
时间:2022-09-28 13:23:17 | 来源:语文通



演讲稿 篇1演讲稿 篇2六一儿童节演讲稿 篇3六一儿童节演讲稿 篇4六一儿童节经典演讲稿三分钟 篇5演讲稿 篇6六一儿童节经典演讲稿三分钟 篇7六一儿童节演讲稿 篇8

演讲稿 篇1


Dear teacher, dear classmate:


Hello!Today we gathered together to celebrate the "Children's Day" Children's Day!Time is like an arrow, between the fingers, everything turns into a distant past.I still remember that when I first entered elementary school, the teacher brought us a bright red scarf.At that moment, we silently warned ourselves in our hearts: I am a glorious Chinese youth pioneer team member, and I want to add a glorious stroke to the fluttering team flag!We need to be serious about studying, doing people, studying well, and going up every day!


The infinite past is based on the present; the infinite future starts with the current point.Don't remember the past too much, don't look forward to the future too much, live a good, resentment without regret.Only by grasping the present and forgetting the past can we create a brilliant future.So let's learn together!Learn knowledge, learn cooperation, learn to create, learn to survive, moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor, etc., and improve quality.


The sea is summoning you to sail away, and the mountain is inspiring you to climb.The road of life is ups and downs, and those who are weak stopped. The brave people never retract as long as there is a field of hope in their hearts, and hard work will usher in a green green.Today, the new campus, new books, new companions, new teachers, new requirements, new steps.In this vibrant spring day of Vientiane, let us welcome new challenges with a new attitude, embark on a new journey, and embrace the fruitful wind and the beautiful summer!


The half -semester learning will go away, and the tension and fierce learning that is left to us.Learning is not a means to achieve the purpose. It is a purpose in itself and a desire for knowledge.There are ten thousand categories in life, and knowledge is the most wise.Knowledge is power, wealth.The more knowledge, the more valuable, the more knowledge, the more perfect.The ancients: Shu Shan has Lu Qin as a trail, and learn the sea without the end of the sea.The path of knowledge is hard, bumpy, rugged.The long river of life is difficult, and we will take the helm correctly to reach the other side of the ideal.Isn't it the same for knowledge?Raise the sails of life without regrets.


We are the young eagles of the new century. Today, we hone our wings; tomorrow, we will fight long!The moment of life, at this moment, what we paid will definitely gain a steady stream of knowledge.It is gold, there is always a time to light; it is roses, there are always blooming children.In the ocean of knowledge, sings the waves and move forward.Chasing the sun along the footsteps of the boasting father; repairing the blue sky along the figure of Jingwei.Taking advantage of the fiery youth, seize the opportunity of hope, support the boat of fate, start the sun of tomorrow, and work hard for the future of the young pioneer!Make tomorrow proud of us!


Classmates, the century belongs to us, let us always prepare to meet new challenges and create new glory.

演讲稿 篇2


Dear leaders, guests, teachers, and classmates:


Hello everyone!


Caixia is accompanied by Chaoyang, singing and laughter. Today, they laugh and laugh everywhere.On the occasion of Children's Day on June 1st, on behalf of Tian Yitun Elementary School, I wish the whole school a happy holiday!And to cultivate your healthy growing teachers hardly and respectful respect and lofty respect.Express your sincere gratitude to all leaders and guests who care, support, and help schools.


"On the occasion of spring and one day in the morning."As a teenager is the beginning of a good life. The great ideals are cultivated here. Good behavior habits and noble sentiments are formed here.I hope that all children and children work hard to learn and determine their talents under the teacher's teachings, and learn from the earthquake -resistant and disaster -relief hero teenagers who emerge in the Wenchuan earthquake.Difficulties.Classmates, at this joyful moment, do n’t forget the teachers who work hard for your health and happiness.Forgot to work.I suggest that let us express my heartfelt thanks to the loved teachers with the warmest applause. Teacher, you have worked hard!


Finally, I wish the celebration a complete success, and I wish the children a happy holiday again!I wish all leaders, guests, teachers go well, family happiness, and everything!

六一儿童节演讲稿 篇3


Teachers, parents, children:


good morning guys!


I am the father of the big class XXXX.Today, I am very happy and honored to participate in our XXX kindergarten celebrating the celebration event.On this happy and festive days, I would like to wish all parents to wish the children a happy holiday!


He pays deep respect to the leaders and guests who care about the next generation!Severe the most sincere thanks to all the teachers and gardeners who have worked hard for their children's healthy growth!Children are our hope and the future of the motherland.The growth of children is the happiness of teachers and parents.


Parents are happy to see their children. From the innocence and ignorance of the kindergarten when they first entered the kindergarten, to now have knowledge, politeness, singing and dancing, and living happily.hope.In this big family, I have participated in many activities, and after many exercise, my life has also been carried out in my life.We are glad that children have encountered such an experienced and caring teacher.Take this opportunity, please charge me on behalf of your parents, and say to all the gardeners who have paid for the healthy growth of the children XXX kindergarten, "You have worked hard! Thank you for your care and education for your children!The child's young mind is that you let your children learn to learn and learn to do things! It is you cultivated good learning habits and methods for your children. These will have a profound impact on the child's life. "


On behalf of the children, I would like to thank you for your hard work, and the gardeners for their care, care and cultivation of children!Finally, I wish all the children a happy holiday and thrive!I wish all the teachers a happy work and good health; I wish all parents like everything and happiness!I wish XXX kindergarten better and better!


thank you all!

六一儿童节演讲稿 篇4


Love teachers, dear classmates:


Hello everyone!


First of all, I wish classmates a happy holiday!Today, with an extremely excited mood, I speak at such exciting moments.


Today, it belongs to our festival and is a festival that belongs to the world.Our campus is full of joyful atmosphere, and a bright smile appears on the face of each of us classmates.


We are children in the new century.We have a happy family, a happy life, a good learning environment, and a stable, united, and stronger motherland.On this beautiful land, we learn happily and grow up healthily.


Do you know that our current happy life and the prosperity and development of the great motherland are exchanged by their predecessors with hard -working sweat, hard labor and extraordinary talents.Such as "Flying Heroes" Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng; Cong Fei who "dedicated time to children"; Huang Boyun, who won the first prize of national technology invention and winning glory for the country; and the top of the earth, creating many firsts and created the world.The greatest railway -the builders of the Qinghai -Tibet Railway ... They are all outstanding representatives, all of which are good examples of our learning.


Classmates, although we are still young and we can't join the construction of the motherland, but we are the master of the future. The future and hope of the motherland are on us. We must start to be ambitious and vowed to be beams!


Everyone must cherish the current happy life, love the motherland, love the people, love labor, learn about scientific and cultural knowledge carefully, learn a solid ability, and strive to become a qualified talent for building the motherland in the future.


Prime Minister Zhou has been determined to "read for the rise of China" from an early age. As a Chinese child in the 21st century, we have no disturbance of war smoke, not tortured by hunger and cold, and live in the bright sunshine every day. What else do we have?Reasons not to be angry?What are the reasons not to study hard?


Classmates, let us work together to create a beautiful tomorrow for the motherland!


I wish my classmates a happy holiday and learning progress!

六一儿童节经典演讲稿三分钟 篇5




Hello everyone!


Today is an exciting day-the Children's Day, the long-awaited Children's Day!


June is the season when the flowers are in full bloom, June is the season of birds and flowers, June is a happy season, and June is the season we yearn for."Children's Day" is the long -awaited holiday.On the day of "Children's Day", we wore colorful clothing and uploading singing and dancing on the stage. Our smile is as bright as blooming flowers; on the day of "Children's Day", we play all kinds ofAll kinds of games are so happy like a happy bird; on the day of "Children's Day", we enjoy carnival, and dance with flowers and trees with flowers and trees ...Here, because on this day, children all over the world are as happy as us.Today, even the earth is celebrating this lively, colorful, singing and dancing "Children's Day".


Today is our festival, and we can play without restraint and play.Let's enjoy this happy moment with our parents!


thank you all!

演讲稿 篇6


Dear teachers, dear classmates, parents and friends who are invited to come:


Hello everyone!


On this sunny and cloudless day, we ushered in the annual Children's Day.


Children's Day is the holiday of our children.Childhood is very short, wonderful, and gone.How can children's innocence and carefreeness not cause the envy and comfort of adults?In this world, who doesn't want to leave this beautiful childhood?Although we cannot retain our childhood, we can at least recover our childhood and make our childhood memories more colorful.Therefore, our school decided to use the title of "retrieved childhood" and organized the first large -scale full -school gala to help everyone find the lost childhood memory.


In the end, I wish this gala to achieve a complete success. I hope everyone will play happily.

六一儿童节经典演讲稿三分钟 篇7


Dear parents, teachers, dear children:



告别了春意盎然的五月,我们迎来了骄阳似火的六一儿童节。首先我代表我园的所有工作者,对小朋友们说声:节日快乐 !

Farewell to the spring May, we ushered in Children's Day like the sun.First of all, on behalf of all the workers in our garden, I said to the children: Happy holiday!

同时也借这个机会,衷心的感谢各位家长朋友,对我工作的关心和支持, 感谢我们的老师们为幼儿园的发展所付出的努力,在此说一声:老师们,你们辛苦了!

At the same time, I also use this opportunity to thank my parents and friends sincerely, for their concern and support for my work, and thank our teachers for their efforts for the development of kindergarten.


Parents, we can say that our environment is simple, the conditions are average, and the scale has not yet been formed.With the enthusiasm of work and love for children, I will let children learn happily under our careful guidance, and grow up healthy in our careful care!


I believe it is not the best. Only better. You can send your children to our kindergarten is the greatest support and affirmation of me.I will double hard to hand over your satisfactory answer!I wish the children a happy Liuyi again and thrive!I wish you all a happy family and good luck!I wish teachers good health and comfortable mood!


thank you all!

六一儿童节演讲稿 篇8


Dear teacher, dear classmate:


Hello!Today we gathered together to celebrate the "Children's Day" Children's Day!


Time is like an arrow, between the fingers, everything turns into a distant past.I still remember that when I first entered elementary school, the teacher brought us a bright red scarf.At that moment, we silently warned ourselves in our hearts: I am a glorious Chinese youth pioneer team member, and I want to add a glorious stroke to the fluttering team flag!We need to be serious about studying, doing people, studying well, and going up every day!


The infinite past is based on the present; the infinite future starts with the current point.Don't remember the past too much, don't look forward to the future too much, live a good, resentment without regret.Only by grasping the present and forgetting the past can we create a brilliant future.So let's learn together!Learn knowledge, learn cooperation, learn to create, learn to survive, moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor, etc., and improve quality.


The sea is summoning you to sail away, and the mountain is inspiring you to climb.The road of life is ups and downs, and those who are disadvantaged are stopped. The study of the half -semester will go away and leave us tense and intense learning.Learning is not a means to achieve the purpose. It is a purpose in itself and a desire for knowledge.There are ten thousand categories in life, and knowledge is the most wise.Knowledge is power, wealth.The more knowledge, the more valuable, the more knowledge, the more perfect.The ancients: Shu Shan has Lu Qin as a trail, and learn the sea without the end of the sea.The path of knowledge is hard, bumpy, rugged.The long river of life is difficult, and we will take the helm correctly to reach the other side of the ideal.Isn't it the same for knowledge?Raise the sails of life without regrets.


We are the young eagles of the new century. Today, we hone our wings; tomorrow, we will fight long!The moment of life, at this moment, what we paid will definitely gain a steady stream of knowledge.It is gold, there is always a time to light; it is roses, there are always blooming children.In the ocean of knowledge, sings the waves and move forward.Chasing the sun along the footsteps of the boasting father; repairing the blue sky along the figure of Jingwei.Taking advantage of the fiery youth, seize the opportunity of hope, support the boat of fate, start the sun of tomorrow, and work hard for the future of the young pioneer!Make tomorrow proud of us!


Classmates, the century belongs to us, let us always prepare to meet new challenges and create new glory!


Finally, I wish the classmates a happy holiday!thank you all!