knew that she was reading uninterruptedly.She said: "I am a reader first, and then the teacher." "Language is always the most important and basic way for teachers to contact the feelings, teach knowledge, and inspire thinking. Where does the attractive, fresh and lively language come from? Reading, only reading. "Because of this, she reads" Suggestions for Teachers "," Education Walk "," Culture of Beauty ", reading" Young Dream ", reading" Tao Te Ching ", reading" Repentance "Wait.As a primary school teacher, I love reading and read so many books, so that I feel that I do n’t read what I do when I read, so I will have a understanding of the essence of “Chinese” and have a super -detached test system.


When the children had just learned Pinyin, Teacher Xue led her group of children and parents and insisted on a large number of extracurricular reading.At the beginning, students read a nursery rhymes a day. Most students can complete it. Excellent students have reached a daily fluent and essay level of two or three hundred words.And start a daily diary practice, and cultivate students' good reading habits as soon as possible.A large number of reading makes her teaching with confidence, so that her students have aura.Therefore, the students she brought not only have a strong reading ability, but also the ability to understand and use language.Compared to thinking about myself, I don't like to read, so I always find a reason -no time.Sighing that students have poor language learning ability, and when the language is poor, have I reflect on myself?


Xue Ruiping has grasped the soul of Chinese teaching. She said more than once: "I think the differences between Chinese and mathematics are that Chinese can be mixed and can be understood slowly in the uniqueness.", Deeply moved me, urging me to reflect.The heart is calm and replaced. In the second half of the year, I am about to take over the first grade, and how much children need to adjust their mentality.Teacher Xue's book is like the beacon in the dark, which pointed me the direction. In my future education career, I must continue to work hard to improve myself.